
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
63 Chs


Raiha was preparing dinner for her father and brother. She smiled as she remembered that Fuutarou was going to tutor for the first time today.

"Big bro must be working very hard right now. I'll cook some fried eggs for him! "



School had ended for the day. It was now time for Fuutarou to officially start his first day of tutoring. He made his way towards the address that Uncle Maruo texted him, but not before having a change of clothes. [Pic]

"I ain't showing up in this lame ass school uniform. I need to dress to impress, whatever good that does." Fuutarou whispered as he started running towards the address Uncle Maruo texted him.

He ran so fast, to the passersby, they felt a violent gust of wind pass by them. Women held down their skirts while a bald man had to hold on to his wig, preventing it from flying away.

He arrived in front of PENTAGON, a thirty-story super high-rise apartment. The Nakano quintuplets live on the thirtieth floor.

"Too rich for me, I prefer the home I live in better." Fuutarou whispered as he looked at the front door that was opened by someone. Before it could close, Fuutarou rushed inside and arrived in front of the elevator. The guards did not see anything, only feeling a violent gust of wind pass by them.

He arrived in front of the elevator and looked at the door beside it. "Stairs or elevator? Of course I'm taking the stairs. When have I ever taken the easy path?" Fuutarou whispered as he opened the door and whistled at the metallic stairs. Fuutarou who is the bored maniac that he is, ran thirty floors worth of stairs before he arrived at the thirtieth floor. And he wasn't the least bit tired from the run.

He walked towards the door that had the Nakano nameplate beside it. He didn't waste anymore time and knocked on the luxurious door.

*Knock Knock Knock!!*

"FBI open up...." Fuutarou whispered as he waited for one of the residents inside to open the door for him.

"Coming!" He smiled as he heard Yotsuba's shout from the other side of the door. He patiently waited as she approached the door.

'I should probably apologize to her for being out of line. But she kinda deserved it for kissing me out of nowhere all those years ago.' Fuutarou smiled and looked down at Yotsuba who opened the door just as he finished his musings.

Yotsuba's happy expression immediately turned into a shocked and flustered one. "U-U-Uesugi-san?! What are you doing here?! How did you figure out where I lived?" She asked with a blush. She still remembered what did back at the cafeteria second by second.

"Hey, Rena....Or should I say, Yotsuba. Didn't your dad tell you that you're going to have a tutor coming in today?"

Yotsuba was confused by Fuutarou's question. Then she widened her eyes and gasped, putting two and two together.

"No way! You're our tutor?!" Yotsuba shouted. Fuutarou grinned at her.

" Correct! Your dad called me yesterday. I'm happy to have the opportunity to teach you and your sisters. I'll be helping you and your sisters graduate with beautiful smiles on your faces. You can count on me, Yotsuba. I'll help turn that zero on your paper into an A." Fuutarou promised her with a determined expression on his face. He then did a Kabedon which is the action of slapping a wall fiercely, which produces the sound 'don'.

"Plus, this is the perfect time for us to catch up. You better give me a good explanation on why you kissed me back then, Yotsuba." Fuutarou smirked at her before entering the luxurious apartment, leaving a furiously blushing Yotsuba.

"Damn, this place makes my Rolex look like a G-Shock." Fuutarou whispered while looking at the Rolex on his left hand. He looted it straight from Kazutora's dad's hands and wore it till this day.

He still kept the car key to Kazutora's dad's BMV. The car was kept outside of his home, Kazutora and his mom basically handed it to him.

"Here's some water, Uesugi-san!" Yotsuba who had composed herself handed a glass of water to Fuutarou who thanked her and drank it all in one go.

"Where are your sisters?" He asked her as he noticed that the apartment was empty except for them being in the living room.

"They're upstairs in their room right now." She replied. Fuutarou smiled at her.

" Then let's go get them together. " Fuutarou said as he went to go up the stairs.

" Oh... okay.... " Yotsuba whispered to herself and followed him. Yotsuba actually wanted to spend some alone time with Fuutarou.

Call her selfish, but when you finally meet the love of your life after over 5 years, you kind of get the urge to reconnect with them.

"Hm...." Fuutarou hummed as he was faced with five doors. He turned to face Yotsuba who was standing beside him.

"Um.... Yotsuba? A little help here."

"Ah right! Starting from where we are, Itsuki, me, Miku, Nino and then Ichika. "

'Okay, I need to ask who's the oldest later.' Fuutarou thought before walking towards Itsuki's room.

