
Quitted Project

alex_steve · Acción
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6 Chs


The ticking clock was really hard against the little patience I had left. I slumped onto the desk, tired and annoyed. Detention again, after I had been falsely blamed for some prank my upperclassmen preformed.

I sighed, and looked at the clock. It ticked, and at that point, that was the only thing I heard. The slow, ticking. Was I being hallucinated? Then, I heard my voice.

" Sinbad Brune. You are dismissed back into class, " the detention observer said, completely monotone, with not even a speck of emotion in his voice. That was only because he had been shuffling through papers, or something like that. He probably wasn't even paying attention to me.

I stood up out of my seat, and walked out of the door, a little bit more happy that I was previously. Well, not for long, though.


A straight hit at my chin sent me back. I rubbed my lips, feeling a little bit of blood on it. Those one dry lips were freshened with the drip of blood.

" Sinbad, you seemed kind of happy, right? Don't you know that you should find me as soon as you leave? "

I looked up from the ground, seeing who it was. It was that ginger, with brown eyes piercing through me, and an intense smile of pure evil. That was Emil.

" I-I was just about to- "

He then kicked me in my gut, as I was on the floor. I clutched onto my stomach, trying to hold on to my consciousness to stay awake. His footsteps got closer to me, and he crouched down, trying to get as close to my face as possible.

" To the rooftop, Sinbad. Don't be late. "

A wave of complete fear had surged through the air, as people even around me had faces of fear. IT was his ability, Death Wave. It made me scared as shit.

He patted my back, giving me one more kick, sending me to the ground. I barely managed to crawl back up, tired and in pain. If I was late, I didn't know how much more pain I would go through.

As I reached the rooftop, there Emil was, with that devilish grin and two girls besides him. At that point, it made me wonder. How could such a prestigious school allow stuff like this to happen?

" Sinbad, you got here so fast, despite being injured! " he got closer to me, patting my back in a friendly manner. " But seriously though, I'd really like to apologize. "

" Just tell me what you want, Emil. "

" Seriously, Sinbad. I've really realized how wrong I had been, and I really hoped you could forgive me. "

Did he really think I could forgive him after years of bullying? But, maybe he truly had a change of heart.

" Alright, fine, Emil. I'll forgive you. "

" Alright, nice! But, now that we are friends, I have one favor of you. We look pretty similar, right? Both tan, and whatever. Just wear these contacts to hide those red eyes, and go to here. Tell them that your name is Emil, alright? "

We did not look very similar, it was a fullish statement. But, I grabbed the brown eyed contacts and the paper he had given me. Maybe, if I fulfilled what he told me to do, we would become better friends?

I snuck out of school, wanting to get it done quick. The location he had given me led to some place under a popular bridge, that was commonly used.

Out of no where, about 15 boys had appeared.

" Ah, the famous Emil! You're finally here!" the said, smiling brightly. There was a hint of evil in that smile, though.

I was walking up to them to go and shake their hand or something, but it seems they had a different idea.

A punch was presented to my face, sending me back.

" The Brute of Avael Boarding School was weaker than I thought! " the boy smiled, going in for another punch while I was still down. I tried to cover my face to block all the hits coming towards me, but there were too many people, and I was overpowered.

My consciousness was starting to fade away. If I just went to sleep now, I wouldn't feel the pain, right? But if stayed awake, I'd be able to see every single face that dared to harm me.

A kick to my head destroyed my train of thought. It was pitiful. They didn't even want to use their ability against me.

Fucking pitiful, damn it!

My will to stay awake faded, and I felt my head bang onto the concrete floor.

. . . . .

. . . .

. . .

. .


" Oi, wake up. " I felt a tap to my head. Where was I? I felt at my face, and a stain of blood was all over it. I remembered. I remembered how weak I was. How powerless I was. I couldn't help but cry, it was so pitiful.

" This bastard is crying after such a simple touch? " the boy continued to tap at my head.

" Ah, sorry! "

I was quick to get up, and look at the boy. A tan skinned boy with dark green eyes, and hands in her pockets. His hair was dark black and fairly short, going down and stopping a little bit above his jaw.

" Me and my buddy Marco were going to have fun here, but we didn't expect to see some.. wimp? "

I looked behind him, and there was another boy there, a tall one to be specific. He was pale, with black hair stopping right at his shoulders. Not straight her, but kind of curly hair, I suppose? He had a gloomy look, and dark black eyes.

" S-sorry! I'll be on my way. "

I bowed and went on, trying to hide my gaze.

" Wait, boy, " he grabbed my hand. " Why are you so battered up? "

I explained to him, and he sighed, scratching his head.

" Throw a punch, boy. "

" My name is.. Sinbad. "

" Okay, Sinbad. Throw a punch. "

I raised up a guard and threw a flimsy punch. He grabbed my hand right after dodging it, and slammed me into the ground. Weakly, I got up.

" You still have a lot to do. Come to my school, Sinbad. I'm Alberto. My dad's the owner of the school, so just come with me, alright? "