
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Cómic
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63 Chs


"So you just trained your body to be able to do that?" Fuutarou asked as he and Gyatsu were in the dojo drinking matcha tea together while discussing how Gyatsu has superhuman physical abilities.

"Indeed, you would be able to do that too. Anyone can do it, all it takes is that one small step and the rest is history. " Gyatsu replied sagely. Fuutarou hummed.

" Then you must've trained for a long time huh. How old were you when you were able to bend the pole with just a kick? " Fuutarou asked him.

"I was just 13 when I was able to shatter a wall with just one punch. A few months later I moved on to breaking metal. Then a year later I was able to break steel with a punch. " Gyatsu explained to Fuutarou's absolute disbelief.

" Are you blessed by the heavens?! There's no way you don't have some sort of superpower! Where's the logic in this?! " Fuutarou accused. Gyatsu chuckled and shook his head.

" You are mistaken, young man. I have no superpowers of any sort. All I have is my discipline and the drive to get as strong as possible before my life ends." Gyatsu replied seriously. Fuutarou sighed, having no choice but to believe his word.

"I still sense disbelief in you. Perhaps you need proof. Ah! I have an idea. Young man, how about you come here everyday and let me train you?" Gyatsu suggested. Fuutarou raised a brow and looked at him with a confused expression.

" Huh? Why should I do that? I have school and a little sister to take care of." Fuutarou asked him.

" Then you would leave here forever with the thought of me having superpowers. I want to prove to you that with discipline and the drive to improve, anything is possible. Even splitting the sky." Gyatsu challenged seriously.

" I already told you, Master Gyatsu. I have school, I can't just spend the rest of my days here. " Fuutarou argued. Gyatsu chuckled and shook his head.

" You do not need to spend the rest of your life here, Fuutarou. Here is a training schedule I created for you. It should work. " Gyatsu handed him a piece of paper.

" When did you write this?" Fuutarou wondered as he read through the contents of the paper.

"When we were talking of course." Gyatsu replied and drank the rest of his matcha tea. Fuutarou threw that thought to the back of his mind as he started reading the contents written in the paper.

"This.... This is perfect!!" Fuutarou declared. Here is a brief explanation about Japan's elementary school schedule.

Starting and finishing times vary from school to school, but most kids have to be at school for registration by 8:30 a.m., and the last class of the day usually finishes around 3:00 p.m.

However, this is not the end of the school day for most kids, who stay at school to take part in sport and other club activities.

All levels of schools will have six periods per day, with the first period usually starting after 8:30am.

In Japanese elementary school, each period is 45 minutes, while in junior high and high school, each period is 50 minutes. There is typically a small break between periods.

"I would only have to spend three hours here everyday?" Fuutarou asked him. Gyatsu nodded.

" Yes, you can also do this quick exercise session at home. It only consists of 10 pushups, 10 situps, 10 squats and a 1 kilometer run outside of your house." Gyatsu explained while handing Fuutarou another piece of paper.

Fuutarou still had some distrust of Gyatsu. Isanari taught him a quote that was engraved to his mind.

'Don't trust everything you see or hear, even salt looks like sugar. Damn, dad's quotes are useful after all.' Fuutarou thought.

"Are you perhaps worried about fees? I assure you that it's 100% free. "

" Really?! "

" Yes, really. "

" But I have to ask my dad first though. " Fuutarou added. Gyatsu nodded.

" It's fine. I will await your answer. And before you go, what is your father's name? " Gyatsu asked.

" Uesugi Isanari. " Fuutarou answered and became confused when Gyatsu widened his eyes a little.

" So this is your son, Isanari. He's a spitting image of you when you were younger." Gyatsu whispered. Fuutarou heard it and he was even more confused.

" I have a message for your father, could you please relay it for him?"



" Are you certain that his name is Gyatsu? " Isanari asked him. Fuutarou nodded.

" Yeah! He even told me to call him Master Gyatsu, weird right? " Fuutarou replied with a wry smile on his lips. Isanari hummed as he thought back to Gyatsu's message Fuutarou helped relay.

'Master Gyatsu wants me to bake him ten cupcakes. Yeah, I can do that.' Isanari then looked at his son who was playing with his daughter Raiha.

