
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Cómic
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63 Chs

Almost Smashed Bro

The 5v1 began.

A new match started with Fuutarou's character standing in the background while the characters the Nakano sisters chosen duked it out.

But no one trusted hin. He was far too good in this game to be standing in the background, the sisters knew that if one of them won, they would have to fight Fuutarou in the end who they were 100% sure wasn't going to keep his promise and hold back.

Out of all of them, Miku was their best chance at the sisters winning but she too lost to Fuutarou when he was blindfolded. They needed something to really get him out of the zone.

'Dirty tactics won't work, but I know something that will definitely work with a guy like him.' Ichika thought as she glanced at Fuutarou.

She giggled as she saw his fingers shaking, desperately holding himself back to not touch the buttons and sticks on his controller.

Ichika got ready to distract him as Fuutarou's character started moving and started approaching her's, Miku's and Nino's characters who were fighting.

"Mm~" Ichika, sitting on his left took the chance to gently lick Fuutarou's left ear. Fuutarou feeling her hot tongue, instantly had chills run down his spine and a giant blush spreading across his face.

Ichika smirked triumphantly as Fuutarou's character accidentally walked off the arena, getting eliminated due to her distraction.

Her sisters laughed at what happened on the screen, none of them noticing what their elder sister did. Ichika giggled as she and her sisters continued having fun by themselves, leaving a perplexed Fuutarou alone.

Fuutarou looked at Ichika who pouted as she was sent blasting away from the arena from Miku's character's attack, getting eliminated.

"Damnit...." She mumbled before pouting. She looked at Fuutarou who was holding his left ear with a shocked expression on his face.

Ichika grinned and stuck out her tongue cutely at him.

Fuutarou scoffed before he stretched his neck, preparing for the next game even though the current one wasn't over yet.

'You shouldn't have done that when you're not ready for the consequences, Ichika.' Fuutarou thought, his mind already coming up with plans to get her back.

Miku won the game, making Nino angry and even more fired up for the next one. Fuutarou smiled a little, noticing Miku having a little smirk on her face as she started another match.

He's noticed bits and bits of confidence leaking out from the shy girl. She seemed more comfortable about sharing her unique hobbies around her sisters.

If you asked Miku about her small changes in her personality, she would say all of it was thanks to Fuutarou's sagely advice. If you asked Fuutarou he would promptly deny it all, saying it was her that got herself to this point.

Another match started, once again Fuutarou reluctantly stood to the side letting the girls fight each other. The best girl out of all of them will then face him.

Or so he thought when Ichika's character snuck away from the fight with her sisters and approached him like the previous game.

Ichika stifled a giggle as she prepared to use another dirty tactic to throw him off his game.

However, Fuutarou was one step ahead of her.

When Ichika was about to lick his ear again, Fuutarou leaned into her before opened his mouth.

"Mm~" Fuutarou gently bit onto her right ear, making the eldest sister of the quintuplets blush brightly and had steam rise from the top of her head.

He started nibbling and gently sucking on it while he controlled his character to start attacking Ichika's character. The eldest quint covered her mouth, preventing herself from moaning to gain her sisters' attention.

She was getting turned on and so was he.

Ichika pouted, this wasn't what was supposed to happen. She was the one who's supposed to be doing the distracting, not the one doing the opposite.

Ichika set down the controller before she leaped out of her seat. She grinned as she wrapped her legs around Fuutarou's legs, effectively straddling him before burying his face in her big juicy breasts.

Fuutarou froze in shock as he dropped his controller entirely.

"Oh girls!~ I have him! Now's your chance!~" Ichika declared with a victorious smirk on her face. Itsuki looked over at what she meant by that and squealed loudly.

"KYAAAA!!!!~ Ichika!!!~" That squeal costed her the game as her character was blasted away from the arena by Nino's character.

It was down to Nino, Miku and Yotsuba.

"Ichika, whatever you're doing to him! It's working!" Yotsuba shouted with a bright blush on her face as she started facing Miku's character while Nino went to face Ichika's.

