
Rambling and Random bullshittery

This be your most daring story; A rambling if you must, Of language most foul, of unexplored ways to curse. Of bullshit in every turn, in every twist, in every twists of tongues. As told by thine ol'hands and masterminded by the crude tongue, with all my tics and antics. Do-told tale of a vegetable who limbs and stumbled on a new realm of where creation was pierced in it's boundaries. Of a connoisseur who learns of ways of an unshackled breathing body, the occasional doggie styles and the utmost high of all forms of unequaled shag-getry, wooing tarts and thots and hoes, all manners of terms modern and old to name all wenches of all- the ripened titties; "Thine taste ranges from nymphs of florescent pure to flooded lips which hangs and are forgivably bonk-able with a passing thought riled up by the hard down under, Which in short means all!" Heinously wholesome in ways of the vile tongue which grew most crude, terribly heinous with every breaths more lived- after to after and then more, much much more. A rambling- to what he sees, to what he does. This is a story of a living, in a world of pixels; of new universe where a man could swim in lava, a world where such and such is deemed mundane. An epic where a naked fledgling dove in the heat of an avian war, baby-steps towards a destiny-, etched in the root webs of two worlds with only a goal; To be the Pirate Ki- nevermind! To live most free. Rejuvenation; maketh man a new being, now what would be his tale when all he knew of living was blinking a set of dead little eyes, what would such a virgin of a human ways do in a surreal world that explodes magics and bullshits. I'll tell ye all! Just listen to the ramble. (Stay with me, I won't ever drop this.) [Warning:] 1. Not for the faint of heart. 1½. Smut will be there but it will be extremely rare. 2. The english dictionary would require a thorough update after I'm done with this epic. 3. Fuckery most heinous most foul. (By decree of a certain fool) 4. Don't tell your mums you learnt (curses) from me. 5. No other warning just enjoy, If ye dares. Cover art not mine, thank you for letting me use it and sorry but pray tell if you ordered it removed. Will use it until I could afford a more authentic cover art or until boss wants it removed.

JF_Fanai · Fantasía
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32 Chs


"Cool! Name! Mister!" cheerfully yelped the wisp.

At first I could make do, be it sounding a wee child but now it feels and annoys, like an all-time-kind kindergarten teacher, always softly spoken yet irritatingly bugging me.

Pushing up many lines in my annoyance meter, woefully upbeat and energized to the ultra-pro-max like those hyper children who sneaked a bitter mouthful of their first high octane black coffee.

So I gave this flickering wisp a face, a face of contempt sprinkled with my opened mouth who was not digging the tone in which the wisp hath spoken, thus the upper lips gathered and raised a slight mountain to the left while the bottom lip remained quiet and widened executing my distaste to which my ears were angered by.

Silent I stared letting my new unlocked skill: Facial expression maximum killer move: Thousand faces of distaste-, to do the job of speaking for its lord.

And Lo! Thus worked;

"O-o-ookay!" then cowered the wisp, "Now on ahead to customizations!" breaking the silence the wisp then blurted a question right fucking after, "Would you rather look like you would or you right now or customize yourself, I recommend the first. It's way more original! Hee-Hee!" the wisp Hee-hee'ed.

What the wisp had recommended sounded to me, most peculiar as I asked, "What do you mean by 'look like you would.?" quoting it as it said and sounded.

I have never went past the introduction with the wisp when watching streams and videos, spoilers was one that I need not tasked me-self to know before, it took around a couple of long minutes but I usually skipped the intro-phase and went ahead to have me-self a little peek at what's to expect of the game but not further to make everything a mystery.

"Oh! You haven't heard!? That's too sad. So sad! Well! Let little ol'me tell you.." it began it's goading way of being annoying.

"In here…" the wisp began soft yet with a square root of being annoying, "You!… Can look like how your soul would look like, I mean sometimes to me it looks random but what do I know I'm just a wisp but Yeah! You can look like how your soul would look like."

Being honest, being truthfully honestly honest, I necessarily did not agreed upon how my body was.

Face? Handsome!

Hair? Meticulously a Rapunzel, silky smooth nonetheless, beat that Princess!

It was to my mathematically calculated and universally agreed upon tall stature of a fine tall five foot four that I find an enemy in and when you're a folded vegetable you really do feel small.

With all my love hate relationship with my beloved self I find it orgasmic that I could look like how my soul looks like and if I don't want that, what most or every human dreamed of would be to me a quick penniless edit away, free plastic surgery? Anyone?

It was much simpler to me because it was only my height I was frowning upon. I frowned because it was too space consuming to be an amazingly tall Five foot four.

Too tall! Too tall!!

Not one to not dwell a tad on pride, I had beauty for face and a voice which for first I heard would deem music and signing a beloved habit but then in the moment, I had not time to jerk around for the charms of my voice.

If I had a face of beauty and if beauty weigh tons, it'd made sense as I was already made a folded human being with crumbling bones and squished limbs.

Now if beauty weigh tons and my body was already crumbled under the weight of my beauty, imagine what my better soul would look like?

I'm sorry that I would have to say, "…the earth may fall out of orbit by fault would be thine as I would be the cause, cause of a sudden extreme rise in earth's weight."

An overweight earth.

Thus so I announced a question, as all distinguished and complex higher class gentlemen would, brought authentic with my gentle suave of chad chin stroking, "Shape of the soul Hmm! Maybe you dubbed it as so and possibly pasting me a look chosen by random but if ye could mold me into the shape of me soul, pray tell little Wisp! How would thou see a shape of thy unacquainted soul?"

