
Chapter 1

Quantum Physics states that the universe is completely made of energy. Atoms are made of electrons, and electrons are made of quarks. Atoms are truly specs constantly spinning and vibrating, coming together to form structures, coming together to form anything, they are consequently, and effectively: everything.



Malik's head rested heavily on his desk after he spaced out during a lecture.

"Glad to see you're actually alive." His teacher said in a condescending tone.

Malik is currently 17 years old in the 12th grade. He's just about ready to wrap up the school year, and more so his high school career in general.

The bell rings and Malik comes out of his classroom to see Sindy and Miles waiting for him.

"How was class baby?" Sindy said happily. She's a bubbly girl for the most part. Sometimes that would get on Malik's nerves, she was sensitive, but regardless, he loved her. Up until this point they had been dating for 6 years, All the way through middle and high school, which is quite impressive. Malik's bashing personality would tend to clash with Sindy's positive outlook on things a lot, but she loved him nonetheless. While it wasn't easy, they made things work, they were solid.

"It was alright I guess." Malik said. "We learned nothing, as usual, so I just chilled and went to sleep."

"Is that really how you want to close out the year Malik? Your mom's gonna get on your ass if you start slipping up right as the year ends." Miles was the concerned older brother type. He's Malik's older cousin and has been around for the chunk of his entire life, so he's his closest friend.

"Bold of you to assume I care about slipping up in senior year" Malik said laughing. Sindy made a sour face at his remark.

They continued to walk down the hall, until they see a group of boys roughly handling a smaller student in the halls.

"How sad" Malik scoffed. Malik tended to stay away from situations like this, he found them to be too annoying to deal with and usually let someone more fitting handle it.

Naturally as Malik walked away from the situation, Sindy and Miles guiltily followed, even though they wanted to help. As they walked Sindy came to Malik's side and got in his face.

"You're so much stronger than the rest of us, why don't you ever step into situations like that Malik? It's so frustrating!"

"Why are you so loud? And I didn't step in 'cause it would've just gotten me in trouble, what good would that have done?" Malik responded spitefully.

Miles joined the conversation.

"It's a fair point bro, you're always acting like you don't care about people, it's almost as though you want people to think you're an ass. The least you could do is show some compassion."

"Where was your compassion then, Miles?" Malik responded. "Tell me, what did you do to help that boy, you too Sindy" At this point, Malik had stopped walking and began to raise his voice in the hall outside of his class.

"What did you guys do?! Huh? Go on, tell me, if you can't, then do me a favor and get the fuck off your moral high horse, because there's nothing that pisses me off more than people that think they-"

Malik choked on his words as he realized Sindy began to sob. Ongoing students started to stare, and Miles took Sindy away to her next class, staring Malik down as he left.

Malik was too stubborn, no- too prideful to apologize in the moment, so he decided he would do it the next day, since she wasn't going to be seeing him for the rest of the school day.


Once home, Malik begins to walk through the living room and kitchen, making his way upstairs to his room.

"Hey Malik!" Calls out his mother.

Malik doesn't respond. He puts all of his school materials down and prepares to come downstairs to have dinner with his mother and brother. Once downstairs, he is greeted by his older brother, Jorack.

"Wassup Malik"

Malik bleakly replies with a head nod, and they begin to sit down for dinner.

"So how was school Malik?" His mother says as she sits down after setting food on the table.

"It was fine." Malik says this knowing he's lying, recalling the earlier events of hurting Sindy's feelings.

"What I'd like to know more of is what you did today, Jorack?"

Jorack seemed annoyed, as his brother had a tendency of looking down on him for not being as successful as he'd like to be.

"You know, just the usual, I've been studying to get my real estate license, and I've been looking at a few new jobs around town." Jorack responds.

"Sounds like you did a whole 'lotta nothing then" Malik laughed.

"Malik." His mother scorned.

"I'm just saying, it'd be nice if you'd actually step up to the plate that was left to you."

"Malik, stop."

"We're left high and dry and the only man left in the house seems to be our mother, you sure you don't wanna learn how to cook and clean so you can become a proper housewife, Jorack?"

"Malik Myers!" Their mother yelled as she slammed the table, shaking.

The room befell an eerie and uncomfortable silence. Jorack had a calm, but hurt look on his face. Their mother began to speak.

"I do everything I can to protect you two, to provide for you. All I ask is that you get along with each other, not only for the sake of your relationship, but for my own peace of mind. When I'm gone, you'll truly only have each other left in such a harsh and unforgiving world. So please, please stop, Malik- for me."

