
Rain (ShinKami)

~COMPLETED~ This is going to be a short story Denki's crush finally agrees to go out with him and he is ecstatic. A nice little trip around the mall, a nice dinner and... rain. Denki didn't plan for rain. He's wearing some denim jeans and a light yellow colored shirt that easily becomes see through when wet. Why is this a problem you might ask. It's a problem because Denki is trans and he hasn't told anyone yet. He doesn't want to ruin he chances with winning over his best friends heart because his binder became visible. Will Shinso learn the truth and never have a second thought about wether or not Denki is a 'real' boy or will Denki's own body dysphoria get in the way of making a relationship ever work? Includes: -LGBTQ+ content -Homophobic/transphobic jerks -Bulling -All the best MHA ships (my opinion) -BAD spelling and grammar The cover arts not mine. Credit goes to the original creator. THIS IS COPYRIGHTED

meowz_XD_ · Cómic
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1 Chs


Denki POV:

I taped my foot impatiently.

Maybe he isn't coming. My mind cruelly suggested.

"No. He's coming." I said aloud then looked around to see how embarrassed I should be. No one was there. Good.

I walked the short distance from the front door to the bathroom. I threw on the lights and gave myself once over once again. I was wearing washed out, skintight ripped jeans that had some cuts dangerously high on my thigh. I also wore a lose T-shirt that was light yellow with a little black lightning bolt over the right part of my chest. Then I had some checkered convers. To pull together the look I have little accents like the chain belt that dipped a little off my left hip and a black lip ring.

I tugged a few things trying to make myself look better only to realize the only way to fix the problems were to change into a different outfit and that wasn't going to happen. I already listened to my internal dysphoria comments when I put on this outfit that I looked pretty good in and I didn't need to hear any more of it this morning.

I walked back out of the bathroom only to stop in my tracks. In front of me stood Shinso with his back faced towards me and Gosh Darn he looked hot.

He wore some simple black ripped jeans that had rips just like mine. From the back I could only see the bottom of his lose white T-shirt because his denim jacket was covering it. Speaking of the jacket, if it was the one I thought it was, it had some pins on the front like a Cavetown, Imagine Dragons, and Thirty Seconds to Mars band pins. It also had a bright, well in comparison to the dark colors, gay pin that had the rainbow run through the letters.

When he turned around my head wasn't aimed high enough to see if my guess on which jacket it was correct. My cheeks flushed once I realized I was caught doing something I shouldn't have and looked up. He rolled his eyes.

"Come on Kaminari. Let's go on this date before I change my mind." My heart doubles it's speed when I hear that one word. Date. After many trials and errors Shinso finally agreed to go out with me.

I skipped up to him and linked our arms. "Let's go! And by the way you sooooo are going to regret this!" I say despite the fact it could make him change his mind. It didn't and instead he threw on a slight smile that made mine only grow.

This was going to be the best date in the history of dates. Why? Because it's with Shinso.


"Where do you want to go first!" I practically shouted once we arrived at the outlet mall.

"Kaminari. Calm. Down. You are acting like how you did when we first met. Don't be nervous because this is a date. We have hung out together at other malls before. Just the two of us."

I smile sheepishly due to fact he could read me so well when I didn't even know why I was acting like that. "I'm sorry. I just... I don't know! I don't want this to end badly and you never want to go on a date with me again. (foreshadowing idk why I'm telling you that I'm just happy I wrote it and- okay I'll shut up now)" 

He smiles at me. A true genuine smile. "It's okay. Don't worry about that. Let's just go to Hot Topic."

I roll my eyes. Of course, that's where Shinso wants to go. He wasn't replaced by an alien. I shouldn't have even asked in the first place.

We enter the shop and he basically enters a full sprint towards the graphic T-shirt section. Another eye roll. He looks over the T-shirts with full concentration. I can't help myself when I pull out my phone and aim it at the beautiful purple haired male. Even the shudder of the camera that makes other shoppers turn their heads doesn't disturb him. I smile and walk over to see what has his concentration.