A second more and I might have sunk deeper in this cringe sophisticating facade of verbal debauchery with the so called higher class and all their bullshit-ery but not likely-, I find it comically pleasing to imitate an arsehole to be an arsehole, a thing I always yearned to do verbally and limb-ly with faces tweaking and all and since the earth had taken peace as its feeble battle song, every race mingled with any race, cultures intertwined, like rainbows they were from space and so I was versed with the higher classes of a collective of all races and cultures from our neighbors, listening I gained expertise in the field of their mockery as our neighbors boasted their riches in those tones.

A funny story, In my time surnames fucked and wed and made new surnames, we even have a racist man who was begrudgingly to him an eighty nine percent of the race he hates.

Ah! The future.

Peaceful yet a racket.

All that and all races were mixed in the brew concocted by this bloomed World Peace, peace which we the people had won in this distant earth on which I am find my home.

It is not a grammatical mistake, of what you just read, I meant it as so.

I felt as though the wisp blinked twice to my wordings.

"Mm-Hmm!" somehow I felt it nod its head as it exclaimed, but a wisp has no head just that flickering body. So before it gets confusing I would politely say that the wisp was always wisping or wisped body wise.

"The shape of your soul is a complex algorithm.. hard for o'little ol'me to explain, so ill just say this.. Are you ready?" it reiterates this all knowing young master as the wisp wisped closer.

Leaving no time for a reply from me, it and as always excitedly continued on, "In this world, your second life, you can be exactly like what your soul would look like, you cant choose the way your soul would look like but no worries. You can edit yourself after but not your powers. Oh! And here is me assuming you already knew about powers?"

It asks yours truly, a quick yapped about question to which I find time to nod an answer to.

"Very Good! I would shortly say that you can only have one power assigned from the algorithm of your soul, you can't and I had known for a fact, I mean I had many introductions now and would you believe me if I said that I did not get paid for doing this at all?"

The wisp nearly rambled on, luckily for thine ears the wisp saw the start of my widened mouth look of distaste as it blurted quick after, "Yeahh! Everyone I have had this introduction with so far had loved their real self, real as in the shape of their souls and their assigned powers. I had not so far been filed an unhappy complaint. Mm-Hmm!"

I took a breather, it didn't have lungs so I breathed in lieu of it, without a mouth yet it never stops.

"Here!" it jabbered again, "You are really you. I guess. Oh! And wou-"

I let my finger spoke as I raised a pointing finger up, shushing the wisp.

In all its jabbering I find solace in its offering, or so it somehow seemed in the moment.

"Do it!" I commanded with glimmering eyes of curios wonder-lust oozing as the sun of this new world shone upon my eyes.

Sparkling a beauty they were, even more so when I was let heard an, "Okay!" from the wisp.

I myself was frantic for my new height and my precious power to be.

And to that I prepared myself for a change, a change of the body and the mind, and from it, the world to which I now am destined to be a living.

This will mark the birth of a revolution, I will bring peace as the Dragons of Ashen Burrow crumble before my feet, Demon lords shall tremble in their pitiful darkness, succumbing to my own pitch of black.

Any moment now the change will come, I felt it, in my gut.

It felt as though a force was pushing through my entrails, currently in my gut and heading further downstairs.

I was a tad terrified of what I might feel but the excitement and thirst subsides the freight as I felt the force growing, expanding.

'I feel it!' I thought to myself, 'It's coming!'

It was coming, a reckoning.

"IT'S COMING! HA-HA! BE PREPRARED MOTHERFUCKERS!" letting out the loudest of my battle shouts to date, I felt the force accumulating inside me, a spirit bomb of change.

I shouted a spit stained scream, "POWER!!!!" with all the might in the veins of my neck.


*PIIT* goes a long grueling sound, a tightened released of the gaseous kind, with odour; green mist of foul.

Down below from the pit it came,my shame-, and silent I remained, the adrenaline from my battle roar hath not subsided yet I was stormed.

Slowly the wisp wisped closer to me, with near a whisper of a tease, "You- uhhhh. Hehe! Farted!" lied the annoying little shit.

"It was a spirit bomb!" I quickly defended my honor.

"Sounds like fart to me."

"You look like a fart!"

"Whatever! Everyone farts from time to time. No shame, No shame."

"It was a spirit bomb!"

Although the enemy was fierce and bashful and rash and falsely accusive on the tongue, I find might and possibly a sprinkle of pretentious dignity in my reddened face.

"Mm-Hmm! Okay…. BUTT!" nearly chuckled the wisp, more so in the end.

"Did you just??"

"I did not!"

"You did!"

"What I do?"

"You said butt!"

"Wha- Pfft!~" blowing raspberries at yours truly which annoys me a ton and a ton and a more.

"You fucking did it again!"

"Did not!"

"DID!" nearly I thumped a foot.

"I don't know what you mean Mister, I'm just a fart!"

"Oh!!!!….. You know it! You knew exactly what you mean you dick!"

The wisp then abruptly went a silent statue, it flickered yet it looked to me as though the game had frozen, or either my ping was high or the server was down.

With moments fleeting, lands of white, sandy and green kept on moving in a blurring speed down below the box, "Well well well well well! Wouldya look at that!" it said after the pause.

I could not be sure but it feels as if the little shit was holding back a good laugh.

"Look at what ya dick!?" I nearly blew steam from the nose.

"At this!"

Casually it brought before me in an instant, a floating mirror of where I saw the look of my soul.

Captivated were my breath but then me eyes slanted when they beheld the rather begrudgingly tall glory of my soul.

"Wha–Who's that little shit?" grueling I filed the wisp its first cursed complaint.

Third times a charm, so a third be this chapter.

Prepare for more and more will come, this is my fun-dome.

All in all though, maybe vote if you like, comment if you would, send gifts if ye can, a gift is always nice for more Fuckening.

JF_Fanaicreators' thoughts