
Quick Transmigration: Parallel worlds? sorry, I only know anime worlds

System:"I'm a life of leisure system" Host:"My life is very leisure as it is right now,I don't want to bound" System:"you don't have to do anything but enjoy yourself and do what you want" Host:"I'm already doing that" System:"Please host,I just really need someone to bound to me to go to anime worlds and you're even given top notch protection..." Host:"did you just say anime worlds?" System:"w-what, anime?,no I said parallel, yeah, parallel worlds" Host:"I'm pretty positive I heard anime" System:"fine, you would have found out later anyways, I'm actually an anime transmigration system" Host:"Why didn't you say so earlier, let's go then" System:"huh?...I mean yeah let's go"

rosemoon · Cómic
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3 Chs

Kiss him not me (1)

Angelica:"since I'm going to that world,all I really need to do is re-study up on my highschool knowledge,which should be pretty easy, I got one more question, is my identity in the world set for me?, can I chose with what identity I enter the world as? or is it sort of random depending on the world"

Baby:"as baby's first and only host,you can choose with what Identity you enter each world with"

Angelica:"alright,I got it"

After saying that, angelica started heading towards the learning center, well more like flew there

Baby:"ah?where are you going host?"

Angelica:"I'm going to refresh my highschool knowledge, I also need to study a bit more about history and mangas"


Angelica:"so I can better get along with them"

After answering the questions asked by baby,angelica proceeded to refresh her knowledge, she pulled up the original anime while in the learning center and got a basic idea of what parts of her studies she should focus on so as to better understand and get along with the characters in that world.

Serinuma Kae: female lead of the series

Hair color: Purple

Eye color: Blue-green

Age: 17

Birthday: March 3rd

Height: 160 cm

Bestfriend: A-chaan

(all the heights of the male leads were guessed because I couldn't find them)

Asuma Mutsumi: one of the four male leads

Hair color:dark chocolate brown

Eye color: dark brown

Age: 18

Birthday: october 31

Height: 180 cm

Character description: the most laid back and seemingly nice guy,is very scary when angry, and is the least competitive over the female lead, is the female leads senior,loves history, and was the one who reacted the least towards the female lead's weight lost,he's also very honest

Hayato Shinomiya: one of the four male leads

Hair color: light chestnut

Eye color: light yellow/amber

Age: 16

Birthday: february 22

Height: 170 cm

Character description: has a half blood heritage,and looks great as a boy and a girl, jumps at any opportunity to be seen as a man due to being the female lead's underclassmen, and being the shortest of the men,has an overall great personality and is a bit more emotionally reactive

Igarashi Yuusuke: one of the four male leads

Hair color: dark green

Eye color: violet with a yellow semi-circle at the end

Age: 17

Birthday: may 13

Height: 178 cm

Character description: is amazing at anything sports related,he is a more possessive type of person and uses every chance he gets to be alone with the female lead,he's in the same class as the female lead,became more mature as the anime went on

Nozomu Nanashima: one of the four male leads

Hair color: light caramel blond

Eye color: green

Age: 17

Birthday: december 7

Height: 176 cm

Character description: he's the bad boy of the group, is also the one who resembles 'shion',which is the female leads favorite character, the most, has a little sister, and is the best with children in the group,best friends with igarashi,and butt's heads with shinomiya the most

Takuro serinuma: elder brother of female lead

Hair color: red

Eye color: yellow?

Age: 20 ?

Birthday: ???

Height: ???

Character description: the elder brother of the female lead, like all siblings, they fight a lot, and was surprised that the four male leads still loved the female lead even after learning she's a fujoshi

Mitsuko Serinuma: mother of female lead

Hair color: red-brown

Eye color: brown

Age: ???

Birthday: ???

Height: ???

Character description: mother of the female lead, is a very supportive mother

Hideo Serinuma: father of female lead

Hair color: purple?

Eye color: black?

Age: ???

Birthday: ???

Height: ???

Character description: female lead's father

Nakano Amane: best friend of the female lead

Hair color: light brown

Eye color: red-brown

Age: 17

Birthday: ???

Height: ???

Character description: female lead's best friend

Shima Nishida: good friend of the female lead and seen as a rival by the male leads

Hair color: green

Eye color: pink-purple

Age: 16

Birthday: April 13

Height: 165 cm

Character description: a charismatic lady who is also a hidden fujoshi like the female lead, was at first seen as a threat by the male leads due to her short hair making her look boyish, she also took the female leads first kiss and is an overall fun person to be around

After getting a basic understanding of the characters,angelica took around 2 years in space time to review everything she needs to review, during these two years, she didn't spend all her time on studying, she also practiced her magic,and she increased her business and medical ability to the god level, when on earth, her business ability was on master level while her medical ability was on grandmaster level, now her business ability is on god level and her medical ability is on the border line of breaking through the origin level, the biggest improvement would be her cooking which was originally at grandmaster level and was currently her only,and first skill to be at the origin level.

