
Raised By Vampires

This is about a female vampire named Destiny who's trying to change the world. In this world everyone lives by rules, and labels. she wants her enemies as allies and her friends/family as her equals. in the long run she discovers things about her father and things about the other creatures. soon she'll live her dreams unless there is a bigger power out there.

Miss_Unicorn1505 · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: Dun

Dun's POV

After leaving Destiny's room I walk to the library to do some studies because if we plan to lie to the queen we need to be sure the story seems more believable, I walk to some books and grabbed the main one that caught my attention. One based on French history and some language teachings. I walk slowly to the libraries garden to read some.

-bushes began rustling some.-

I looked over at the bushes kinda skeptically but didn't jump to no conclusions mainly because I assumed it was a small animal like a rabbit or bird. Us lesser vampires don't waste our time on such creatures, despite being a blood sucker and the poor/servant vampires usually suck the blood of small creatures, but we've raised them and breed them. Wild animals may have a bad effect on our digestive tracts, so we remain with our own hands on making our meals.

As I lay a few books down on the table I read through one story, my attention suddenly drifted from the pages to a small whining sound, almost as much as I didn't want to believe this was a pup, I placed the book I was holding and reading down on top of the rest of the books on the table. I began walking to the bushes where I heard the movements and whines, to see a small white pup about 1week old but he seemed pretty big for only a week old. Eyes shut, ears shut and a gorgeous soft coat. The pup was slightly under weight. "Why... would someone or something just... leave a puppy out here?" I said softly and feeling slightly hurt by the neglectful sight of the baby.

I undone the blanket he was wrapped in, I pulled him between the slight hole in the fence, hoping queen Cilla never would see him. I held the pup wrapped in blanket in one arm, leaving behind the books I began reading on the table in the gardens table. I looked into other books and found a few on dog pups, wolf dogs, wolf pups, and other things about k-9 information. Balancing a pup, handful of books, I head down to a secret room I created when we first moved into this mansion, as the door opened I snuck in and closed it as soon as possible so no one else would see it or hear me. I walk slowly down the stairs of the secret hideaway into a bare room with only secret compartments and desk with a chair. Only I knew of where the secret compartments were. I place the pup in one of them hoping he won't crawl around too far because it wasn't fully done. He laid there and just whimpered softly. I knew he was hungry, I had to learn about making formula for the baby pup. Placing the books on the desk I scan each page trying to find answers about feeding him. Finding the pages, I go through each page to study how to make formula, how many times a day to feed the pup, and when to begin his puppy food. I grab my small notebook that I carry around usually using it to list orders from everyone before heading to the underground vampire store, I write down ingredients I may need to pick up for the pup. "4oz evaporated milk, 1 egg yolk, 4oz water and 1tbs of oil. Good I'll just get a couple months supply and make this for him daily." I also added a mini fridge cause I figured it needed to stay good, along with multiple feeding bottles so I didn't have to keep making them, I could just make a few a day then refrigerate the rest for later that day.

I grab my coat and head off to the store, making sure my hidden room was sealed along the wall so no one notices the lines or changes to give it all away.

Before I walked down the hall, a being almost walked into me but she stops quick, driving me to dodge her before I could run right into her myself not noticing I couldn't sense her. "Charlott.... where are you off to?" She scrabbled over her thoughts and sucked in a breath. "I was admiring stuff... and.... you heading out?" She was off track and I knew she was up to something. "Yes, vampire store. Need something?" She nods and smiles innocently.

"I need a vile of rat blood and rat tail for a healing potion I'm making to keep consistent with collections for later down the road." She said kinda trailing off but with a shy confidence. I hardly ever see her. Her office is like a studio apartment but Queen Cilla placed in a garden, and made a lab out of the kitchen/livingroom along with keeping selective animals in cages in there. She made sure Charlotte's studio had everything she needed or wanted. Even next to her room she has her own library, her own office desk and a bedroom.

"What happen to Mighty and Ice?" She got sad for a moment. "Ice she's too old to breed anymore. Her and her husband are separated and retired. They're being used for finding a disease next month sadly. I need two baby mice, male and female. I hate having to sacrifice them but they mention they don't mind their fates. I give them and their children best lives ever. Some of their babies don't live from birth while the others willingly want to help..." before she could continue she stopped and looked down sadly. "Don't stop talking, dear. Ik how lonely it is around here, being that you're our only elf.... I admire your ways. We should have tea one day and chat more about your work." She smiled and felt glad. "You know me all too well. I thought I was talking just way too much... anyways yes I'd love that, Dun?" She paused before saying my name. "Yes Charlotte?" She smiled sweetly then bit her lip. "You've changed... don't let Cilla see. " she walked slowly past me and I stood there a moment in silence, forgetting how noticeable my changes are. I now probably look like a young man again... I carry on to my duties and walk passed the maids work room hoping Isabella wasn't in there. She was but she didn't say nothing to me. She watches me walk past the room door and carry on down the hallway. Already she knew my hair was in different color and the side of my face lacked the wrinkles I used to always wear well. She sat there a moment a pondered then she exited the room, I made a fast turn around the corner from the hallway leading to the underground passageway that loops from the mansion to the vampire stores that settle underneath the mansion and the sides.

