
26. Broken temporal flow

Hello, again my wonderful readers. Back again with another chapter of QTQ. I wanted to get this out yesterday but that was April Fools and I didn't want to that you guys. Yes, I heard the news. Casagrande's got canceled. However, TLH got greenlit for seasons 6 & 7, two more movies, and another Live action movie. That means more characterization for forgotten characters. I made this chapter extra long(albeit I did remove some scenes) after the hiatus. Another 10k words. That means I'm taking another break from QTQ to focus on Taylor/Bully QT, Jancey Yates, and Tabby's chapter.

Speaking of chapters, Starlight Glimmer in Crystal Prison showed herself and you guys loved her portrayal. It's my first writing that type of character. Someone who reveres another as a deity, ready to do anything for them. Also, I may do some trivia at the end of each CP chapter.

Heads up we got folders Awesome, Heartwarming, Funny and Tearjerking on the Tvtropes page. Now for the QOTD

QOTD: What's your favorite moment of the chapter so far? Wait I think I asked that

QOTD(2): Who's your favorite character?

Guest: I personally try to keep that for my Lemon story

Bryan Pacheco/looneytyne22: Those fight scenes were short and sweet. Lincoln trains in Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, Snake style Kung Fu and Hapiakio. He knows a bit of Karate and wrestling due to sparring with Alexandria & Pandora

ThanosGaming: You're right on both parts. The scene with Lynn and Margo was inspired by the picture of Princess Bubblegum and Marceline he did some time ago. Marceline says that she'll let Simon/Ice King fuck Bubblegum senseless as a small price to pay to show how grateful she is for all things he did to ensure her safety as a child.

I just started to watch Demon Slayer. I'm on the Drum demon arc plus season 2 just dropped so I better catch up.

Yami15147: The dreaded button masher games

JD112: Renee will make her appearances throughout the story. Dodgeball gets boring after a while plus they have to deal with Girl Jordan. That's not a fun time for them. Comedic rivalry. Sure, let's go with that. Yes, we'll have more moments like that. One of them will be in the next chapter whenever I start to write it. I haven't decided on who's going to be there with them during Middle Men. However, that gives me an idea of how to introduce Bully QT early. Oh damn, I forgot about that. Oh, the struggle of writing three stories. I need to put a pin in that.

Guest(2): Battle Bot is going to be one of more interesting characters in the story. His grudge against Lincoln is going to be one of the more overreaching arcs in the story. We are talking about like all the way to season 5. Other plots are coming up such as what the Time Travelers plan to do with Tetherby, Bumper Jr., and his vengeance and Rusty's envy.

Renee won't officially be in the Lincoln bowl besides a few teasing moments here and there. Same with others that aren't a part of the twelve members. You'll be concerned too if your best friend casually mentions that they were almost harmed.

Battle Bot will be a recurring antagonist for Lincoln. Plus, he's semi-adaptable so probably upgrade himself after each defeat

Mr. Haziq: Cocky is an understatement. The Shadowbolts at least the B-team are blank slates except for Suri and Trenderhoof due to having their own episodes in the main universe. Trenderhoof and maybe Lemon Zest are the only ones who are genuinely nice in the Shadowbolts

DaleJr.88: Bruh, you have no idea. 200 minor characters plus the main cast along with the exclusive Equestria Girls characters. I think the main issue is characterization. How do I use them in the story and when I'm going to put them in?

Yes, I did and thank you for the review. We did get our own folders for all except Funny. The list will increase over the chapters. Thank you again. It was my first time writing those types of scenes. You can tell that it wasn't my usual writing style. Cinch was already a nasty piece of work while Rusty is a steady process. It'll be a waste if I don't use some of the outfits.

Technically five or more characters since we have Morag from the movie and a major change to another character. Lincoln's hospital won't be until season 5 so sit tight. I went with the regret route for Dorothy but the protection thing can work too. Her episode occurred during the same time as the accident. Ronnie Anne's reaction to the news. Have you ever been yelled at by a pissed off woman in another language? Neither have I but I heard it's terrifying. I can't say what happens to Nikki's mom but her actions will make her father look marvelous in court. The Yoshikage Kira speech is one of the most famous speeches in anime history. If you know Killer Queen's power then you'll understand why they tossed it around. But if you don't know, Killer Queen's ability is that they can turn anything they touch into a bomb.

A hero deserves a reward for their efforts plus Renee is one of the less popular ships and that she looks like Lynn Jr. Stella will have the dark personality out of the girls. Casually sips tea about Rusty. That man didn't throw up because he was impressed. Lincoln has his friends, Lynn Jr. and Battle Bot to test his skills.

Margo is more levelheaded than Lynn, providing a smoother transition into middle school compared to the insanity that Lynn advised. In a way, you can't blame them for trying to make amends. Hold back? In my fanfiction? Never.

NiteOwl18: Trust me. It's going to be more intense. For the person heading to the bathroom. I don't want to spoil it. :)

Margo checks out her body after Lynn's threat

Their friends joined them in the hallway. Paula passed Margo her backpack as they ambled to their next class. Margo caught herself in a trophy cabinet's reflection. 'You have a good body, Margo,' That phrase repeated while she observed her maturing body. Huh. Her hips are coming in. Boobs too? 'Pretty freckled face of yours,' She traced her cheeks, leaning forward to inspect her face better. Well, she wasn't ugly but not a head-turner. Although Margo is still growing, so who knows. Lynn thought she was pretty.

She smiled with her hands on her hips. "Huh, that was a confidence booster that I didn't know I needed," Margo optimistically spoke to herself.

"Margo, let's go," Paula yelled to her teammate. They have algebra next with the Hoft.

"Coming," The freckled girl replied before winking and finger gunning her reflection.

The entire fifth grade of Royal Woods Elementary chatted amongst themselves in the school's auditorium early this morning. Principal Huggins inspected his watch. It's 9:15. The stern elderly man tapped his microphone, echoing throughout the room, halting the students' chit-chat as they gathered their attention onto him. A few scattered shushes remained before a complete silence. "Good Morning, students," He broadcasted.

"Good Morning, Principal Huggins," They repeated.

"I called you all here for an update about the Middle School Orientation," Principal Huggins started as they groaned amongst their prattle. Is it canceled? Some of them wanted to miss class today. He raised a hand to quiet them. "Don't worry. We're still having it. Just a few changes," The senior confirmed as the students sighed in relief. "There have been many complaints regarding chaperones and troublemakers at the middle school giving false information to incoming students. Therefore the school board proposed a buddy system," A trio of their teachers stood in front of the stage holding container of one of the primary colors. Cheryl handed him a clipboard. "We'll go by last names and class order," Huggins equipped his reading glasses listing off the students. "Is that everyone?" He asked.

