
Queen Midknight: The Wolf's Bride

Due to an ancient curse, anyone that wears the crown of Aradale becomes a cursed wolf. To live the rest of their lives separated from the other half of themselves. To be both human and a wolf but separated forever. In a world where werewolves are almost extinct, King Alexander of Aradale, must find a way to unite his wolf side with his human side. And at the same time stop his Queen from escaping or killing him. Will this wolf king achieve the impossible or will he die trying? This is a story of love, lost, curse and betrayal but most of all it is a wolf story like never before. Excerpt from the book. "Do you think Sir Judd and Queen Eileen are alright?" Jamie asked him. "Judd won't let anything happen to his wife. Western men are protective of their brides, Monisha" Alexander reassured her. "I know that but are they alright? Did I destroy two lives today, Alexander? I can't believe I did that to Eileen. I can't believe I trapped her with a man that doesn't feel anything for her" Talking about the marriage binding that took place that morning made Jamie sad. "Or maybe, you did them a favor. Maybe he will wake up to realize his imposed bride was the best thing that could ever happen to him. Maybe he will be willing to spend the rest of his life convincing his bride the same. Maybe it was meant to be" Alexander spoke in whispers to her. His voice was smooth and hopeful. But Jamie couldn't shake the feeling that he might be talking about himself not Judd. She decided to answer him. "What if his wife wants to feel the same for Judd but she can't. Because admitting she felt anything other than hatred and resentment for the man that stole her first life from her, might be too hard for her to imagine. Maybe she wants to relax in his arms every night and allow herself to feel something and she wants to feel it but she can't. Not without betraying everything she stands for. Not without knowing that everyone she left behind to start a new forced life was okay. Maybe she wants to feel it too but...maybe not. She has no choice in the matter" Alexander knew Jamie was talking about herself too. He felt the little happiness that always seemed to originate from the abdomen and slowly to the rest of the body. She wanted to feel! Alexander kissed her hair. It was the best news he has heard all day. "What if everyone she left behind was okay? What if they gave their blessings to our union?" Alexander was done trying to pretend they weren't talking about themselves. Jamie sat upright and turned to look at him. Her eyes glittering with unshed tears. "Don't you get it! My father would never give you his blessing! You are the reason he lost two of his daughters and you are the reason I lost my kingdom, my sister and my inheritance. Even if I wanted to feel something, I couldn't. Because that would be too painful, Alexander. Hating you is just easier" Jamie felt the tears run down her cheeks. Alexander sat upright. Using the back of his palm, he wiped the tears from her face. Then he kissed her lips. "I understand, Jamie" He whispered to her. Credit for the cover goes to its rightful owner. P.s if you are the owner and wants me to take it down, contact me on discord

Precious_Onwe · Fantasía
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207 Chs

Chapter Nineteen: A girl like me.

Chapter Nineteen: A girl like me.

Alexander urged the horse to move as fast as possible. He knew he had to get there on time. If something should happen to Janessa or worst the princess, the little goodness he had in him will be completely gone. It wasn't a matter of if but when.

He would go back to those days when he would slaughter a whole village for something as frivolous as a bruised ego. Those days, he would go days in a daze and the only time he felt anything was when he had blood on his sword.

Not now! Not when he was beginning to feel just a little. Not when he knew he was going to enjoy taming his Queen.

He saw the shadows first before his bride and his sister. He moved even faster.

Help me! I can't hold them off any longer! The voice in his mind told him. Alexander was sure he was losing his mind. He had finally gone crazy just like his ancestors. What was next? Will he turn into a blood thirty tyrant and conquer all of Derkal nations?

Jamie heard the horse before she saw the man. She figured he couldn't keep his distance after all. He looked like a mad man galloping through the forest like it was on fire. Soon, he was on the ground running towards them.

"I take it his Highness decided to take a walk after all" Jamie sounded grim about it.

Jamie wanted to ignore the king but first he tackled her to the ground roughly among the screams of the princess Rosemund and the silent disapproval of the guards. They weren't brave enough to voice their disapproval.

"What the..." Jamie thought this was the height of madness from the king. No one should treat the princess of Namura like dirt that can be tackled. She was about to give him a piece of her mind when she followed Alexander's gaze and found the blade nailed to the tree in the place she was standing before. He had saved her life again.

"Let's not make this a habit, Her Majesty. I can't keep playing the hero in our story. Now! Grab Rosemund and run. I will deal with the traitors who just placed the lives of the Queen and the princess of Aradale at risk"

Alexander was on his feet in an instant and so was Jamie. Instinctively, Jamie pulled out the sword on the king and next, she was deflecting the blade that was headed for the princess's chest.

"I guess now we are even, his Highness" Jamie smiled smugly and Alexander liked it.

Rosemund stared at the couple, they were acting as if those weren't real blades. It was both an absurd and terrifying thing to watch.

"Now. Run." Alexander gave the orders and he expected them to be followed but his bride was reluctant.

"No. Now, we fight" Jamie was ready to take down the invisible traitors that came for her head.

Alexander turned sharply to face Janessa. He had no patience to argue. In battle, he had never worried about his men disobeying his orders but this green eyed princess just did.

"You will do as I say or so help me God, I will..."

"Queen Janessa, I applaud you to take me back to my castle. I am not a warrior like you and I am in need of protection which only you can offer. Or do you mean me harm, her Majesty?"

"Of course, her Royal Highness I will get you home safely" Jamie reassured the princess.

Rosemund looked at her brother like she was saying that not everything would respond to threats. There were easier approaches to things.

Alexander's face flamed in anger. His eyes were considerably brighter. Jamie concluded she was imagining things. His face spoke loudly to Jamie. She was going to pay for disobeying him in public.

Jamie grabbed the princess's hand and they ran leaving behind Alexander and his two knights to fight.

"What are you doing? Follow them and make sure they are safe or I will take your head" Alexander instructed the knights. He had two reasons. One, he didn't want them to see him try to find the voice in his head and secondly, he needed to be sure his Queen and his sister was safe.

I think I am going to die! Help me! The voice was getting weaker.

"Where are you, now?" Alexander asked with his mind.

"Near the creek by the river, hurry King Alexander! My time is near!"

"You know my name?" Alexander was puzzled about the revelation.

"Everyone like me knows the story of the Wolf King"

Alexander could feel that he was close by. He was almost by the creek when he first heard the horsemen.

"Stop!" Alexander yelled at them. They were about four horsemen and a young wolf.

"Who are you?" One of the horsemen asked the King.

From their accent, King Alexander knew they weren't from that part of Aradale. They had too thick of an accent.

"You almost killed my family. Does it really matter who I am? I am still going to kill all of you" Alexander was calm as he made a promise to them.

It was customary for a King to throw his symbol of his house on the ground before a fight to the death. It was a way to tell his opponent he won't be punished for killing a King.

Before Alexander could throw the symbol of his house on the ground, two of the thugs attacked him. Alexander easily overpowered them. He wanted to take his sword out but it wasn't there. Bollocks! Janessa took it earlier.

The thugs smiled and Launched an attack. Alexander grew up using his bare fist to fight off men twice his size with bigger swords. His father made sure of it.

First, he used a defensive technique followed by sudden disarming of his opponent. He grabbed one of the thugs sword and he plunged it into his abdomen.

He pulled out the sword and in a flash, the other three were barely breathing. It was the happiest moment of his life. Having the smell of blood on him, it confirmed what he knew all along, inside him was a demon waiting to be unveiled.