
Round 5 : Enchanter vs Fighter (4)

The weight of someone's life,

Once Allen realized that...

Each time he lifted his sword to end someone's life, doubt would creep into his mind, causing his hand to hesitate.

Augustus was no different. Allen stood still, gathering the courage and resolve needed to carry out the person before him. As he steeled himself, slipping into the darkness of his hate-filled thoughts, his grip tightened around the hilt, and he began to raise his blade...

But before he could strike all the smoke and flames around him quickly disappeared. The thick smoke and roaring flames that filled the air were suddenly swept away, drawn into the trees that Eliphas had conjured around the arena. The chaotic battlefield was now become calm. Allen, startled by the sudden change, lowered his sword. The rage that had driven him moments before faltered, and in that hesitation, he failed to kill Augustus.

At that moment Allen...