"Yes, sir," Cheryl replied. " Now, if you all would follow me to the gymnasium, please?" She requested cheerfully. The elementary students grabbed their school and trekked to the gym. "All right, everyone. You'll be placed in separate groups of three. As seen with your little wrist bands, each group will have red, blue, and yellow," She explained while clicking her pen. Cookie covered Clyde's mouth, muffling his anguished wails. Relax, it's only for an afternoon. "Let's started," The southern belle called off the names. "Lincoln Loud, Cristina Pucelli, and Serena White," Cheryl announced.

Serena snaked her arm around his shoulder. "Alright, the bunny and the bear," She grinned with her yellow wristband as Lincoln rolled his eyes with a curt chuckle.

"OH, COME ON!" Rusty shouted, gesturing to Lincoln's group. Two cute girls again? Zach retorted with an appropriate sharp smack to the back of his head. He dragged his fellow redhead to their group. Cristina approached the two as Cookie's angry eyes followed her steps.

"Hello, Lincoln," She greeted like a mouse avoiding eye contact and slipping a few glances as Lincoln observed her. Their friends waited several tense seconds for a reaction from him.

"Hey, Cristina," Lincoln smiled, removing weight from her heart. He's talking to her again.

"Alright, everyone, head to your buses," Cheryl directed the students. Lincoln gestured for the redhead to follow them. She smiled as her red band dangled from her wrist. The students organized themselves into single-filed lines for the assigned buses. Cheryl performed a quick headcount. "Oh dear, we got the smaller bus. Some of y'all will have to lap up," She acknowledged. It wasn't an issue for most of the students. Same-gender. Remember, I said most. Case in point. Lincoln Loud and Cristina Pucelli, who was promptly in his lap. Both students' faces were plump ripe tomatoes.

"Lucky," Serena mumbled with a pout when the bus rumbled. Neither spoke for the bus ride when Cristina screwed up her face. Something was poking her. She glanced at Lincoln's desperately flustered face.

"Lincoln?" Cristina whimpered. Her eyes roamed his body. Was that? He tightened his grip around her waist during the bumpy transport.

"I'm sorry," Lincoln muttered, apologizing to the best of his ability. His jeans were tight for the entire bus ride to the middle school.

The bus screeched to a halt near the Royal Wood Middle School. Cheryl hopped off the vehicle as the students followed, assembling their appointed crew. Few marveled at the size of the school. Is that authentic marble? Lincoln's and Cristina's face's remained red. "Everyone, head to your chaperones. We'll see you in a few hours," Cheryl pointed to a band of middle schoolers waiting at the stone steps of the entrance.

"Lincoln, over here," Margo called him over.

"Hey, Margo," He strolled over to his sister's freckled teammate with Cristina and Serena close behind. "You're our chaperone today?" Lincoln asked, grateful that it was someone that he knew.

"It was supposed to be Lynn, but…."Margo replied but dragged the last part of her sentence.

"Oh right that," Lincoln rubbed the back of his head. Two girls shrugged at the interaction. Probably something personal. Some of the students entered the building to start their orientation.

Margo glanced at her watch. "You three have your maps," She asked the newbies. All maps are present and accounted for. They were taken back by the sheer scale of school grounds with completed renovations. Also, how the hell does a school have underground tunnels? What is this place, Hogwarts? Sorry, I can't get over that. However, this is a world with ghosts, dragons, and time travel. Nothing should surprise me anymore. She gestured for them to follow her. "Good thing you got me instead of Taylor," Margo shuttered at the delinquent, whispering to a whimpering set of elementary students. She had a gothic tomboy aesthetic but a heavier emphasis on the latter. Her long wavy brown covered one of her eyes. Ah, yes, the emo bang with the heavy black boots and brown stockings. Lincoln scanned her figure. Boobs. Okay, she must've repeated a grade, or puberty hit her extra hard. This Taylor has athletic style wear with red jean shorts and a black shirt underneath a white vest.

"I don't want to be those guys," Serena whispered to her group, pointing to the shivering redhead trio. However, Rusty's eyes were preoccupied ogling her chest. The bell rang, ushering the students into the halls. Rusty's eyes marked Lincoln's back as they paced to their homerooms. Serena slowed her pace, trailing behind Lincoln to block Rusty's ire. You're not getting through to me.

"Lucky bucked tooth bastard,"

"One of the best things about Middle School is that there are no assigned seats, but that depends on the teacher," Margo informed the trio as they entered the room. "Just pick a seat and get used to it for the rest of the school year," She pointed with her thumb to an array of empty seats—the same layout as elementary school except that the chair is attached. God, I hate those desks. There's never enough space, especially when you have your notebook and textbook on the desk while taking notes. Lincoln approached an empty one right when a cute blonde pigtailed girl with a teal dress did the same.

"Oh, sorry, is this your desk?" Lincoln asked as she scanned his form before smiling. Huh. This fifth grader is cute.

"Don't think about it, Emily," Margo interrupted before she could open her mouth. "He's Lynn's little brother," She touched her shoulder as Emily started to sweat at the knowledge. "And you know how she goes about him," Margo whispered, cautioning her classmate.

"Um, no, you can take it for today," Emily stammered before finding another desk. He shrugged to Cristina and Pandora before taking a seat. It's time for roll call.

They entered a biology lab with pristine white lab coats provided. Fancy. "Welcome, 5th Graders. We are continuing our work with live mealworms today. So everyone grab a case from the back of the class." Mrs. Pham greeted the newcomers to get the day started. "Or at least what's left of them," She grumbled, recalling a previous set of students. The rest were fine except for that group of red-haired boys. Taylor was their chaperone. Figures. The students retrieved the cases and began working as she strolled around the room. It's a simple task of observing and recording the eating behaviors of mealworms. Mrs. Pham paused at the newest group of fifth graders. White hair? "Um, excuse me?" Margo's group turned towards their teacher.

"Yes, Mrs. Pham," Margo answered, holding her green notebook.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but is your hair natural?" The biology teacher questioned the sole male in the group. "And I didn't get your name, sorry,"

"My name is Lincoln Loud," Lincoln replied. Her eyes widened in recognizable terror at the surname. "And yes, this is my natural hair," He pointed to his scalp. Pandora took the chance to lace her fingers to his soft hair.

"God, not another one," Mrs. Pham groaned, dragging her feet to her desk. She twisted the cap of a flask and chugged its contents. "How many are left?" Pham wiped her mouth with her sleeve.

