
Just a bratt

Kurogane Ikki stood in the center of the courtyard, the sun blazing down on his back, his little figure dripping with sweat. He was dressed in a white tank top and black shorts, his hands securely wrapped around the base of his weapon. He'd been practicing swordsmanship for hours, and his muscles were screaming from pain.

He gritted his teeth, determined to hone his technique. He concentrated on his posture and grip, each action precise and controlled.

Nevertheless, in his delirium from heatstroke, he struck the tree trunk with too much force, his device shaking in his hand as it connected. He winced in agony, his fingers numb from the impact.


On the Kurogane manor's veranda, a middle-aged man with a powerful body saw Ikki practicing.

He watched Ikki's every move with a thoughtful face, his eyes moving over the boy's body like a judge. He could sense promise in the little child—talent that wasn't necessarily destined for a warrior but was still promising.

A maid quickly approached the guy, her movements smooth and courteous.

"Please, Tsukikage-sama, this way; the head is waiting." She politely invited him to follow her.

Tsukikage, the guy, withdrew his sight from the training youngster and followed the maid, still deep in contemplation.

"Such tenacity at such a young age," Tsukikage muttered to himself as he walked. "Perhaps it's a quality we could use more of in our country."

Tsukikage's mind moved to the political considerations at hand as he approached the Kurogane house. He was confident that this era was going to be a turbulent one.

Tsukikage shook his head, ignoring the young Kurogane, and focused on the meeting ahead of him. It was time to put his talents to good use for the sake of the nation.


The Kurogane family had thrown a grand party to celebrate the birthday of their heir, Shizuku. The hall was full of people wearing their best clothes and showing off their wealth and status with jewelry and other accessories. The decorations were very fancy, with large flower arrangements in every corner and brightly colored banners hanging from the ceiling.

Ikki stood at the side of the hall, clothed in a white shirt and black slacks, watching the visitors interact and dance. He was never a lover of such meetings, but he had no choice but to attend this one.

As Ikki scanned the crowd, his eyes fell upon a group of people clustered together in the corner of the room. His gaze lingered on the figure of his sister, Shizuku, who was surrounded by a group of girls, all of them chattering and giggling with excitement. They were dressed in the latest fashion trends, their hair was perfectly styled, and their makeup was expertly applied. Ikki felt a twinge of envy as he watched them, wishing he could be a part of their world.

Despite his conflicted emotions, Ikki couldn't help but be proud of his sister as he watched her hold court among her peers. Her laughter rang out across the hall as she looked bold and self-assured. For a little while, Ikki forgot about his own concerns and basked in the warmth of his sister's happiness.

He saw Shizuku turning to one of her friends, a tall, willowy girl with sparkling blue eyes, and saying something that caused the girl to double over in laughter. Ikki felt a stab of jealousy at the sight, hoping he could be a member of their little group as well. But he soon ignored the notion, knowing how different he was from them and how uncomfortable and out of place he was.

A voice broke through his trance as he stood there, lost in contemplation. From across the room, he heard Sora, his best friend and confidante, crying out to him. Ikki turned to face her, his eyes brightening at her sight.

"Sora," he said, smiling warmly. "I didn't see you there."

Sora grinned back at him, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "What are you doing standing over here all by yourself?" she asked, tenderly stroking his arm. "Come on, let's go join the party."

Ikki paused for a while, uncertain of himself. Yet Sora's contagious energy and passion were too much for him to ignore, and he found himself nodding in accord.

As Ikki kept walking around, he saw a group of men drinking champagne and wearing expensive suits. They were the type of people Ikki disliked the most—those who flaunted their wealth and looked down on those who didn't have as much as them. But then Ikki noticed one of the men staring in his direction. The man looked familiar, but Ikki couldn't quite place him. The man approached Ikki, his sharp cologne filling Ikki's nostrils.

"Oh, Ikki Kurogane. You must feel a bit out of place here, don't you?" The guy grinned.

Ikki raised an eyebrow. "Not really. I'm used to being in such events."

"Of course, I forgot that you're from the Kurogane family..." the guy grinned, as if he understood his own joke. "But tell me, what are you doing here by yourself? Shouldn't you mingle with the guests?"

Ikki shrugged. "I'm not really in the mood for it. I'm not exactly the most popular person here."

The man's grin broadened. "Hey, try to be more social; you never know who you'll meet." The guy then went away, leaving Ikki alone once again.

Ikki let out a sigh and leaned against the wall. He hoped he could simply go and return to his room, but he knew he needed to remain a bit longer. Ikki worried whether he would ever be able to fit in as he watched the partygoers dance and laugh.

Ikki observed a ruckus towards the middle of the room and spotted his sister Shizuku engaged in a heated debate with one of the visitors, a girl who had previously spoken to her. The two were now confronting each other, their angry voices soaring. The other guests had paused their talks to see the sight.

Ikki approached the females, attempting to diffuse the situation. "What's up?" he inquired quietly.

The second girl shifted her gaze to face him. "She's being nasty and disrespectful," she replied angrily, her voice wavering. "What a spoilt brat she is!"

