
ML's Father

Ranveer in his whole life never thought that he will get to this type of life. He remembers in his past life he often sleep with an empty stomach. In his previous life, never get proper medication until he becomes an adult. No one talks with him the way Meera talks.

His mom is quite a weak person, and she is lovesick too. He often sees her in her world. She never act like Meera act. For his mom, all matters is their father. And after her death, even the little warmth left him. Only after Sayali enters his life, does he sometimes feel like he is home. But Sayali doesn't know much about cooking so he doesn't get much chance to eat food that doesn't have any professionalism but love.

Here Meera cook everything for them. He and his sister are getting chubbier day by day. His sister is also having a happy life while playing with them. Aarav is such a cute child, when he returns from kindergarten, he often comes to play with them. Meera tells Aarav about Ranveer's injured leg, so Aarav is quite conscious of it. Meera also help Ranveer in his post-treatment exercise.

Thankfully with all the early treatment, he now has a healthy body. While he can see that his sister is also trying to speak. He decided that after some days he will tell Meera the truth behind his sister having no voice. He just hopes that he can continue this type of life. But some people whom he wanted to avoid are soon going to be met.

Here Meera also has a hectic schedule. Now she is doing a quite hard workout. So her day consists of a three-hour workout, after that she cooks all the meals for her family. She tries to cook as much variety as she can. Thankfully now the people who eat her food is increased.

Anjali now started to live with them. And she often helps her take care of children. Aarav is now very much happy as now he not only has complete family but also new friends who are living with the. They also have two pets now, a cat and a dog. Chinu at the start is somewhat scared of them. But animals are so cute that they naturally cure your mood. This way their house is giving only a positive vibe.

Avinash also return home. as a busy person, he can't stay with them much, but he still spends his weekend with them. Chinu likes this uncle very much, and Avinash too like this new angel quite a lot.

Talking about the relationship between Meera and Aditya is still somewhat in the process. Aditya already terminated everything with the Sharma family but he doesn't show it to Meera. And Meera also doesn't question it. So she is still in her shell. Their nighttime activities are somewhat rare, as Meera gets quite tired due to her busy schedule, and the same goes with Aditya.

Sometimes he feels like she is avoiding him, but he doesn't understand what to do about it. He to be honest started to like her more and more every day. He is not able to say what is very special about Meera. But the way she takes care of everyone, the way she speaks everything... everything is so beautiful.

It just now he is going to know that he not only like Meera but started to love her too.

Aarav's kindergarten needed today. So Meera decided to take the children to the park. She also takes Sayali and two friends of Aarav, as their parents are busy. Meera is not worried as children listen to her and also because she has a bodyguard with her. But what she doesn't know is someone clicks their photo. The bodyguards find this, but they can't do anything as it just clicking photos. So they just increase the focus on children.

After three days after the visit to the park, Sen houses greeted some new guests. The whole Sen family is today at home, doing breakfast suddenly the guards come inside to inform them about the arrival of new guests.

"Boss, someone name Raviraj Patil wanted to meet you" Guards inform him. Listening to the name Raviraj Patil, Ranveer froze for a moment. But quickly masking his emotions, he looks towards his sister who is already watching him. He signals her to calm down. Expect Avinash no one notice this.

"Raviraj pail? Isn't he is also quite a famous young businessman in S district?" Anjali questions.

"I am thinking the same, send them inside," Aditya tells his guards and he quickly finishes his breakfast. After breakfast, everyone returns to their respective work. Meera thought that this person come to meet Aditya, as Aditya can not able to refuse them at home. But in a few minutes, the housekeeper tells her to come downstairs to meet the guest.

When she reaches downstairs she sees a handsome man chatting with Aditya while some people are standing near him. When they sense her presence not only Aditya but that man also look towards her.

"Mr. Patil this is my wife Meera. And Meera this is Raviraj Patil" Aditya said and take a pause. He is quite struggling to talk with Meera in this matter.

"Oh Hello," Meera greeted awkwardly, to be honest, she doesn't know what today in this type of situation. She is used to meeting older relatives, but not young, and the strange thing is this man is somewhat resembles her ex-husband Ravi. She won't know why but she feels like that.

"Meera, Mr. Raviraj has something to speak with you," Aditya said.

"With me what is it?" Meera questions.

"Ummm, that is related to Ridhima and Ranveer" Raviraj suddenly spoke. Meera looks at him with a strange gaze. So he give a little cough and decided to introduce himself properly.

"Mrs. Sen I should first introduce myself properly, I am Raviraj Patil, father of Rdihima and Ranveer" Listening to this introduction Meera froze. Because even in future this father of ML never occurs.