"You're at the halfway point. There's eleven of us," Lincoln confirmed as Pandora continued playing with his hair. Pham's face crashed into the top of her desk in defeat. "Don't worry, I'm the calm one, and so is Lucy. It's the twins and Lisa you'll have to worry about," He continued, only for their teacher to pull out a bigger bottle from one of the drawers with a blank expression on her face. She's going to need a lot of this.

Sweet, it's lunchtime. Everyone ate at their tables, talking with their cliques. Taylor was advising her little group on how to survive middle school. "This middle school thing isn't so bad," Serena admitted with a pork bun in her hand. She didn't want to take any chances with the cafeteria food.

"It's pretty easy after a while," Margo replied with her grilled cheese sandwich. Today's it's pepper jack with shredded brisket. Man, I could go for some brisket right now. "You guys will go solo after lunch," She said with a crunch of her sandwich.

Cristina glanced at her provided schedule sheet."We only have three more classes," She remarked, holding her fork with a bowl of tuna salad.

"Cool, we have art after this," Lincoln read off the chart. Lynn gave him one of her classic meatball sub sandwiches with extra sriracha sauce, giving it a mild tingling sensation on his taste buds. His father wrapped it in extra absorbing wrapping paper to protect his clothes but not his face. It covered the edges of his mouth.

Cristina pointed to it, mirroring him. He tilted his head. What is she talking about? "I got it," She reached into her bag and opened a tiny bag of moist towelettes. Her hand maternally cleaned his cheeks. Some of the middle schoolers cooed at the adorable scene as Rusty rolled his eyes again. "All clean," She smiled softly.

"Thanks, Cristina," Lincoln whispered, avoiding her gaze with a meek blush. The table enjoyed their lunch until it was time for class.

"I'll see you guys later," Margo told her group. She has Social studies. Hopefully, her teacher is in a good mood today. Now, the fifth graders were on their own. They must reach the wonder of watercolors.

"Do you guys know where the art room is?" Serena asked her two mates. She glanced between the two halls. Which way was it? Cristina pulled out her map, trying to make sense of it. The map can cover her entire body. It's huge!

"Are you guys lost?" An eighth-grade male asked the group. Maybe they were better than those red-haired boys.

"Yes," Cristina replied in a silvery tone. "Can you tell us where the art room is?" She handed him the map.

"It's down that hall. Make a left then a right. It'll be the third door on the left," He answered, pointing straight ahead. They thanked him when Rusty, Liam, and Zach sprinted out of the photography room.

"Dangit, Rusty, I told you we should've asked for directions," Liam panted as they ran away from the furious photography club. Why didn't they use a 'Don't enter' sign? It's a cartoon plus fanfiction. Nothing really makes sense anymore.

"Well, I didn't want to be a noob," He defended as Taylor chuckled from a distance. She can't believe those idiots fell for it.

"All right, kids, you're the lucky class today," Coach Keck acknowledged. "Nobody wanted to fess up about making a mess with the volleyballs," She gestured to the giant trolley.

"Boo," One of the students at the apparatus.

"That's what I said," Coach Keck replied with outstretched arms. "It wasn't going to be a big deal. Just clean up the mess you made. Let it be a life lesson to you guys. Clean up your messes. I know it sucks, but you got to deal with it. Nobody wants to be screwed over by something that someone else did, especially when it's a simple fix," She advised before snapping her fingers. One of her students wheeled in a tv on a stand and projector. "Enough of that, let's a movie," She smiled. They cheered, scattering for places to sit down and enjoy the film. Most were content, sitting on the floor or the belchers. One of the students gave Coach Peck a thumbs-up once they completed the set-up. "Hit the lights," The room slowly dimmed, replaced with the shine of the rumbling projector. Two weights rested on Lincoln's shoulders. He glanced at Cristina and Pandora laying their heads on him. They were on the floor with their backs supported by the bottom bench. Lincoln hmm'ed at the action before focusing on the movie. It didn't bother him. They watched the film until the end of the day.

The final bell rang. Orientation completed. Lynn checked her watch while searching for Margo and her group. Was she good? The fifth daughter clenched her fist while her eyes dimmed, remembering the hell she endured. Cruel nicknames, embarrassment, stuck in a crumby chair. Thankfully that chef went to a different school. Margo better be a suitable chaperone. Her eyes caught a glimpse of white hair strolling towards her. "So, how did it go?" Lynn wondered, shooting a dark glare at Margo, who raised her hands in defensive surrender.

"Not bad, actually," Lincoln admitted with his hands resting in his hoodie pockets. Lynn exhaled in relief. He's safe.

"Middle school should be a breeze next year," Pandora added.

"Now, just puberty," Cristina muttered as they shuddered at their upcoming metamorphosis. It's seven to three. Almost time for them to head back to the elementary school.

"You guys head out; I need to go to my locker," Lynn responded. They strolled down the hall when Margo glanced at the window. She did a double-take. There are some people at the blacktop. Wait, those are Lincoln's classmates!

"Uh, Lynn," Margo called for his team captain. Lynn shrugged before closing her locker.

"What's the deal Mar-" She asked before pausing at the scene. "Yo, Linc, are those your friends?" His friends were cornered by a group of irate middle schoolers. His blue eyes expanded before dashing outside as Serena followed shortly after. Margo, Lynn, and Cristina sprinted. They may need backup.

Lincoln panted as he reached the perimeter of the basketball court. Rusty, Liam, and Zach huddled together against a group of enraged middle schoolers. Pandora arrived and quickly counted. Two for each of them. She signaled. He nodded before they approached the court.

"What is he doing?" Margo whispered to Lynn. She knows that he can handle himself but against four. Yeah, he has backup with Serena but will it be enough? "Shouldn't we help them?" She asked.

"Nah, he can handle it," Lynn admitted as she shook her hand. She glanced at the upcoming reinforcements of elementary students of Clyde, Cookie, and Girl Jordan.

"I told you to fuss up with the volleyballs, but nooooooooo," Liam complained to Rusty while the menacingly advancing middle schoolers. "You wanted to look cool,"

"Come on, guys, we can take them," Rusty encouraged his friends. The two paused and screwed up their faces at the biker.

"Dude, who is we?" Zach retorted. They're in this mess because of that Taylor chick and Rusty attempting to impress the gothic tomboy. She's busying chewing a piece of sour apple bubblegum at the sidelines. With Cici by his side, Byron cracked his knuckles with a smirk when Clyde, Cookie, and Girl Jordan dashed across the court, blocking the older students from reaching their friends.

