

  After a while, the aura of the two beasts had obviously weakened. The

  two-headed ice dog was panting, its breath shrinking, and it was obvious that it was a little overwhelmed.

  The Amethyst Wing Master King seized the opportunity and pierced the two-headed ice dog's body with its sharp horns again. The

  two-headed ice dog fell to the ground, raising a huge cloud of dust on the ground.

  Seeing this, the Amethyst Wing Master King also lay on the ground.

  Its horn pierced the vital part of the two-headed ice dog, but it also struggled and was seriously injured.

  The Amethyst Wing Lion King felt the injuries on his body.

  Thinking of the other Amethyst Wing Lion King who was still living in the cave, and its child.

  It was all worth it.

  As the thought flashed through his mind, he suddenly felt his eyelids fighting.

  Am I going to die...

  The huge lion head of the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King drooped down powerlessly.

  Right now!

  Seeing this, Su Yun immediately came out of the system space.

  He used the Purple Cloud Wings and poured his fighting spirit into it like crazy.

  A sonic boom sounded in the air above the Monster Mountain Range, and the strange thing was that in the air, there was nothing except the white clouds torn into strips by the aftermath.

  Su Yun was very close to the two beasts, and in just half a minute, Su Yun came to the side of the two beasts.

  "System, recover the body of the Amethyst Winged Lion King!"

  "Ding, the Amethyst Winged Lion King has been detected dead, recovered successfully."

  "Recover the body of the Ice Two-Headed Dog!"

  "Ding, the Ice Two-Headed Dog has been detected dead, recovered successfully."

  The mechanical voice of the system emerged in Su Yun's mind. At this moment, he felt that this was simply the sound of nature, the most beautiful music in the world.

  Suddenly, Su Yun's eyes flashed, and there was a monster in the distance rushing towards this direction!

  A fifth-level monster!

  It was the three-headed fifth-level monster in this Monster Mountain Range!

  Su Yun did not hesitate, and instantly activated the Purple Cloud Wings, raising a large amount of dust on the ground and swept into the air.

  Using the Purple Cloud Wings at full power, Su Yun flew out of the Monster Mountain Range.

  The Purple Cloud Wings at full power were so fast that they could rival the speed of the Wind Fighting King.

  In the Tagore Desert, even Yun Yun had to rely on his body movements and fighting skills to catch up. Su Yun

  grabbed a handful of Qi-restoring pills from the system space and stuffed them into his mouth. Feeling the crazy consumption of fighting spirit in his body, Su Yun was a little sweaty.

  This thing is fast, but the consumption of fighting spirit is not low at all.

  Now he is still maintaining the Mysterious Shadow Art, and while using the Purple Cloud Wings at full power, he doesn't know if the fighting spirit in his body can allow him to fly out of the Monster Mountain Range.

  At this time, in Su Yun's soul perception, a powerful wind blade attacked him from the ground.

  Su Yun's face changed, so fast.

  It was too late. The speed of the Purple Cloud Wing was so fast that he couldn't control his body from turning under this inertia!

  Su Yun's heart moved, and he returned to the system space before the wind blade hit him.

  Su Yun put away the Purple Cloud Wing and cast the Flame Shield in the system space.

  After rolling on the ground for several circles, Su Yun finally stopped.

  Su Yun stood up, tidied his clothes, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and observed the outside world from the system space.

  Fierce Wind Tiger, it is a fifth-level Fierce Wind Tiger!

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows, a gentleman's revenge is never too late.

  It is no exaggeration to say that with his strength, ten of him can kill this fifth-level Fierce Wind Tiger!

  Su Yun smiled embarrassedly and gave up the idea of ​​revenge now.   

  His moral bottom line is very flexible, and he can switch between a villain and a gentleman at any time.

  In the Monster Mountain Range, a trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the Fierce Wind Tiger.

  In its perception, the invisible ghost thing should be in that direction.

  But how did its wind blade go straight through?

  The Fierce Wind Tiger and the other two level five monsters confronted each other on the ground.

  However, they had no intention of fighting each other.

  It is normal for monsters to devour each other's corpses.

  They just sensed that the breath of the Amethyst Winged Lion King and the Ice Two-Headed Dog had all disappeared, so they came out to pick up the leak.

  But now someone has got there first, so they naturally have no reason to fight.

  At this time, a weak and sad roar came from a cave.

  The three level five monsters looked at each other, and immediately left the place and returned to their own habitats.

  Su Yun observed all the movements in the Monster Mountain Range.

  After the battle, many monsters came out to move again, including some level four monsters.

  But he no longer had any plans to fight.

  The purple fire extracted from the body of this Purple Crystal Wing Master King was enough for him to break through the Fighting Spirit.

  Su Yun swallowed some more Qi-restoring pills in the system space.

  After a period of sitting cross-legged and practicing, he restored the fighting spirit in his body, performed the Purple Cloud Wings and the Phantom Technique, and reappeared above the Monster Mountain Range.

  Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief. Although he did not achieve his original goal, fortunately the result was good.

  He even got two sixth-level magic cores for free!

  Su Yun had an impulse to upgrade "Burning Cold Art" immediately.

  The sixth-level magic core, it can directly upgrade "Burning Cold Art" to a high-level earth-level technique!

  But then, Su Yun suppressed this impulse.

  Although the high-level earth-level technique is good, it is not suitable for him now.

  In fact, the original book vaguely revealed two points.

  First, when Xiao Yan's talent was restored and he broke through the fighter again with the help of Yao Lao, Xiao Xun'er provided Xiao Yan with a volume of fire-attributed techniques, the Xuan-level high-level technique "Playing with Flame Technique".

  Second, when Xiao Yan was in Canaan Academy, he got the earth-level intermediate technique "Nine-Layer Phoenix Fire Art" in the treasure house and gave it to Xiao Xun'er. After Xiao Xun'er received it, she said it was just right for transition.

  These two points actually reveal a message.

  When the cultivation is not high, it is better not to practice too high a technique, otherwise the cultivation speed will be too fast, the foundation will not be solid, and it will be stuck when reaching a certain realm.

  When Xiao Yan broke through the fighter, Yao Lao gave him a volume of earth-level low-level techniques and "Burning Art"

  out of this consideration.

  Even if Xiao Yan was sucked of his fighting spirit by Yao Lao for three years, his foundation was extremely solid, and there was a three-year agreement in front of him, and he urgently needed to improve his strength, Yao Lao only gave him a low-level earth-level technique.

  Now his "Burning Cold Art" is already a high-level Xuan-level technique, which is not low in the Jiama Empire.

  After swallowing the Green Lotus Earth Core Fire, it will evolve into a low-level Earth-level technique.

  Therefore, there is no need to directly evolve into a high-level Earth-level technique. Only

  when the foundation is solid can a skyscraper be built.

  With this thought, Su Yun came to his senses, activated the Purple Cloud Wings, and flew out of the Monster Mountain Range.

  Speaking of the technique, Su Yun remembered something in his mind.

  Xiao Yan, this kid, broke through to the fighter ahead of time because of the Qi Gathering Powder. After two months of practice, he has the cultivation level of a two-star fighter. I'm afraid he practiced the "Flame Art" given by Xiao Xun'er.

  Xiao Yan's talent is indeed not bad, but if he practiced the Xiao family's Huang-level advanced technique "Refining Fire Burning", he would not be able to practice it so quickly.