"Whatcha looking at Shinso?" He jumps slightly when pulled out of his own thoughts and looks over at me.

"I can't decide which shirt. I only have money for one of these and lunch. Can you help me?"

I eagerly nod my head.

"Okay so option one is that one." He points at a T-shirt. It's a shirt that say 'Have a gay day' with the word gay being a rainbow. Of course, he chose that. "And the other one is that one." That one says 'Insomnia? Who told you I had it? ... My eye bags? Sounds about right.' In white cursive handwriting on an otherwise black T-shirt.

"Both. You buy the first one and I'll buy the second." He looks at me like I'm crazy then opens his mouth to tell me no. I interrupt him. "I want to. It forces you to let me borrow them." I throw him a cheeky smile and grab the shirts. I walk over to the counter and pay for one shirt then he pays for the next.

"I'll pay you back." He says simply as we walk out. I give him an over exaggerated sigh.

"No. You're not. Now let's go in... there!" I point at a random clothing shop to try to change the subject and rush off to it while dragging Shinso along. When we arrive, I make it a point not to let go of his hand as we walk around. It surprisingly has some nice shirts and soon I force Shinso to try on a couple despite the fact he told me he has no money for it. I miss the feeling of his hand in mine, but I need to see him in those, somewhat revealing, shirts.

I guy who I noticed looking at me and Shinso as we walked through the store comes over and sits uncomfortably close to me. I clear my throat to tell him to scoot over while trying not to be rude.

Instead of scooting over he makes eye contact and starts to speak.

"Was that your boyfriend?" He nods his head in the direction of Shinso's changing room with a raspy voice. I suddenly regret forcing him to change. This man just gives me a bad feeling, so I nod my head despite the fact that this is only a date and we have discussed the fact that, so far, our relationship is us just being friends.

Suddenly his look that was already intimidating becomes deadly. I shiver in fear as each word he says hits home. "You are disgusting. I can't believe they let fags walk around freely like this. You should both die and spare the world from having to see you." It feels like he just shredded my already fragile confidence for this date. I feel a tear find its way down my check as I stare at him in horror.

He chuckles lightly at my reaction. "The only reason you are crying right now is because you know I'm right. That you should die." Doesn't this man understand that I already deal with depressive thoughts? That even this morning I had to talk myself out of cutting? Why won't he leave me- us alone?!

I feel a hand lay gently on my shoulder, but it still makes me jump. Shinso stands there with the most terrifying look on his face. (While in an extremely tight and hot shirt. Sorry not the time gay thoughts.)

"What the hell did you say to my Denki to make him cry?" His voice drips with venom. Though his voice usually isn't happy, and it isn't directed at me, but I still feel a shiver run through me.

"Oh, I just came over when I saw him crying! I swear I had nothing to do with it!" He puts on a fake friendly smile.

I look over at Shinso begging him to read my mind, so he knows that he is the reason I'm crying.

"Bull, now I'm going to ask you this one more time: What did you say to Denki to make him cry?" This time I don't fail to notice how he used me first name instead of my last.

The man sighs and his fake friendly expression disappears. "I just was talking to him about how faggots should die. (Internally cringing every time I write that. Just so y'all know I am BIG gay so it hurts to write such- I can't even put to words how much I hate to write it. Okay back to the book.) Nothing big." I quickly shuffle to my feet and cling to his arm protectively.

Shinso positions me so I'm slightly behind him while still clinging to his arm. "What. The. Fuck. Is wrong with you? I want you out of my sight before I beat you an inch from death."

"You wouldn't. You would go to jail if you did that."

"Trust me, I would." He threatens again. The man quickly scurries away from the store checking over his shoulder to see if Shinso followed.

Only once he is out of sight does Shinso relax. He quickly moves our position so I can sit down. He crouches in front of me and wipes away my tear with his hand. "Hey, you're okay. He is gone and he is never coming back. You are okay."