"Who the hell are you guys supposed to be?" Byron scoffed at their attempts to help their friends. He beckoned his fingers for the rest of the middle schools to step up. The elementary students stepped back with a sweatdrop on their foreheads. Clyde opened his mouth to speak. Nothing. He can't figure out what to say with his trembling legs. Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap. Where's Lincoln when you need him? A playing card flew between the groups. Their confused eyes followed as it soared right back between Lincoln's fingers. His orange hood obscured his face with Pandora next to him.

"Who's this kid?" One of the middle schoolers whispered as Lincoln and Pandora stood before.

"Before we start," Lincoln smiled, holding out a deck of playing cards. "Pick a card," He instructed casually.

"What?" His classmates deadpanned; even Lynn and Margo were dumbstruck by this. Byron shrugged. This should be fun for a minute. He took the top card before squinting as more got a card.

"Joker, seven of hearts, two of clubs, and five of diamonds," Lincoln predicted to their shock.

"Well damn, but that won't save you-oh fuck," Byron countered before Lincoln's leg struck his knee cap. The older boy wobbled, struggling to maintain balance, but Lincoln won't let him. The firstborn son of the Loud family rushed, driving forward his knee. His arms hooked around Byron's knee, securely locking it. Lincoln tightly jerked his forearm to his torso while pushing his shoulder into the thigh, dragging Bryon to the rough asphalt. What the hell? They didn't see it happen. One moment Bryon was standing; now, he was groaning on the floor. Taylor viewed the altercation with mild interest.

"Byron!" Cici yelled. She attempted to assist, but Pandora intercepted, grabbing her green sweater sleeves and swiftly tying them into a pretty bow. "What?!" She barked. Pandora gripped the sleeves and the hem of her skirt. The panda enjoyer stabilized her foot against Cici's, drawing herself closer. She used the middle schooler's weight against her as she leaned forward, flipping Cici's upon Byron as a cushion. He grunted at the sudden impact.

"Hey, wait a second!" The photography girl pleaded. Were they getting their asses kicked by fifth graders? Lincoln flipped her black leather apron, blocking her vision. "Hey, what the hell?" She exclaimed when Lincoln crouched down to leg sweep her ankles. The last one watched his friends collapse in abject horror. What the fuck is going on here? He attempted to step back and flee, but Pandora grabbed his light blue buttoned shirt and flung him over to the pile like a laundry sack. Speaking of which, I should hurry up and fold mine. The middle schoolers groaned from the pain. Why are they so strong, or were they just that weak?

Bryon rubbed his head to ease the pain. "Say, what's the big idea?" He asked before an immense encompassing pressure forced his heart to thunder. They froze with a mounting recognition of dread. Lincoln's baleful arctic eyes stared them down as Pandora flexed her claws with a predatory grin. "Dude, relax; we're just joking," He pleaded as the two drew near. Lincoln and Pandora stopped.

"Yeah, we just wanted to see you guys sweat," Cici defended, attempting to loosen her hands. Oh.

"Well, it worked," Liam grumbled, tugging on his shirt collar. "I'm like on the second shirt for the day," He checked his pits. Looks like he's going for three today.

"I'm still pissed about the photos," The photography girl retorted. Clyde rummaged in his bag for a peace offering.

"Oh, shit, are those snickerdoodles?" Byron asked at the ziplock.

"Sure, they're homemade, so help yourself," Clyde offered with a grin as they devoured the sweets. His classmates grumbled. Those looked so good.

"Man, these are good. What are your names again?" Cici asked with her hands still bound in her sleeves.

"I'm Clyde Mcbride," Clyde introduced himself to the now standing group. He pulled Lincoln towards him. "And this is Lincoln Loud," Clyde informed as Lincoln passed them business cards.

"Dorky but in a cool way," The photography girl complimented.

"Hey, Lynn, this your brother or cousin?" Bryon questioned the star athlete.

"Brother," Lynn admitted from the other side of the fence.

"Stepbrother?" Cici asked, still wanting someone to free her hands please and thank you. Seriously that white hair.

"Not according to our mom's stretch marks," The Loud siblings remarked matter-of-factly.

"He's okay but tell him and his girlfriend to ease next time," Bryon requested, shaking the debris out of his blond hair as his friends nodded in agreement. Pandora rested her head on his shoulder, wiggling her eyebrows with a flirtatious grin. His schoolmates stared at the duo. Team Bunny Bear. That's their ship name.

"We're not there yet, Pandora," Lincoln deadpanned at his teammate. When did he start calling her Pandora? His classmates muttered at the familiarity.

"Yet? Pandora teased, prolonging her smile. His eyes searched for Lucy and Lori; hopefully, their sister sense didn't pick that up. The sudden ringing of the bell halted this relaxing atmosphere as their eyes exploded with alarm. They were going to be late!

A small spherical silverish drone observed the interaction from a birds-eye view. Its single orange eye flashed in a steady pattern. Completed. The drone disappeared in a blaze of light cyan.

The Loud siblings and Pandora strolled home on this lovely afternoon. Pandora basked in the sweet sunlight as a gentle gust of breeze fluffed her curly asymmetrical bangs. Birds scattered at the monstrous roar, shaking the ground. Lincoln and Lynn checked their phones as feathers and leaves littered the sidewalk. It's from Lisa. Tentacle got loose and is throwing a tantrum. Assistance required. The siblings glanced in the direction of the howls. "Just when we thought it'll be a normal day," Lincoln joked.

"Not with a family as big as ours," Lynn smiled as she stretched. It'll be a tough battle. "Let's go," She got ready to run. Those roars grew fiercer each second.

"I'm coming with you guys," Pandora admitted with zeal. The Loud siblings paused at the request.

"Are you sure?" Lynn gestured to booming animalistic yells. "We're used to this," She mentioned as Lincoln nodded to agree. Pandora's eyes blazed with vigor as a grin plastered her face. "Damn, you're really getting into this?" Lynn remarked in approval of the girl. "Alright, Panda, get ready," The athletic remarked with a grin of her own. She glanced at Lincoln. Ready. The trio raced towards the Loud house. Pandora gaped at Tentacle's…tentacle raving and ravaging at its battle child-size robot, freezing its parts with ice beams. That thing is HUGE! The tendril's size increased as they drew nearer. She grinned as her blood pumped eagerly at the incoming fight. Oh, this was going to be fun. Pandora charged forward, only for her face to slam into an invisible barrier. The Loud siblings watched as she slid down with a squeak.

