
Ran's Little Dragon

Mc get recarnited into the Future Kanto Manji Gang timeline of Tokyo Revengers anime as Ran Haitani son after his death!

Trash_Monkeys_20 · Cómic
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9 Chs

Hello Mikey!

Hanma follow us through the door of a large meeting room where multiple familiar men sit at a giant table and at seeing me in Ran's arms a lean man with a pink mullet as diamond shaped scars sits on the corners of his mouth shots up from his seat.

"Why the fuck you bring a kid here?" Sanzu sneered at Ran while the rest of the executives are shocked, confused at sudden my excitement at the sight the bubblegum head he sits me down on the table where I carefully crawled across the surface seeing Koko, Mohci, Kakucho, Wakasa, Benkei, and Shion on my way towards the crazy man and the expression on Ran's face is serious with a glint in his eyes telling Sanzu that if he hurts me he'll get a bullet in his body. Without my notice Rindou and another man entered the room but stay quiet to see what I'm going to do.

"Prewy pink Yemon" I sit myself at the edge of the table close to Sanzu before pulling the pacifier from my mouth so I could speak, Sanzu looks at me strangely which I just continue on talking.

"Wou big prewy pink diamond." I said with a large smile while pointing to his scars leaving Sanzu dumbfounded at my simple words which causes everyone at the table to laugh, he quickly recovers and send a glare at everyone around the table.

"He's yours?" Asked a man with a long scar running down the side of his face while a cigarette hangs from his lips, Takeomi blows smoke through his nose.

"Yeah, DNA test proved it." Now it make sense why they had taken some of my blood a day before yesterday.

"The only reason I was informed about him is because Mary Tia Seagrave, his mother had died three days ago and had put it in her will about me being his father while giving custody over to me. She named him, Dragen Tama Seagrave but I changed his last name to mine so he's a Haitani now. Luckily she died before I found out and killed her myself."He whispered the last sentence but everyone heard it and ignored it.

"Crwzy uncle Yemon" I laughed out catching everyone's attention again and what I said tickled them before my attention is taken away when someone takes the empty seat next to Sanzu, I give the white haired man a smile while letting him place me on his lap.

"Let the meeting start" Knowing the meeting will be long and boring I easily slip off of Mikey's lap to run over to Rindou where I pulled on his suit, everyone on my side of the table is watching.

"Phown pwease, CSI." By now Ran gets the idea of my addiction to crime shows from my constant asking to watch it.

"It looks like we got a future criminal or cop on our hands." Hanma laughed causing everyone to roll their eyes before Rindou stated as long as I stay good during the meeting I can watch it and with a nod of agreement from me he hands it over, instead of sitting back on Mikey's lap I sit by his feet. Half way through my second episode I had prop the phone against the table leg and lay on my stomach before it growls for food but not really wanting to get myself or Ran into trouble with Mikey for interrupting the meeting I crawl over to Wakasa knowing his pocket is full of lollipops to satisfy my hunger untill after the meeting and pulled on his pant leg.

"Iollwypop pwease" I point to the stick pointing out of his mouth when he turns his gaze under the table to me and whispered back a thanks once he hand me one, my attention is turned to the phone after pulling off the wrapper of the lollipop and popped it in my mouth. Only the stick remains by the time the 5th episode rolls around but my attention is quickly taken away when everyone stands up from their chairs and Mikey's feet walks out of the room with Sanzu, Ran pecks under the table to see me staring back with the lollipop stick in my mouth causing his eyebrows to frown together.

"Give me that" he gesture to the stick which I gladly give after crawling from out under the table.

"Here, Uncle Rinrin." I hand his phone back but the others snickered at my nickname for him causing him to glare at them only for them to laugh harder.

"Weave Uncle Rinrin alwone." I said fed up with the laughing and only caused them to laugh again at my cute angry face, I cuss them out under my breath unknowingly Rindou heard until I see his shocked face but I just give him the most innocent look I can of 'what' like I didn't say anything in the first place. Rindou just shakes his head before lightly pushing me to walk towards Ran but I quickly ran pass him to Hanma with a smile, who smirks at Ran in smugness as he picks me up off the floor with him glaring back and before the pouting Ran could speak my stomach interrupted him by growling.

"I guess it's time for dinner." I give Hanma a hug with a bye before holding out my arms to Ran before starting the journey towards the kitchen where a maid is working.

"Good evening Master Ran, how can I help you?" She greetings us.

"What's for dinner." As requested she listed what's cooking before suggesting foods for me and I picked her for second option, once our dinner is done Ran sets me onto his lap when he takes a seat at a dinning table to feed me which I let him do while eating his own food before we travel towards Ran bedrooms apart of the Manor.

"This will be your room once we get it furnished." Ran walks through a door a few feet away from his own to show me a large room but after walking around once he set me onto my feet I turn to him and shake my head.

'I know what they do for a living so I'm not risking it by being alone in this weak child body.'

"Sweep with you Papa, too big and scwry here." I plead while giving him puppy eyes which worked as he picks me up once again and we go to his room where my box is sitting on his bed, I'm put on the bed so he can look through the box for PJs before grabbing his own and we hit the bathroom. Once Ran determines I'm clean enough for his liking I play around with the bottles sitting around and the water while he cleans himself before being dried, clothed, hair and teeth brushed. Once he's comfortable on the bed I curl against his side until I finally fall sleep.