I peeked around the corner watching Isabella walk out the mansion hallways towards the kitchen area, probably preparing meals for the party the queen wanted to have. Ignoring the issues planting in my brain I just carry on again hoping none of them will say anything about me. I'm just.... hoping.

As I got to the vampire stores, I search for whatever Charlotte wanted in the chemistry shop that usually only have potions already made, spices, ingredients, books, and other random things.

"Can I place an order for rat tail and rat blood?" The lady behind the desk looked me over a few times then grins.

"Healing potion or poison? Also nice changes, tasted human blood?" I glare at her and smiled. "Why? Gonna tell the queen on me?" She shook her head no. "I just envy you but knowing your fate will be damned I don't pity your pair. Anyways healing or poison?" I looked at her and read the list but shrugged. Just give me both if possible. And label them so I know. Also do you have spare mice? Male and female. Breeding purposes so make them cute please. I'll be paying in rabbit blood and coins." I looked the lady in the eyes and she nodded in acceptance and entered the back room getting everything ready for me. "I'll come back in an hour. Keep it packed for me. Thank you. " I left the payment on the counter and walked out to the next shop. The other shop was a grocery store. Even though vampires can't stomach human food, they make it for human company that usually donate blood for the kings, queens, and prince/princess for the family. So in a way vampires waste money on human products to try and be natural about having human company as a way to seem... civil. I found all the ingredients I needed to make formula then also picked up odd and ends. Before I left I paid for the stuff in coin then head out to go back to the chemistry shop knowing it wasn't a full hour. I made my shopping as fast as possible.

Once I entered I seen a metal box on the counter and my 4 jars full of blood and rats tails. Seeing the differences despite the words written on there I smiled. "Now I understand the difference but she'd probably prefer them labeled anyways." I grab everything and snagged a bag on the way out not seeing the lady around I just took it and left placing everything inside and heading back up the grounds into the mansion. By the time I walked in it was silent and empty, not caring I ended up going to Charlotte's room first and knocking on the door. She opened it and smiled, I entered when she welcomed me in and placed the metal box down on one counter then pulled the jars out the bag. "Consider the poison to be a gift. I got it cause one day I'll have you kill me." I stated and she couldn't tell if I was joking or serious. She concerningly watched me then spoke softly. "Thank you. You didn't have to... and are you serious? I may use the poison for battle." She's so sweet and loyal also. I grinned and watched her a moment then spoke. "Charlotte if Queen Cilla finds out I had human blood, I'd be punished and tortured. I'm pretty sure Isabella seen me and knowing her, she'll taddle." Charlotte made a sad face then smiled. "I'll fix that for you." I shook my head no. "Don't worry. If I'm not punished for that then it will be about the pup I took in." Her eyes flashed with excitement, fear, and nervousness all at once. "Pup? Oh god... a... wolf?" She said softly making sure no one out the door could hear her. I gave a nervous look to her. "Wolf? How?" I said and she lifted her finger to say wait and walked to a book she had laying on her desk table and she opened it reading off some stuff. "Is he a big pup? Does he have blue, gold, or brown eyes that indicate almost human eyes? Does he howl or whimper for food? Is his paws almost as big as your hand?" Before she could continue with her questions I clear my voice. "He is a big pup, I don't know about his eyes yet. They aren't opened. He does have big paws and he does whimper for food which is why I need to feed him now as we speak. He's underweight." She looked at me scared. "Is he a wolf pup or... a werewolf?" I shrugged and answered honestly. "Just a wolf pup I found in the library garden, wedged between the fence and a slight hole in the ground like someone or something was trying to dig it's way through. But some reason he was already wrapped in a blanket. I think he may be more of a wolf dog." She smiled. "I'll keep him a secret if you show me when he's old enough to leave the room... promise?" I smile to her and got ready to head out. "Yes ma'am I shall. Thank you so much Charlotte." Before I closed her door, leaving. She calls back to me.

"Wait Dun!" I opened the door again and she waved her hand and suddenly my appearance went back to my old look at least to everyone else. But I still seen the younger me, led me to be confused but I felt something different. "What the..." she smiled and mumbled back in response to me. "Disguise is all. No one will know now. You look like your normal old self in others eyes but mine, yours, and whoever gave you the human blood. That's all I can repay you for shopping for me and also it wears off in 3 months. Enjoy it for now" I nod a thank you then head out to my room to carry on my original task for the pup.

I entered my room and got busy making bottles. By the time I was done I began feeding him his first bottle, at first he struggled to suckle but after a moment he began sucking down the milk quietly and enjoying it. I made another and fed him more. This time his suckling slowed and he began putting himself to sleep.

I watched him while holding the bottle and smirked some. So cute. "Hunter.... your name will be Hunter." Thinking about ideas to train him for hunting and protecting the family since break ins are common. He has more senses than us vampires. We only turn attention to blood and our hearing is decent. But a wolf dog or regular wolf can hear and smell better than us. He's the perfect addition. Hopefully of Cilla finds out...our.... she'll forgive me.