
Isolation and Determination

A year had gone by,

Ikki's heart plummeted when he heard laughing and music emanating from downstairs. He understood what that meant; another party for his brother Ouma.

While being joyfull for his brother, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy. Why couldn't he be there with the other people? Why must he spend so much time alone in his room, with his books as his only companion?

As the celebration became louder, Ikki's anger started to rise to the surface. He slammed the book down and stood up, feeling suffocated by the four walls.

He approached the window and gazed outside, trying to find comfort in the moonlight.

Ikki exhaled deeply and closed his eyes, concentrating on his breathing to relax himself. He was aware that one day he would demonstrate to his family and everyone else what he was capable of. His family would no longer be able to ignore him if he became the relatively strong.

But, as he listened to the sounds of his family's celebration he felt like an outcast. He pondered what it would be like to have friends and be liked by people around him. In fact, after centuries of solitude, he was not ready to interact with many. Only then could he become the person they desired.

Ikki opened his eyes and inhaled deeply as he sat there. He reminded himself that he had Sora, who had been at his side from birth. She had been a constant source of encouragement and support for him.

He mumbled, "Thank you, Sora," knowing that she could not hear him.

Ikki resumed his studies with his mind focussed on the subject at hand. He knew he had to continue, to continue learning and practicing, so that he might one day leave his chamber and become the person they desired.

Yet even as he studied, the noises of the party continued to reverberate in his ears. He could not help but imagine what it would be like to be a part of it, to have caring friends and relatives.

"I will be a part of it one day," he thought to himself, his determination growing stronger with each passing moment. "I will prove to everyone that I am not weak, that I am not a failure. I will make them see that I am worthy of their love."

Ikki could hear the sounds of fireworks outside, signifying the conclusion of the party, while he continued to study. He closed his eyes and imagined in his mind the colors and patterns of the explosions. He wished he were there, but he knew his time will come. He only had to work diligently and never give up on his aspirations.

With a deep breath, Ikki returned to his studies, trapping every word, sound, and moment in his memory palace. He knew that every bit of knowledge he gained was a step closer to his ultimate goal.

Ikki's memory palace was a vast, intricate network of corridors, rooms, and chambers. He had created it in his mind, using the technique of Danuvatri, to store every piece of information he encountered. Each memory was carefully placed in a specific location within the palace, connected by a system of associations that allowed him to recall them with ease.

As he went through his books, he could practically see himself storing each piece of knowledge in a separate room or section of the castle. Several decorations and hues were used to assist him discern between the characters of the Japanese language. The mathematical formulae and equations were grouped and labeled in a separate wing of the castle.

Ikki often took his time to explore the numerous chambers and corridors of the castle. He marveled at how his mind had constructed this complicated network, enabling him to recall everything so effortlessly. It resembled a big, wide metropolis that he could easily travel.

Sometimes, he would discover memories he had forgotten, hidden deep beneath the castle. He could always recover them, bringing them to the forefront of his memory, with no effort.

Ikki could not help but feel a feeling of pride and pleasure as he labored to extend his memory palace. He was resolved to use one of his biggest talents, his absolute recall, in order to get stronger.


The celebration was a magnificent occasion, with members of the Kurogane family donning their best attire and jewels. The main hall was decked with banners and bright streamers, and a long table was laden with sushi, sashimi, tempura, and yakitori, among other things.

While the visitors enjoyed the food and beverages, a group of branch members were deep in discussion in a corner.

"Ouma and Shizuku are such formidable blazers," commented a member as he sipped his wine " It's such a shame that a second son is is as good as them.... but at being on the other end of the spectrum ." he glanced at his colleagues.

The others laughed, understanding just what the member meant. Ikki has been regarded as the weakest member of the family, having no discernible magical abilities.

"Oh, he could always work hard in school and become a scholar or something," a second member joked.

"But, what use is that?" A third participant intervened. "The family Kurogane is renowned for their formidable mage-knights. If Ikki is incapable of becoming one, he is just a burden on the family."

