

A group of travelers make their way around outer realms, escaping enemies and making tales with no set goal. But what if their journey opens new mysteries of their pasts? it may not be just fun adventures and dramatic combat.

YoungByrd · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
49 Chs


The trio enter the temple and head to the training ground. Sarale was drenched in sweat, her armor had been discarded and she held a wooden sword squared off against Sardan. She catches movement in the corner of her eye when a wooden sword catches her across the cheek. She looks up at Sardan and growls under her breath as he frowns at her.


"Focus, Sarale."

He launches another attack and she tries to side step when he hooks his tail around her legs and swipes her feet out from under her, she lands on her back and he grumbles.


"Maybe you should take a break. You've been going pretty hard since we started."

He offers his hand and she swats it away, standing up on her own as she flares at him. Sardan chuckles.


"Still angry, I see."


"What do you fucking think?"

She turns and walks towards Vajor, Karma, and Aktlass.


"where the fuck have you three been?"

She grabs her water skin and drains it.

Vajor's ears drop to his shoulders and his tail sags behind him.


"I take it tha trial didn't go well."


"the fuck do you think?"


"Give them a break, snowdrop."


"I'm going to my room, before anything else pisses me off."

Aktlass quickly goes after her and pulls her into a hug out of nowhere. Karma looks at Them and smiles nervously.


"What is he doing??"

Sarale stiffens images of a child lost in the woods filling her mind as the memory flips to the letter she'd written fills her mind. Sardan tenses as he goes to step forward, when he notices Sarale relaxes and he stops. Sarale wraps her arms around Aktlass, rubbing his back.


"It's okay, Aktlass. I'm okay. I'm just frustrated."

Aktlass keeps his arms around her.


"You should not fight if you are upset. it will only cloud your mind."

Aktlass lets her go and pats her head.


"take a breath and tell us what is wrong."

SARALE:(to the others)

"We should talk privately."

She motions for the others to follow and leads them through the main room and down an offshoot of corridors to a room at the end of a hallway. Once inside they can see a large aquarium on one wall and a plethora of plants littering the room. Sarale sits on the bed and runs her hands through her drenched hair.


"Lendral's been arrested. They didn't take my word for it because, well because they're biased. (huffs) I could have really used your guys' help. Maybe it's not too late though. You'll have to talk to them on your own though. They claimed I was being too soft, even after hearing I tried to kill him."


"would they even listen to us?"

Sarale runs a hand down her face, looking all at once too tired.


"They'll be less biased at the very least."


"They'll know better if they know of his aid to us, Vajor."




"'at's right we never told ya."


"Well don't keep me waiting."


"We were attacked in the inn of the first town by an assassin of the yuan ti. Even bound, he did his best to help us. Even being the first to notice them at the door. even helping with the interrogation. (looks at Vajor) We still have the body since we missed our chance to get rid of it during the chase."


"Ew! What!?"


"Please don't tell me it's in my bag."

Vajor scratches the back of his head and gives a goofy grin.


"yeah, it was tha best place ta hide it."

Sarale falls back on the bed and covers her face with her arm before she starts giggling.


"We're a mess. A cluster fuck of a group, that's for sure."

Vajor looks at Karma and Aktlass with concern.


"I think she's lost it."

SARALE:(*Sits up*)

"That's assuming I ever had it to lose. So Aktlass, you stole my notes."


"He what!?"


"I wanted to know why you were looking up demons when you've been distracted by your thoughts ever since Tunda brought them up to you."


"Then I'm assuming Karma hadn't told you."

Sarale leans on her knees and looks down at her hands.


"Well now you know. I'm the vessel of a demon, until earlier I didn't realize what demon it was. My father and his.. mistress.. did a ritual. They thought they were creating a vessel for Lolth, but the ritual went sideways and I became the demon's vessel instead. I can also tell what people feel and see their pasts by touch. It's why I knew you stole the notes."

Aktlass simply looks at her and tilts his head as if it didn't bother him any.


"I only did it out of curiosity. and that only tells me more about your heart. It also tells me... us, what comes from you when you are upset or angered."


"Yeah, strong negative emotions tend to allow the Glabrezu to surface. That darkness isn't something I can run from, I've tried my entire life. I was researching exorcisms and ways to get rid of the demon. Most of them are deadly and all of them are dangerous. (head tilt) What do you mean it tells you about my heart?"


"What it is that makes you so guarded around even us, as your friend. and why you always seem to have a hard time accepting our care for you. Like Vajor's care. and Karma's actions to quell your rage despite their fears. your nightmares as well."

Aktlass seemed to be counting back on the times that Sarale has shown that darkness that had exposed itself before them since their journey started.


