

Felicia and Allen walked only a few meters from the market district to Carla's house.

Carla's house turned out to be a small ruin on the second floor of a butcher shop. There were only stone walls and windows. There is no roof, just a cloth that covers the ceiling, probably leather; the many stitches on the fabric indicate that it was worn and patched many times. It was a butcher shop downstairs, so the stench made Felicia want to vomit when they got there, so she used her gloves to cover her nose and mouth.

From inside the butcher shop emerged a large man with a fat stomach but bulky and muscular-looking arms. He was wearing a green apron splattered with blood.

"Hey Carla, I've been looking for you to deliver the order; what took you so long? Where have you been-" the man's angry face immediately turned into surprise as he saw Felicia and Allen behind Carla.

From their clothes alone, the man knew Felicia was a noble and Allen was her bodyguard.