The other members nodded in agreement, their conversation turning more serious as they discussed the family's future and how Ikki's perceived weakness could affect it.

"It's not like we can simply ignore him," a member said with a furrowed face. "He is, after all, a Kurogane."

Yeah, but we also can't allow him to hold us back, remarked another member, sipping his beverage. The prestige of the Kurogane family is at risk here.

A third member said, "I heard some of the other families talking about us." They said that our losing strength is due to weak connections like Ikki.

The gathering went quiet as the significance of the topic began to seep in. They were all aware that the reputation of the Kurogane family as great mage-knights was crucial, and they could not afford to have any weak members bring them down.

"But what can we do?" one member asked, a note of desperation in his voice. "We can't just cast Ikki aside."

"We can encourage him to find his own path," another member suggested. "Maybe he's not meant to be a mage-knight, but he could still contribute in other ways."

A third member scoffed. "What other ways could he possibly contribute? He's not even worth the effort to train as a servant or a support staff."

The others became quiet, at a loss for words. They were all aware that Ikki was the weakest member of the family, and they could not dispute that his lack of magical skill harmed the reputation of the Kurogane family.

A branch member attempted to lighten the atmosphere by suggesting, "Ignore him and concentrate on the talented." It is unlikely that he will ever amount to anything."

The other members nodded in agreement.

No one, even his own mother, noticed Ikki's absence as the lunch progressed. She was too busy doting on her two youngest children, Ouma and Shizuku, the family's pride and pleasure. They had a natural gift for magic and the potential to become formidable mage-knights.

"Mommy, why isn't Ikki here?" Ouma asked, tugging at his mother's sleeve.

His mother's smile faltered for a moment before she regained her composure. "Ikki is busy studying in his room," she said dismissively, not wanting to bring attention to the fact that Ikki was excluded from the family gathering.

"But, why can't he join us for dinner?" Ouma persevered, his curiosity ultimately prevailing.

His mother sighed in exasperation. "Ikki is occupied with his studies, Ouma. He will join us upon completion "She said in a firm tone.

Ouma frowned, not quite understanding why his younger brother had to study all the time.

"Do you think Ikki will become a mage-knight like us one day, Mother?" Ouma asked, looking up at her with hopeful eyes.

His mother's countenance became icy, and she averted her gaze. She said sarcastically, "I really doubt it, honey. Ikki lacks the innate capacity for magic that you and Shizuku possess."

Ouma's heart sank at her words, and he looked down at his plate, feeling guilty for asking. He didn't want to upset his mother, but he also didn't want Ikki to feel left out or unloved.

"But, Mother, maybe with with practice and training, Ikki might also become a mage-knight," Ouma remarked, attempting to remain optimistic.

His mother let out a heavy sigh, her tone still cold. "It's not just about practice and training, Ouma. Some people are just born with more magic talent than others. It's not fair, but it's the way things are."

Ouma furrowed his brow, irritated by his mother's contemptuous attitude toward Ikki. He wished he could argue back and defend his brother, but he knew it would be futile. Instead, he pushed his plate aside and left the table, feeling a mixture of loss and annoyance.

In another corner

Elder Tanaka Sama, renowned for his commercial acumen, raised his hand. "The Totokubara family is one of the country's richest. A matrimonial partnership with them would be financially beneficial to our family." One of Tanaka's loyal subordinates, Ayako Sama, nodded in accord. "Their organization has a strong market presence and a reputation for being exceptional negotiators. This collaboration would be beneficial for the Kurogane family." The other elders nodded in agreement, imagining the possible income and benefits a marriage with the Totokubara family may bring.

Elder Takashi Sama, who had been quiet throughout the discussion, spoke up. "But what about Shizuku's happiness? Shouldn't that also be taken into consideration?"

Elder Tanaka Sama let out a dismissive chuckle. "Happiness is a luxury that we cannot afford. The Kurogane family's success is paramount, and if that means using Shizuku as a tool for a strategic marriage alliance, then so be it."