"Tch" Malik began to storm out of the room until he turned around to let out an unbecoming apology.

"Sorry, Mom."


Malik begins to get ready for his next day of school, to which he woke up late. He is rushing out but is stopped by his mother as he is stepping outside.

"Malik!" She calls out from the living room.

"I love you, son"

Malik stares for a second, almost as if he is confused. Unable to process his own emotions, he responds-

"I know mom."

Malik continues to rush to school, prepared to apologize to Sindy for making her cry the day prior. After finishing his first, second, and third class, it was time to see Sindy and Miles.

They were waiting outside of his class like usual.

"That's surprising." Malik thought to himself. "I didn't expect them to even want to see me after all the things I said yesterday, but then again, it's hard to get them to not want to see me."

"Hey guys." Malik said in a calm, apologetic tone.

"Wassup Malik." Miles responded.

Sindy seemed standoffish. Almost as if she was upset but happy to see Malik at the same time.

Her conflicting emotions caused her to push Malik with a pouting look on her face, she then proceeded to hug him.

"Sometimes I wish you could hold a grudge Sindy" Malik sighs.

"Why are you so mean?!" Sindy exclaims still hugging Malik.

"I'm sorry, okay? If I'm being honest, I was just scared to do anything against that group of kids, that's how I've always been. My strength seems to be very self-reliant, I never fix myself to help other people when they need it." Malik says.

"You've been like that since we were kids! I was always the one defending our hides, you never stood up for me in the smallest of situations. Maybe 'cause you deemed them "unimportant", but it's weird! Go to therapy or somethin', ya selfish weirdo." Miles exclaimed.

"I don't care about any of that, just stop yelling at me every time I'm trying to help you!" Sindy says.

"Alright alright, I'm sorry guys, I'll try to show a little compassion the next time I see some bullies around or whatever, but don't expect a complete change of heart."

Malik began to think to himself.

"How truthful am I being? It seems like it's one bad deed after another, almost never ending. First it was the argument about the bullies, then the argument at dinner. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. But everyone always forgives me, and thinks I can do better, can I do better? Will I do better? I don't know. But for now, in this moment, I'll apologize to maintain the peace that I can, this peace is comforting, it feels good."

The three continued on through the hallway, until they are once again greeted by the sight of the same bullies pressing the same student from before against a set of lockers.

Malik thought- "Wow, I knew it, when it came down to it, I still feel like I can't do anything about this. Or is it that I simply don't want to?"

Malik stood and watched as the bullies harassed the boy, that is until Sindy and Miles begin to walk up to them with a determined look on their faces. They had changed since Malik yelled at them. They felt like hypocrites, so this time, they want things to be different.

"What the hell are they doing?" Malik thought. "I feel like a complete dickhead right now man, and they're about to make me feel worse. But I guess that's my fault anyway."

"Hey!" Miles exclaimed.

The bullies turned to Miles and Sindy with an aggravated look on their faces, the boy who seemed to be the ringleader began to speak.

"What the fuck do yo-"

Before another syllable could be uttered from the boys mouth, the entire top half of his and everyone's surrounding bodies disappeared. The wall, their torsos, and some of their upper thighs. The space was distributed differently, but it was as though all matter resting in the 20 foot radius where the bullies stood was completely atomized.

An unbecoming silence fell onto the hallway. Their bodies fell to the ground and the boys innards spilled from what was left of their bodies. The hall was still silent in shock, and a tall, black; greyish figure emerged from the hole in the wall leading outside. People began to let out heart piercing screams, mass hysteria began.

Malik began to panic, standing in place as he watched the figure eradicate students one by one.

He thought to himself.

"Holy shit, holy fucking shit. What just happened, what the hell just happened? Are we gonna die? Is Sindy gonna die? Is Miles gonna die? Where's my mom? Where is everybody?"

"Malik...Malik...Malik!" Miles called out.

Malik blacked out in a standing position from the shock, and was brought back to reality by Miles.

"Malik we have to go, now!" Miles said while grabbing Sindy and Malik.

As they ran through the halls toward the exit, more figures appeared one after another. It seemed like when the figure pointed at an area, that surrounding area would be eradicated completely, removed from reality as if it never existed. The size of the eradications seemed to vary.

The three made it out of the school, but making it home was going to be a completely different task.

"How the fuck are we gonna get home Malik?!" Miles screamed.

"Malik, please, I don't wanna die, please." Sindy says.

Malik was becoming overwhelmed, he didn't want to play the leader right now, he could barely even stand up in his condition, the shock was too great. But he came up with an idea.

