
pain, sorrow, neglect...


what is pain? is it bodily harm? is it years of sorrow? or could it be the end of neglect..? we may never know... some interpret pain as the beginning of insanity, some interpret pain as the thing that brings you down and projects you right back up again... i see pain as the outcome of life, the true way of knowing you have lived... of knowing you have existed, is if you feel pain when you die. a ruthless cycle pain is, you hurt, you find someone to heal your pain, they hurt you again. pain is what we wish for, love, existance, joy... its what we cant live without, weather its physical or mental, even spiritual, we can not call ourselves humans if we do not experience pain.


no one knows sorrow, no one can understand what it is, not even i... but as humans we can form an idea, we can look at something abstract and create something definite. we can see sorrow and label it. label its parts, and caue those enduring sorrow to feel as if their sorrow is only intensifying. we call sorrow sadness, we say sorrow can be cured as if a disease. we treat sorrow as an illness, after enough drugs you feel joy again. but we dont understand, sorrow is permanent. even in joy, sorrow still scars the soul... where does sorrow come from? like tragety to comedy, sorrow comes from the idea of neglect in any shape or form.


how is neglect defined? the human brain thinks neglect is not checking your social media page every ten seconds, thats not the case... self neglect, parental neglect, mental neglect, physical neglect... it doesnt matter... in the ruthless cycle the human mind endures neglect is just the beginning... first your parents, then you neglect yourself, then the people around you... after the physical neglect, you go unto the mental phase of neglect... first your mind becomes accustomed to isolation, then your inner consciousness realizes you are destined to be alone... finaly youre sent into a new sorrow, which after several years you feel a great pain... a pain that resets the cycle, a cycle beginning with both pain and neglect, a cycle in which anyone who does not experience, does not deserve the right to call themselves, human...