
Quitted Project

alex_steve · Acción
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6 Chs

A Quest to Strength

Sinbad walked, heavily bandaged and in crutches. It turns out that the beating had been more severe than anticipated. Sinbad did not feel as much pain since he got knocked out early.

" You don't have to walk me everywhere, Arlette, " Sinbad sighed. Arlette was guiding his every movement.

" We have all the same classes. Doesn't it make sense that I should help you? It'll take around 2 nurse trips to heal, and we can only go every week. "

" We? You mean... me? "

" Ah, same thing. Stop whining, let's go to class already. "

Sinbad sighed and continued walking until he bumped into someone.

" Hey, can't you see that we're walking here, Marco? " Arlette raised her fist, angrily.

" Ah, my bad- Sinbad? "

" Marco? "

It was that boy that had been with Alberto when he had first met him.

" Ah, Sinbad. Do you know her? " Marco asked.

" Uh... yeah? " Sinbad answered.

" That's my sister. I'm surprised you could get along with such a terror, " he joked.

" Ah, shut up, Marco. Why are you here, aren't you supposed to be on a field trip? " Arlette whined, asking.

" They didn't let me in for my bad behavior. But it's good that I'm seeing you here, Sinbad. I still remember that promise I made to you. "

" Ah, right. "

" Follow me, Sinbad. "

Marco grabbed Sinbad's wrist.

" Hey! " Arlette stopped Marco from moving. " What do you think you're doing? He's injured, you can't take him anywhere."

Sinbad stared at Arlette and then smiled.

" I'll be alright, Arlette. It's something I need to do. "

Arlette sighed and looked down at the floor.

" Sinbad, you've been injured enough. I wasn't able to protect you last time, and I don't know what my brother will do to you this time. Can't you just stay? "

Arlette pulled at his sleeves, clinging onto his face.

Sinbad covered his hand with his face, flustered from the gesture.

" Alright.. alright! I'll stay. "

Marco shook his head after he had said this.

" Alright, fine. I'll teach you at a separate time But, don't come for me once you get beaten again. Alright? "

Marco left with his hands in his pocket, swaying side to side. Once he was far enough, Arlette smiled.

" I'm surprised you didn't go, Sinbad. After all, wasn't he going to train you, to become stronger? "

" You knew? Who told you? " Sinbad asked.

" He did. But, don't worry, Sinbad. You don't have to become strong, because I'll always be there to protect you, from now on. Well, I'll at least try, alright? "

She had her hands behind her back, which looked pretty sinister. Even her smile looked a little bit evil, but to Sinbad, it was different.

" Well, thanks for that, Arlette. Ever since I got here, you've been such good help to me. "

On instinct, he stretched his hand out and placed it on her head.

She jumped a little bit, reacting to the touch.

" Huh..? What the hell, Sinbad? "

" Uh- Ah! Sorry, it was instinct! You were being so nice to me, it just.. happened? "

" It's... it's alright! Just don't do it in a hallway, with all these people! " Arlette grabbed Sinbad's hand, moving it down.

" A-okay! " Sinbad was about to say something else, but he switched up early.

" By the way, Sinbad, put your number in my phone. So that, I can talk to you whenever I need to. "

" Okay. "

. . . .

. . .

. .


Sinbad walked to the dorms, a little happy, but still a little weak from the last beating. On his way to the dorms, a certain boy had met with him.

" So, Sinbad. Are you ready? "

" Yeah, I think I'm ready, Marco. "