As a complete and total foodie,who had just found out that there were more delicious things out there she wasn't aware of, in addition to her inability to gain fat even if she ate all those delicacies, her main focus was of course on her cooking, which improved by leaps and bounds due to her extreme focus on it,and the special ingredients given by the space. Her cooking became so good that even baby, a system who doesn't need to eat joins her every time for meal time

Angelica wasn't the only one improving in these short two years, baby also learned many different things, because it was a system, it didn't need the practical knowledge of things and only needed the inbook knowledge of them, due to this, baby became smarter every day as time went on, but maybe due to the special ability of the space, both baby and angelica retained their same personality even though they are now more knowledgeable and powerful

Angelica:"who'd have taught 2 years would pass so quickly"

Baby:"yeah, I get to eat hostś delicious food every day,and there's so many things to do in here I won't even have the time to be bored, there's also many new things to see and learn by staying here"

Angelica:"yeah,but we must still go out at some point,which in our case, is now"

Baby:"right, we still have a mission to complete, so what would host like her identity in this world to be"

Angelica:"I want to be a childhood best friend of kae and a-chan who moved abroad when they were 10, I'll be going to their school as a transfer student, the time of my transfer should be a week after kae lost weight, that way they're all familiar with each other before hand, of course I want to be in the same class and grade as kae"

Baby:"is that all?"

Angelica:"no, besides being kae and a-chan's best friend, I also want to have a rich and powerful background, that way it won't be weird for me to be familiar with shima, it'd be best if we are best friends"

Baby:"alright, but first, does host want to go there personally and experience these 17 years of life, or does she want the system to generate the memories in the heads of those involved directly?, and secondly, how does host plan to resolve the main emotional conflict?"

Angelica:"I want to go there as a 10 year old, when I'm going abroad, because if possible I want to rebuild my business in that world,and secondly I'm not quite sure, in the 2 years you've known me, you should know that I've never been emotionally involved with other people before, so I don't know how to deal with emotional matters, I plan to use this world as more of my observation world, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to offer them, but I might just go for the reverse harem route an make kae strong enough to have all four guys, if not, the original ending with mutsumi isn't bad, and I'll just find 3 qualifying girls for the other male leads"

Baby:"baby has never been in a relationship either, and agrees with hosts plan, now shall we go?"

Angelica:"I have one last question, when we go to the worlds,can you materialize as a human, or do you have to materialize as an animal, or maybe because it's our first world you can't materialize and can only stay in my head?"

Baby:"because baby is special, it can materialize as an animal from the get go, to be able to materialize as a human, the host needs to go through 3 worlds first, and after that, baby can appear as a child related to the host"

Angelica:"alright, now that all my questions have been answered, let's go"

having said that, she tore the card that had the words 'kiss him not me' on them, once she did, both she and the system disappeared from the place and appeared in another place

[meanwhile at headquarters]

L:"finally,she went to her first world, I almost taught she was planning to stay in there forever"

System:"stop exaggerating, besides, she only spent two years in her space, which was only 2 hours outside"

L:"yes I know, but still, it it were me,I'd already be in my 3rd world by know"

System:"that's exactly why it isn't you, besides, don't you know her character?"

L:"ha-ha, fair enough, with her character,I'm surprised she didn't want to learn everything and be the strongest she can be first"

System:"it's exactly because she didn't do that so she choose low leveled worlds"

L:"she really is smart isn't she, I can only admit defeat in the intelligence department when it comes to her"

System:"and the looks department, and the background department, can't forget the strength department, personality department and the skills department"

L:"(speechless face) can you not do me like that?"

System:"heh, what do you think (with a mocking expression on its face)"

L:"why am I even friends with you"

System:"who said you were my friend"

L:"hey,give me some peace and leave me alone"

System:"sure, as long as you leave my house, I naturally won't come to yours to bother you"

L:"you just don't want me here"

System:"I wonder with what thoughts you got that idea from (another mocking expression)"


due to the fact that he was indeed the one who came here uninvited, the usually witty L couldn't say a word of defense for his actions

[back with angelica and baby]

Angelica:"so this is the world of kiss him not me, it's not much different from my original world"

Currently on a still moving plane, well to be precise, a private jet, a young lady with odd colored hair and eyes, yet seemingly fitting with her exquisite face was holding a pure golden cat while gently stroking it and talking to herself in a whisper, the workers on the jet would take constant looks at her and sign in amazement of her beauty, while the beauty in question doesn't seem to realized the comotion she was causing