"I know for a fact that you've been blaming yourself for this head hunt we're locked in. Yet you seem to ignore the fact that we don't."


"It's not that I'm ignoring it. I just don't want any of you getting hurt because of me. It's easier to push people away than it is to accept someone's affection, especially when you have a monster inside of you."


"isn't that the same thing? pushing us away and ignoring our feelings is the same. since either way, you don't want us to be part of whatever is making you suffer so much."

Vajor goes to sit next to Sarale and rubs her back.


"Dove, no one thinks yer a monster. Ya can't help wha' 'appened ta ya as a kid."

She reaches up and touches his arm.


"I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt any of you. I just want to keep you safe. What if something happens and this thing gets out. I would never forgive myself if one of you died because I was complacent. (to Karma) I'm not trying to ignore your feelings. I'm just not used to asking for help, or accepting it. I'm trying though, I've never shared this with anyone. Sardan knows and Elyria knows, granted she's my mother so~. (sigh) I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you."


"Having a monster inside you doesn't mean you are one. A monster is a mindless creator made to follow the call of a wild evil inside them... I know you know this, but just hear me out. I was initially born to be a mindless mutation. A born monstrosity meant to be sold to darker places. I too feel that these feelings of wanting the care you all give me is wasted on me because of what I am and it feels wrong of me to be this greedy, but I let myself have it, because your trust and care in me is the same as ours for you, isn't it?"

Sarale stares at him for a long time.


"you're right. It does feel selfish. But then I guess we can work on that together, as friends. I don't want to be alone anymore, or feel alone anymore. I'll try to do better. To remember that no matter what I'm not what I was made to be. It's okay to ask for help and to accept the help and care of others.

Sarale leans on Vajor.


"If I ever seem to forget that, then hit me."

Vajor wraps his arm around her and squeezes gently.


"I'm sure there's a better way ta remind ya than ta hit ya dove."


"I don't know, I can be pretty stubborn."

AKTLASS:(*cracks knuckles*)

"very stubborn. Say one word..."


"And watch her ask you why and hit you back."


"I won't be ready but I'll take it and answer back with she told me to."


"I absolutely will hit you back."


"why am I not surprised?"


"So can you tell me what Tunda was talking about? I feel if we know what's coming we can be more prepared."

Aktlass cringes at Tunda's name and it was the first time he's been so openly spiteful of something. he begins speaking softer in the room.


"... his word of order was this:

'there a villain after you; you are noticeable when you're not at your calmest; there are a few who want your bounty; someone from the underdark wants you hunted, haunted, and miserable; don't trust my actions for there's a witch's curse on me; the witch is cowardly, tricky, prideful, and greedy, like her patron; the witch has a vendetta against you; I cannot help you due to my curse because I will hurt the bond I share; I have some freedom with the loopholes in my curse; I want to keep [them] safe; I will help only for [them].'"

SARALE: (looks at Karma)

"We all know who 'them' is."

Karma looks back at her sadly before addressing Aktlass.


"He told me 'a sister is a witch. leave by tomorrow night.' what does that mean."


"It means a woman in this temple isn't to be trusted, and she'll be sending us a very unpleasant gift once on the night of her arrival."


"So someone who has a vendetta against me. Fuck, I really did bring you guys into this mess. So what do we do? I don't think you guys will just let me hand myself over. Which would have been my initial response."

Vajor tightens his grip on her, pulling her back against his side.


"'at's not even an option."


"Someone in this temple… a sister is a witch. Cowardly, tricky, prideful, and greedy. Lendral's sister. She can't stand me. That's the only one here I can think of. I just don't know if she'd go to such great lengths to make me miserable though. She's always been a bitch, but why? What can she gain from taking me out? And a bounty? What bounty do you have that could be beneficial to her?"

She plants her foot on the ground and adjusts herself next to Vajor.


"So we leave tomorrow night. Before then, you guys need to talk to Sardan and my mother. Lendral doesn't deserve this. Also you never answered my question about the bounty."


"Karma and I have bounties. It seems like Karma isn't the only one getting head hunters. My bounty wants me dead and I need to find out who's hunting me outside the nest that birthed me."

Vajor pats the bag of holding at his hip.


"We all know how the last attempt went."


"That's still creepy, even for me."


"Had I known Vajor was following me, I could have gotten rid of the body then and there."


"I saw ya take tha note. Thought it 'ad somethin' ta do with tha little lady and 'ad ta know. So wha' 're we gunna do about tha bounties?"


"take the heads of the buyers obviously. For my guild, those bounties are illegally registered, so once the news of that gets around, we'll see less hunters. It may not be noticeable for other guilds though due to their own connections. The best thing for right now though, is to wait and carry on with our lives until we get news of who sent them."