"Cool cool..... Let's start with Itsuki. " Fuutarou smiled as he gently knocked on the door to Itsuki's room.

After a couple of seconds, Itsuki opened the door. As soon as she laid eyes upon the one who knocked, her face heated up to a color resembling a rose.

"U-U-Uesugi-kun?! W-W-What a-a-are- you doing here? Why are you in my home?!" Itsuki stuttered out while barely looking at Fuutarou who was smiling at her.

She was still somehow shaken up by Fuutarou calling her beautiful, not once, but twice! She even bragged to Nino about it the next day at lunch. But that was at school, now he was at her home.

'Wait, how does he even know I live here?!' Itsuki asked the question in her mind.

"It's good to see you again Itsuki. It looks like I'm going to be tutoring you and your sisters from now on. Small world, huh?" Fuutarou said as his smirk widened to immeasurable levels as Itsuki widened her eyes in disbelief.

" Eh!? Really?! You're gonna become our tutor?! You!?"

Fuutarou nodded at her question."Yup. Your father wanted the best so here I am. He gave me a call yesterday letting me know all of the specifics."

" You asked me yesterday to teach you. Well my answer is yes!! I will gladly teach you and your sisters and help you graduate!! " Fuutarou answered with a confident grin, making Itsuki smile warmly at him. Yotsuba pouted at him.

'Hey. I'm right here ya know.' Yotsuba thought in her mind. Itsuki looked down and smiled.

"Wow...It's a lot to take in. It's amazing how you happened to be the one that Dad hired to tutor us. You know, I was expecting a stranger that we had no knowledge of and who was only really interested in getting a paycheck. But I'm glad that it's you, Uesugi-kun! " Itsuki smiled brightly at him. Now it was Fuutarou's turn to blush. 'I'm gonna die of cuteness overload from one of these girls one day. I just know it.' Fuutarou declared as he nodded at her.

"I'm glad you feel that way Itsuki, you should get ready. We're gonna start our first session after I gather the rest of your sisters. "

"Okay! Just give me a minute to get ready and I'll be right down!"

"No problem. See you in a few." Itsuki waved at him before she closed the door. He smiled at Yotsuba.

"Let's go to Ichika's room next."

"No problem! Ichika is.... just don't be surprised." Yotsuba said mysteriously, confusing Fuutarou. Yotsuba opened the door to Ichika's room, Fuutarou could only blink at what he was seeing.

"What kind of kingdom have I entered? Does a girl really live here?" Fuutarou mumbled as he stepped over a pile of clothes.

"I wish you wouldn't talk about my room like it's some uncivilized land." Ichika yawned as she rose up from her slumber. She was covered by her rose patterned blankets.

Fuutarou blushed a little as he looked at Ichika's face. Ichika is a girl with very short hair that has a single long strand on the right side. She has white-pink hair colour. Her notable accessory is a single earring.

Like her sisters, she has dark blue eyes, an average height, a well-endowed figure and large breasts.

Fuutarou looked around Ichika's bedroom, if you could even call it that. He laid eyes on something that made him widen his eyes.

'That sketch of Rena, isn't that the sketch I drew before I played Sevens with 'Rena'? Oh, I think I get it now.' Fuutarou's brain started working like a supercomputer.

'The one who played Sevens with me back in the inn was Ichika, the one who hugged me before I left with the teacher was also her. The one who hugged me the second time was Yotsuba.' Fuutarou then laughed maniacally in his mind.

'We do a little trolling.' Fuutarou then looked into Ichika's eyes. 'And now that I think about it, I can definitely see the difference between them. When I played Sevens with Ichika, she would tease me and give these sly smiles. When I was exploring with Yotsuba, she would smile and laugh like everything was okay.' Fuutarou added before opening his mouth to speak.

"Why do I feel like we've met before?" Fuutarou said suspiciously as he stared at Ichika.

"Eh?" The oldest Nakano sister looked at her new tutor in confusion. "What are you talking about? Did we meet before?"

" Yes, maybe. You remind me of this girl a lot like this girl I met years ago in Kyoto. We played Sevens together. I lot every round. I even sketched her and gave that sketch to her. And it looks extremely identical to this one.... " Fuutarou grinned as he picked up the framed sketch of Ichika when she was younger.

" Ah please.... Don't touch that. " Ichika quickly told him. Fuutarou chuckled and looked at her.

" What's wrong Ichika? Can't you let the guy who drew this look at his masterpiece? "

" Eh???? "

To be continued....