Akeno Sama nodded in agreement with a bland look. "It is the responsibility of the Kurogane family to secure its own success and wealth, even at the expense of its members' happiness."

Elder Takashi Sama was distressed, but he knew better than to continue arguing. In the Kurogane family, business and strategic partnerships have always come before the happiness and well-being of the family members.

"But we must also consider the potential consequences," one elder spoke up cautiously. "We can't just treat Shizuku as a tool to further our own interests. She deserves happiness and a partner who truly cares for her."

Elder Tanaka Sama scoffed at the comment. "Of course, we must consider her happiness, but we cannot ignore the benefits of a strategic alliance. It is our duty to ensure the prosperity of the Kurogane family."

Another elder chimed in, "We could always approach the Totokubara family and suggest a prenuptial agreement, ensuring that Shizuku's interests are protected."

As each elder outlined the possible benefits of a marital partnership with the Totokubara family, the intensity of the conversation intensified. They discussed the tremendous riches and resources of the Totokubara family, the advantages of having powerful corporate associates, and the possibility of the Kurogane family becoming even more dominant.

As the debate continued, it became evident that the elders were driven by their own avarice and desire for power. They saw Shizuku as a useful instrument for advancing their own goals, and they had little regard for her pleasure or well-being. She was nothing more than a pawn in their game of power and fortune in their eyes.

The bulk of the elders were more concerned with safeguarding the Kurogane family's financial future, even if it meant sacrificing their own family members. In the end, they all agreed that the benefits of a marital union with the Totokubara family exceeded any possible disadvantages, and they were prepared to do everything to make it happen.

Elder Mizuki Sama could not help but feel uncomfortable as they proceeded to discuss the proposed marriage. He was aware that Shizuku was being used as a tool and that her happiness and welfare were not the family's first concern.

But, he was also aware that his protests would be ignored. The other elders were entirely focused on the financial advantages a marriage with the Totokubara family might provide, and it seemed doubtful that they would alter their views.

Elder Mizuki Sama, feeling confused, stayed mute, knowing that he could not alter the family's goals. He hoped that Shizuku would find happiness in the planned marriage, but he could not shake the impression that the family's desire of money came at a steep price.

The next day,

Kurogane toddled over to the window and gazed out at the children practicing swordsmanship below. His chubby legs wobbled as he stood, trying to get a better look. Sora, who was standing beside him, spoke coldly, aware that another maid was keeping watch. "They're practicing the Kurogane family swordsmanship style, Kyokujitsu Isshin-ryuu."

Kurogane watched with an abyss-like gaze, observing the clumsy moves of the children under the instruction of Kisu Shadis, a bald man with a sharp aura around him. "Why are they learning this?" he asked, and Sora replied, "The Kurogane family believes that to become a better mage knight, you need to learn martial arts. It's something that makes you stronger."

Kurogane let out a small scoff. "What's the point of being stronger if you're not even given the opportunity to prove yourself?"

Sora looked at him sympathetically. "I appreciate your frustration, but you must continue to work diligently. Maybe one day you will be able to demonstrate your capabilities to the world."

While Ikki continued to observe, another maid, Kana, the room responded with derision, "Kid, do not waste your time. You'll never amount to anything."

When he turned to confront the new invader, Ikki's aggravation turned to rage. "Who are you to say that?" he answered with disdain in his voice.

Kana smirked. "Just asserting the obvious. No amount of training will erase the fact that you are an F-rank."

Ikki tightened his hands as a wave of resolve overcame him. "I shall get stronger," he stated confidently. "I will not allow anybody to keep me back, regardless of what they say." Kurogane clinched his hands and felt an inner fire flare. "I shall get stronger regardless of the cost..... I will no longer allow them to neglect me!!!!"

As Kisu Shadis demonstrated a new technique, Kurogane watched intently, memorizing every movement. He gazed at the training greedily, reflecting on the technique, Gou no Kiwami, Honoikazuchi. It was a technique where the user performed a diagonal slash with one hand, then followed it up with a strong punch using their other hand to further add power to the slash. But all of the children failed miserably, and some of them even ran away. Only Ouma stayed to end waving his sword with his pudgy arms his resolve remarkable.

