
Quitted Project

alex_steve · Acción
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6 Chs

Chronicles Of Starboy

(From until Sinbad's return, the chapters will be short, but will be posted more frequently.)

[Arlette's POV]

I sat in the playground, bored and tired. Why was life so un-eventful, now that Sinbad was gone? Was he really that crucial in my life?

Despite being 15, I sat on the swings, tired and annoyed. It was the weekend, and students could leave campus. Mothers were staring at me but I ignored it. I was simply too bored.

I kicked a rock in frustration and to my surprise, it landed on some kid's forehead.

" Ah, sorry, kid! "

The kid turned around, rubbing his blonde hair. A tan, yellow-eyed boy with a previously joyous grin. It faded after I hit him.

" What's your problem, you witch! " he said, angrily. " Don't make me strike you! "

I was confused with the kid, until I noticed him wearing a cape. It was made from his bedsheets. There was a group of kids surrounding him, too.

" Don't get so snobby, you stupid kid. I'm already mad enough, and I don't want to beat up any kids, alright? "

" You couldn't scratch me, you witch! " he puffed his chest, smiling. All this to impress a few kids?

I pulled his ear, to which he responded with a whining.

" Okay, okay, sorry! I'm sorry! "

I let go.

" What's your name, kid? " I asked.

" Aiken. "

" Aiken, don't pull some stunt like that again. " "

" Yes ma'am! "

I sighed, in confusion. He was so evil a few seconds ago, and all of a sudden he's so obedient? Strange.

" But, don't call me Aiken. Call me... Starboy! "

" Huh? Why should I call you that? "

" That's my nickname.. that's why. I'm Starboy. "

" Starboy? What makes you Starboy? "

" Well, it's all in my ability. Take a look! "

He opened his palm. I excepted something lame, but to my surprise, it wasn't as lame as I expected. Yellow, bright energy started to glow from his hand.

" Oh. Then, I guess you really are Starboy? "

" Yup! I told you. "

" Is it supposed to be some... flashlight? "

" No, I can attack with it too. It's much better than you think. "

" Hm. You're interesting, kid. You remind me of someone I know. "

" Who? "

" You know any guy named... Sinbad? "

" Ah, you mean Sir Sin? "

What? Sir Sin? Did Sinbad have some secret history that I didn't know about?

" Sir... Sin? "

" Yeah, Sir Sin! The one who gave me this nickname. "

Ah, it makes sense now. Sinbad must've met this kid and seen his ability, then named him that. That makes much more sense, right?

" Well, I have another question for you. When have you seen... Sir Sin? "

" I saw him like.. 3 days ago? I think. He came to my tenth birthday. "

I was alarmed by this statement. Sinbad said he was going to leave 3 days ago, so he must've met with this kid before he went to wherever he was going.

" What did he say? "

" He told me to protect this town while he was gone. "

Huh? Ah, now it makes even more sense. Sinbad is just feeding this kid's delusions!