"Ow," She grumbled with a red aching nose. Lynn banged on the barrier, revealing geometric shapes of hard cerulean light. It spread throughout their house's perimeter near the sidewalk. More tentacles erupted, smacking the robot like a fly, spiraling towards the barrier. It swiftly recovered, skitting towards them.

"Hello, Lincoln and Lynn," Friendbot greeted with child-like glee. "You've received our creator's distress signal,"

"Yes, can you let us in?" Lincoln requested. Friendbot's antennae flashed in morse code. An opening formed for them. They tossed their backpacks on the porch before nodding with a stern expression. Even Pandora's cap was ready. Lynn opened the gate for them. Lisa rolled and tumbled out of the slamming tentacles. Expect one. Her intellectual eyes expanded at the encroaching slam. An arm wrapped around her midsection, enabling her to avoid the monstrous blow as they rolled out of the way.

"Thank you, patriarchal figure," Lisa replied as the tentacle slid away to the bunker opening.

"Anytime, sweetie, but please get this before dinner," Lynn Sr. requested. He glanced at the impacts on the ground. Oh, man, the landscaping. At least it hit didn't the flower garden. TODD rolled towards them. Lisa climbed on top of her machine before skidding off. Several smaller dismembered tendrils littered the field. He poked one of them. "This can make some good calamari," Lynn Sr. observed. Good size and color. Incredible fresh as it wiggled around. His eyes widened. Wiggled around? An obstruction formed in the pulsating suckers before spitting them out. "An egg?" He acknowledged. Wow, that's a lot of eggs.

Cracks formed in all of them as beady eyes and chirps erupted from them. Chimeric. That's the only word that could possibly describe them. A purple cephalopod body and appendages. Wiggling tendrils, otherworldly bronze eyes, and a sharp beak that can crack stone like a nature valley granola bar. Lynn Sr. screeched, covering his head as one of them flew over him. "They have wings?" He complained right when one of them squirted ink into his face. The father coughed at the sudden bitter yet salty taste in his mouth as he rubbed his face. Crap, he needs to get out of here. Wait, his kids and their friend are still here. Lynn Sr. turned to yell for them to run inside, but the words paused inside of his throat. The trio protected each other as they worked in unison. They formed a triangular position with their backs facing each other. Lynn roundhoused one of the spawns while Lincoln's head bobbed and weaved at the streams of black ink when one wrapped itself around his neck. Pandora grabbed it, tossed the abomination to the ground, and stomped the life out, digging her heel for good measure. The two nodded before Lincoln struck one of them in the beak with an uppercut, shattering it into pieces. They maintain their formation as Lisa and her robots focus on the main body, burning portions with their lasers or immobilizing them with ice. What was his doing? His children were battling one of Lisa's experiments without fear. And him? He wanted to run away.

"Why should I acknowledge such a cowardly weakling as my family?" Those words scarred his heart. He has to do something. The shed! Something has to be in there. Lisa keeps her 'safer' experiments there. Lynn Sr. scrambled for the shed, avoiding any ink or squid spawns that came his way.

"Come on, where is it?" He grumbled, feeling the walls and floor for a clue. His hands sank, discovering a hidden panel. "Yes!" Lynn Sr. cheered as the floor rumbled with a rising wall filled with weapons. And it's empty. "Oh, come on!" He yelled, raising his arms in disbelief. Maintenance. A sign read. The one time, he wanted Lisa's experiments and inventions lying around. Ink sprayed one of the windows. Lynn Sr. peered at a corner. Oh, that's Lynn Jr.'s sports equipment. His eyes glimmered at the items. Lynn's Jr.'s sports equipment! Some of their gardening tools too. Not what he wanted, but it's better than nothing. The father grabbed as much as he could before bursting out the door. "Kids, heads up!" He shouted and tossed the tools to them, keeping a rake for himself. Lynn Jr. grabbed her trusty bat, swatting one to the fence. Its blue blood stained the wood as she tightened her grip. Didn't matter. She can always get a new one. Lincoln twirled one of Pop-Pop's golf clubs between his fingers, smacking and defending himself from these squid spawns. Why are there so many?

"Lincoln, what's your score so far?" Lynn asked, bludgeoning two of them, narrowly evading a jet of blood with a head tilt. "I'm at seventeen," She bragged before dodging a swopping dive from one.

"Twenty-four," Lincoln boasted, shattering the wing of a squid that attacked Lynn and slamming the heel into the skull. Lynn scoffed and grumbled as she lagged behind. She needs to step up. How's Pandora doing? She held her hammer and garden trowel against her chest with her eyes closed, smoothly inhaling and exhaling.

"I release any fears and doubts with every breath. I release the fear and anxiety within me," Pandora affirmed. Her blood flowed through her body, providing warmth and reassurance at the base of her spine. "I honor the power within me; I honor myself for I have the tools to succeed," She smiled, ready to assist her friend and his family. "I am strong. I can do this," Pandora rushed in, achieving a double kill, stabbing a squid with her trowel and crushing the next with her hammer.

"Friendbot, how's that compound?" Lisa yelled, firing a volley of lasers with TODD and Reinforced Titanium Arms.

"Almost done, creator," He replied as he performed evasive maneuvers. "Compound completed," Friendbot confirmed to Lisa's delight. His face panel slid up, revealing an opening.

"Everyone, get down!" Lisa ordered as a slow high, pitched charging noise revved in volume. You don't have to them twice. If Lisa says, get down. You better get down. Friendbot unleashed a singular shot in the bunker that quaked the earth for several questions as a green and yellow cloud formed. Tentacle roared in pain as it shrunk back into its hole."Is everyone alright?" The resident scientist asked. She nodded as the agreements rolled in. The Vanzilla screeched to a halt as Rita and the rest of Loud House charged in with a battle roar. Their yelling dragged to a whisper at the scene. Piles of squid bodies cluttered the backyard with deep ditches of Tentacle's imprints and ice shards.

"Hey, honey," Lynn Sr. waved to his wife with a squid corpse on his rake like he wasn't covered in blue blood. The same can be said for Lynn, Lincoln, and Pandora.

"Aw, did we miss it?" Luna complained as her shoulder slumped with her drumsticks ready.

"At least we don't have to go grocery shopping this week," Luan poked one of the corpses.

"Alright, can someone get the cooler and plastic bags? We're going to be here for a while," Rita ordered. Lincoln, Lynn Sr. & Jr., and Pandora went inside to clean themselves up. Lisa's robots assisted in making the ordeal a breeze. Also, they have Pandora some squid for the road as a thank you for helping.

