
Chapter 2: Hell Week(s)

2 weeks had passed since the track meet and the bullying continued except they had new content to use, Insults such as Lock Tight, Slick Feet, and my favorite Trash, just Trash, no creativity.

I had gotten to a point where i can activate it about twice in a row before my legs completely seize up, Luckily my recovery period shortened too about 40 minutes now. I can do it between classes or on my lunch break. Now, the real question is how am i gonna get ready to enroll into UA when I'm in the U.S. and how am i gonna finish my Japanese in 4 ish months, school lets out in a week and i got to have the talk with my parents about it, but that's a conversation for tonight now, if I'm gonna be a hero i gotta find a way to use my skill in combat while still being able to fight, I've always wanted to try kickboxing but a new Muay Tai gym opened at the mall last month, I didnt check it out because i was focusing solely on my Track meet. Well, there's place to start, Ill head there when i get out of school.

----4 p.m.----

I arrived gasping for air with legs that felt like lead, it took me 20 minutes to get here while obeying Quirk law, I may not have one but no officer is gonna believe that after seeing a middle schooler run 35 mph down the street. I began walking towards the gym to see it completely empty with a single man cleaning the mats while singing a tune i remember hearing but couldn't remember it. As i walked in the man stopped singing when he saw me and went to the back office only to shut the door and asked me to wait for 5 minutes.

*Well i got nothing better to do*

I thought to myself as i walked around looking and the punching bags and the training dummies along the wall.

I thought *what the heck*

As I squared up against a bag and threw my right leg with all the force of Limit Removal when it was stopped only for my left leg to slip out from underneath me causing me to fall on the sparring mat. By the time i looked up i saw the Man from before holding my leg while squinting at me, he let go of my leg giving me enough time to stand up before asking

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I was waiting for you when i saw it and wanted to try it." Said Mike

"Did you not read the sign on the bag, its 130 lbs, if you threw a kick at that speed with no bone training you shins would break on impact, i just saved your family 4 months of medical fee's, you should be tanking me." Said the Man

"Uhh, thanks i guess?" Said Mike

"Huuh, I guess that works, now why did you come hear, surely it wasn't to break you shin?"

"I'm currently training my quirk-less body to be able to stand up against quirk based attacks so i don't get 1-hit KO'd"

"Why? If your quirk-less you should know you stand no chance against a speed or strength based quirk, hell a support quirk could probably beat you by sheer combat experience alone." Said the Man

"I thought that too until recently, I was at a track meet and I was in 4th place, when I had given up I saw myself hanging from a rope when a hand reached down and pulled me up and without even thinking about it my breathing changed, i started ramming air into my lungs when suddenly my legs felt like springs exploding with every compression, i reached up-to 35 mph before my legs cramped due to too much Lactic Acid buildup." As i was speaking i saw the Man's face go from skepticism to complete shock then anger.

"What the fuck!" the Man yelled "Ive been training all my life and some snot nosed brat beats me too it!"

"Are you ok?" Asked Mike

*This guy is clearly not sane, i should leave" Mike thought as he walked towards the door only to feel what felt like a piece of steel grab his shoulder.

"You said you wanted to get stronger right?" Said the Man "If you stay hear and let me teach you I can get you in fighting form in 1 year and teach you about what you did at the track meet, Deal?"

"Yeah, but i don't got a year, I'm trying for UA in 4 months, so that's the best i can do." Said Mike while trying to escape the Man's grip.

"UA, what a load of garbage, you think that's a goal to aim for, if you train under me then anything on that level would be a piece of cake. Just think about it, even quirks take time to recover, but your strength isn't quirk based, its completely human, something you just have to get used too, image if you could maintain you strength for 24 hours a day while also being at a new level of speed that would make current you look like a toddler learning to run."

"Look, I'm down to train but those words better be true, if i don't see those results withing 2 months I'm leaving to go train for UA." Said Mike while trying to think of an excuse to leave.

"Then we start next week, meet me at 18 Yates St. at 8 A.m. Saturday mornin--" Said the Man as the door shut on him.

----5:30 P.m.----

I was meet with Fire & Fury from my mom when i got home, the usual "Where have you been?" and "School let out at 3, what took you so long?" but without even thinking my mind went blank and into auto pilot mode, answering with "I'm Sorry, it wont happen again." and "I'll tell you at dinner." before i walked off only to pass out in the shower.

----30 Minutes Later----

"So, I've started to train my legs to be able to handle the strength they put out, and I was wondering if i could start a MMA before trying out for UA? Now I know its risky, but if I want to stand a chance in the hero world ill need to be able to defend myself, I don't have strength or speed base quirk so i need to level the playing field abit." Said Mike in a persuading voice

"Are you Seriou--!" said Audrey before Tyler interrupted

"Are you kidding me?"

"Now I know dad, its dangerou--s" said Mike before Tyler interrupted (Again)

"That would be great, especially since it would take you mind off of track." Said Tyler while being stared down by Audrey.

"Honey, go to your room, your father and I need to have a talk."

Now, I knew when to listen to her and this was when, I didn't even make it up the stairs before my Father started getting scolded for agreeing with me.

*Well, i got confirmation, my mom wont try to stop me now that Dad agreed, that was one thing that i loved, but my Father wouldn't make that mistake again for at least a month.*

----1 Week Later, 8 A.m. Saturday----

*Maybe I shouldn't have come here, this guy might have a few screws loose. Welp, its too late since im already here.*

He thought while looking at the address he wrote down, then the trail that leads into the woods layed out in front of him. Then the shack on the mountain above.

*Well, they say "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" so i best get stepping.*

A mile later there was no sign of the trail ending, rather the shack seemed to have gotten farther away.

----2 Hours Later----

2 hours later he seemed to have arrived, gasping for air and on the verge of death, but arrived none the less, he was met with the shadow of a large man above him before collapsing on the ground grasping for air.