I lean into his touch and nod my head weakly. The only problem is I can't stop the internalized homophobia and transphobia thoughts that I developed over the years of living with my parents.

You think Shinso actually likes you? He would never like a tranny.

You are disgusting.

Why can't you pick one gender and stick with it? (If I got one dollar for the amount of times I been told this...)

Act like the girl you are.




A slight whimper passes through my lips. Shinso notices instantly.

"Hey, do you want to head back? Call it quits for the day? We can go on a date later when you feel like it."

I shake my head viciously. "N-No. I want to go on a d..date with you. No one, especially t-that jerk, is going to ruin t..that." He smiles at me then stands up. He holds out his hand.

"Come on then, there is an ice-cream shop nearby. Let's go get some ice-cream." I smile back at him and take his hand to stand up. We walk to the door when I suddenly realize he's not wearing his shirt. (Not like that you pervs)

"Shinso." He turns to face me.


"Your shirt and jacket-"

"Oh yea! I'll be right back." His cheeks flush as he rushes to change. Once again, he comes out wearing his normal clothes. "There, now we can go."

I giggle and we make our way to the malls map. We soon realize it's all the way on the other side of the outlet mall and it is nearly 1-oclock, so we change our destination to a place for lunch.

Shinso ends up picking the place saying he has a 'slight surprise for me but nothing big.' I smile as we make our way through the crowds as the man form the store slowly leaves my thoughts. Soon enough we arrive, and I see it's a burger joint. My favorite food! Something tells me Shinso knew that due to the smirk on his lips. I smile gratefully at him as he holds the door open for me like the true gentlemen he is.

It is self-seating we go over to the booth at the window and sit down. Soon enough a nice waitress comes over and passes out our menus the leaves to give us time to decide what we want.

"What are you getting?" Shinso asks after a few minutes of silence.

"A hamburger!"

He chuckles at me, "I knew that, you idiot. Which one?"

I look back down at the menu. It has a lot of options from super spicy burgers (Bakugo's choice) to vegetarian burgers (Aoyama's choice) but neither of those interest me.

"Um, uh- OH! This one! The Everything Burger! It has EVERYTHING!"

This make him burst into a full-on laughing session. I stare at him puzzled and my eyebrows knitted together. Finally, he calms down.

"What was that for?" I whine.

He gives me a full-blown smile. "Your reaction was so cute I couldn't help but smile."

A blush covers my cheeks as I stare at him shocked at what he just said.

He thinks I'm cute!

He only came with you out of pity.

I look around to see if anyone's looking at us or judging us for going out as a couple. I guess the guy still Isn't out of my head.

"W-What do you want?" It feels like we are back where we started. No, it feels like we are further back then that. Back to middle school when I was figuring out who I was.

I remember middle school. I was semi-popular. I hung out with the girls and we would make comments on who we thought was cute. I never told them I was Bi or Trans, so I suffered through only commenting on my guy crushes and acting like I was one of them.

Mina then one day said how she thought girls were hot not guys and everyone's reactions surprised me. They all said it was cool and admired her for being confidently herself. This gave me the false courage I needed.

That night when I ate dinner with my family at the table, I came out to them. As Bi and Trans. I thought even though they constantly made homophobic and transphobic comments that they had to love me. I was the child after all. I was wrong.

My father and mother started shouting at me saying I wasn't. That I was lying. When I told them, I wasn't my dad hit me. They then kicked me out.

I continued to go to school acting like I was the perfect girl. Then once I got accepted to UA, I knew something needed to change. I cut my hair and with the little money I earned form my multiple jobs I had; I bought a binder.

Mina didn't recognize me. Nor did Kirishima, who got his hair dyed, so I acted like I didn't know them either. Sometimes Mina would say I reminded her of Dankia Kaku, my dead name, and even commented on how we had similar names, but I just played the part of acting like I didn't know who that was.


I jump a bit when Shinso knocks me back to reality.

