


  Chapter 121 Flying Monster (First update!)

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian huddled together in a corner, quietly waiting for the enrollment process to be over.

  As time went by, more and more people came into the tent, all of them were young men with the eighth or ninth level of fighting spirit.

  Of course, there weren't many.

  There were many people queuing outside, but only a few could get through.

  It is rare to reach the eighth level of fighting spirit at the age of eighteen in Wutan City.

  Since Su Yun and Xiao Yixian were the first to arrive.

  This also led to their cultivation not causing a sensation in the outside world.

  Only Ruolin and the old students knew about it.

  This situation made Su Yun quite satisfied.

  After the enrollment is over, they will soon leave the Gama Empire and head to the outer courtyard of Canaan Academy.

  The news that a young fighting spirit had emerged in Wutan City had nowhere to spread.

  As for causing a stir in Canaan Academy, there was nothing that could be done about it.

  After a while, a familiar figure appeared in the tent.

  This was a beautiful girl with round and slender legs.

  Su Yun was a little surprised. This girl was Xiao Yu.

  Su Yun subconsciously looked at the sexy legs.

  Tsk, they were longer.

  Su Yun was a little surprised.

  With this aura, has Xiao Yu already broken through to the fighter?

  Thinking of the Qi Gathering Powder that the eldest elder of the Xiao family had asked for her, she felt a little relieved.

  Generally speaking, the ninth level of fighting aura requires a long time of preparation to break through to the fighter and condense the fighting aura.

  The deeper the fighting spirit in the body, the greater the probability of condensing the fighting spirit cyclone.

  So at this stage, it is often necessary to cultivate for a long time to make the fighting spirit in the body invisible, so as to increase the success rate.

  But it is different with the Qi Gathering Powder. As long as the fighting spirit is stabilized at the ninth stage, it is qualified to condense the fighting spirit cyclone.

  Don't you see, Xiao Yan is like this. When he reached the ninth stage of fighting spirit, he relied on the Qi Gathering Powder and broke through again a few days after breaking through, becoming a fighter.

  Even if Xiao Yu did not break through to the fighter as fast as Xiao Yan, he should have saved a lot of time.

  Otherwise, it would take much longer to break through to the fighter.


  The little medical fairy in Su Yun's arms snorted lightly, expressing his dissatisfaction.

  Su Yun quickly came back to his senses. His girlfriend was still in his arms, but he kept staring at other girls. This was not a good habit.

  Su Yun gently touched Xiao Yixian's delicate cheek and rubbed her ears, which made her calm down.

  This girl's temper came and went quickly.

  It's easy to satisfy her.

  Su Yun's heat came from her face, and a blush appeared on Xiao Yixian's face. She turned to look at the woman Su Yun had just looked at.

  What long legs.

  Xiao Yixian always couldn't help comparing the women that her sweetheart cared about.

  Su Yun's arms were around Xiao Yixian's willow waist, stroking her flat belly through her clothes, and his fingers slightly pressed it down. He whispered in her ear and talked about what happened in Wutan City before.

  The little medical fairy felt Su Yun's mischievous hands, and felt a little shy in her heart, but she still let Su Yun do it. She

  put her little ear close to Su Yun's mouth and listened carefully to Su Yun's words.

  After a while, the little medical fairy nodded obediently, knowing what happened, and put her little mouth close to Su Yun's ear.

  She bit Su Yun's earlobe lightly, and her clever little tongue stretched out slightly, and a tingling feeling came faintly.

  Su Yun was teased and felt a little itchy.

  This girl, I don't know where she learned these moves, she is so good at it, it makes people unable to stop.

  Because the two were in the corner, from the perspective of others, the little medical fairy was just whispering in Su Yun's ear.

  After half an echo, water stains remained on Su Yun's bloodshot ears.

  The little doctor licked her bright red lips with her tongue and whispered in Su Yun's ear.

  "Brother, can you promise Xian'er that you won't look at other girls in front of her in the future?   

  Even if Xian'er doesn't say it, she will feel uncomfortable in her heart. "

  "Then it's okay if Xian'er is not around?"

  Hearing this, Xiao Yixian's rosy face immediately puffed up.

  "Men are not good things, and brother is the same. When Xian'er is not around, he will definitely peek!"

  Su Yun heard this, a little embarrassed, and suddenly remembered that he had seen Queen Medusa naked in the Tagore Desert before. He couldn't help feeling guilty and smiled awkwardly.

  Seeing this, Xiao Yixian rolled her eyes cutely and said softly.

  "Xian'er promises brother that she will never walk with other men and will not have any contact with other opposite sexes. Whether brother is around or not.

  Xian'er loves brother very much, and Xian'er will take brother's feelings seriously.

  But brother, please try to consider Xian'er, okay.

  Every time she knew that her brother had contact with other women, Xian'er couldn't control the discomfort in her heart.

  If her brother knew that Xian'er had contact with other men, he would not feel good either. "

  Xiao Yixian's gentle words were a little pleading.

  Su Yun felt warm in his heart and hugged Xiao Yixian tightly in his arms.

  Everything was unspoken

  . It was very sci-fi that a girl could talk to this extent.

  The most important thing between couples is to talk openly.

  In this regard, Xiao Yixian did much better than him.

  Xiao Yu on the side also noticed the two people in the corner.

  It was not a woman's sixth sense that sensed that the two were discussing themselves.

  It was that the two people were incompatible with the environment in the tent.

  There was no one near the corner where they were, and basically no one dared to approach.

  Follow Ruolin The students who came here knew how terrifying Su Yun was, so they naturally didn't dare to get too close

  to him. As for the freshmen who had just passed the assessment, when Ruolin registered them, she also specifically told them not to get close to there.

  Xiao Yu was naturally no exception.

  This was also one of the reasons why Xiao Yu looked over.

  Hmm, a couple who took the back door?

  Xiao Yu observed the seniors who led the freshmen, with a hint of fear in his eyes, but it didn't seem like it.

  Unable to figure it out, he no longer paid attention to the two of them, and found a place to wait quietly.

  The enrollment lasted until the evening and finally ended.

  Ruolin looked at the two people in the corner with a gentle voice.

  "Okay, the enrollment is over, and you can go back.

  In seven days, the flying monsters of the academy will arrive in Wutan City, so remember to come then. "

  Good students have privileges.

  These two precious kids are the key to her promotion to the Xuan-level instructor, so she naturally takes care of them.

  Otherwise, when they get to the academy, they will be snatched away by other teachers, and she will have nowhere to cry.

  Su Yun nodded and left with the little medical fairy.

  Seven days later, the two came to the gathering place.

  Ruolin waved to them not far away.

  The two walked up to Ruolin.

  Looking at the two people who looked like a golden boy and a jade girl, Ruolin's eyes flashed a smile.

  "Let's go."

  The two followed Ruolin to the flying monster.

  As for the other freshmen, she handed them over to other students.

  The Gama Empire is very far away from Canaan Academy.

  Even for a master fighter, it would probably take at least half a year to walk there.