

  Chapter 136 Fire Energy Hunting Competition (First Update!)

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian arrived at the venue, and the rest of the people were basically in place. After seeing the two, they all turned their eyes to look at them.

  There was a bit of awe in their curious eyes.

  When it was the last round to decide the top five of this session, they were also watching in the stands, and they all saw Su Yun beating up Lin Xiuya.

  After another half an hour, everyone was there. Hu Qian took a quick look, counted the number of people, and began to lead the speech.

  "Dear students, today is the day to enter the inner courtyard..."

  A series of passionate words came out of Hu Qian's mouth. Obviously, this was not the first time he had done it, and he was very skilled.

  The students in the venue were all excited when they heard it, including Lin Xiuya and other top five of this session, and the expressions on their faces changed slightly.

  After half an hour, Hu Qian finally finished his words and started to get to the point.

  Su Yun also perked up a little.

  "The inner courtyard is the core of our Canaan Academy.

  It is very confidential, so few people know the exact location of the inner courtyard. So this time, our Canaan Academy's flying monster team will take you there."

  Everyone subconsciously looked up, and ten black shadows were circling in the sky. These were ten griffons.

  Su Yun and others came to Canaan Academy before, and they were also brought here by griffons.

  Hu Qian waved his hand slightly upwards, and ten griffons flew down one after another, stirring up a gust of wind on the ground and raising a huge dust.

  "Okay, everyone go up next, in groups of five."

  Su Yun put one hand on the slender waist of the Little Medical Fairy, and jumped onto the back of the Griffin Beast.

  After everyone got on the back of the Griffin Beast.

  Hu Qian's back moved slightly, and the fighting spirit wings emerged.

  The other two or three old men who were responsible for the safety of the students also shook their shoulders, and their fighting spirit turned into wings.

  Led by Hu Qian and four other academy strongmen, the ten Griffin Beasts followed closely behind.

  The Little Medical Fairy hugged Su Yun's arm, and the wind pressure made her feel a little uncomfortable.

  The Little Medical Fairy's body tilted slightly towards Su Yun, and her weight was on Su Yun.

  Then, a blush flashed across her pretty face.

  Su Yun felt the soft touch, without changing her expression.

  He sighed in his heart, actually he still felt a little regretful.

  But the biggest advantage of the girl is that she is strong and youthful, so they each have their own strengths.

  Su Yun placed his big hand on the little medical fairy's slender waist. The flying speed of this griffon beast is one of the best among the monsters of the same level, so he still has to be careful.

  Su Yun focused his eyes on the surrounding environment. There were mountains and jungles everywhere. If he was not familiar with the location of the inner courtyard, it would be difficult to find it.

  These griffon beasts probably fly between the inner and outer courtyards for a long time, otherwise they may not be able to remember the location.

  After arriving at an open space, Hu Qian and others stopped, and the griffon beasts also flapped their wings on the spot.

  Then Hu Qian performed a mysterious handprint, and then a silver gate emerged.

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

  There is also a concealed barrier, and the location of this inner courtyard is really hard to find.

  No wonder the Medicine King Han Feng had to wait until the Meteoric Heart Flame rioted before he came to the door.

  If it weren't for that huge energy that determined the location for him, it would probably take a lot of effort to find the location of the inner courtyard.

  After entering the gate, a group of dozens of people appeared in Su Yun's eyes.

  Several old and middle-aged people, and a group of students.

  Su Yun licked his dry lips.

  Next, the fire energy hunting competition will be held.

  If all the fire energy of these old students is snatched away, it should be possible to cultivate in the Tianfen Qi Training Tower for a long time.

  Su Yun and others got off the lion-griffon beast. Hu Qian talked to the old men for a few words, and then left with the lion-griffon beast.

  Then the two elders came to Su Yun and the others and began to talk about the fire hunting competition as Su Yun expected.

  One of the elders spoke.   

  "I am the elder of the inner courtyard. My last name is Su. You can call me Elder Su."

  Then Elder Su waved his hand, and a stack of black chips appeared in his hand, reminding them.

  "Catch it."

  After saying that, he waved his arm and threw the chips accurately to each person.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian caught them steadily.

  On the mirror of the chip, there was a big number five.

  Elder Su's voice came again. He

  began to explain the rules.

  Su Yun also listened carefully.

  Next, they need to enter the forest, and the young people before are the old students of the previous class of Canaan Academy, who will attack them in the forest.

  The purpose of these old students is the fire energy cards in their hands.

  What they need to do is to avoid the attacks of this group of people and reach the end smoothly. The end of the forest is the entrance to the inner courtyard.

  "You have one hour to enter the forest. After one hour, they will start hunting you.

  So, now, the fire hunting competition officially begins!"

  With the order of Elder Su, the freshmen rushed into the forest.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian looked at each other and followed into the forest.

  After the two walked in the forest for a while, Xiao Yixian couldn't help but look up at Su Yun, who looked relaxed.

  "Brother, what should we do next?

  Don't we have to avoid being hunted by those people?"

  Hearing this, Su Yun gently stroked Xiao Yixian's soft black hair with an inexplicable smile on his face.


  Who hunts who is up to you?"

  A trace of doubt and puzzlement flashed across Little Medical Immortal's face.

  Su Yun patiently explained to Little Medical Immortal.

  Those who hunted them were all old students from the previous year. After entering the inner courtyard and undergoing a year of training, they were indeed quite powerful, and the worst of them were at the level of a great fighter.

  But for him, it was not enough. He had just used the system's scanning function to find out their background. The strongest ones were only two one-star fighting spirits.

  Such power was just a toy in his hands.

  "This black crystal card in our hands is called a fire crystal card, and the number displayed on it is called fire energy.

  The reason why the students in the inner courtyard of Canaan Academy can improve their cultivation so quickly is because of a device called the Heavenly Burning Qi Training Tower.

  Entering it to practice can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

  And to enter it, you need this fire energy as a fee."

  Upon hearing this, Xiao Yixian took out the pitch-black fire crystal card from her ring, and a flash of realization flashed across her face.

  "No wonder they looked at us with such fiery eyes just now, it turns out that the problem is here."

  Su Yun nodded and continued.

  "Let's not rush these days. We don't need to rush to the end so quickly.

  After those old students have collected all the fire energy of others, I will take action, defeat them, and seize the fire energy to maximize the benefits."

  Xiao Yixian was a little surprised when he heard this, and then a smile flashed across his face.

  "So brother has such intentions, brother is really bad~"

  Su Yun smiled. Then he took Xiao Yixian's hand and strolled in the forest, like a couple on a picnic.