"S..sorry. What were y-you saying?" Stupid stuttering.

"You were out of it for a bit. Are you okay? Is that guy still getting to you?" He places his warm hands over mine. I nod my head and look down shamefully.

"Denki, do you, um, want to talk about it?' I can tell he doesn't know what to do but even so the suggestion sounds like a wonderful one.

"Hitoshi that sounds- Wait! I'm so sorry! I should have asked and I-"

"Calm down. You can call me Hitoshi if you want and I'm the one who should have asked. Can I call you by your first name?"

"Yes! Please do! I mean, only if you want to." He chuckles lightly. "Um, I don't know why he is still getting to me. Like, I have never met him before or anything and I, most likely, won't ever see him again but still. He just- I don't know!  I think he just reminded me of my parents, and it hurts to think about them. To know that they don't want me anymore because I'm Bi and T-"

"Wait. What you mean your parents 'don't want you anymore'? They kicked you out because you were Bi?"

I my eyes widen slightly that I exposed one of my biggest secrets and almost exposed another one.

"I, uh, yea. They did back in middle school." He squeezes my hand that I forgot he was holding. I smile. "But that was a while ago. I got over it and now I have a new family, all my friends at school. They are a way better family then my family ever were even before they kicked me out."

"Thank you for sharing with me Denki. I can't believe you ever had to go through that. Just so you know I will always be there for you. I Promise. You can come to me and talk to me when ever you need to. You can even tell me that you killed someone, and I would help cover for you." I chuckle and he lightly smiles at me. "But in all seriousness, I promise you I will forever be there for you."

I open my mouth to respond when-

"Do you two know what you want?" I turn to our waitress.

"Yes. Denki? Want to order first."

I send him a thankful smile and start talking, "I would like the Everything Burger please. Oh! And can you get us a shared fry's too."

She gives me a simple nod then turns to Shi- Hitoshi, "And what do you want sir?"

"I would like a normal burger please and you don't need to call me sir."

"Okay. I will be back soon with your food, if that is all?" We both nod. "Okay I will be back." With that she spins on her heel and walks off to the kitchen.

We make small talk for a bit as we wait for the food to arrive and soon it does.

"Itadakimasu." We both say then dig in.

"Thwis is sooooo gwood!" I say through a mouthful.

"Swallow before you start talking." He comments taking his hand from mine so he could eat his burger better. I pout.


"What? Now that doesn't even make sense."

I swallow my bite of my burger. "I said 'Meany' because that's what you are."

"Mind telling me why I'm a 'mewny'." He mimics me.

I put down my burger and cross my arms with a 'humf'.

"Oh, come on! I was joking!"

I turn my head away from his. Suddenly I feel soft fingers on my chin. He turns me to face him but instead of removing his hand he moves it up towards my lips. He gently moves his moves his thumb across my bottom lip. My eyes widen and a blush fills my face. I pull out of his caring grip.

"Wha?! What the hell!?" I basically shout.

He raises a single eyebrow and shows me his thumb. "You had some sauce on your lips, I wiped it off. Why are you reacting like that?"

I give a stiff nod. "Right. Sorry."

He gives a single shrug them licks his thumb. "Mmmh, Ketchup."

My checks turn to an even darker shade of red. For the rest of our meal we eat in silence and every once in a while, my mind will drift, and my cheeks will flush all over again. Finally, we finish, and the waitress comes over.

"You guys are all set to go!" She says with a smile. I give Hitoshi an accusatory look. That's why he couldn't buy both shirts, he wanted to pay for all of lunch. But what shocks me is when he turns and gives me the same look.

"Denki, why did you pay for everything. You already bought me a shirt." My eyes widen.

"I didn't pay for it. Stop joking around, you payed for it."

The waitress giggles at our little feud. We both turn to her with confused looks.

"I payed for both of you. It is nice to see a gay couple out and about. I'm happy that you two are the ones representing us." She gestures to a rainbow bracelet on her wrist that I failed to notice till now. Both Hitoshi's and my cheeks flush.

