
Quill Pen

"Impenetrable, that's how I always see it". Varick, the youngest son of Rowan, walked around the walled city of Eragon. His emerald glanced at every corner of the walled city. Being in the middle of a great city made him feel small and the fascination with the great walls had haunted him for almost three decades. And so, he remembered a story. Great men like Eragon, Riverdell, Oneison, Andor, and Eire attempted to unite the Land. Man cannot change the fate of the human race alone. These great men were once masters and leaders of their own villages but the slavery of Leuronna, a mighty civilization, is slowly devouring them. Eragon swore his oath to protect the justice of men.

Yel_lue04 · Fantasía
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35 Chs

Book 1: Chapter 14-A Woman's Instinct

#14: A Woman's Instinct


Sanctuary of Maidens

Zefania was allowed to stay at the sanctuary because she is pregnant. Until the feast preparation is ready, she will be kept in a safe place. She entered such a magnificent place. The walls with intricate designs and vines creeping on them. The colorful orchids decorated the place perfectly. There was a stream of water in the middle of the long entrance. Zefania was welcomed by female servants wearing white overall gowns with their faces covered. Upon arrival, she saw a tanned pregnant woman. Zefania passed through the servants and went directly to meet her. She was aware that the Queen was pregnant and was kept in the sanctuary. Varick told her before she left to ease her anxiety about being in an unknown place.

"Why are you following me?", Astrid asked without looking behind her. "I am pleased to meet you, Your Grace", Zefania bowed. Astrid turn around and saw her wearing a crown as well. "Forgive me for my ignorance, who are you?", Astrid also gave a bow. Though etiquettes weren't taught to Bithenian women, Astrid read about it in scrolls that they gather as they move from one place to another. "I am Zefania from the House of Rowan, wedded to the Kralj of Andor", Zefania answered. "You are Varick's daughter", Astrid remembered. Zefania nodded. "It is a pleasure to meet you as well. Kraljica. What brought you to this place?", the Queen of Eragon gulped. "The Kralj, my husband, wanted to give me a gift. He also wishes to pay a visit to the King of the Middle Kingdom", Zefania answered. "You were sold by the Middle Kingdom as a political hostage and you ended up becoming their Queen. How are we so sure that you aren't here to burn the Palace to get back to the misfortune you've been through?", Astrid courageously asked. "I never blamed the King for making me a political hostage, it was the King's mother who did it", Zefania had a long pause. "But I guessed I found something when I got lost in the middle of the forest", Zefania had a weak smile as she held onto her stomach.

"Why don't we have a cup of tea? I like your audacity", Astrid reached out her hand and led the young woman to the balcony. The two queens reminisced their days from being political hostages to becoming the Queen and from being a Wanderer to someone who has a place she can call her home. "You are different, Kraljica", Astrid raised her cup and looked at the flower floating in the still water. "Unlike me and the King's mother, who was once a queen regent, you're unfit to become a Queen. You don't have external allies in other kingdoms. Those delicate hands obviously haven't held a sword. For the sake of the child inside of you, you have to learn how to fight", Astrid gave a piece of advice. "I can't see myself being able to put up a fight. I... though I've aged a bit, I think I'm still a child", the lady's eyes sunk into sadness. "Then, run away", Astrid gave a suggestion.

Zefania's eyes widened. "I have few of my men protecting me and the King since the Kingsguard is in Bithen right now. If you ask for my help, I can lend a hand and help you escape", Astrid held on to Zefania's hand resting on the table. The lady was confused about the offer. She pressed her lips together thinking about all those times she thought of escaping. Her eyes softened and gave Astrid a smile. She placed her other hand in Astrid's. "Are you afraid, Your Grace? It is bold for me to make a such statement. Unlike me, that life that you are holding either poses a threat to the King or the people. With this child, the dynasty of Raven will continue and Eragon will soon fade like mist in the air", Zefania felt Astrid's hand shaking.

