
Rai x Frankenstein (New Adventures)

Frankestein is trying to provide peaceful and joyful life to Raizel after the Apocalypse. And he was successful for time being. But the adventures returns as an unwanted guest enters to their peaceful life on a very unlucky day. The mysteries unfold and new monsters rise, to haunt the mankind once again. Frankestein is doing his best to keep Raizel out of this fight. But will Raizel have to fight them again? Will Raizel sacrifice his remaining lifetime to save the world which he needs to live into it?

Nik_The_Wordsmith · Cómic
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18 Chs

Friendships getting stronger

In the dark, Frankestein's blue eyes were staring at the enemies. There were 20 of them. Plenty enough for him to involve in the fight. But can slay them quite easily, he thought to himself.

He looked at fight ready companion and said, "Shall we?"

Shinni nodded saying yes.

"You first", he said.

She grabbed her sword tightly and entered the fight. Frankestein followed her, smirking and playing with his power of dark spear.

It was a time to kill some nasty rogue assassins. And he likes it when Frankestein kills.

Tao, Takio and M-21 were slaying enemies with no mercy.

Shinni also started keep up a good fight using her sword skill, but it wasn't enough to kill a fully grown moon clan warrior with dark powers.

Neil also joined her using his spear.

Neil and she were able to kill one of them and wound one to death. Takeo finished him with his bullet.

She looked around to see if her new friends were safe and she was amazed looking at them fighting so furiously, looking after each others back, saving each others lives. Specially M-21, Tao & Takeo. The trio was killing it. Whereas Frankestein finished half the enemies single handedly. His behaviour was changed suddenly and he was enjoying the fight as if he was hungry. She wasn't sure that he was the same gentleman she met before. And then she saw the silent one, standing at the window, staring at his friends with his red eyes.

There were no emotions on his face or She couldn't understand him.

After few minutes of intense battle, all the enemies were lying on the ground and no one among her friends was hurt.

Shinni hugged Neil and thanked all of them for saving there lives.

"Finally we can continue with our dinner plan unless more of your friends are to join us." Tao commented.

Frankestein checked around one last time and headed inside, putting his regular smile on his face.

He went to Raizel and called, "Master".

Raizel looked at him and headed inside. Frankestein was worried if master gets quite again after all this fightings. After thinking for a moment he went inside for dinner.

Dinner table was louder than usual today. Raizel looked relaxed too. Frankestein felt at ease after seeing his master enjoying the meal.

Shinni was complemeting Tao and Takio for their unusual fighting style and M-21 wasn't able to resist himself from staring at her. The room was filled with emotions.

It was quite a night. He took a spoon of his soup and announced, "We'll leave tomorrow to your kingdom. It will be better if we surprise them. We will have better chances of winning the battle."

Shinni nodded showing her gratitude & said "Thank you for fighting for us. We will be greatful to you forever."

Frankestein brought a tea for master after dinner. "Master, you don't need to accompany us. We will come back soon."

Raizel looked at Frankestein. His eyes were saying a lot of things. And he was coming with them to fight the next day. There was no use of debating with Raizel over this. Frankestein felt worried about master. He already has used a lot of his lifetime for the sake humanity. But he can't sit calm when innocents are getting hurt. It's not him. If he wants to join, he should. But he felt a responsibility that he shouldn't make him worried any more than he already is. He should be smart and planned. It's no time to relax. He went to his library to study all he can about Moon Clan and their dark powers before they leave for battle.

M-21 accompanied Shinni to her room. Neil was with them too.

"All the rooms are full, so if Neil doesn't mind, he can stay with me in my room for tonight." He said.

"No need. I will stay with Shinni." Neil replied.

"That's okay, Neil. You can stay with him if you want. You don't need to protect me all the time." She said.

"I have vowed to protect you and I will continue to do it so, until I die." Neil said and went inside the room.

M-21 felt helpless & confused about their relationship. He turned around and headed towards his room with heavy heart.

"Hey M, wait." Shinni followed him.

M-21 turned back, she rushed towards him and said, "Hey, listen. Umm, Neil and I, we're like siblings, not close related but long cousins type. And he feels too protective towards me. And I'm telling this to you in case you misunderstood."

"No. That's totally fine. No problem at all." His smile was big enough to show his happiness level.

"And plus there in one more thing. I shouldn't share his personal secrets but nothing can happen between us. It's impossible." She said hesitantly.

"You mean he is ... different. I mean he can't, he likes .... someone like our kind?" Now he was totally smiling.

"Yes. But he doesn't like to share it. So, it will be nice if you don't share it with anyone." She asked him so nicely, he would've given her the papers of his house if she asks. But thank God the house wasn't his to give away.

"Of course. I would never share such a delicate information." He gave her assurance.

"Then it's good." She smiled widely and headed towards her room. But turned back and said "One more thing. Umm, you were quite impressive on the field tonight. Werewolf was unstoppable tonight. Thanks for fighting for us, for me."

She broke eye contact with him in case he see her wet eyes. She regretted saying all those things and tried to step away from him before anything awkward happens. But she was too late. He came closer to her, grabbed her waist. Her silver hair slipped down on her face. He moved them away softly, looked into her eyes deeply. She felt like he touched her soul and she lost herself into his grey eyes. He tightened his grab around her waist, held her head from back flowing his fingers through her hair, messing them and touched her slightly open lips with his and kissed. She felt the electricity flowing through her body. His heartbeats were rising. He let his werewolf embrace his fire. She opened her eyes looked at him looking incredible in his werewolf form and said "You're beautiful."

He smiled and loosened his grip around her waist. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life." He expressed his feelings finally.

"And I want to fight beside you. I can't see this beautiful face worried anymore."

She smiled and tears finally came down through her eyes. She hugged him tightly and said, "Thank you. Thank you very much for everything."

He looked at her and kissed on her forehead saying, "You don't need to thank me, Shin. It's my pleasure to fight beside you." "It's late now. Let's sleep. We have big day tomorrow."

She nodded and stepped towards her room. He was looking at her until she went inside closed the door giving him a smile he willl die for.

He stepped towards his room with big smile on his face and heard Tao's voice, "Somebody looks happy. We wonder why."

He started blushing by this sudden encounter. "Just wishing 'Good nights' to our new guests." He managed to speak some words in his defence.

"It should be 'very good' night for you, I guess."

"Shut up Tao. It's late. We should be in bed. Let's go, and sleep." He tried to get away from this situation.

"That's okay M. We can understand. There is no harm in saying 'good nights' to your friends." " So they're brother and sister basically? But is it true what we heard about him? Neil." Takio started teasing him now.

"Guys, that's a secret. Don't tell anybody. Else I will kill both of you." M-21 shouted.

" Calm down M. We're not telling anybody. We were trying to know our friends". They hugged him and went inside there room.

M-21 smiled and wished them 'good night'.

The night wasn't over yet for Frankestein. He was gathering every piece of information about moon clan from his archives. And thinking about master. Suddenly he felt somebody's presence at the door. He turned towards door and saw master staring at him. He softly came inside and sat beside him looking calm. Frankestein smiled and asked, "aren't you sleeping master?"

"I'm not feeling like sleeping tonight. Thought, I can spend some time with you here."

"Of course, master". He thought himself lucky.