
Queen's Rebirth

Kim Jisoo was a queen one day and the next day, she is in a strange land with an entirely different face. Awaken in the arms of a billionaire. She can not forget the pain and betrayal, of her husband the king. She vows revenge and prepares for it but the only hurdle is, she doesn't recall her way back to her past life. Will she decide to enjoy this new life which is so cosy and rosy or will she return to her world and take her revenge on the ones she wants their head?

NJ33 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter three-----Who is lady Eun Ae

The eerie feeling in the room crept on Kim Jisoo making her feel weary and tired. The handsome stranger still stood there watching her intently. She felt herself losing her bravo not willing to ask any more questions.

Maybe, you should lie down she thought to herself. This guy's aura is scary and reminds me of my brother's own back home. The way, he spoke to the maids enunciates authority and authority she recognizes very well.

Trembling and trying to hide her trepidation, she asked him.

"Who are you?" Looking at him like a trapped deer.

"I guess you must have indeed lost your memory, seeing how you can't recognize your husband," He coldly replied to her.

Husband? He is joking, right? My husband doesn't look anything like this. This person here is domineering everything about him speaks power and authority and he certainly is not a king!

My husband is a king and so what's happening? I need an artefact to confirm something... I hope it is not what I am thinking Lord!

"You don't look like my husband, so, you can not be my husband," She gave him the cold glare, he has been giving her.

"I see. I don't care if you are pretending or not, what I want you to know is even if you are faking your illness, I still won't give you the divorce you seek! You knew what you were getting into right from the beginning of the marriage," the more he talks, it seems the angrier he gets.

"I don't...understand," she replies to him, her voice shaking in fear.

"You will soon". He turns to leave but stops abruptly." Just so you know, you lost the baby you wanted to keep for your lover, so badly. I guess that's the universe's way of punishing you," he leaves the room taking with him his suffocating aura.

Kim Jisoo releases the breath that she didn't know, she has been holding in.

First of all, she was pregnant but she lost the baby and she had a lover, a lover! How is that possible?

Not just that, a mysterious handsome man is posing as her husband, she is being called Lady Eun Ae even after countless corrections, she has made to the maids.

Who is lady Eun Ae and how come everyone addresses her as her? The impression that she might have time-travelled won't leave her mind. She has only read it in books back in Armsdam.

Whenever, her husband neglected her and acted as if she was not existing, books were her comfort. She leaned on books to dream and travel the world.

She circled her world around books like a shield and armour of her father's. She was no stupid queen. I guess that's why her husband's interest waned.

Her stomach grumbled, noticing she is very famished... She stood up to call out to one of the maids to get her food. For now, food is important then she would think of the rest later.

Let's add good food and books to her list of flaws that her husband hated about her. Unquenchable rage holds her bound in one place as different emotions fuel her anger.

She tries to suppress them and the handsome strangers flash into her mind and all the rage in her slowly melts away. She steps down from the bed and walks towards the door.

Everything in the room seems so foreign to her even the door is looking surreal. She searches for a way to open the door and finally, she gets a hang of it.

The door opens and she steps outside. Standing outside her door are two men in foreign clothes like the maids, theirs is a little different but it has the same white and black.

"I am hungry, can you call me one of the maids and get me a book to read as well," she said to them.

Looking at them with respect she spoke so politely unlike the old lady Eun Ae who talks to everyone as if they are under her and not up to her class. Of a truth, they are not up to class, so, the guards always avoided her.

They are surprised she spoke to them in such a polite manner. At first, they didn't know what to make of it. The spell broke when they saw she was still standing there awaiting their response.

"Yes, my lady," one of the guards runs off to do her bidding.

What weirdos are around me? Food first, then we will think of the rest later.

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