Rita and her friends enjoyed their brunch at Giovanni Changs Italian Chinese Bistro. Pam glanced at Rita's somber look as she swirled her wine glass. "Are you okay there, Rita?" She asked, gathering the attention of the table.

"Yeah, I'm," Rita replied, glancing at her plate. "I'm just thinking about Lincoln," She admitted with a light sip of mimosa.

"Did one of your daughters do something?" A brunette woman with a sweater wrapped around her neck asked. His sisters were an erratic bunch.

"No, it's not that…probably," Rita remarked with a meatball dumpling. "I'm worried about him," She muttered at how much he had changed. On the one hand, she's happy that he's becoming more active and confident in himself. "Like he got attacked by that slimeball Tetherby in the park, jumped out of the second-floor window, and almost got ran over in like a month,"

"Crap, is he okay?" A dark-skinned woman with short curled hair asked.

"Yeah, he's okay, but that's the fucked up part," Rita fretted at how easily he brushed the events off. "He's too okay with it. Like it didn't matter in the slightest," She analyzed. Lincoln went through each day like everything was normal or what occurred was irrelevant. "Seriously, nothing at all. Fuck, I don't know what to do or say," Rita confessed with a brittle voice. Her only son could be hurting right now and won't even know it.

"Hey, Rita, relax for a bit," Pam consoled her friend. "He's going through puberty. It could be one of the weird masculinity things where boys distance themselves from their mothers,"

"Take your time; otherwise, he'll think you're being weird and clingy," The brunette advised. "He's talking to my Cristina again," She shrugged as her eyes followed a steaming plate of bolognese chow mein. That's going home with her.

"Thanks, girls," Rita smiled as she finished her glass. Her phone buzzed with a message from Pam.

"Are you and Lynn still up for that little thing?" The text read. Rita glanced at Pat, busy sipping her jasmine tea with a subtle blush.

"Yes, and I will watch," Rita replied with a smirking devil emoji. "I'll let you know he has lots of stamina. So you better be ready," Her lips curled to her cheeks like a cat playing with her food.

"Do I have to stretch, or can you warm him up for me, please?" Pat requested with rapid fingers. Lynn Sr. kept her satisfied for twenty years plus eleven kids. He's too much for her.

"Yes," Rita responded. "And no. This was your idea, so you better put your big girl panties on. If you can walk after it," She teased as Pat's eyes blazed in fearful desire. "He'll make you dinner,"

"Thank you," Pat muttered as the news played about the relocation of Tetherby.

Moonlight shone in the dark as an unmarked car drove upon a hill leading to a state-of-the-art scientific facility. The car stopped before a security checkpoint as a guard acknowledged the driver. "Identification, please?" He said in a dull voice. Why did they have him working the night shift? The window didn't roll-up. "Identificat-hello, Dr. Linnaeus," He repeated when his earpiece screeched. It's unusual for her to talk to one of the grunts. She's often working or getting someone else to be the mediator.

"Let them through. This is a special delivery with a special quest," Dr. Linnaeus ordered. Special guest and delivery? He shrugged before opening the gate. The less he knows, the better they don't pay him enough to care. Two vehicles drove past. A standard unmarked black van and an uh … he doesn't know what brand that luxurious car is. Whatever it is. He undoubtedly can't afford it. The cars drove into the parking lot. Gabriel and his assistant( I really need to find a name for you) exited the luxury car while Michael opened the van. The police officer pulls out an ambulance stretcher with Tetherby bound and unconscious. The tranquilizer placed the former wealthy man in suspended animation ever since the Royal Woods Correctional facility exchange. Michael pushed the cart to the back entrance of the laboratory as the assistant knocked on the heavy metal doors. You know what? I'll call her Eva for the time being. It opened, revealing Dr. Linnaeus with a stoic expression.

"Good evening, Dr. Linnaeus," Eva greeted robotically. "A test subject as promised," She gestured to the comatose Tetherby.

"Excellent, you're right on time," Dr. Linnaeus remarked. Oh. She can see the future funding and awards with her name on them. She opened the door for them to enter, with the only sounds being the crashing waves before the door slammed.

The group strolled down the futuristic halls of Incognito Labs. They scoffed at the notion of the smug scientist. Yeah, this is state-of-the-art for the twenty-first century. They have obsolete coffee makers with superior processing power than their latest quantum computers. Dr. Carol Linnaues continued flaunting her facilities toward Gabriel, who politely smiled with empty eyes. He knew what her work had done to countless billions. No matter. Gabriel still needs to play his role.

"So, Dr. Linnaeus, what's your next big project?" He asked to appease her ego. Oh, these people are so simple. Spray a few pretty words here and there, and they'll spill their goals like a glass of milk.

"Oh certainly," Carol purred as she entered the access to her personal lab. "Thanks to your generous donation. We're able to accelerate my research by 26%," She gestured to an array of blinking gadgets and machines that cost more than standard college tuition just to maintain the basic parts. Michael peeked at a sleek rocket ship outside the window. Incognito labs focus on aerospace and astronomy with a niche in engineering. No one is in the lab besides them.

"Is that your next breakthrough?" Gabriel asked. You don't keep a functioning rocket ship for show. Unless you're one of the hyper-wealthy billionaires with nothing better to do with your life.

"Yes, but it's not completed yet," Carol remarked. She attempted to take his arm to show him. The research never paid that much attention to attraction, but even she can't deny his allure. What was it? His subtle charisma? The mismatched jewelry of his eyes? Or the massive donation that he provided for her work? His assistant blocked her with a defiant glimmer in her steely eyes. Carol stepped back with her clasped hands behind her. "However, testing will begin soon," She acknowledged as Tetherby groaned and whined. The effects were fading. His eyes opened slowly as the heavy overhead light blurred his vision.

"Where am I? Tetherby asked in a groggy voice. He attempted to straighten up but the restrictive harness held firm, slinging him back on the stretcher. His eyes widened as he frantically struggled to loosen his restrictions. "What in blazes is going on here?" Tetherby demanded to know.

A slow chuckle froze his core. He wasn't alone. His beady eyes locked on the steady footsteps. "Good day to you, Lord Tetherby," Dr. Linnaeus mocked the fallen aristocrat with the light casting a shadow over her. She stood over him as if he was a mere child. "Not quite the person I was expecting, but beggars can't be choosers," She remarked at the shivering man before sniffing the air. No pungent odor, filthy nails, and a new set of teeth. He's been thoroughly cleaned. That saves her a bill. "We can start in the morning," Dr. Linnaeus informed the pitiful man. His decrepit heart sank into his stomach at her comment. What does she mean by start? He glared at Michael and Gabriel, who handed the smirking Carol a solid black briefcase. His eyes bounced around to survey the area. They're in a laboratory, and he's the test subject.