She cannot believe her sister, the eldest out of all of them would resort to such tactics.

She would probably do the same if she was in Ichika's position to be honest. After all, Fuutarou's one and only weakness was beautiful women. It looked enjoyable to both sides too.

Ichika giggled as she turned her head to look at the screen before she started controlling her character to fight Nino's. She did not forget to wrap her arms around his and leaned a little closer to Fuutarou to cover his face further with her tits.


Fuutarou slapped her ass, trying to tell her to get off before she cause any problems between him and her sisters.

It did nothing but make it even worse, and make Ichika even hornier.

"Ahn!~ Fuutarou-kun you naughty boy!~" Ichika moaned and shouted loudly, making him and her sisters blush brightly.

Itsuki looked away and wiped the blood leaking down her nose due to her feeling a little aroused from the sound of Ichika's butt getting slapped.

She wondered what it would feel like getting her ass slapped. The thought made her flustered and her face even redder than her hair.

Using Observation Haki due to having his vision blocked, Fuutarou noticed that his character wasn't eliminated by any of the remaining sisters still in the match through sheer luck. He could continue playing, but Ichika's boobs were extremely distracting.

"Can you get your ass off me." Fuutarou mumbled out but Ichika could only hear muffled sounds coming from him due to her stuffing his face with her tits.

"What's that Fuutarou-kun?~ You want me to hug you tighter?~ Oh you should've said so sooner!~ Enjoy!~" Ichika laughed as she squished his face with her boobs even more.

"Oi, get off him and focus on the fight!" A flustered Nino shouted.

"No can do, Nino. Or else he'll eliminate us all." Ichika reminded her, making Nino growl.

"Ah! Lost again!" Yotsuba shouted as she lost to Miku who smiled and waited for Nino to finish her fight with Ichika.

"You did well, Yotsuba. If you practiced more you could've beat me." Miku whispered to Yotsuba who grinned happily at her sister's compliment.

"Yotsuba, please get Ichika off Uesugi-kun before they do something they'll regret." Itsuki whispered to Yotsuba who hummed and looked at Ichika and Fuutarou's position.

She noticed Ichika wasn't wearing any panties and immediately looked at the red mark on the right side of her butt cheek, the place where Fuutarou spanked her.

She blushed vividly at the sight and immediately looked back at Itsuki.

"Nah, I'd rather have aroused Ichika than angry Ichika. Plus, she's distracting Uesugi-san so that one of us can beat him." Yotsuba whispered, making Itsuki sigh at how her sister can be smart at the wrong situations sometimes.

They know they probably should do something about it but they couldn't since they have no idea what to do. And they probably should come up with an idea very quickly because although Fuutarou is weak to women, he is able to bite back if it comes down to it.

And he's about to show them how he bites, literally.

Fuutarou sighed. Ichika gave him permission to suck on her nipples a few days before the midterms, perhaps he'll do just that.

He grinned broadly, feeling his heart beat faster at the risk he was taking. Whatever happens, it was all worth it.

He looked at the boobs stuffing him. He looked at Ichika's sweater and found her nipples perked. He grinned maliciously, finding the sight sexy.

"Itadakimasu~" He muttered before licking his lips.

"Nngh!~" Ichika widened her eyes and moaned as she felt Fuutarou's tongue licking and teasing her right nipple. Even though it was covered with her sweater, she could definitely still feel it and the addicting pleasure she felt.

"UHN!!!~" Ichika moaned loudly as Fuutarou suddenly bit it, sending large amounts f pleasure through her body. She leaned back and looked at him with a flustered expression, her Ara-ara onee-san behavior shattered by a simple lick and bite.

"What the fuck Ichika!?" Nino swore loudly as she looked at Ichika in disbelief at the sound she just made. At the same time, her character also eliminated Ichika's character.

