
Chapter 2 ~ Running away

Oriele could hear the high pitched scratches of nails on tile rushing towards her. She panicked and froze. They surrounded her. They wanted her. They wanted something new to play with. They wanted her to be one with them, they wanted her. They wanted her to die.

She saw a narrow path through the horde, but it was closing quickly. Oriele wanted to live, but if she didn't act soon, her chance would be gone. She made a rash decision and ignored the door behind her, darting out to her death. It was just as well, though, and what was behind the door was worse than what Oriele could ever imagine.

Seeing their prey trying to escape, the things blocked her way and grabbed her limbs, immobilizing her. They wanted to make her feel pain like never before, they wanted her to suffer before her death.

Slowly, they tore away at her skin, revealing her flesh and muscles. They started at her hands, working towards her shoulders, then her neck, then her head. It was pure agony.

They then started going down, slowing down even more. When all of her skin was finally ripped off, Oriele was already in a state of unconsciousness. They wanted her to be awake for the rest.

When Oriele regained her consciousness, she tried looking around, hoping what had happened before was a dream. It wasn't. Noticing she was awake, one of the things stood up and suddenly cut her left foot off. Oriele screamed in pain, tears forming in her eyes. Their smiles got bigger, revealing their gleaming teeth. It was almost time for their next meal.