
Quickened Love

The son of an abusive father and the daughter that nobody knew. Who knew it would draw them together as quick as their eyes met?

aika_ama · Adolescente
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10 Chs

"The first love is the one that leaves an everlasting impression on the heart."

Andrew was pacing back and forth in his home, trying not to think about why Addy wasn't answering her phone. It had been hours since their separation, why isn't she picking up? What if she's mad at him? Or mad? Or wants to be alone? Did he do something? So many questions filled his head, though he didn't let them overwhelm his head and instead made himself focus on something else.

His foster father had opened the door at that moment. Mark could tell by the shocked expression on his face that Andrew hadn't been expecting him. But something in those eyes of his seemed predatory and icy cold, which was what scared Andrew more than anything else. "Hello?"

"Father..?" Andrew whispered, but stopped as he saw the devilish appearance of his face, it seemed murderous. "What happened?!" He silently closed the door behind him and followed Andrew into the living room. His hands were shaking slightly as he wiped off some imaginary dust onto his pants and cleared his throat. "What I should have."

"What the hell did you do?!" Anger flared through Andrew's heart as soon as he heard those words leave his lips; fear instantly rippled through him at what could happen next. With each step Mark took towards him Andrew could feel the tension in the air increasing tenfold. He slipped; reality crashed down around him as Mark brought both of his hands forward and struck Andrew across the cheek with all of his might, leaving a large pop sound echoing throughout the room.

Andrew stumbled back, shocked and trying to make sense of it all. He held his hand against his face as he watched Mark continue to hit him, slowly mustering up the words that he had wanted to scream out for so long. "I killed her... I killed Addy," Mark screamed with pleasure, seeing Andrew's lips quivering and tears rolling down his cheeks as he spoke. He shut his eyes tight, not wanting to look at the man who had not once been like a father to him for the past few years.

Andrew stopped him in his tracks suddenly, taking Mark's arms and holding them with adrenaline rushing into his body, shock washing over him before anger took its place once more. He pushed Mark away from him with enough force that he skidded backwards across the floor before finally coming to a stop. "What did you say?" His voice cracked with rage and disbelief as he looked at Mark with disdain written all over his face.

"That's right, you slut," Mark grinned, "I killed her. You are not to be in any relationship with any person, I don't give a fuck who they are, do you understand me?!"

Andrew ignored him, he was at a loss for words. Sobbing was the only thing he knew to do. The love of his life was dead thanks to the bitch who was his 'father'. He stumbled back, collapsing onto the ground after attempting to collect himself and stand, feeling like his heart was tearing apart. Mark's words echoed in his mind as he tried to understand what had happened. He had suspected that something wasn't right, but he never could have imagined this. His emotions were a jumbled mess of pain, anger, and betrayal.

Mark leaned over him, a sneer on his face. "You're pathetic, Andrew. Just like your mother. You'll never be able to handle the truth." He spat the last word out, a vicious tone in his voice.

Andrew felt something snap inside of him. All the years of pent-up anger and hurt boiled over, and he lunged at Mark. Their bodies collided, and they tumbled to the floor in a tangle of limbs. Andrew's fists pummeled Mark's face, not stopping until he felt blood coating his knuckles.

"Stop," Mark gasped out, trying to push Andrew away. "Stop it, you're going to kill me!"

Andrew felt his anger dissipate, and he stopped hitting Mark, standing up and stepping away. His entire body was shaking, and he ran his hands through his hair in frustration. He had lost his mother, then his first love, and now he had hurt the man who had posed as a father to him for the past few years. Andrew could feel the guilt crashing down on him, and he sank to his knees, not knowing what to do next. He didn't know what to do.

"It's your fault," he growled under his breath.

The door was ripped off its hinges, revealing Jake and Evanna with a yellow folder in hand, the duo panting from running. They shouted his name, their eyes widening when they saw him on the ground.

"Mark! What did you do?!" Evanna screeched, sprinting to Andrew and frantically searching for any wounds or bruises on his body.

Jake felt like he'd been struck by lightning; he couldn't believe what was before his eyes as he held up the folder. "M—Mark..."