"Miles you can drive can't you?"

"Of course I can, so what?"

"What do you mean "so what" you fucking doofus, we need to find a running car and take off to the neighborhood, it would be the most efficient to run and find one along the way. Actively searching for one outside of our route will get us killed."

"That's a good idea I guess, let's go."

As they began to leave the spot they were conversing in, they got a good look at the damage done to the surrounding area and city. Buildings were toppled, crumbling to the ground, human remains were everywhere, splattered onto the pavement. It was a sight for sore eyes.

Regardless, the three pushed through, Malik began to notice how terrified Sindy truly was, and grasped her hand tightly, reassuring her.

"It's gonna be okay, we're making it 'outta here."

Sindy nodded her head and they continued to run. All was well and they weren't running into any of the creatures they saw at school. They checked cars along the way, but none were running.

They began to turn their next corner when they encountered one of the creatures dead on, it was turned around, so they quickly went back around the corner. This one was the size of a normal person.

Malik began to panic.

"Damn." he thought to himself. "It's over, we're finished, the house is only 5 minutes away on foot too. If we could find a car, we'd get there in less than 2. "

The creatures footsteps could be heard by the three, it was approaching slowly.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Malik thought. "Wait, there's a car across the street with it's lights on. Please God if we're lucky enough for it to be running then we'd be set. If only we had a way to get there, tough luck."

The creature continued to approach, until suddenly from across the intersection, a woman notices the creature and begins approaching it in a panic. She was yelling about how she needs help saving someone that's stuck under rubble.

"Wait, does this woman think that thing is human? Is she a fucking idiot?!" Malik thought. "Should I say something, should I call out to her? Is she actually just calling out to us?"

The creature began to walk past the corner the three of them were hiding behind, approaching the woman. The woman began to realize the creature isn't human, her face fell into despair as she turned around to run. A gaping hole then appeared in her torso after the creature pointed at her, leaving her dead on the pavement.

"Now Malik!" Miles calls out.

Malik knew exactly what Miles was referencing; the "running" car across the street. He grabs Sindy and runs across the street, alongside Miles, somehow making it to the car.

"Fucking push it Miles!" Malik exclaimed.

The three of them laugh painfully and excitedly as the car revs up and soars down the street, leading to their neighborhood block, they are approximately 1 minute away.

Malik thinks back to that woman who died.

"I feel horrible for that lady, she probably had someone she really wanted to help under that rubble, someone she loved dearly."

The car went silent, until Sindy responded.

"It's okay to feel bad, Malik. But all we have now is each other, and hopefully our families, we have to make it out of this. No matter what." She says with a an endearing smile.

"You're right." Malik responds.

"We're about to be there guys. Prepare for the absolute worst." Miles says.

They all grit their teeth and prepare to hopefully split up and find their families. But suddenly, Sindy spots a stray cat on the side of the road.

"Stop! Stop the car Miles!" She exclaims.

Miles slams on the breaks in a panic.

"What the hell is it?!"

"There's a cat, I think we should help it."

Malik speaks angrily.

"Are you fucking serious?! We need to get home! Keep driving Miles."

Sindy looks down sadly and the car begins to move. Malik starts to think about his harsh delivery and speaks.

"Look, I'm sorry about the cat, I love cats too but we need to leave, now."

*30 seconds until arrival*

Sindy angrily responds.

"If you cared about the cat, then you would have tried to save it! As a matter of fact, if you cared about anyone besides yourself, you probably could've avoided those bullies and that boy being killed if you stopped them the day before! But no, you're too smart too calculated to step into a situation that doesn't concern you right?!"

"It's not like that." Malik responds in a frustrated tone.

"Oh, but it is, you never want to-"

Sindy is cut off. Time seems to freeze for Malik. He watches as the top half of Sindy's body begins to fall onto the ground below it. The back-bottom half of the car had been eradicated by one of the creatures. One thing Malik realized in this slowed state, was the single tear streaming down Sindy's lifeless cheek, as her dark brown eyes became completely lifeless.

All Malik could do was let out a deep scream.

The car began scraping along the road at a high speed, still following the path directly into the neighborhood.


"Malik! Get a hold of yourself!" Miles exclaimed as he tried to get him out of the passenger seat. "We're here, your house is only a couple steps away, hurry!"

Malik began to snap back into reality, and made his way to his home, while Miles left to his own.

"Shit!" Malik said as he began to enter his house. It was in shambles, on the brink of crumbling to the ground.

Malik swung the front door open.