Shizuku's eyes blazed with rage. "I'm not rude," she responded. "It's you who's being unreasonable!"

The disagreement became more heated, and the parents of the other girl arrived to attempt to mediate. They sincerely apologized for their daughter's actions, but Shizuku remained unsatisfied.

"I don't want them here," she stated coldly as she gestured to the door. "They have no place in this household."

The parents of the other girl were taken aback by Shizuku's sudden outburst. They tried to reason with her, pointing out that their daughter was just a child and didn't know any better. But Shizuku was adamant.

"This is unacceptable," the father spoke up, his voice laced with anger. "You can't just throw guests out of your home like this."

But she remained indifferent, and the Kurogane Cousins stepped in. "We understand your concern, but please get out," they said firmly.

The tension in the room was palpable, and it was clear that no resolution would be reached. The bodyguards, who had been standing by silently, moved to intervene.

"It's time for you to leave," one of them said gruffly, taking the parents by the arm and beginning to lead them towards the door.

"This is outrageous!" the father shouted, but the bodyguards paid him no heed, pushing the family out of the hall and slamming the door shut behind them.

Ikki watched in horror as the family was forcibly removed from the party. He felt a sense of shame and anger welling up inside him.

As the sound of the car driving away faded into the distance, Ikki turned to his sister, his eyes filled with sorrow. "Why did you do that, Shizuku?" he asked softly.

But Shizuku remained silent, her expression cold and unreadable.

He walked over to his sister with a determined look on his face. Shizuku was still fuming, her face twisted with anger. She didn't even notice her brother's approach until it was too late.

Ikki's hand shot out and connected with Shizuku's cheek with a resounding smack. The sound echoed through the hall, and the guests were frozen in shock. For a moment, no one spoke; no one moved.

Shizuku lurched back, her palm touching her face as she looked in disbelief at her brother.

Her eyes were wide with shock and pain as she struggled to make sense of what had just happened.

The guests were muttering now, speaking in quiet tones to one another as they watched the scene develop. Some of them were scared, while others were thrilled. Several were even grinning, evidently enjoying the show. The guests were murmuring now, whispering to each other in hushed tones as they watched the drama unfold. Some of them looked horrified; others looked fascinated. A few were even smirking, clearly enjoying the spectacle.

But Ikki paid them no mind. He stood there, glaring at his sister with a mix of anger and sadness. His hand was still tingling from the force of the slap, but he didn't regret what he had done.

"What are you doing, Ikki?" She demanded, her voice quivering but remaining calm. "I couldn't simply stand there and watch you treat people like that," he added, his voice sour. "You can do better than this... I believed you were aware of it."

Shizuku's eyes widened in shock as she heard her brother's comments. He was protecting those strangers over her; she couldn't believe it. Her cheeks were flushed with rage as she turned to face the audience.

"Do you see what I mean? Do you understand what he's doing to me? "She sobbed, tears flowing down her cheeks. "He treats his own sister like this!"

Unsure what to do, the visitors murmured amongst themselves. Some muttered their displeasure, while others looked on in sympathy.

Ikki's eyes narrowed as he looked at the group of bodyguards slowly surrounding him. His muscles tensed as he braced himself, ready to make his move.

The bodyguards, sensing his defiance, tightened their grip on him and began to drag him towards the exit. Ikki struggled against them, his eyes locked on his sister, who was watching the scene unfold with a mix of horror.

Ikki sensed his opportunity as they approached the exit. He lunged at the nearest bodyguard, catching him off guard with a quick kick to the gut. He took advantage of the bodyguard's agony to escape from the group.

Ikki's petite physique rendered him vulnerable to the bigger and stronger bodyguards, but he was swift and nimble. He darted around them, taking advantage of his short height, aiming at their weak points. He kicked their knees and guts.

The bodyguards were taken aback by Ikki's techniques, and several even fell backward in agony. Ikki took advantage of the opportunity to attack again, and he utilized his fast reflexes to dodge their retaliatory punches.

Ikki fought bravely despite his small height and limited strength. Visitors watched in wonder as he fought against the bigger bodyguards.

Yet the bodyguards proved too much for Ikki in the end. They were able to seize him and overpower him, hauling him out of the hall while he struggled and fought. Ikki held his head high, despite being battered, knowing he had given it his best. Shizuku stood alone in the middle of the room, her palm still pressed to her face.

Several of the visitors murmured to one another, their voices barely heard over the din. "I can't believe he did that," one lady told her friend. "He's always been polite and kind to me." Others expressed their displeasure at Ikki's actions, claiming that he had no right to touch the heir.

Shizuku, meanwhile, was attempting to calm herself, her gaze locked on the ground. Her parents raced up to her and inquired as to her well-being and what had occurred. She didn't respond, only shaking her head, still stunned. Apart for the rare sound of someone shifting their weight or clearing their throat, the room was deafeningly quiet.

The visitors started to awaken and make their way towards the exits as the seconds passed. It was evident that the celebration was done, and no one wanted to stay for any more drama. The Kurogane family stood alone in the middle of the room, their expressions filled with perplexity and rage.