Sarale leans forward resting her elbows on her knees.


"Well we know who sent Karma's, Selmas Vergins. From what I know of him he's a weasley son of a bitch with deep pockets and an egomaniacal personality. He'd sell his own son for a leg up on the competition. My best guess, he wants you as a trophy."

Karma crosses their legs in their seat and lean against their ankles.


"Well that ain't nothing new, but with that being the case... Tunda is probably being held back from telling me everything from that info with his curse. I would have known by now about most of those head hunts and we could have dealt with them already."


"True. We have to find a way to break that curse. I'm not strong enough to do that yet, but I know someone who is."


"Lemme guess yer pops."


"Sardan's been teaching me the magic for it. I haven't gotten the hang of it yet, but I've seen him break curses before. I know he can do it."


"Wait, you want to help him?"

Sarale shrugs as she picks at a loose thread on her sleeve.


"He helped us and I'm the type to pay it forward. But also if Petrice is the cause of this."

She gives Karma a devious grin.


"Then I wanna stick it to that bitch anyway I can. Nobody goes after my friends and gets away with it."

Karma lights up with happiness and jumps from their place onto Sarale for a big hug. Sarale laughs and hugs Karma back, as Vajor tenses to keep the two upright.


"I figured that would make you happy."

Aktlass sighs then looks at the aquarium with a face that proves his jealousy. Karma quickly turns back to look at Aktlass and sees his scowl of disapproval.


"Come on, Aktlass. I know you don't like him, but he's my brother. He's the first family I made on the mainland."


"I know... that doesn't mean I have to like him. Besides, we don't need to do much to help him since Sarale will be the one convincing her dad here to help."


"I don't think it'll take much convincing. Sardan is kinda a softie, at least he is when it comes to me. He's been that way since I met him."

Aktlass stands and stretches out his arms with a few cracks before going to the door.


"That's not my concern but fine."

Karma quickly stands and takes his hand to follow him.


"Hey, come on. there's no need to be so jealous of him."

Aktlass looks at Karma confused for a moment then thinks about the word.


"Jealous??? What do you mean, jealous? of what?"


"... well, you're upset that his name kept coming up right?"


"Hearing his name annoys me, yes."


"and you've been fussy the whole time we've been talking about the info he gave us despite how helpful it was."


"Karma, what is your point?"


"see!? you're mad now! and I didn't even praise the guy at all. I kept saying he's like a brother to me. That's different from what I feel for you. and also different for what I feel for Vajor. But! It's similar to what I feel for Sarale. I see her as my sister. you see where I'm going with this?"

Aktlass visibly looked more relaxed and relieved hearing Karma's explanation.


"... I see... What do you feel for me then? if it's so different?"


"Uh… H-how do I explain that one??"


"I~ think Karma's trying to tell you they love you, Aktlass, as more than a friend, or a sibling. More like a mate?"

Aktlass' eyes widen at her words and his lower lip hangs open a bit then looks at Karma. Karma looks back at him then rolls their eyes, glancing at Sarale.


"... I mean she's not wrong..."


"No, she's not. So Aktlass, how do you feel about Karma?"

Aktlass looks between everyone before ripping a scale off his face, making himself tear up from the stinging, sticking out his tongue with hiss.


"JESUS! what was that for!?"


"making sure I'm awake. I see now.... I see..."

Aktlass looks down at the floor now lost in thought.


"y-you okay? you look kind of lost."


"hm? oh. right... Mate... Like Vajor and Sarale??"


"uh... yeah? basically?"





Vajor stares at Sarale and chuckles at her red face and ears. Aktlass yanks another scale from his cheek and this one made him cringe from the pain.


"STOP THAT!! Oh my god!!"

Sarale shrugs out from under Vajor's arm and walks towards Aktlass, still bright red and squeaky.


"You really should stop."

She raises her hands to heal his scales as an excuse to cover up her embarrassment. Aktlass looks at Sarale and sees her face red like a rose then flicks his tongue again with a rattled hiss.


"... we should go. I'm sure it's late now." he says.


"... eh, true. Night guys. we can finally get some real sleep for a change."

Karma stretches then yawns as they open the door.


"No, wait, you're just leaving like that? But, please don't leave me."

Sarale glances back at Vajor's smug expression and hides her face.


"Come on now dove. Let tha newly weds 'ave their fun."


"yeah and we'll let you engaged lovebirds have your fun too."

Karma grabs Aktlass's hand and drags him out the room.



Sarale covers her face with her hands and squeaks, while Vajor's laughter can be heard from down the hall.