
Rainbow After Tomorrow

Maddison Iyves, that's me. And for twenty-six years...I live such a horrible life. During the day, I feel lifeless, pointless and I don't even know what's the point of living. During the night, I can't sleep and even if I do, there will be a never-ending nightmare. And I woke up, the cycles repeatedly around and around. Should I give up? I already did but here I am, still feeling miserable, so what's the point of it? I'm tired. Until I meet him, somehow similar to the person who ruined part of my life but yet so different. Ayden Winter. Who are you? Are you the poison or are you my remedy? Because you keep triggering my past and at the same time you comforting me too. Who are you? And why are you slowly destroying the walls that I build for over twenty years? Or maybe you're not the one who wracked the wall. Maybe it's me who let my wall down for you. And you show your photography. It's called Rainbow After Tomorrow. As a rain, when it's stopped, there will be a clear sky and rainbow, showing that rain is over. The same goes with life, it's not going to be hard forever. One day, just like the rain, it will stop. Maybe it will stop today, or maybe it will stop tomorrow. ----- WARNING!!! This novel contains disturbing scenes and mature content. (Involving mental health issues.) Thank you for reading!!! I really want to say, that you made me the happiest girl!!!! English is not my first language and this my the first book that I wrote in English, please bear with me. Do let me know your opinion in the comment section, your opinion is all matters to me. Meet me on Instagram: ashamrzki The cover is from Pinterest, credit to the owner. Update: Monday to Friday (1 chapter/day) Love, Asha

Ashaaa_Lim · Ciudad
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69 Chs


We probably looked so stupid right now since we're sitting in front of the elevator and the cleaners come out from it to clean the hallway, with a judging face. He leaned his head on my shoulder and I just finally realised it, so I pushed his head off my shoulder. If anyone is going to put a head on someone's shoulder, aren't I the one who is supposed to do that, right?

"Oh, you're finally stopped crying?" He asked happily. For some reason, my instinct keeps telling me that he's older than me. Not that he looked old but he had that vibe, but he keeps acting like this. Baby talking like this! Which is so annoying!

"Now can you tell me why you can't use the elevator, miss angel?"

I glared at him and almost slapped his face. Why does he keep acting cute in front of me? He even blinked his eyes slowly, and pouted, trying so hard to make a puppy face. He even makes a cute voice too. If humans can enhance colours, I'm already blinded right now.

Lucky him, he is my boss.

"Stop making a weird voice, damn it!" I told him off. I know I shouldn't curse my boss, but he picked my nerves. But he still did it anyway. Held my hands and asked me one more time.

"Can you tell me, miss angel?"

So this, he's going to call me angle?

For some reason, I can see an image of him as a puppy. That would look so cute. If he's a puppy, he would be Siberian Husky. That would look cuter. And he has bluish-grey eyes too. Which makes him a perfect husky.

"Miss angle...hmmm?"

But seriously, he needs to stop making that voice. I closed my eyes as I thought about it, maybe it won't hurt and he won't force me to use the elevator if I told him? And maybe he would leave me alone, minding his own business. And he won't force me afterwards?

So, maybe...it won't hurt as much as I thought it would, to tell him the reason why.

"Fine! I will...promise me that you won't force me to use it." I pointed my pinky finger toward him, and he made a pinky promise. I take a deep breath before I swallow my saliva.

"I promise!" He made that cute voice again.

God, please kill this man before he kills me from the cringe. "But if you're having a hard time, it's fine, you don't have to force yourself." He said again, fidgeting one of my fingers. He tested my patience today.

"What? You serious right now?"

He nodded.

"You forced me! You've been pestering me for the whole time now! And now you said that?" I want to punch him hard, enough to make him budge. "Forget it, I won't say it anymore."

He pouted. He keeps poking my shoulder and I shrug him off. The hell.

"But climbing up and down the stairs is insane." He murmured. "This is level fifty-six, and you climbed?"

I shut.

"How about we hold hands and use the elevator instead. Who knows, you forget whatever trauma you have inside this soon?"

I glared at him. He is annoying. Well, it does work, whenever I went somewhere with Diana or Jade, whenever we were required to use the lift, they always held my hand, but to do it with a stranger and your boss in the first place...I rather use stairs.

I stood up and was about to walk to the staircase but he immediately pulled my hand and dragged me inside the elevator, by force. I was stunned, speechlessly stunned. How could he? This is out of my consent! I closed my eyes tight. Why does he keep forcing me like this?

Did he want to hurt me? God! Please, said no!

"Trust me, it will be fine," he whispered, slowly holding my hand tight. I literally won't trust him. "Open your eyes."

I shake my head as a no.

"No, really, open your eyes."

I clenched his hand tighter, gathering the strength to shut him up. Until death comes and picks right now, I rather shut my eyes tight.

"Alright then." He dragged my hand again and I just followed every step he took. Hmm, it's quite a long walk, so I took a peek, and I'm confused. I looked at his back and looked around. Basement parking?

He finally stopped and I bumped into his arm, damn he smelled good. And I smell like shit. I heard his soft chuckles and a beeping sound.

"I told you to open your eyes, now you look like a confused kitten." He dragged me to the passenger seat, opened the door and tilted his head.

"Here you go, princess."

I must have a stupid face right now. But I still get into this luxury car. I don't even know what type of car this is. But I already know he is rich. But… that was quick. I thought it would be longer since we are from level fifty-six.

What just happened? I thought I might get a panic attack? Is it because I closed my tightly or because it's been so long? I closed my eyes tight when the light got into my eyes. Which brought me more confusion, I looked outside. And I looked at him.