"Who the hell told you two to come in here, huh?!" Mark lunged towards Jake, shoving him against the bookshelf and sending the folder along with its contents flying across the room.

Andrew ignored it all, instead pleading softly, "I need to see Addy..." Tears started welling up in his eyes. He didn't care that she was a girl — he just wanted someone to comfort him and cry on their shoulder.

The impact of the bookshelf left Jake breathless but he didn't give up. "You're insane! You're a murderer!" he shouted at Mark, taking a few steps back to protect himself. "Why do you keep doing this?! For money?!"

"That doesn't concern you, kid. Now get out of here," Mark spat menacingly, "This is a son-to-father talk—"

"He isn't your son... He's nothing more than a slave you were going to use for human trafficking, weren't you?!" Jake picked up a paper from the floor and held it up for everyone to see; it was the letter outlining Mark's plan to exploit Andrew.  Everyone froze for a moment as realization sunk in.

Evanna and Jake were startled when they heard a loud smash. There was glass all over the floor, but it took a moment for them to realize that it was all from the window. "Andrew, what did you do?!" Jake exclaimed, fear written on his face.

Andrew was already running for the door, hands already stained with blood, still trying to come to terms with the fact that Addy was gone. He didn't look back as he ran down the street. His whole body was shaking, and he curled up into a ball, crying and cursing himself. He had known Addy for s few days, but she had been so different during their relationship; she'd seemed to have changed into someone else entirely in front of Andrew's eyes. From then on, Andrew had lost almost everything – his mother... his first love... now even his friends due to that fake father of his'. He didn't even have a place to go; his own house was nothing more than a 'crime scene'. He was alone, and he was frightened.

At that moment, Andrew thought about ending his life. He hadn't paid attention to where he was going, and he had wandered aimlessly around the city, lost in thought as all of his problems swirled around in his head as if it were a pool of death. Addy's house was the first place to go, he wanted to believe she was still alive, in her bed, watching Netflix with Nancy or playing cards with her father and mother. As soon as her house was in view, there were already police cars around taping caution tape around the area of her body. He needed to see her, just one last time.

As soon as he approached the area, he glanced down at his sneakers but didn't stop walking. The small rocks on the sidewalk crunched under his feet and several officers looked over their shoulders disapprovingly before they turned back to their jobs. His attention moved from the sidewalk to Addy as they zipped up her body bag after a doctor had pronounced her dead. He couldn't move; he didn't know what to do; he didn't know how to act anymore. A deep sorrow chewed through him like rats gnawing away at the wooden floor beneath him, leaving splinters for him to walk upon. They laid a blanket over her face and Andrew couldn't take it anymore.

He didn't know how long he had been running, but before he knew it, his feet had carried him away from the city and into the woods that surrounded Addy's house; they were her favorite places to go when she was upset or just seeking solace. He searched for a familiar tree where they used to sit together in complete silence just getting lost in their own thoughts with each other's support. With much difficulty due to restricted vision because of clouded eyes full of tears, Andrew eventually spotted what looks like an old friend - an old oak tree with twisting branches strong enough for two people who thought life was hard but worth living; this is where Addy would always tell him stories about fairies and spirits that lived deep within these woods...and about endless possibilities if someone chose them over anything else....Andrew felt blank as everything slowly came back childhood memories masked by pain replaced actuality now corrupting all forward-looking optimism which blinded logic earlier. Sitting on its bark Andrew sobs uncontrollably reminiscing wonderful times spent here with the love of his life, the girl whom he loved deeply until the last breath was taken from her body. He slowly reached out into his left sock, taking out a pocket knife which slipped between his knuckles. His pale skin received red streaks along his arm below his elbow, brought forth by the blade leaving scars behind as if forever paying tribute - ever reminding of pain suffered throughout his lifetime - endless sleepless nights filled with sorrows unknowingly pulled each tear drop down his cheeks, drowning both together under an ocean of tears created for two lovebirds who remained separated by such circumstances even in afterlife... until the last breath drawn lost life met untimely ended, slumped against the favourite tree, bruised body, though quickly found inviting peace... always sought yet rarely obtained.