
Chapter 196: We can't see the goddess! But the big guys are starting to pick and choose!

But even if they suffered, they were happy to hear the disaster alarm lifted.

Wentini ran out of the basement and saw Janna, Angel of Tears, and Xu Chengfeng sitting on the sofa.

Naturally, she also saw the head of the goddess of the night in the fish tank.


Wentini screamed and immediately covered her mouth.

"Master Islander, what is this?"

"Collectibles!" Xu Chengfeng said to Tears, "Angel of Tears, put this thing in the warehouse... Forget it, put it in your room!"

"Okay, master!"

The Angel of Tears nodded.

Originally, Xu Chengfeng wanted to put it in the villa warehouse.

But seeing Wendini's scared look, he still decided to put it in the Tear Angel's bedroom.

Otherwise, Wen Dini might not even dare to approach the warehouse in the future.

Janna said, "Master, I'm leaving first."


Xu Chufeng nodded.

After Janna left, Xu Chengfeng looked at the World Communication Channel.

Because of the turmoil caused by the pirates and the Evernight Goddess, it is still an urgent task from the island world, and now the newcomer world communication channel has become a pot of porridge:

"In less than ten minutes, the mission is completed, and the veteran island owners have not had time to make a move. Who do you think did it?"

"Needless to say? It must be Boss Xu. You can see it by looking at the merit rankings!"

"I rub it! Breaking one hundred million!"

"Imperial level! It definitely killed the imperial level abyss demonized beast!"

"Absolutely, Boss Xu didn't run away!"

"Boss Xu's island has an emperor-level powerhouse?"

"I can understand why Boss Xu can keep Tong Mu, Wilson and others under him... There are emperor-level powerhouses on the island!"

"How about the official support? It is impossible for the official to let the emperor-level powerhouse go to the newcomer island world!"

"That's right! No wonder Boss Xu is so strong!"

"Boss Xu is the husky mixed in with the wolves!"

"It's wrong, it's a wolf mixed in with the sheep!"

"That is to say, Boss Xu started with a blast and conquered the emperor-level powerhouse?"

"Xu Laogou is really lucky!"

"You call this luck? If you start with an emperor-level powerhouse on your island, you will probably be slapped to death by the opponent!"

"That is to say, Boss Xu has a relationship with the dark girl?"

"I heard that the goddess of the night is the most mysterious, beautiful and powerful goddess in the Kane world? I'm so envious!"

"Oops! I used to call him Old Dog Xu, will he hold revenge?"


Xu Chengfeng looked helplessly at the merit list.

This list sold him cleanly.

Now all the new island owners know that his island has emperor-level combat power, and they all know that he grabbed the head of the Evernight Goddess!

The power in his hands has been exposed... a trace!

Xu Chengfeng estimates that he will soon be on the front page of news all over the world!

He thought about it for a while, and then spoke on the World Communication Channel:

"Buy the dark magician's skill book at a high price. You can use magic potions, island seeds, demonized beast meat, and skill books to exchange. I hope you can actively sell them to me. I don't accept duplicate skill books. When I receive a suitable one, I will not I bought it!"

"Shit! Boss Xu has appeared!"

"It's obviously asking us to sell dark skills, and it's so strong, it really deserves to be Boss Xu!"

"Boss Xu, ask for asylum, ask for support, my skills are superb!"

"Fuck off, Boss Xu is ours!"

"Boss Xu bought the dark skill book, it's a real hammer!"

"It's terrible, Boss Xu, if my island is next to you, please let me go!"

"Boss Xu, is the goddess of the night really beautiful?"

"Yes! Boss Xu, what does the goddess of the night look like? Can you tell us?"

"Boss Xu, I have a dark skill book here, tell me what the goddess of the night looks like, and I will sell it to you!"

"Yes! Myths say that the dark girl is the most beautiful and powerful goddess!"

"Boss Xu, is the goddess of the night as beautiful as Sisel?"

"Boss Xu, does the goddess of the night look good with Bingbing?"

"Boss Xu, does the goddess of the night have that Icapella figure?"


Xu Chengfeng soon discovered that these people didn't even ask him why he was so strong, but ran to ask the Goddess of the Night if she looked good...

Both men and women seem to be very curious about the appearance of the goddess of the night.

The new island owners of each country took out the most beautiful female stars in their own country and let Xu Chengfeng compare them!

Xu Chengfeng thought for a while, but still answered.

Long Kingdom Xu Chengfeng: "Goddess of the night is not my type!"


Be reserved!

Now, he is a man of status and status

Of course it's impossible to act like a licking dog!

As soon as Xu Chengfeng said these words, the new island owners all over the world were boiling!

The new male island owners all over the world are sour!

"Damn! Damn! Damn! Is this the tone of a big man?"

"Fuck! Does Boss Xu's vision reach the ceiling? Is his vision so high? This is the real goddess, the real god!"

"We little people can't even see the gods, but Boss Xu has begun to pick and choose from the goddess!"

"It's really the drought that kills the drought, and the flood that kills the flood!"

"I'm not that picky, as long as beautiful women like it, why can't I meet the gods?"

"I admit I'm sore, if I see the goddess of Kane's world, I'll definitely kneel down and lick her toes!"

"I'll lick their soles!"

"I'll lick the dirt they've stepped on!"

"Disgusting! It's not good to lick a dog!"

"You ants, people can trample you to death!"

"Boss Xu belongs to Blue Star and belongs to us Blue Star humans!"

"Boss Xu, can you tell me why the Evernight Goddess is not your type? Can you tell us what type you like?"

"Yes! Boss Xu, what type do you like, maybe I fit it!"

"Tell us now, Boss Xu!"


Xu Chengfeng found that these new island owners began to pay attention to other strange things!

Xu Chengfeng thought for a while and replied, "I like people with long legs...36 at least they should have legs!"

"At least have legs? What kind of preference is this? As long as everyone has legs, right?"

"That's right, Boss Xu's answer is so perfunctory!"

"Fuck! When I think about it, the Evernight Goddess seems to have only one head left!"

"Hahaha... No wonder Boss Xu doesn't like it!"

"I feel terrified when I think that the Evernight Goddess has only one head!"

"So it is!"

"I thought that Boss Xu likes goddesses like Spider Queen Rose!"

"Hahaha... The upstairs is really talented, Rose does have long legs, or eight!"


Xu Chengfeng covered his face and didn't want to talk to these LSPs.

He glanced at the friend application, and someone had started to add him as a friend.

The dark skills he wanted are here!