'To meet him this soon though....First it was Ichigo Kurosaki, Issei Hyoudou, Monkey D. Luffy, then it was me with some other guys, and now my son. How do you even do it?

I've never met the first three, but you said that me and all of them were the best disciples you ever had.' Isanari then nodded, making a decision.

"Fuutarou, I'm allowing you to go train at Master Gyatsu's place." Isanari said, surprising him.

"What about Raiha? Someone needs to take care of her." Fuutarou asked back.

"It's fine, she can stay in the bakery. When you're done training, you can stop by and take her home." Isanari explained. Fuutarou sighed and nodded.

"If you say so, let's hope this new change works." Fuutarou whispered.

" And also son, you still haven't finished your homework! " Isanari shouted with a smirk on his face.

" Wh-what?! " Fuutarou shouted back. Isanari shook his head.

" Don't play dumb with me son. I saw you half assing your homework this morning. I also checked them and found out that you didn't even do half of them. Go to your room and finish them while I feed Raiha her dinner." Isanari ordered. Fuutarou sighed and took out the assignments he took out this morning and went to his room.

He sat on the ground and silently went through his homework once again. "Math, mental abuse to humans." Fuutarou grumbled while doing some division and multiplication.

"Man, I wanna have a calculator so that I can be done with all of this bullshit." Fuutarou grumbled again as he looked at the ceiling.

[Synchronization Process Starting...]

"What the..." Fuutarou was speechless as he looked at the floating yellow screen in front of him.

[99%.... 100%]

[Welcome, Uesugi Fuutarou to the Helpful System. Would you like to check out your skills?]

"Helpful System? What does it even do? Is this real? Am I dreaming?" Fuutarou asked a lot of questions to nobody. But the system answered.

[Yes, this is real and you are not dreaming about this. The Helpful System keeps track of the progression of your skills while giving you some juicy benefits on the side.]

"Benefits? Like what?" Fuutarou wondered and he got an answer immediately.

[For example, reducing stamina while running by 5%. Anything can become a skill. Even Mathematics can become a skill.]

"Geez, wonder what kind of benefits this would give?" Fuutarou grumbled sarcastically. He had a general idea about it now, anything ranging from physical to mental skills can become a skill that the Helpful System can keep track of.

[Would you like to try to create a skill right now?]

"Uh.... Sure why not? What do I do?" Fuutarou asked.

[See that English homework your half assing, trying completely it and see what it does.]

"Damn, you don't need to be blunt like that. " Fuutarou grumbled, annoyed by the system's sense of humor. Fuutarou reluctantly picked up his pencil again and resumed working on his English homework.

Eventually, he got this notification popping up in front of him.

[Skill Created!!]

[English: Lvl 1

Modern English is widely considered to be the lingua franca of the world and is the standard language in a wide variety of fields, including computer coding, international business, and higher education.

Increased reading, writing and comprehension speed by 2%]

"Woah..." Fuutarou whispered as he stared at the description and the benefits of the skill he just created.

Maybe doing homework won't be so bad anymore if he can see the numbers go higher and higher.




The next day was a Sunday. Fuutarou woke up at 7:00 a. m and approached his father who was on the floor in a funny sleeping position. The front of his body was facing the ground and his back was facing the ceiling.

"Hey, good morning son." Isanari greeted Fuutarou and got up.

" I'm not even gonna ask how you knew I was there. " Fuutarou grumbled and got ready to prepare breakfast for Isanari and Raiha. He was going to prepare the Special Uesugi Curry Egg Fried Rice.

They have this same meal every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It was the only meal that had ingredients that didn't cost a lot.

They weren't tired of the taste at all, they were just extremely grateful that they were able to eat and have a roof over their heads.

"You know Fuutarou, one day it's gonna be Raiha who prepares the meals. " Isanari mumbled. Fuutarou hummed and didn't say anything more.

Then Fuutarou got a notification that surprised him.

[Skill Created!!]

[Cooking: Lvl 1

The practice or skill of preparing food by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients.

One day you will make someone orgasm by eating your food. Keep improving and believe in yourself so you can achieve that.]

Fuutarou was in absolute disbelief at what he just read.

"What the fuck?"

"What did you say, son?"

"Nothing, dad. Nothing. Just sit there and wait. I'm gonna be done soon."

"Sure sure, whatever you say."

To be continued.....