
Astro (Part III)

[Third Person POV]

"Boss, did you a monster of this caliber?"

Some were surprised by what had transpired. Everyone here had too much time if they were going to watch Charles for the whole day. It might as well be a pastime for them.

"Not strictly, but looking at it, the crisis has been averted."

Watching the two, they could see and read what Linsey had found. To them, the experiment was useless as they didn't need monsters that could defect.

"Boss! A problem appeared in one of our hubs! We need you to take care of it immediately!"

One of Agnus' workers came into his office in a hurry. With how rushed he looked, a problem to warrant Agnus must have been serious.

"Then let's head over now. It better be serious."

Agnus didn't say anything else and commanded his men to lead the way. Knowing something was serious, everyone in the room wondered what the problem could be.

But before they could see what was up, something on the screen shown had interested everyone in the room.