
Queen Kohra

The Kingdom of Ataliya has been ruled by the priestesses of Muni for over a million years. Queen Kohra is the chosen one and appointed when she reaches 18. The thing about her though, is that she's unwilling to chose a consort. Lesker is a scholar in the monastry of the god Burmi. He is chosen as the first consort for Kohra, the very stubborn queen. What happens when intelligence clashes and fate draws this unlikely couple together? Find out, in the legend of Queen Kohra. Volume 2: Era of Lesker Lesker has lost his memory and found himself in a mysterious place without anything to go on with. The only thing he remembers are his name and something he must find. How is he going to survive, restore his memory and find what he's looking for? Find out in the Era of Lesker

Greyworrld · Fantasía
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75 Chs


{Third Person Point of View}

"Kohra! Kohra! Kohra! Are you alright?" Jeir yelled in panic, shaking her.

"It'll do you no good to shake her while she's unconscious, Lady Jeir. Leave her be"

"But, she's.....she might be.....she might....."

"She won't die. At least for now. I really have to check what's wrong with her. Carry her and bring her to my room"

Jeir shoved Lesker aside and lifted Kohra. She rushed as far as she could to the royal physician's room without jostling her too much. She placed her gently on the bed and refused to leave while she was being checked.

The royal physician came later on with her diagnosis.

"She's suffering from a rare magical condition. Her own magix is attacking her body. It seems like there's something supposed to keep her magix stable but it has been out of place for a long time and now, it's backfiring on her body. If we're not careful, it might even affect her baby"

"Wait, she's pregnant?" Lesker asked, staggering backwards. The healer nods while Jeir glares at him.

She moves closer to Kohra and places a hand on her forehead, sighing.

"What do we do about it? How do we save her"

"I'm sorry Lady Jeir, there is no known cure for it. I don't even know what is supposed to keep her magix stable in the first place so I can't find a replacement"

"I know what it is but you have to swear on your life that you won't speak a word of what is said in this room to anyone. Even you Lesker"

The two were skeptic but nothing was worth risking the anger of the royal adviser and the life of the Queen.

"We swear on our lives" they both say. She nods and tells them.

"Kohra used to have a divine spark. Her Elder magi was so strong it birthed a divine spark. Unfortunately, she had it ripped from her when she was younger by a goddess. She told me all this but I didn't believe her until I saw the hole in her soul with my own inner eyes. It was terrible.

She told me without her divine spark she only had a few years to live so she wanted to explore the world before she passed on. Unfortunately, her wish was ripped from her when she became queen and we all forgot about it.

Now that it has come back up...." Jeir wiped the stray tears from her eyes.

"I don't want her to die. I want to save and avenge her. She's a good person but the world keeps pulling her down. They keep breaking her mind, soul and spirit. I only want what's best for her" Jeir sobs.

Lesker hesitantly placed a hand on Jeir's shoulder to comfort her.

"Don't you dare touch me! She's like this because you got her pregnant! I should have your head on a pike for trying to kill the Queen"

"Jeir, you have to calm down. I take full responsibility but violence is never the answer. We have to find a solution and save Kohra"

"Do not utter her name you vermin!"

"Lady Jeir, I'm sorry but Prince Consort Lesker is right. You have to calm down. I do not have a cure for her disease but you could try the Principality of Soden. They have the best healers in the whole continent" the healer suggests.

"We could leave her here and go visit the Principality for a cure...." Lesker suggests but the door bursts open. The Queen mother and Sephira stood at the entrance, both breathing heavily.

"Take her and run. Both of you. Sephira will go with you" Kitari orders as soon as she spots Kohra.

"Mother no! I'll fight with you" Sephira argues.

"You will protect your sister. We cannot risk anything happening to her or any of you" Kitari says firmly.

"Aunt Kitari, what's wrong?" Jeir asks, confused.

"There's a rebellion in the palace. The men are attacking. They're trying to usurp the throne. There are even royals among them. As long as the three of you survive, the throne of Ataliya is secure. Now go! There's no time! Find Anak, the dragon emperor" Kitari says.

Jeir carries Kohra off the bed and makes a run for it with Lesker and Sephira. They didn't have to worry too much about Kitari. She could handle herself. Protecting Kohra was of utmost priority. Sephira felt a pang in her chest but it wasn't the moment to dwell on it. She just hoped everything would be alright.