

😅😅 guess I'm dead how did it happen? 🤔 I mean I know who I am and my thought are the same as when I was alive. wait why is death the first thought that comes to mind what if I'm in a coma? who cares, 🤷‍♂️ thing is I've been alone for months feels like moths nothing but this darkness. I remember my life and seems like I've had a lot off regrets. things I should have done, things I wanted to do, places i wanted to travel to. family yea I had one parents siblings cousins. wonder how they are doing 🤔.

hey there what are you doing.

nothing just contemplating on my life and current siiituuuaaaa....what the fuck whos there. hello hello shit did I imagine that am I finally loosing my sanity.

first you are not going crazy ok so just relax and let me talk.

wait wait stop okay just stop ✋ so im not alone 😭 finally someone to talk to. where am I, who are you, what's going on?

fair enough give me some time and I will answer all your questions. first sorry to say this but you are dead 💀 congratulations you lived to be 88 years old.

88?!!What how when I don't remember that

I see this is going to be an issue with you. so explaining everything with out questions from you will not work out. so let's just have a regular conversation. yes you got to live 88 years.

okay but how come I don't remember living that long at most my memories go as far as 30 years.

well thats because at the end you had dementia and could only remember up to 30 years. this actually works out good for us because it appears that that's when your mind was at its strongest and you were open minded about many things.

That makes sense. So I'm dead lived a long life but do to my illness only have my memories up to when I was 30. okay okay ill bite so dose that make you god, death or some other entity are you going to grant me 3 wishes or what's going on.

No, I am not God, Death, the Devil or anything like that, but I am a higher lifeform in this universe and yes for some reason your brain waves have been able to reach me. Now I am not So powerful that I can give you wishes or things like that but what I can do is allow you to live one's more not a reincarnation, more like i will send your mind back to your earliest time in your past where you have the strongest attachment to. sort-of like where you feel your life would change the most, had you done something differently.

so time travel, would I keep my memories up to this point? And would I have access to said memories. Like when ever I need them even if it's something I glanced at ones just because I was flipping through a book?

Yes your memories would stay intact and full access. with one condition i would travel back with you i would not be able to communicate but I will be able to see everything you do in life and experience like if I was watching a TV show. would you be okay with that I can't intervene in your life nor affect your thoughts. I will not judge your actions I'm just bored of always being alone and not having anything or anyone to talk with.

well my options are stay here alone or get a second chance at life I'll take life. hopefully I get to right some wrongs and live my life with more freedom.

good good so when will it be. Remember any point in your life.

I believe 7th grade, thats when I feel I can make the most changes to my life. quick question, could you possibly make it so that I come across some quick money? 💵💵 That would help out with my new life.

not possible.

thought I'd ask, okay lets go or we could spend some time to get to know each other, no rush unless your on a deadline. hahahhahah se what I did there cause I'm dead hahahahah🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂.

after some months of talking with each other. I named the enti James. Because it was hard to just refer to it as hey you. In that time I got to understand a little about James. How he has been alone for a long time and can't recall if he has ever had any one else in his eternal life span.

okay time to go and thanks you. I know that you can't talk to me but I will be talking with you from time to time. That way, you know that I have not forgotten about you. My friend, once again thank you for the new life, hope you enjoy the show. Bye 👋 👋 may we meat again at the end of the road.