"Wait, wait, wait," Tetherby pleaded with a brittle voice and a river of sweat rolling down his wrinkly face. "What-whatever, he offered. I can double it if you let me go," He begged the researcher. She stared blankly at the bound man as if he had told her to quit science and become an exotic dancer in Las Vegas. "No, triple! Call my cousin. He can give you whatever you want," Tetherby stammered.

The doctor passed the briefcase back to Gabriel before pacing to the socialite. "I'll answer your question with a question," Carol retorted, towering over him. "What can you possibly offer me?" She quizzed the man as if it was an elementary-level question while Eva analyzed the machinery. "No, no, no. I believe that you're under the wrong impression," Carol interrupted before he had a moment to speak, instead choosing to narrow his eyes as a meager attempt to intimidate her. "What can you possibly offer me? She pointed to herself and to him. The clock ticked with an electronic beep as the color drained from his face. Carol turned her nose at him. "Exactly. Nothing…you can offer me nothing," She addressed as her greedy eyes beamed at her lab. "For your entire life, you sat in luxurious privilege with everything at your fingertips. Nothing was an impossibility. Rank, prestige, power, and loyalty. All are included for the right price with the right person. Even I know the impact money has on our society. How else can we advance the world?" Carol acknowledged with her arms spread out, gesturing to her pride and joy. "However, money is a situational power. It only has value because the person offered gives it value. Also, the person offering the money amplifies the value," She grinned at Gabriel before narrowing her eyes at Tetherby. "That's where you people fail to understand," Carol shot off. She can start the experiment now, but why not have some fun at the moment.

"You people?!" Tetherby raged with gritted teeth. The binding marked his head and his wrist with red imprints.

"Yes, Tobias," Gabriel interjected, joining Carol to deconstruct Tetherby's character. "You're a vile vapid husk of pyrite pretending to be gold. Wealth is all you care about. It defines you," He emphasized as he pinched his fingers. "Without your wealth. Who or what are you?" Gabriel questioned, picking him apart by bite-sized pieces as numerous devices hummed."You are just a sad little man with nothing to his name. No skills because you always had someone do it for you. Everyone knows you were below average among your peers. You sold values. All your allies disappeared along with your money," He ridiculed with a cold laugh. "Who am I kidding?! You never had friends. Everyone is either a pawn or stepping stone to you for wealth," The billionaire continued to belittle the man-child as he leaned forward, forcing him to smell his breath. "You have no one, and nobody will care whether you live or die after this genius starts her research," Carol smirked before glancing at the automatic doors, revealing two scientists. She nodded for them to take the test subject. His dilated eyes flickered with terror as the rolling wheels squeaked with malice. What can he do? Gabriel provided millions of dollars worth of funding. No one was going to help him.

"Wait, I know a secret. I'm a time traveler, and so are both of them," Tetherby beseeched as they approached a void for a room. Carol tilted her head at his claim. Time Traveler? Preposterous. "I can give you details about events in the next sixty years!" He declared to the crowded room, but no one heard him. Tetherby was alone in his prison. Nothing more than a toy for Carol to dismantle and play with. The door slid shut. His wails muffled from his oubliette before silence.

"Time travel?" Carol snickered, holding back a belly-busting guffaw. "Can you two believe that?" She scoffed. The duo shared a look before diverting their attention to the gobsmacked Carol. Her eyes rounded, unable to utter a coherent sentence. She cleared her throat to maintain professionalism. "What he said was correct?" Carol pushed up her glasses. Her neurons flared, attempting to process the information, crafting simulations and hypotheses to reach a defined conclusion but nothing. Street name: She has no fucking clue.

"We're technically the same," The two answered to the perplexed researcher. How are they both the same?! Different builds, voices, and personalities. "We're both from a dystopian future. I'm from a future with corporations ruling the world. Everyone is owned by a mega-corporation or several," Gabriel explained. He wanted to erase those memories. Several generations lived and died in the same warehouse for a long-dead man who implanted an A. I in a cybernetic replica to act like him to still be in charge. Everyone was replaceable cogs in the neverending machine. Never got a chance to get a proper education. All Gabriel knew was to get from point A to B. That made him one of the lucky ones. He got to leave the warehouse and travel across what used to be state lines. They annihilated most flora and fauna, replacing them with mega-highways piercing the clouds and coarse asphalt. He journeyed with armored conveys across ash-wastes, hollowed out mountains ruled by underground remnants of pre-Merge society delivering everyday items. Those Misshapen and members of Sacred dust flare were a pain to gun down. "Plus tons of propaganda. We didn't know what day it was. Some people waited decades for the weekend," He confessed as his eyes dulled, remembering Employee # 352452scV! Or Kayla. From the brief moments, he saw her ashen face from her forklift. She was a sweet girl. Kayla dropped dead one day. They dragged her young body away as a counter went up. 46. Everyone kept working. Eva frowned, holding his hand in an attempt to comfort him. He squeezed back.

"I'm from a similar universe where society collapsed due to war, disease, robots, and corruption," Michael explained. A more standard bad future compared to Gabriel. "Is COVID-19 still a thing?" He wondered.

"Oh, big time," Gabriel attested. Damn, Mouth-breathers.

"Fucking hell," Micheal deadpanned. It's still a fucking problem after millennia?! "Great dealing with mutants and cybernetic freakshows wasn't enough," Carol's brain is a formula 500 at the overwhelming influx of information. There's one thing she can do.

"May I ask a question?" She raised her hand like a student. They nodded. "What the fuck?!" Carol exclaimed with hair strands popping out of her neat bun as confusion flooded her advanced brain. She has no idea what or how to process this information. Timelines, multiverse, dystopian futures.

Gabriel checked his watch and smiled. "He'll explain," The wealthy man grabbed Eva by her waist, gesturing to Michael. "Me and this cutie are out of here," He grinned as Eva blushed while walking off.

"Can you explain the difference between an alternate timeline and a universe?" Carol rubbed her temple. She clapped, summoning a whiteboard and a set of chairs.

