
Queen of the ocean

Kayla_Thomas_2294 · Fantasía
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2 Chs

The gift

It was finally my birthday I was finally turning 11 years old. I gladly hopped out of my bed joyfully. Getting ready to dash down the stairs.

Once I got downstairs there was no party set up. I don't know why, last year we had a huge party. There was only one gift standing.

Nobody was down the stairs so I went back up to watch TV. It was like 2:00 AM so I went downstairs nobody was still not there. I looked outside all over the house I couldn't find anything.

All that was left in the house is that one gift present that I don't know what it is. So I opened it all there was is a necklace. Then once you know it they all came out of their hiding and yelled" surprise"!

I should of Guested.

Our family always does that all year! I should've never opened the gift. Mom was kind of angry that I opened it before she got there.

And then my sister pulled out all her robots and then all the party directions pulled up that was so surprising! So we party real crazy. The necklace was beautiful but I was expecting more for a gift. My mom says is really special.

And then magically a cake appeared. It was the best party ever with barely any gifts. At least I am finally 11 years old.

My mom said we are finally going on a vacation that's probably why I don't have any gifts.

I was getting ready to go to the vacation she said we are going on a cruise in the water. Or go swimming it was my choice. Never mind is the best birthday I ever had.

I got my room thinking what I was going to wear ,all I had was all my baby clothes.

I was so exighted to go on a huge cruise on my b day. But I'm scared I might drown in the water. We were going to go on the cruise for at least 12 days. This trip was more then one day of the b day.


I always think all the negative Stuff about water