She was being choked helplessly by what seemed to be one of the creatures from before, except this one was different. It was dressed in a dark purple, with a black aura surrounding it. Jorack, Malik's brother, was laid out on the ground in a corner.

"Mal- Malik..." Their mother attempted to speak.

"This thing isn't the same as those other creatures, it looks almost human." Malik thought.

"I'm so glad you're here." The thing began to speak, it sent chills down Malik's spine.

"You see, I need to take your mother away, but there is no use for a pest like you, so I'll be taking my leave now."

Malik grits his teeth.

"Over my dead fucking body"

Malik let out a scream and began running towards the creature, but when he tried to take his next step, the footing under his left side was gone and he fell to the ground. The space where his leg was had been thoroughly eradicated.

Malik wailed.

"Quiet down." The creature said in a condescending tone. "It's time for me to leave now."

Suddenly, Jorack appeared from behind the creature, letting out a battle cry before attempting to slam his head in with a piece of rubble he found. However, before he could land the blow, the rubble that would have connected with the creatures head disappeared.

"What?!" Jorack exclaimed, until being helplessly choked alongside his mother.

"Oh, this is so nostalgic, you look just like him, human." The creature snarls. "Too bad your little human there can't help you out, huh? If only he had the strength, to get up and do something. How sad..."

"Shut the hell up." Malik grits, getting up.

Miles suddenly comes through the front door.

"Malik! Aunty Cher!" He screams.

The creature begins to speak as Miles and Malik advance towards them. Malik is of course, moving very slowly, although he is missing a leg, the rage surging through his body is enough to cause him to move through the pain.

The creature spoke.

"I don't know if I'll get in trouble for this, but I'm bored, and you're an interesting one, so..."

Time slowed, and Jorack mouthed the words "Save him" to Miles, with tears streaming down his face. Through these split seconds, Jorack produced a warm, endearing smile to his mother and younger brother, before his inevitable end.

Jorack's entire body blew into small chunks. Miles and Malik watch helplessly as blood rained onto everyone in the room.

Malik's mother began to sob, but the creature tightened his grip to silence her.

The creature laughs.

"Did I overdo it? Haha, I thought he could handle a bit more than that. Well I've had my fun, I guess I'll be taking my leave."

Malik let out a blood curdling scream.

"Don't you have any compassion, any sense of empathy?!"

Malik thought- "What am I saying?"

"What are you?! You waltz into my home and start killing people and taking people away, who do you think you are?!"

The creature and Malik's mom began to walk through a portal.

"Don't walk away from me! You scum! You worthless fucking scum!"

The creature turned and stared at Malik as the portal closed with intense white eyes.

"Mind your tongue, boy."

The portal closed, the creature and Malik's mom were gone. It seemed as though the destruction outside stopped as well.

Malik fell to his knees and hunched over, mumbling incoherent ramblings.

"Saved...her...saved her...what...what...good for...what could...I can't...gone...they're...all gone..."

He began to scream and slam his head onto the ground below him, sliding against the floor and tossing himself around like a child throwing a tantrum. Malik could not control his sobbing. That was until he felt a powerful presence grace his shoulder. He turned slowly and was greeted by a man wearing a white coat with black buckles, he was also wearing a white top hat.

"What...who...what..." Malik muttered.

The man began to speak.

"Decide boy, will you reside in this realm and become a product of your own self wallowing, or will you ascend beyond it, and become something greater."

Malik stared at the man, in shock of course, not knowing what to say. He stood up proudly, gathering himself and his thoughts, beginning to speak.

"Fuck you. Burn in hell. There's no ascension, and there is nothing greater, fuck you." Malik slapped the mans hands disrespectfully.

"Very well." The man began to turn and disappear, but Miles calls out.

"Wait!" The man stopped. "He'll do it, he'll do whatever you want him to do, and I wanna come with him."

"Miles wha-"

"Malik! My family is gone, there's no trace of 'em, no blood, no packed bags; nothing, they're just gone. I have nothing left, so if someone's offering a way out, I'ma take it."

The man in the coat stared for a bit, then spoke.

"Okay then, it seems as though you are closely related to the boy, so I will allow it."

They began to disappear together, to Malik, it felt as though their energy was being broken down and transferred to another place entirely.

"Hey wait! I never said I wanted to do this, let me die! I have nothing left!"

The three of them appeared into an almost heaven-like world. A world like no other. The sky's were a light yellowish-blue and the clouds were indigo. The ground was made of tangible energy and there were people flying around as far as the eye could see. Malik had no idea what he had just gotten himself into.

Chapter End