Council Room

Zakili looked around and saw dragons in the wall paintings. "There are no longer dragons in this place. Worry not", Aya butted into the silence. "We only have one task here", Zakili sighed. "I will never fail to do what I promised to do so. The emeralds are yours and so is with the lady", Aya passed a cup of wine to the Kralj. "He is your son", Zakili sipped on the wine. "He is a disgusting creature that was planted in my womb", the woman was triggered. Zakili was a bit baffled by what she said. "He is a full-blooded Raven. My father is also his father. You don't know the shame and horror I felt all throughout those years. Because of him, I was forced by the remnants of the elders to raise a tool that will avenge our name. Even when I was able to carry out their plan, I can't seem to want more. Why did I have to be locked up in Shkretim with nothing to see but the vast snowy plains?! It was as if I am being mocked for being impure, for being a tainted woman", Aya spilled out.

"What else do you want?", the Kralj felt like sympathizing with the woman. "The citizens of the Middle Kingdom still loathe us, our kind. Even with Varick here, there is still rebellion here and there. I want power, Kralj. I want the power great enough to cleanse our name trampled in the mud", Aya held on her chest. "You just wanted power to get even with your father, woman. After your husband, the Hand of the King killed your father. I don't think the hatred stopped there. If you can only erase the existence of that which made you unclean, that would be enough. You don't have to mask your intention with me", Zakili said with a serious voice. Aya balled her fist and threw the cup on the wall. "My task is just to offer him a drink. After which, I will have to leave with my lady", Zakili excused himself.


"You angered my mother, she might have held back. What have you told her?", Volde tried to look bigger by raising his chin. He cannot match the man's height since he is still a growing lad so he decided to make his presence bigger. "I say you are a brave King, Your Grace. You allowed your Kingsguard to leave his post and that is for Eragon to claim Bithen from the pirates", Zakili opened his mouth. "This is already my Kingdom and I suggest you stop calling it by that name. The Middle Kingdom is already owned by me", the lad broke into anger. The Kralj smirked feeling as if he is being an object of anger by both mother and son. "Forgive me if I offended you, Your Grace. Of course, the middle Kingdom is yours", Keane went out from hiding to escort Zakili back to his room. "The middle kingdom is not yours, Your Grace", the Kralj stepped forward lessening the gap between them.

"You are in my territory and you dare insult me? I have no Kingsguard but I can slit your throat in the dark", Volde's eye twitched. Keane just smiled and looked at Zakili's calm expression. "Royal Adviser Varick, my wife's father, the youngest of Rowan is the reason why you are gaining back allies and restoring the influence of your Kingdom. Your father fought for the Queen of Eire to gain back Shkretim. Your mother was the one who gave me a fair deal to me and that's the reason why I am here. You? A King who sat on the throne at a young age. What have you done to claim that this Kingdom is yours? Slit the former King's throat? Anyone could do that", Zakili voiced out words that most of the elders of the council are afraid of mentioning.

Volde couldn't find any words to say. "My apologies, Your Grace. I have forgotten that you are just a child. I will forget your yapping about claiming the Middle Kingdom as yours", the Kralj slightly gave a bow of his head. "How about you? Is Andor yours?", Volde gritted his teeth. "It is not, Your Grace. Andor is not to be owned but to have reigned. May you understand the difference between those as you grow older, granted that you do live long enough to understand those words", the Kralj stepped away.


Boundary- Tent

Geryon wiped his sword with rat poison and looked at Gilbert polishing the sword that they used during their training. "Are you finally going to use that? It seems that it hasn't been used for a long time", Geryon noticed the other sword hanging on his belt. The hilt looked ancient and nostalgic at the same time. "He told me to use this sword to protect the ones I love", Gilbert replied without looking at the huge man. "This is a war young man, whether you like it or not, you will use anything you can in order not to get killed. Kill or get killed, that's what you have to think when you go into war", Geryon sighed. "How many wars have you fought?", the young man sat on a wooden box. "One. King Claudius wasn't fond of using swords and violence. Their other ways to make someone bend the knee", the giant put the sword back on the scabbard. "And that one war was the beginning of the many wars that you are to fight, all because that young immature King of yours took the throne", Gilbert clenched his fist resting on his lap. "You seem to dislike him, young man. You haven't even seen him yet", Geryon noticed.

Nymeria stormed into the tent. "Why are you here", Gilbert was startled. "How can I stay on that camp with a lot of predators around me?", the lady remembered the threatening look from the remaining Raven soldiers for backup. Gilbert looked at her apologetically. "Forgive me for leaving you behind. I just have the thought that you shouldn't be here", he looked down at the ground. "I can't let you go into this battle unprepared. You are going to fight thousand of barbaric pirates. You must've seen their weapons and their brutality", Nymeria went down the horse and walked towards Gilbert, the kindest man she ever met.