"N-No. You can't pay for us. Here." Hitoshi starts to pull out his spare cash.

She waves her hands quite dramatically. "No, no, no. I paid for you already."

He continues to protest, "Bu-"

"I said no. Use the spare money on each other."

I smile gratefully at her. "Thank you."

With that I stand and pull the still protesting Shinso to the door.

"That's not fair. I need to pay her back." I give his hand a light squeeze as I chuckle, and I watch as his eyes dart to our hands. He must have been so distracted by his protests to notice because he blushes.

"Behold! I made the stone-faced Hitoshi Shinso blush!" I proudly declare in a fake news reporter accent and hold up our linked hands as if they were a grand prize.

"Be quite." He hisses at me. I just laugh some more and lean into him. We walk through the busy outlet mall with no destination in plan. He looks over the stores to see if any are good ones that we should stop by as I stare at him.


"Hm?" He continues his search of a good shop.

"I like you. Like a lot."

With this he stops walking and turns to face me. Panic starts to hammer in my chest as I fear that I made him uncomfortable.

He gives me a sweet smile. "I like you too Denki."

It feels like I'm on cloud nine. It feels as if everything stopped. As if we were the only people left on the world. Nothing else matters. Only him.

Only him.

I lean forward. My eyes only leaving his for a second so they can dart down to his lips. I want nothing more in the world then to just kiss him right now. I watch as his eyes painfully close slowly. I close mine as well about to claim the little room left that separates us when-


Rain starts to fall, and I pull away panicked.


Hitoshi's eyes open and show his confusion. And hurt.

No, no, no! NO!

I don't know where I am running but I run. I run as fast as I can. I hear him call out for me, but the exact words are drowned out by the heavy rain.


I don't know how long I have been outside or where exactly I am, but I know that I am at some park and I have been out here long enough for me to be shivering. My shirt is soaked and completely see through. That's why I ran in the first place. I didn't want him to see my binder through my shirt.

Why didn't I just tell him?

Because he would hate you.

I had the chance at the diner.

He would have laughed and said you deserved to get kicked out.

He is gay! He would support others in the LGBTQ+ community.

And it isn't like you have met someone who supported gays but was transphobic.

"SHUT UP!" I shout out loud as my tears start to mix with the rainwater. I sit down on the wet metal bench. I lift my legs to my chest and hug them.

I don't know how much time has passed, somewhere around thirty minutes, when I hear a voice.

"The thought of kissing me was that bad huh?" I pull my legs tighter to my chest and look at Hitoshi. His voice was full of pain and I can see all that pain on his face. He walks over and sits down next to me. I shift again trying my best to hide the binder from his sight. He sighs.

"Look, I'm sorry. You said you liked me and you were leaning in-"

"Stop." He looks up at me and he opens his mouth to protest.

"I said stop. You did nothing wrong. I wanted- want to kiss you and-"

"Why did you run away then?"

It is a simple question. A question that he deserves the answer to. I open my mouth to respond only for it to remain open. I feel more tears spill from my eyes. He should know. He needs to know. I want him to know. But-

He will never love you. You should give up now while you are ahead.

A sob passes form my lips and I bury my head back into my knees.

"Hey, hey, hey. Shh. Its okay. What's wrong?" He pulls me towards him as he wraps his jacket around my shoulders. Even though it was rained on it still smells like him, lavender and something else that in unique to him. I let it swallow me up as I lean into him. I keep me legs up though to hide my biggest secret.

Tell him.

He will hate you.

No. He won't. He will accept you.

You deserve all of the hate he is going to give you when you tell him.

I continue to cry as he rubs my back and whispers sweet nothings to me.

"W-Why?!" I demand the answer through my cries when I infact don't know what I am asking 'why' about.

Why I'm trans? Why I was born in the wrong body? Why are my thoughts so cruel and hateful? Why people can't just be accepted? Why I am scared to tell Shinso? Mabey I am asking the answer to all of them.