Miku and the rest of the sisters was flustered at the sound too. She temporarily stopped playing the game just like Nino to just stare at Ichika who was blushing heavily while looking at Fuutarou.

Their tutor simply grinned and picked back his controller.

"How you like that,huh?" Fuutarou's asked as he started controlling his character again, making ot charge towards Nino's.

"Shit!" Nino cursed as she controlled her character to start running away from Fuutarou's but it was too late, Fuutarou's character was already behind her.

"I got this!!!"

"Ugh!" Fuutarou widened his eyes as Yotsuba slammed straight into him, bringing him down onto the sofa.

"This is our chance!" Yotsuba shouted as she tried to snatch the controller away from Fuutarou's hands.

"Itsuki! Help me!!" Yotsuba shouted. Itsuki quickly went over.

"Wh-what do I do?!" A panicked Itsuki shouted frantically.

"I dunno, suffocate him or something!" Yotsuba shouted while gritting her teeth, losing the tug of war between Fuutarou horribly.

"WHAT?!" A baffled Itsuki shouted at her sister's crazy suggestion.

"She means like this!" Nino shouted as she abandoned her fight with Fuutarou's character, leaving it all to Miku. brought Fuutarou's head up and smothered him with her boobs.

Fuutarou widened his eyes, losing strength immediately as he felt the softness of Nino's healthy breasts.

"Yeah! That's it!!" Yotsuba shouted as she looked down at Fuutarou's controller. Fuutarou was holding onto it as tightly as he could.

Itsuki decided to try and pull his left hand away from the controller's stick.

"I-ichika... H-help...." Itsuki muttered as she pulled on his hand as hard as she could but his grip was too tight, not even budging an inch.

Ichika gulped and pulled on his right hand.

"What the hell is he?" Miku whispered as she was battling Fuutarou's character who was still fighting back like he wasn't being distracted by the girls and blinded by Nino's breasts.

"Crap!" Miku shouted as Fuutarou knocked her off the arena, getting eliminated. But she suddenly widened her eyes as Fuutarou's character started running towards the edge of the arena.

"Hehe!" Nino grinned while she held onto Fuutarou's thumb on the controller's stick and tilted it.

Fuutarou's character walked off the arena, eliminating himself effectively and thus making Nino the winner.

Everyone stared at the screen in silence.


There was a silence that followed after the match ended. Nino started laughing as she got up from sitting on Fuutarou's stomach.

"Ha!!! In your face, Uesugi!!!" Nino taunted as she pointed at Fuutarou who was staring at the screen with a blank expression.

"Hooray!! Teamwork makes the dreamwork!!" Yotsuba declared as she jumped are the living room, feeling extremely. Itsuki and Miku leaned back and sighed in relief.

Ichika was still blushing while she stared intensely at Fuutarou's gaping mouth, specifically his two front teeth that bit her nipple.

"Guess that's what I deserve for being that good at the game." Fuutarou chuckled as he raised his palm to cover his eyes. Nino scowled.

"Oh come on! You're not even mad?!" Nino whined. Fuutarou smiled at her.

"It's just a casual game Nino, why should I get mad over something like that? If it had money involved, maybe I would be a little annoyed but that's all you'll get out of me, a little annoyance." Fuutarou replied while he stood up and gently put a hand on her head before rubbing it affectionately.

"Smart move, Nino. Congrats, you deserve this win. But I won't fall for such tricks next time." Fuutarou promised seriously. Nino raised an eyebrow before she crossed her arms under her breasts, subtly raising them for Fuutarou to see.

"Even if I took off my clothes, strip my bra off and shoved my boobs in your face?" Nino asked him. Fuutarou grinned and pointed at his lips.

" Then I'll just suck and bite your nipples, like I did with Ichika's just now to get her off me." Fuutarou replied while grinning savagely.

Everyone blushed vividly. Itsuki widened her eyes in shock and pointed at him.

"So you did do something sexual to her?!!"

" Yeah I did. What's the matter? You want me to suck them too? "


To be continued.....