
Ran's Little Dragon

Mc get recarnited into the Future Kanto Manji Gang timeline of Tokyo Revengers anime as Ran Haitani son after his death!

Trash_Monkeys_20 · Cómic
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9 Chs

A New Day Of My New Life!

With a yawn I open my eyes to find it's morning and that Ran is still surprisingly sleeping next to me with a arm thrown over his face, I stretch out my short limbs before carefully letting myself down from the bed without waking Ran up and got out clean clothes from my box that's been placed next to the bed. Being as quite as I can I take a bath after using the toilet and dry myself then put on the clothes, once everything is done I sneak out of the room and travel to the kitchen for food to find it surprisingly empty of anyone. Opening the fridge I take a slice of cheese when found along with ham and the bottle of ketchup with the help of a stool to make my breakfast sandwich while deciding to drink orange juice with it, after cleaning the mess up I wonder around only to get lost half way through since the Manor is large and maze like.

Peaking around a corner for a third time to see a familiar living and Hanma back on the couch like he was yesterday while Rindou is sitting across him with Wakasa beside him, with a smile I ran over causing them to be alarmed by my feet slapping on the floor.

"Mr Death, Rinrin." I giggled out while completely ignoring the other person before hold my arm up in a pick me up gestures when I'm standing next to Hanma bean stock legs which he did and set me onto his lap after moving his laptop to make room for me.

"Dragen, why do you call him Mr Death for?" Rindou questions my nickname.

"He mind me of grim reaper me watch on twv one time." I shrub my shoulder with the lie, not wanting them to know of my knowledge of their past before Hanma asked where Ran is.

"Sweepping" I press the arrow key to move my water boy character forward while Hanma is fire girl and we work together to solve the puzzle since he allowed me to play on his laptop, I wordlessly convinced him to play with me.

"Who got you washed and clothed then?" Wakasa asked me.

"Meself" I answered right as my character missed the jump causing him to fall into the green acid and they didn't like my answer one bite.

"Why! You could hurt yourself doing that!" I frowned at Rindou's angry voice.

"But...but I do it all time with Ma, she do not hwlp or get angwy when I find food to eat when I get hungwy." My eyes tears up at his anger making him sigh in regret at rising his voice at me.

"Dragen, your mommy was a bad one she was supposed to take care of you like every other good mommy and you're too small to be doing these things by yourself because you'll get very hurt. You understand?" I sadly nod knowing that it's true since I did struggle early.

"Okwy" my voice waivers in agreement while giving another nod which Hanma ruffle up my hair.

"You need a hair cut." He points out and I give a shake of my nod which he questioned why I don't want it cut.

"Me want it wong so me can put it in braids." I answered causing him to giggle.

"He's going to look like Ran when he was in his teens!" He laughed and Rindou agreed at the statement, a wide awake Ran still in his PJs runs into the room only to deflate when seeing me on Hanmas lap. Rindou tells him what I've done while he's asleep which he sigh at.

"This is for your own good and to teach you to never do anything by yourself again until your a very big boy, you get five minutes in timeout." He takes me from Hanma and into a corner of the living room causing disbelief to cover my face before displeasure and anger does as I cross my arms while mumbling to myself, knowing it's better this way doesn't mean I have to like it. Five minutes late of staring holes into the wall Ran finally walked over already dressed in his suit and his hair fixed.

"Daddy has work to do so I'm leaving you with Uncle Rinrin and you'll be getting your new stuff today, ok? Love you!" He hands me over to Rindou after leaving a kiss on top of my head and left the Manor.

"Have you eaten yet?" Rindou asked which I nod causing him to sigh.

"You did it yourself, right?" Once again I nod.

"Don't do that, if you're ever hungry just come to one of us and or the maids." With a pout I nod before seeing that everyone in the living room is gone when looking over Rindou's shoulder while he walks out, once we're at his car he puts me into the booster seat in the back seat that he had a maid immediately ordered and shipped yesterday. Luckily the drive to the mall is short and soon we find ourselves in a children's store, my eyes sparkle when they land on dragon onesies when we're going through the clothes section. I always wanted dragon onesies when I was a kid but since I'm one again I can have it.

"Rinrin, that!" I got his attention and points to what I want from where I'm sitting in the chart, dragons where always my favorite mythical creature and now I'm named after them.

"You like dragons?" I nod wildly causing him to smile and put three different colors into the chart before allowing me to stand on my feet.

"Stay where I can see you." He strictly ordered before I start taking a look through the clothes while he put simple stuff in for when I do dirty activities, with the help of Rindou I put in two different colored dragon hoodies, three cartoon dinosaur hooded pajamas dress, monster tee & overall shorts, a bat child leash since I'll needing it knowing Kanto Manji gang, a puzzle of people fighting a dragon, a stuffed skeleton snake that flows in the dark, a dragon plush backpack and more before we finally finished up in this store. Along the way we stop at a pastry shop where Rindou allowed me to get one and eat on the way back to the Manor.

"Everything in the car needs to be put up and assembled together." He orders some maids on the way in.

"It's awhile longer before your dad shows up, you want to watch a movie while we wait." I shouted yes and bounced in his arms which he drop me onto the couch with my snake, getting comfortable I lay down right as the movie starts to show it's Cars. Without my permission my eyes droop until sleep takes ahold of me which I'm gently forced awake sometime later to find myself in Ran's arms at the dinner table.

"Hello my little dragon, how was your nap?" He ruffle up my already messy hair before giving me bites of his dinner and I nod at his question before speaking.

"You back, Pap?" He nods.

"Yep, I finished everything I could so I can spend tomorrow with you." I rise my arms up while saying yeah but I quickly pout at the next information.

"While we're at it you need a check up at the doctors to make sure everything is fine with you."

"But me fine." He smiles with a chuckle.

"We don't really know that, little dragon."

'what's with the nickname?'

I push that though away since it might be Ran being Ran and continue to steal his dinner until I'm full.

"You want to watch the rest of the movie?" He asked which I said yes to before asking for milk, he stands up with me sitting in his arm while using the other to pour milk into the blue sippy cup and he hands it to me after putting me back on the couch.

"Rinrin?" I asked where unlce has gone to and he answered it with that he had work to do so I put my attention into the movie when he unpause it.