"Denki talk to me. What's wrong? Why are you crying? Was it something I did?"

I shake my head with so much force it makes me nauseous.

"Okay, okay, Calm down. Can you please explain to me what is going on?"

I snuggle closer to him and give him a weak and whispered, "Yes."

He pulls the jacket around me tighter and doesn't say anything. He waits for me to fill the silence. The rain continues hitting us and the ground.

"I-I am-" My voice breaks.

I try again.

"I-" My voice cuts out even sooner this time.

"Denki breathe. It's okay, take your time."

I pull him closer to me. I feel the warmth radiating off of him and I am sure he can feel my fear.

"I'm Tr..rans." I finally spit out. We sit in silence. Nothing but the rain makes a sound for what feels like hours, days even, but I know that it was only a couple seconds.

"Was that it? His voice is kind but still makes my breathing hitch. He tries to pull me away from him, but I only hold on to him tighter. "Denki, let go." I shake my head as I continue to press my body into his. With one final tug he pulls me away from him. I close my eyes tightly.

"Open your eyes." Once again, I fight with him.

"N-No." My voice breaks.




"I..I'm scared."

"Of what?"

Finally, I forcefully open my eyes. I see his eyes widen when he sees all the pain, fear, and other emotions swirled together in mine. "Of you! What else could I be afraid of?! I like you! Like I really, really, like you! More then I have ever liked anyone else! Even more then I like myself! And I am terrified that you don't like me back! That you will hate me because I was born in the wrong body! I'm Scared!" I heave heavy breaths and just let the tears fall from my eyes. He lifts his hand to my cheek and wipes away my tears.

"Denki, I could never hate you. You hear me, never. I like you too. And just because you were born a girl that doesn't make you any less of a boy. You are amazing and kind and funny and I like you. I Like you more then you will ever know. I like you more than cats and coffee." I chuckle lightly and lean into his hand with a smile. "You think I'm joking but I am not. I like you more than becoming a hero. If I had to choose between you and becoming a hero. I would chose you. I would become a villain for you and feed into all the names I have ever been called just for you. At this point I can't just say I like you because that's not enough. I love you. You hear me. I. Love. You. No one else. You."

A new type of tears find their ways to my eyes and I pull him into a tight hug.

"I love you too." I get out through the tears.

(Intense make out session warning)

Hitoshi pushes me away so he can see my face. One of his hand finds its way to my cheek as the other desperately clings to my waist. Suddenly he pulls me into an extremely passionate kiss. I sit there in shock for a second before my body moves in response. I close my eyes tight and start to kiss him back. Both my hands move to the back of his neck and I start to play with his hair. Soon our lips aren't enough. We become addicted to each other. He starts to bite on my lower lip and I quickly respond with opening my mouth. His tongue starts to battle mine for dominance in the kiss. During this he adjust our positions, so I am sitting on his lap with my legs wrapped around him and our body flushed against each other. I lose and he starts to explore every where in my mouth. I can't help myself when I let out a moan. After a bit longer of this we both pull away for air.

(It's over)

"Wow." I breathe out after we stared at each other in silence trying to catch our breath.

"Wow." He simply says back just as breathless.

"So that's kissing."

He barks out a laugh. "That was your first kiss?"

I nod my head.

"I expected you to have had kissed like a hundred other people." I shoot him a playful glare. "And I hope you know that I am not going to do it that intense every time we kiss."

"That's what you think." I say as I throw him a cocky smirk.

He rolls his eyes and we both stand. We start to walk down the sidewalk in silence when he interrupts the piece.

"I wasn't joking. Not every kiss is going to be like that."

I start laughing and lean into him.

"I'm not joking Denki. Denki. Denki! Were you even listening to me?!"

I shake my head no.

"Denki I-"

"Just shut up and kiss me."

And so, I force us to stop walking and I kiss my boyfriend. On the sidewalk, next to some random park, in the rain.

The rain.