
Rain Again: Rescuing My Soul From The Mob

Love is about healing, cure but it pains More than ever imagine... He was my first love that betrayed me but then I found the man I saw my future with, he had shown me a path of life and happiness. I chose him and he chose me. Until the ashes from the past dusted our fantasies. Forever doesn't last longer than I once thought.

PNewmi · Ciudad
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19 Chs

Nothing is obvious


I can't feel myself yet, my body was numb the severe pain bruising my organs and crapping my living out.

Love is pain, beautiful pain. It's magical when lasts a longing and feels scarred when falls out of it.

One-sided love is downright suicide

it's all about betrayal

Love is the war where I was defeated today and I kneeled at its feet.

"From a young age, present Ares Sarris previously known as Mason now owned numerous casinos in Las Vegas from his father's inheritance. He always had strippers, prostitutes, hookers, and all things in his pleasure service. His father is Christian Samuels and one of his brothers is a mafia boss and the other one is in jail with all of his father's facility."

"Samuels owns half of the police and political workers. The worst thing is they have a long criminal history and most of their business is illegal."

"W_wh_why me?!"

I barely recognized my voice, weak, so numb, in pain, and filled with ashes.

"He is dating your cousin Ashley."


It was hard to even voice out when my lungs were clenching and my heart twisted painfully in my rib cage.

"Now they are engaged."

A huge lump formed in my throat and I was shaken to the core.

Please anyone do something to make the pain go away.

Did my ear hear right?!

Or did it make it out wrong?!

I nodded summoning my courage to hear out the lies he has been feeding me throughout these past years. I nodded to him to continue as I was listening.

"He made many crimes and enemies. There's no getting rid of these things in the mafia world. But an easy way to escape this torture is death and he faked a death. No one knew he was dating Ashley for four years. But he had to keep her and himself safe. So they choose in this way. Ashley's mom has always envied your mother for her wealth and frame. Ashley is obviously her daughter, to take revenge for the past and for their sick game they played you as a pawn."

"Is that all?!"

I barely recognized my hard stone cold voice like it slit many times.

"He wanted to kill you with help of his snippers but decided to keep you alive."

Where are they now?!"

"Zella you're not going there!!"

Brielle exclaimed throwing her hands in the air.

"I deserve some answer. It's my right to know."

I argued with a void of emotions twirling in my mind.

"Zella it's too dangerous and doing this you are going to get a huge risk to our organization."

Beckett said in a final tone like he is ending the conversation here.

He was right I'm not right in my mind. I've to think straight. This ain't fantasy, his love was fake, he was fake, his existence was fake.

My first love crashed my hope and left me to beg. I hate myself for being so gullible, naive, and foolish.

I cursed myself for being so blind fool crushing and swooning over a man I barely know like a lost puppy. I was a blind ugly girl and a trusting idiot. I blamed myself for everything.

The man I thought was my cure he has burnt me.

The man I thought will heal me he bruised me.

How foolish I am

How manipulative of me!

How easygoing prey I was.....