"We're going back to the camp. They can kill me if they want. Just stay out of the battlefield", Nymeria tugged on his sleeves and shot a glare at Geryon. "Young woman, have you fallen in love with this lad? For a woman to grab a man away from a brawl would hurt his pride", Geryon was puzzled by the dedication of Nymeria to protect Gilbert. Nymeria had a straight face and tighten his grip on Gilbert's sleeves. "Don't take me for a regular woman in your place who knew nothing but a life of a flower in the garden. This is not just a brawl that you can walk out of after getting a few wounds", Nymeria raised her chin. "Nymeria, I will be fine. I may not be able to promise it but I will come back. I will do my best", Gilbert gave a friendly smile which he managed just to assure the young pirate princess. If he doesn't make it alive, he cannot imagine what kind of terror Nymeria would be in. She can no longer return to the Pirate Palace nor can she be one of the Bithenians.

"You don't have to force yourself. You can stay at the camp. This is not a battle you have to fight", Nymeria tried to convince. "I want to stop this war", Gilbert clenched his fists. "What are you going to do? Go to my father and convince him to forfeit?", Nymeria furrowed her brow. "No, even if your father refuses. He is no longer the King of the Pirates. There had been a lot of rebellion against him. The Seven treasures turned their back on him", Gilbert said his thoughts aloud. "There is only one way to stop this war", the young man gently removed Nymeria's grip on his sleeves. "One must win, in order for the war to end. I choose to be on the side of the Bithen. When everything is destroyed and burnt to nothingness, the Kingdom will be rebuilt once again. When that time comes, you no longer have to keep a furrowed brow or even a disappointed face. That's because you will be the new Captain ", Gilbert held unto his chest and bowed down. "What are you-", Nymeria gulped. "Not bad", Geryon hummed.

They heard the horn blow twice. "They are already miles away. I wonder who shall we send as a messenger", Geryon looked at Nymeria. "I will do it", Gilbert volunteered.

All the Bithenian and Oneison armies are lined up according to their troupes. Both have already discussed their battle plan. Pirates only have one battle plan, devour and conquer. Bithenian would be following the formation that Geryon discussed. "Men who falter are human", Geryon rode his horse and moved around to give a final talk to his men before the battle. He sniffed and looked at them. "Good, I smell fear. The more you fear, the more you get the instinct to remain alive. You have a family to go back to, don't leave them fearing for who will protect them once you're gone", Geryon shot each leader of the troupe an assuring look. It is as if he is already making an announcement that they are to win the battle.

Hick rode the horse next to Gilbert. "Here you are. I said so, you will be next to me", Hick winked. Gilbert shook his head to remove the distraction. "Once we win this battle, what do you plan on doing next?", Hick asked while looking at the horizon with their enemies already gritting their teeth. "I will make sure to see my lady sitting on the throne once things are already burned in ashes", Gilbert answered. "Tell me, why are the soldiers from the Capital not here with us?", Gilbert noticed. "They were only here to confirm our victory. We were never promised aid", Hick answered.


Sanctuary of the Maidens

Zefania's Room

"You look astounding, my daughter", Varick combed his daughter's hair. "You were supposed to be at the feast already. Won't the King be mad if you're not there?", Zefania was puzzled why his father is combing her hair. "Because your mother died at a young age, you had always been yearning for someone to brush your hair. You never liked the servants doing this task so you would call for me, always, before going back to sleep", Varick remembered. "You have a peculiar timing talking about some of the past, Father", Zefania chuckled. "Then, you grew up. I gave you a gift that you loved so dear, Dillon. You allowed her to brush your hair and my job was completely stripped off from me", Varick sighed. "It's because he brushes my hair more gently", Zefania pouted. The memory she had with Dillon suddenly made her chest tighten. She learned to enjoy the presence of the Kralj. She appealed to write a letter to the Rowans, especially, her dear friend, Dillon but it was denied. "I am glad that someone could actually do the things I've done for you", Varick suddenly stopped brushing Zefania's hair. The lady turns around and saw Varick's mixed emotions.