"What?" he asked, glancing at me for a few seconds before his eyes back to the road. "Everything good? Put your seatbelt on."

I nodded, fastening a seat belt. I took a deep breath, and his scent filled the whole car. Which makes me insecure as fuck. I glanced at him, looking drop-dead gorgeous, with his sunglasses on, his hair down, tucked behind his ears. He does have a little long hair, long enough to tie a tiny tail, but not too long. He probably can have an upper tail though. Is it a mullet haircut? I don't know.

And I? Probably smells like sweat. I tried to sniff myself sneakily, and yes, I do smell like sweat. Meanwhile, he's all dressed up, I only wear a loose cream long sleeve shirt, and light denim jeans. For some reason, I felt ashamed of myself.

But what surprised me more is how I can use the elevator after years. If I knew it wasn't a big deal, I would have used it long ago.

Or is it because I'm with him that everything seems easier.

I smirked. What a joke.

I stared at my left hand. His hand is so huge. It feels like I'm so small. My head keeps playing his words, 'I might fall for you, repeatedly.

If anyone is going to fall for someone, it would be me since it's illogical for him to fall for me. Why me? I am a miserable woman who has no purpose in living. I don't even know what to do with all of the money I have nor what I should spend it on. I only used clothes that Diana bought me, ate things I cooked, mostly instant foods, and slept for a few hours if I'm lucky enough. I have scars all over the place which are unpleasant, emotionally and mentally unstable, so which part of me made him fall for me?

Does not make sense. I fidgeted with the tip of my hair that fell. It's getting longer. I need to re-dye my root soon.

"Okay, we're here," he said, snapping me out from my deep thoughts. It seems like I can hear him loud and clearly, day by day. He parked his car in the parking lot, and I quickly unfasten my seat belt and get out of the car.

"Should we hold hands?" he asked as soon as he walked next to me. I was about to refuse but he quickly grabbed my hand and led the way.

He is such a demanding and does everything he wants.

What a dominant type.


We are finally done with shopping, and I'm back at square one. The elevator. I glanced at the man who was waiting for me inside the lift. But I could not bear myself to step forward. I glanced at him one more time, and he was smiling. Mischievously, and showing off his perfect teeth.

What happened to 'it wasn't a big deal, I would have used it just now. Where does that confidence go?

"Here, grab this, you'll be fine with it." He offered his hand in front of me. "You don't want to climb the stairs with that right?" He raised his eyebrows, and god I hate his tone. He even pointed at all of the plastic bags that I held by myself. I know it's heavy. And it would be bad if I climbed the stairs. It will be bad for my health, not that I care about it though.

Meanwhile, I'm thinking about whether I should get in or not, someone got into the lift, and almost pushed the button but Ayden stopped him.

That man now glared at me, about to say something, but Ayden grabbed my hand quickly, forcing me to enter.

"Sorry," he said to the other man, pushing the button and patting my head.

"Look, nothing happened, right. I told you, you'll be fine." His fingers slipped into mine before he took all the plastic bags in my hands and held onto them. He locked his eyes into mine and I can't escape from him. His smile is too gorgeous, with his dimples peeping on his face. It's really cute.

I moved to stand next to him, holding his pinky. Maybe it's not that bad. I let out a sigh of relief. I shouldn't think all mightily next time. I'm sweating just because of the lift.

My heart beats harder so I clenched his pinky harder and moved closer to him. He suddenly tucked my cap lower and made me look up toward him. He then looked at me with a smile but it wasn't a kind smile. Why? Did he hate it when I held his pinky?

I slowly let it go and nudged my shirt. But then he slipped his pinky and wrapped it around mine. I couldn't help but smile.

I don't know what this is, but it feels nice.

We finally arrived at the upper level, at his house. We finally walked out in unison, to his house.

"Maddison..." he called my name as soon as we entered the house. I take off my cap and put it on the cloth rack along with my handbag. I glanced at him who walked past me to the kitchen. It must be heavy since we bought a lot.

"Did you always...uhh..." he paused, putting all of the plastic bags on the worktop.

I followed him and started to sort out the items that we bought on the worktop, glancing at him, and waiting for what he wanted to say. But he stops in the middle of sentences.

"What?" I asked him since he sure took some time to say something.

"Uhh..." he stared at me with a frown and a groan.

"It's unfair! Did you wear makeup?" He asked, sounds more like a whine. I nodded since it was true, but only with mascara and sunscreen. Mascara to hide my lashes colour and sunscreen because Diana always told me to. And lip balm too so I looked alive.

"Don't wear them!"

"The fuck?"

"Don't curse at me, answer me!" He grabbed my face with both his hands and stared at me closer, leaving only one inch apart. "Damn, you're top tier, huh."

I feel like my blood pressure has risen since it's burning. He's too close!

"You're too close, back off." I pushed him but he didn't even budge.

"I want to but I can't." He said, locking his gaze all over my face and stopping at my mouth. And slowly he let go of my face and went into his room. Leaving me alone here, with a burning face.

I touched my face with questions. Why? Is my mascara clumped or something? Or did I need to put more?

I mean...I'm a housekeeper, do I need to? If I were a waiter or a receptionist who is required to look better and alive, I would, but I'm just a housekeeper. All I need to do is house cleaning, cooking and laundry. I don't need to put on more makeup. But he asked me to not wear them?


He is so confusing.

I have update this chapter and will update the others too since I've noticed there's a lot spelling error and etc.

by the way, thank you for reading. I really need an opinion about this chapter, if you don't mind to drop yours in our comment section bellow.

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