"I can do this," he muttered to himself, already planning to practice the technique in secret later.

Sora patted him on the back, a small smile on her face. "I believe in you, Kurogane. You have the potential to be great."

Kurogane's determination only grew stronger at her words. He would prove himself, no matter what.

Ikki turned to Sora, a determined look in his eyes. "I want to learn that technique," he said firmly. "I want to become stronger, too."

Sora looked at him, surprised by his sudden declaration. "But you're too young to train with them, young master," she said gently. "You need to focus on growing up."

Ikki's eyes narrowed. "I don't want to wait," he said stubbornly. "I want to be strong now."

Sora sighed, knowing how important this was to him. "I'll see what I can do," she said finally. "But you need to promise me that you'll be careful. You're still just a child, and you could get hurt."

Ikki nodded eagerly. "I promise," he said, a fierce determination burning in his heart.

Ikki stayed up late into the night,

determined to find a way to become stronger. He knew he couldn't leave his room, so he searched through his belongings, hoping to find something he could use to practice his swordsmanship.

Nevertheless, he just discovered a pencil. He lifted it up and felt its weight in his hand. It paled in comparison to a genuine blade, but he was determined to make do with what he had.

When he stood at chidan-no-kamae, he could not help but chuckle at the absurdity of using a pencil as a weapon. He murmured, "With this, I can, at most, fight starving kittens or poke someone in the eye."

The concept of using a pencil as a weapon was too amusing for him not to chuckle.

He stood in front of the door, assuming the chidan-no-kamae position he had observed earlier. The left foot slightly behind the right, the left heel slightly raised, the hips straight forward, the shoulders relaxed, and the spine perpendicular to the floor. He held the pencil in his hand, trying to mimic the movements he had seen earlier.

It was awkward and clumsy, and he knew he looked foolish. But he couldn't give up. He wanted to become stronger, no matter what it took.

Kurogane's young mind and the old soul starved for attention, was determined to become stronger, the pencil was an opportunity to practice the sword techniques he had observed earlier. He took the pencil in his hand, feeling the smooth wood against his skin.

Moonlight shone through the window,casting a soft glow on the room. The silence was broken only by the sound of Kurogane's shallow breathing as he stood in front of the door, pencil in hand.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, visualizing the technique in his mind. He imagined the smooth flow of the slash and the powerful punch that followed. He opened his eyes and assumed the chidan-no-kamae position once again, focusing all his energy on the pencil in his hand.

The moonlight reflected off the lead tip of the pencil, casting a shadow on the wall. Kurogane's young face was set in determination as he swung the pencil with all his might, slicing through the air and aiming for the imaginary opponent.

It was awkward and clumsy, and he knew he looked foolish. But he couldn't give up. He wanted to become stronger, no matter what it took. The pencil made a faint sound as it whirled iin the air.

Kurogane's frustration grew, as he swung the pencil again and again, each time with more force than the last. mingling with his labored breathing and the pounding of his heart.

He realized it was naive to believe that a pencil could ever replace a genuine sword. When he swung the pencil again, he couldn't help but feel a spark of optimism, contemplating the strength he would feel if he ever wielded a genuine sword. As he continued to hone his pencil skills, his resolve only got stronger. He said to himself, "I may appear silly now, but one day...."

He was aware that achieving his objective would require a great deal of effort and practice, but he was willing to dish out the necessary effort. He repeated to himself as he swung the pencil back and forth, "I will not give up."

Despite the discomfort of his training, he could sense his improvement with every stroke. He felt more secure in his talents and in command of his moves. Pride swelled inside him as he reflected, "I can do this"

"HAHAHAH THIS IS PRETTY FUN!!" and then he slashed the white porcelain vase which crashed.... and a loud chink resounded across the manor. "CHIIIIINK!".