The Royal Adviser reached out to Zefania's face and cupped it. He leaned his forehead on the lady and remained silent. "What's wrong with you, Father? You are acting rather unusual", Zefania noticed. "There will be things that cannot be expressed by words. Sadly, humans haven't yet found many words to reveal a person's inner thoughts", Varick pressed his lips together. Zefania raised his father's face and caught a glimpse of the tears in his eyes. "What are you thinking of, Father? Is it a painful past or is it a dreadful future?", Zefania empathized with the man.

Varick wiped his tears. "My love, what does our house sigil means again, blue scorpion?", Varick asked. "Forget me not", Zefania answered right away. Varick hugged the lady's head and patted it. "All I ever wanted was to make the right decisions for my children", Varick walked heading outside the door and turning around to give the lady one last smile. Zefania wasn't sure if she heard him correctly. She finished changing her clothes and was about to open the door but her eyes furrowed. It was locked from the outside.

"The Queen was fetched by your mother, Your Grace. Inside is the Kraljica", Varick informed as he walked toward the room. "Your daughter", Volde stepped back and stared at the door. Behind it would be the reason why Varick decided to stay and become his Royal Adviser. If not because of Aya's threats, the man wouldn't have to join his side. "I offer my greetings, Your Grace", Zefania spoke from the other side of the door. "Forgive me if I am unable to face your right now as the Kralj forbid me to", the sweet voice calmed Volde with the anxiety he had been feeling since the Andorians arrived.

"Royal Adviser Varick, you are needed in the royal hall. I will follow after you", the King said with his eyes glued on the door. It felt peculiar for the father not to feel threatened by a young man in front of her daughter's room. "Thank you for your generosity, Your Grace for allowing me to have time with my daughter. Zefy, my dear, I'll see you in a while", Varick bowed and then walked away. The King heard a thug on the door put pushed it. "Don't go out. As of now, I have no courage to look into the eyes of someone I couldn't save from my mother's scheme. Before the moon becomes full again, I will claim you back from Andor and let you be reunited with Varick. He served well as my adviser in the hopes that his presence will pacify the rejection of the people with the crown in my head. Thinking once more, I will rebuild the glory of Raven from the ashes. Relying on Varick would just mean that we regained our honor because of a man who cannot even hold a sword", the young man pressed his palm against the door.

He didn't hear any response but knew that the lady was listening. "The next time I look you in the eyes, it's when I have enough confidence to say I have the power to release you", Volde turned back and started walking. "How can you free something that is not chained?", Zefania said before Volde's presence totally vanished.

Queen's Room

Volde entered and saw Aya brushing Astrid's hair. "Your Grace, you were not mistaken when you chose her as your beloved Queen", Aya said while running the comb on a strand of deep black hair. "I am pleased with your compliment, Volde sat on the other chair. "Astrid, you may leave", Volde said with authority. Aya stopped brushing her hair and wondered what caused him to. Astrid left with a worried look in her eyes. "Astrid is pregnant with your grandchild", Volde confirmed. "Oh, why? You didn't make any announcements. That will please your father", Aya tried to sound excited. It seems that the young King had seen her through the mask. "Let's not act now. We are alone in this room. I knew you've been trying to lure her out to confirm the rumors", Volde scoffed.

"You should really be anxious now that you can be replaced", Aya turned and crossed her arms. She looked into Volde's eyes and she raged. The King showed not a single hint that he was moved by her statement. "I am a ruthless mad king as everyone says on the street. My child will grow up reaping the consequences of the decisions I had sown. But one thing he can be proud of would be-", Volde stood up and turned his face away from his mother. "My child would be proud that he or she is made out of love", Volde stated before opening the door. "One more thing, I'm going to make Astrid the Warden of the Mines", Volde informed. "You are a cursed child. You are giving such precious land to a piece of lowly woman!!!", Aya shouted. "That precious land you were referring to is something that you called trash before. That is why you used me to leave that desolated land. How I wish that you will also call me precious once someone takes me away", Volde had a weak smile. He left Aya alone to contemplate. She threw the comb she was holding.

Royal Court- Feast of Unification

The night was still young. Her dress can no longer hide the proof that she is indeed carrying a life inside her. She astonished the guests as well as the members of the council. Volde met her along the way and exchanged stares. "Where is the Kraljica?", Volde noticed no one following them. He was informed that the Kraljica would also be staying at the Sanctuary. He expected that she will also accompany Astrid. "She is a vulnerable child. It seems that the weather is not good for her. Their messenger said that it was just a fever", Astrid explained her absence.