When Ikki's bodyguards hauled him out of the hall, they started mocking and taunting him, their mouths contorted in sadistic smiles. One of the bodyguards, a guy with compassionate eyes, attempted to calm things down, but the others refused to listen.

"It looks like the little prince got what he deserved," one of them sneered.

Someone else smirked. "He should learn to keep his hands to himself."

Ikki fought as the bodyguards carried him away, his arms flying madly as he sought to get free. But they were too powerful for him, and he was immediately pushed to the ground. The strike knocked the breath out of him, and he struggled for oxygen as the bodyguards started to rain blows on him. Their fists smashed into his skin, sending jolts of anguish through his body with each contact. Ikki yelled out in pain, but the bodyguards ignored him and proceeded to beat him violently. The sound of flesh on flesh resonated across the hall as the thrashing continued, and the maids watched in terror as Ikki was beaten into submission.

The bodyguard with the kind eyes tried to help again, but the others pushed him away and laughed as they continued their attack.

"You've done it now, punk!" One of the bodyguards hissed and kicked Ikki in the jaw.

"You think you're tough, don't you?" "We'll show you what tough truly means," another hissed, striking Ikki in the stomach.

"You little brat, you'll be sorry you ever crossed us," another screamed, landing punches on Ikki's back.

Ikki fought back, but he was no match for the skilled bodyguards. Each punch was delivered with brutal precision, he could feel his body giving out beneath the assault.

As the beating continued, his vision clouded, and his screams echoed in his ears.

As the bodyguards finally finished their attack and dragged him away, Ikki's body was left battered and broken.


Sora took care of the bruises and cuts on Ikki's body with care and dexterity, moving her fingers carefully and slowly. He winced in pain as she touched a particularly nasty bruise, and she offered him a small smile.

"Almost done," she murmured softly, her eyes fixed on the task at hand. "You're lucky you didn't get hurt worse."

Ikki sighed heavily, his eyes fixed on the ceiling above. "I just couldn't stand to watch Shizuku behave like that," he muttered. "She's better than that, or at least I thought she was."

Sora's hands stilled momentarily as she looked up at him, concern etched on her face. "What happened?"

"I slapped her," he said, his voice rough with emotion. "I couldn't take it anymore. The way she was treating people, she behaved like them. "He looked down, his hair shadowing his face "And then the bodyguards, they just blew their steam off on me."

Sora's expression turned to one of shock and horror. "Oh no, Ikki," she whispered. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine," he said, his voice resigned. "But I can't stay here, Sora. There's nothing left for me here, not after what happened tonight."

Sora's eyes flickered with hurt at his words, but she pushed it aside and focused on the matter at hand. "Where will you go?" she asked softly.

"I don't know yet," Ikki admitted, wincing as he tried to sit up. "But I have to leave. I can't stay in a place where I'm not wanted."

"I'm so sorry!" Sora said, her voice laced with remorse. "I was supposed to be there to help you... but I just failed you."

"It's not your fault," Ikki replied, reaching out to clasp her hand. "You couldn't have known what was going to happen. And besides, you've always been there for me when I needed you. I couldn't have asked for a better friend."

Sora's eyes filled with tears at his words, and she squeezed his hand tightly. "I'll always be here for you, Ikki. No matter what."

Ikki smiled weakly, grateful for her words of comfort. "Thank you, Sora. That means more to me than you know."

Sora nodded slowly, her expression sympathetic. "Okay," she said softly. "I'll help you pack."

As she moved to the closet to gather his things, Ikki's mind was racing. He knew he couldn't stay here, not after what had happened. But where would he go? And what would he do once he got out?

. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Shizuku stands alone in her room, her mind replaying the events of the party over and over again. She remembered the way she spoke to him, the condescending tone in her voice, and the way she dismissed his concerns. She cannot believe that she allowed her pride and ego to cause her to harm the one person who has always cheered her up.

As she stands there, lost in thought, she overhears the voices of the elders whispering behind her. They are speaking in hushed tones, but she can make out their words.

"I always knew that, that boy was trouble," one of them says. "He's a stain on our name."

"Indeed," another one replies. "It's a shame that he had to ruin such a wonderful event with his disgraceful behavior..."

" Maybe we need to deal with him," he hushed in a small voice that startled his companion.

How could they be so blind and foolish? How could they not see that Ikki was just trying to defend her?

She takes a deep breath to calm her nerves.

"You have no right to talk about my brother like that" she says, her voice shaking with emotion. "He is a part of this family."

The elders appeared surprised by her outburst but quickly regained their composure.

"Respect is earned, Shizuku," one of them says. "And your brother has done nothing to earn ours."

Shizuku feels her anger mounting, but she forces herself to remain calm. She knows that losing her temper will only make things worse.

"You're wrong," she says firmly. "Ikki may not have the same talent as the rest of us, but he works harder than anyone." "He has earned my respect."

The elders exchange amused glances. Shizuku takes a deep breath and turns away from them, feeling a sense of resignation wash over her. She knew that changing their minds would be an uphill battle.