Baby:"the host can speak to me mentally"

Angelica:"I know, I don't recall personally opening my mouth when we first met, so I'm quite aware of this, I just felt like talking,also isn't your form a bit too attention drawing, I've seen orange cats before, but never a golden one, at least not one of this golden color, and certainly not completely covering it"

Baby:"well this isn't exactly your original world,so it allows a lot of chance for me to be different types of animals that's considered weird on earth as long as it's still within this world's will"


Baby:"meaning I could even become a purple cat and I'd still be alright, but I can't become a mythical creature such as a dragon or unicorn because that will cause retaliation of the world's will since it isn't an 'actual animal',I can even become a purple cat because cats are actual animals registered in this world's will, and purple is also a color of this world"

Angelica:"I see, so the color of the animal is the loophole, but because this isn't a fantasy like anime world, your form must still be within acceptance of the world's will"


Of course besides the first sentence said by angelica when she arrived, the current conversation occurred within her mind, after all, it would be to see a person talking to a cat and the cat meowing in response in a very humane manner, after the short conversation, both system and host took a nap because the double teleportation put a toll on their souls, they first teleported out of the space for a brief second before they teleported to the world of kiss him not me, and as soon as they got here, they was a influx of memories in angelica's head while there was an influx of information of what form it could take for baby, currently baby was truly sleeping, while angelica was in a sleep like state trying to absorb the bit of space-time energy left on her from the double teleportation, just like that, 10 hours went by quickly and the jet had already landed in europe

Time passed slowly but surely, for the next 6 years, angelica went around traveling to many different places to build her business, the system had generated some 'fake parents' for her, so for every matter that she as a child wasn't allowed to sign, her 'parents' were the ones who took charge, after 6 years of hard work and getting her companies spread almost everywhere excluding japan, angelica spent the last year reviewing once more and getting her permanent registration at japan completed,which was easy to do because she was originally 'born' in japan, once everything was ready, angelica, and baby, who was currently a golden cat, went to japan, throughout these years, angelica still kept in contact with kae,a-chan, and shima through their devices, so not only did their relationship not diminish, it instead became closer, because now the 3 friends in question could also receive yaoi mangas from different parts of the world

It'd been four months since school started and a week since kae's change, and there was an uproar in the school due to the knowledge of a new transfer student coming in today from abroad,especially for the class 2-A students since the new students was going to be in their class,currently in class 2-A, there was constant chattering going on

Teacher:"alright class, be quite, as many of you have heard, there is indeed a new student today, and she did indeed come from abroad, but she was born here and speaks japanese so there should be no problem with communication, now please welcome our new student...come in an introduce yourself"

Angelica:"hello everyone, my name is angelica, you can call me angie, I apologize if you find my name hard to pronounce because it's not japanese,in japanese my name is pronounced 'anjericka', i was born and raised in japan for 10 years before I went abroad for 7 years, and now I'm back to stay forever, if you have any questions, you can ask"

The moment angelica stepped in, the entire class went quite, before, there had been a few students who said they had seen the transfer student in the teachers lounge, and that she was beautiful, but their descriptions of her were too vague and unrealistic to be talking about a real person, so they got ignored and the only information that went across to their other classmates was that this new student was a girl, but now that the person in question was standing in front of them, everyone was so shocked by her beauty that they couldn't make a sound, when she opened her rose petal colored lips to speak, besides her name, they quickly got lost in her angelic voice and didn't come back to their sense even though she was done speaking

Currently besides the teacher who was now getting used to her beauty and hence was calm, there were only two other people in the class that were relatively calm, and even they were boiling in excitement at the return of their best and also childhood friend

Teacher:"since there are no question, you can go sit behind serinuma, raise your hand serinuma"

Angelica:"there's no need for that, kae and I along with a-chan are friends, so I know who serinuma is"

Teacher:"is that so?,if that's the case you can ask serinuma to show you around during lunch time"

Angelica:"okay teacher"

after she said that, she went to the seat behind kae and sat down

Kae:"why didn't you tell us you were coming back?,when did you get here?, we could have picked you up from the airport"

A-chan:"yes, you should have told us when you were going to come back, also, how long have you been back for"

Angelica:"I came just this morning, I wanted to surprise you guys so I didn't tell you, and don't worry I'm not tired since I slept the entire way here, as for the later question, you guys can ask during break"

Kae:"you came to class straight from the airport?"

A-chan:"that's not good, even if you slept in the plane, the pressure from your flight here won't just disappear like that"

Teacher:"ahem, girls I know you're very excited to see each other again, but your conversation can wait"

Kae,A-chan,& Angelica:"yes mam"

having said that, they kept quite and listened to what the teacher was teaching