Volde and Astrid sat in the middle of the crowd being entertained by guests and also street performers who were hoping to have good fortune that night. "It is a shame that Kraljica isn't here", Astrid chuckled. The Queen seems to be fond of the young lady who was a political hostage of Andor. "You seem to like her presence. They will be leaving after the feast. Is there any gift you would like to give her?", Volde asked. "Her eyes are truly precious gems. There is nothing fitting but an emerald ornament", Astrid was caught with excitement. "Forgive me for such a request", Astrid cowered as soon as she noticed the silence. "Of course, my love. It is something that would give you pleasure", Volde looked at her and smiled. Astrid couldn't get over Volde's genuine smile. From the moment that he first saw her, she was captivated by the way his lips would be lifted from two sides of his cheeks.

Sanctuary of Maidens

"Keane, are you there? The King had already gone away. You can now open the door. Is it somehow broken?", Zefania informed. "It isn't broken, Kraljica", Keanne leaned on the wall outside. "What do you mean? I cannot open it. Would you lend me a hand? I am already late for the feast because of what the Kralj asked me to write in a scroll", Zefania sighed. "Would you like to listen to a poem?", Keanne asked. "I would love to but this is not time for poem reading", Zefania tried to open the door once again. The personal knight just listened to the pounding of the wooden door.

"The sword dance under the mocking moon,

On other days, it smiles. On other days, it sighs.

The endless sword dance continues,

But when is a battle done?

When is a battle truly won?

One sword felt tired and fell to the ground

Along with blood spilling from that cold steel"

Zefania seems to remember the poem which Zakili would always recite whenever the Children of the Lost would make noise and interfere with the lady's desire to sleep. She remembered what happened next.

"A massacre".

"Keane, I order you to open my door. I am the Kraljica and you have to obey me", Zefania demanded. The young man closed his eyes and walked away from her. He held onto his scabbard and had a bloodlust look on his face. Zefania heard a knock and was about to open it.

Royal Court

Zakili saw Keane entering the Royal Court. He leaned on the post near the window which Volde found strange. "It is a great pleasure for us to be hospitably invited by your mother, Your Grace. It is such a great honor knowing that your people are also in battle, yet you allowed us to spare some time for us, Queen", Zakili bowed his head and went in front of the two. Volde nodded and stopped drinking his wine. "You have served this Kingdom well, Your Grace. For five years, you were able to restore the majestic atmosphere of the once-known Eragon. Because of that, I offer you a drink", Zakili looked at one of his servants. He walked towards them carrying two silver cups. Zakili offered one to Volde. "In the unity of our Kingdom", Zakili raised it. Volde also stood up and locked arms with Zakili. They both drank it together. Aya was anticipating for his son falling to the ground. Nothing happened and the crowd cheered. Zakili heard someone coughing not far from them. His eyes widened as soon as he turned to find out Varick with blisters forming on his face. "Call the Maester", Volde also noticed it and ran towards him. Varick fell to the ground and had difficulty breathing.

"What is happening with you?", Volde knelt down and assisted him to lean into his arms. "Varick! Answer me, what is happening to you?", Volde shook him. Bubbles went out of his mouth. Volde looked at the cup where Varick drank and saw a carving of hellebore. "It hurts, Your Grace. I don't want this pain", Varick can barely speak. Varick held unto his sword. "He drank it, what a stupid man. It will last for a longer period because he is immune to poison", Aya commented as she stood next to them. "You did this", Volde gritted his teeth. "Your Grace, please. Go now and take your wife away from here. I already alarmed the soldiers that are loyal to you", Varick instructed. Volde saw his soldiers surrounding them. Soon, the soldiers wearing the Raven sigil entered as well as some Andor soldiers.

Volde gripped his sword. "It hurts!", Varick vomited blood. The young man pulled his shoulder and looked straight into his eyes. "Your Grace, serve your people well if that is the payment for Claudius' death", Varick's voice is becoming faint. Volde raised his sword and pierced Varick's chest. "I gave you my word and honored it. Increase your allies and reduce your enemies. You will also honor your words, Your Gra-", Varick cut off his word and coughed blood. His breath stopped. "No!", Zakili shouted.