
Quinlin's Struggle

A girl gets into trouble due to pride and anger.

FleetingAffinity · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Venturing Out

The sun was rising by the time Quinlin boarded the carriage. A small team of bowmen sharpening their arrows were waiting inside, and just after her came a man in a black hood and mask. 

Immediately, the man's attire was brought into question by the bowmen. "Excuse me sir, we'd appreciate knowing who we'll be riding with, if you wouldn't mind." 

The hooded man peeled back his arm sleeve, revealing the symbol of a bounty hunter; a black skull and the status marks beneath it as well. Quinlin could see the skull though not all the status marks, she didn't bother to peek. 

"Very well." Irritation raddled in the words at the condescending gesture and their air shifted with a subtle hostility. 

To Quinlin, assuming the hooded man meant to be rude would be equally of bad etiquette, she found it a little intriguing instead. Intrigue quickly fell flat, her body detected nerves due for the occasion MIA as well. 

After they got out to be checked and privately identified within the gate, they set off. The horses seemed fast without obstructions that filled the cramped roads of the safe zone, and soon it was out of view entirely.

Quinlin stared out into the distance the grasslands had to offer, and it was soothing. Her daze was interrupted by the bowmen pointing out the direction of bird flocks in the sky. Apparently that mattered for something. She took out her map to keep track of their location, eager to get off. 

A few miles down the path there was a sign, the forest where Hantu Hayalet grows should be almost directly left. Regarding the sitting men from the corner of her eye, she considered what they'd likely say if a lone girl with no weapons got off here and now. It's not like she had a good excuse, it's best not to be burdened with their concerns. A guarded rest area with small shops was to come about soon enough, it'd be easier to sneak away unseen there. 

They began to pass through rocky mountains plastered with moss from the top and swarmed with trees from below. Just on the other side was the rest area. The ride came to a stop and she let them know it'd be farewell. 

Little by little, she casually moved her way out of sight from those around. It wasn't difficult, there was hardly anyone except some guards. Finally, she made her way through rough terrain of the mountains and began to feel lively. No one knew where she was, no one could see her or talk to her. 

The sun was getting high, and unaccustomed to such exercise, she breathed heavily, sweated fervently, but didn't slow. According to the map, her path wasn't dangerous as far as creatures and by extension, has little value as far as resources. That means little risk of running into creature slayers or bandits. Reaching the "Hantu Hayalet" forest itself didn't pose any worry either. In the end, if she wanted to turn back at any point, nothing would stop her. She told herself it wouldn't be a big deal if she did and her heart agreed, the stimulation of space and solitude was enough. That wouldn't change.

The mountains ended and she entered a thin forest of pine trees. A frantic scratching noise caught her attention, it was a squirrel darting up one of the trees. It peered its head around the bark, examining. This was her first time seeing one, it looked cute enough for good company. 

Still a bit tired, she took an apple from her bag and sat to rest. An unsettling impatience crept through her unmoving legs. It was clear why, but not really. Taking a piece of the apple, she tossed it over by the squirrel, but no interest was shown. It was a little awkward. 

"Sorry, I'm not aware of what you guys eat." Quinlin had no problem talking to animals. 

She turned, choosing not to watch it any longer. A sigh was let go at the rising impatience. She knew there was self searching to be done, that it's irresponsible to neglect doing so. Recognizing the burning desire to move towards that forest isn't much to figure out. Time passes as she eats. 

"..I just want to see for myself." Searching her feelings, they manifested to those soft words. 

Then, it came to her that no one was nearby, screaming those words would yield no consequence. 

She looked around for a moment,"..Hm", then got up to continue on, putting the impatience back at bay.