
All is Fun With Deathclaws

"The Minutemen." Preston chuckled at Echo's question and turned to Dylan, taking about something with him. She turned them out and started walking around the room, looking at everything. 'This must've been the office or something.'

She watched as Nate started talking to some of the others. She stood by the door and waited patiently to see what Dylan had been talking about.

Echo glanced up just as Dylan had started walking in her direction after taking to the elder lady.

"So, what's the game plan?"

Dylan stared at her for a moment before shaking his head a bit, "Power Armor. There's one up on the roof, I have to go get it and help them clear the raiders out."

"Ok... I'll help. I'm a good sniper." She kicked herself up from the wall, their gazes meeting as they stared at each other.

"Doesn't seem like I get a say in the matter so let's go." Dylan sighed and started walking out the door to the left of them. She followed after him, readying her new laser rifle.

The two made their way onto the roof after Dylan went back to get the fusion core. She walks to the edge of the building, ducking behind the small wall and reloaded the rifle. She looks over the wall and inspects the landscape before her, prepared to fire at any raiders.

Dylan walked over with the machine gun in hand which caused a raider to tell to someone. Must be calling to their leader. She thought as she pulled a headshot at the one on the rooftop across from them. She started shooting at some on the ground as well while Dylan jumped down from the roof and unleashed Hell on the raiders.

She paused and watched as a storm grate started rumbling. She could hear roars coming from it and soon this giant mutated chameleon looking creature bursts up from the ground, killing some raiders near it.

"Dylan!" She called out panicked for her friend.

"It's alright Echo, cover me!" He yelled back in a modulated voice due to the power armor.


She sighed and ran back inside after the whole fighting ordeal was done. She grouped up with the survivors and went downstairs with them to the main entrance of the once museum.

She looked up just as Dylan came back inside, she sighed in relief when she saw he was ok.

"So..." Echo finally spoke after they were outside and making their way back to sanctuary, "What was that thing?"

"That's a Deathclaw sweet cheeks." A man, she came to know as Sturges, spoke up.

She nods, a little creeped out by the nickname but brushed it off, "mm, all is fun with deathclaws I guess."