

February 27th, 2022

The town was more city-like than Novus Dandé was. High arched Victorian style buildings were packed together surrounding a busy city street. We found an inn almost immediately upon entering the city—it's name was Novus Callus. Klein paid for two rooms when we arrived, but we all trundled upstairs together. I knew we should regroup so I offered to all meet in one. They agreed, so we all went up the stairs and headed inside when we found our door.

I found a seat in a chair on the far end of the room. Klein placed Sam down on the bed and stretched, relieved of holding the sleeping child. Aria sat on the edge of the bed, looking back to make sure Sam was okay before she did.

"Have you heard back from Gregor?" I asked.

He shook his head, and I took a deep breath in response. "Damn. What do you think happened?"

"I don't know. He could be asleep. That's always a possibility."

"Something just isn't sitting right with me," I said.

"I agree. I think we should prepare ourselves before we head out for the next floor. New equipment, new gear. We're going to need to be on our A game."

I nodded, "That sounds good."

Something strange caught my eye behind Aria. Sam's body looked to be...flickering. "Uh, Aria, is Sam okay?" I asked.

She furrowed her brow and then turned around. "W-what?" She slid over to him and tried to place a hand on him, but it went right through to the sheets. "I don't understand."

"Sam's not real," Klein said.

I looked to him, a sinking feeling in my chest. "What do you mean?"

He smiled, like every other one of his smiles. "He's a fake, a sham, a trick, a program and nothing but. Meant to lure, deceive, and otherwise trick. There's no longer any reason to do so, so he's gone. Really it is that simple." He stood up, stretching once more and placing his hands behind him.

"Klein, what the fuck are you talking about? This isn't funny,' I said.

He looked to me. "No, it's not particularly funny, but then again it wasn't really intended to be. That feeling inside of you that's building? It's right."

"So, you're him?"

Klein smiled again. He tapped his foot on the ground as if impatient, but his face said that he could do this all day. Slowly I started to see changes form in his facial features—what I had known as Klein had completely disappeared from his face. It melted away—growing older and we were face to face with a man that I didn't recognize. He had hazel eyes and short, blond hair. He cocked his head, "You can call me Jack." He walked over to me, looking down. "I have been looking for you for some time. I am glad to know that no time was wasted."

"Me?" I asked. "What...do you mean? And what the hell do you think you're doing keeping us in this game? This is you, right?"

"Yes, this land is of my will. I care very little for how much you understand of it. My purpose under the name Klein was simply to confirm a theory. I have, and will now be taking my leave."

"Leave? Oh fuck no buddy," I stood up—nearing his face. "We found you. You're letting everyone out of here."

His lips pursed. "Well, you didn't find me if I revealed myself," he held his arms up theatrically. "And I don't think I shall. But, you tried. And in the end it may not matter, but you can take some solace in the fact that it was a solid attempt."

"Well, that was your mistake," I said. We've got you cornered in this room."

Jack's face lit up, "Do you actually think I'd be so foolish to leave myself defenseless? This body here is an extension of my own will. You can try to kill it if you would like, but I exist separate. You would gain nothing and lose much. Do you still dare to try?"

I gritted my teeth. "You bastard! You son of a bitch!"

"Language, Andrew. I would have thought your mother would have taught you better." It felt like a rod was jammed up my spine. He looked at me with incredulity. "Oh, yes I know all about you. Didn't I say? I was looking for you." He smiled at my horror and stood up tall. "Well, if that's all then I'll be taking my leave. If you're so penchant, you can try to find me. Keep climbing your ladder, boy, and you just might find what you're looking for. If not, then enjoy this world I've built as long as you can. It'll be my greatest gift to you." He turned to Aria, looked at her softly, and then grinned. "You made a wise decision staying still. Your life is spared."

"You think I believe your crock?" She asked. "Hardly."

He turned a curious look toward her. "Well, not as wise as I initially guessed."

Aria drew out her bow and fired an arrow. It soared through Klein, who grinned but didn't move.

"You just don't understand, but that's okay. It'll click in time."

"What do you want?" I asked. This seemed to surprise him, he turned from her to me. "You obviously want something—you said to find me? What? Is it to kill me? Why are you here?"

"Kill you? It's hardly that simple. Why..." He walked over to me, throwing out an arm and grasping my throat in an instant. I felt his cold grip seal around my neck. "I could do that right now." He dropped me onto the floor. "I could have done it back when we first met, or when you fainted after Eldon died. My goal isn't to kill you, Andrew. But don't be mistaken, you won't make it out of this game alive—my goals don't guarantee your safety." Without another word he vanished from our view as if he never existed.

Neither one of us said anything to each other. I think it was because we were too shocked at what happened, but I think I was just too scared at what could happen. I sat next to her on the bed, and slowly we climbed on top and sat on top of the covers.

"Did...that just happen?" Aria broke the silence.


"So I was right when I suggested he was behind it all."


"I...don't think I suggested it seriously."

"I know."

"What do we do now?"

It took me a while to answer. I stared up at the ceiling as my mind replayed the events that had just happened. So much death has happened because of this one man. So...much.

"I don't think that our plans change," I said, finally.

She looked over towards me. "We still go for gold?"

"We go for gold," I nodded. She smiled and closed her eyes. I followed suit and let everything else wash over me.