"That's a bit tricky since it depends on the scale and impact," Micheal informed while they took a seat. "Timelines are simple as it's a different outcome, but it doesn't affect the world. For instance, you woke up five minutes early or changed an answer on a multiple-choice test. These are beta levels, but they can evolve into alpha or gamma levels. Gammas are where you live or that you're in the same field but different specialization. Overall you're the same person," He explained while drawing on the board with a blue marker. "Alpha levels are a precursor to alternate universes where it's a significant change. Let's go with the multiple-choice. You got several questions wrong, got tutoring, developed feelings, and married. Another one is that you changed your major to another field. Or you stop pursuing science to become a musician or actress after seeing auditions for a play thanks to arriving early," Michael continued creating figures and formulas that are impossibly logical. "Alternate universes are broad changes to history with a simple 'what if' or what would happen. What would happen if Lincoln wasn't assassinated. What if Hilter got accepted into art school. Unfortunately, there's no concrete method of knowing due to the infinitely chaotic nature of the universe. There are countless variables. It could be great, neutral, or horrific, so we can't take any risk," He concluded before turning to her. "Any questions?" Michael asked. He paused, staring at Dr. Linnaeus in her standard beige bra and panties. Well, this is unexpected.

"Please take me…." She deadpanned as she offered herself to him. Her body is average, but everything is natural and where it's supposed to be. She can make up with curiosity.

"Like now?" Michael asked. "In here," He gestured to their surroundings. This is a place of science of all things.

"Yes," Carol remarked as he exhaled. "We have protection, and I'm all clean," She purred while purring approaching.

"Don't worry, I'll handle it," His A.I. assistant remarked, startling the scientist. She jumped at the thin glimmer of orange light coating his body before disappearing.

"What was that?" Carol questioned. A fully aware A.I? If he has one, then Gabriel has one too. It clicked. Eva.

"My teammate who just performed a vasectomy," Michael answered. She shrugged as he's from the future after all. Another removed all of his clothing. Her eyes widened at this Adonis. Oh, he will destroy her, and she'll love it. "Okay, let's do this," He remarked as she tackled him. The two twisted and tumbled with joyful giggles before shifting into soft sensual moans.


Battle Bot bided his time in his section of Lisa's underground bunker while practicing his katas. His jade eyes glanced at the clock. The meat bag should still be slumbering. The robot pounced at a hidden opening in one of the walls and crawled through. He opened up a hatch near the shed, brushing any dirt on his metallic skull. Only a faint illumination from the barely raising sun in the indigo sky. It's time to move. Battle Bot leaped onto the tree and climbed towards the uppermost branch. His arm extended like a grappling hook, latching on the roof shingles before dragging him. Battle bot scanned for an access point. Aha, a vent! He ripped the guard off as he slithered down the tube.

Lincoln opened his room with a resounding yawn. Damn, he needs to get ready for school. He smiled at the absent line. Most of his sisters had already left, which meant free bathroom time. Lincoln ambled to the restroom as a pair of glaring jade eyes followed him. Battle Bot became his shadow, unaware of the threat mere centimeters behind him. The machine scowled at the devastating humiliation of their first fight. Lisa's disappointing eyes mocked him behind her clipboard. He grazed the minor dent on his cheek from Lincoln's right jab. A constant reminder of his failure but not anymore. Battle Bot's alloyed fingers twitched in anticipation as he got closer to his target. It's a simple task. Attack him while Lincoln's guard is lowered and prove his superiority. Battle Bot began to reach for Lincoln's neck but swiftly ducked under the grip. His green eyes rounded at the sudden action. How did he sense him?! The robot bumbled and fell to a knee at Lincoln's leg sweep. Both glared at the other. "You again?!" Lincoln groaned at his appearance. He doesn't have time for this.

"Round two, meat bag," Battle Bot snarled before charging in. The pair exchange rapid blows and parries. Lincoln gut-punched Battle bot, wincing at the bang of the robot's reinforced abdominal region. His knuckles vibrated at the sting as he shook off the pain. "Not so tough now, huh?" The robot taunted while charging in with a clinch. Lincoln struggled to break free before glancing at his opponent's legs. They were bare, showing off a skeleton. He stomped one of the steel feet, losing and crushing a web of wires. Battle Bot's face shut off before restarting again. Lincoln used the sudden shut down to toss Battle Bot down the stairs. "Rocket…grab!" He grunted as he bounced off the steps. His hand sprung out, grabbing Lincoln's pajama shirt.

"WHAT?!" Lincoln shouted, alerting the rest of the house before Battle Bot yanked him down. The pair tumbled down as more doors opened. What's going down here? Lincoln intercepted Battle Bot's roundhouse kick with a secured grasp of the shin before tossing the robot over the couch into the dining room. He flipped, landing on his feet before Lincoln slammed his skull in with one of the chairs. His face cracked with exposed wires sparking as he stumbled back to the kitchen. Battle bot leaned on the kid's table as his anger spiked like a hotdog in the microwave. Lincoln marched toward him with a blank expression. No! Not again. He can't fail again! Bewilderment and fury stabbed his circuits like Caesar in the Senate. He shook his head while nuts and bolts clanged on the tile floor with his fists raised to his chin. Lincoln motioned his hands as twin slithering snakes ready to sink their needle-like fangs into him. Battle Bot charged with a wild haymaker. Lincoln blocked the assault, using the energy from the strike to deliver one of his own to the jaw. Battle Bot repeated his tactic. The sixth child used his opposite arm to deflect the attack across his chin. Smoke fumed from Battle Bot's head wound as the cycle continued. Over and over and over … and over… AND OVER! Again! One of his optics shut down from sustaining damage. He can still win this! Battle Bot raised his arm for another punch, only for it to hang uselessly at his side. Both observed the bizarre situation.

"Are you fucking shitting me?" Battle Bot raged at his dysfunctional arm. Damn, one of the screws must've got loose. His body shook. What? Warning. Warning. Warning! WARNING! Disengage now! Lincoln appeared before him as his fist manifested an ungodly malice. For a brief moment, Battle Bot understood the mortal concept of fear. Lincoln's fist cracked throughout the robot's armored midsection with the force of an anchor, launching through the backdoor. Battle Bot stared at the morning sun, mocking him as he wallowed in the dirt. Lincoln paced to the machine as it coughed while clutching his ribcage with a fist-sized imprint. The sprinklers awoken, drenching Battle Bot. His body sparked and rumbled as the liquid flooded his circuit board. Lisa was the last thing he saw before it all went black.

"Thanks, Lisa," Lincoln remarked, patting her head,

"You're welcome," Lisa smiled before frowning at the deactivated Battle Bot. "You better hurry up," She announced. His heart dropped at the time on his watch. HE'S GOING TO BE LATE! Lincoln rushed into the house. "What am I going to do with you?" She analyzed her creation.

Lincoln slid on the guard rail of the stairs. He saved some time by brushing his teeth in the shower. Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures. He and Lisa were the only ones left in the house. She tossed him his breakfast burrito. "You got everything?" Lisa asked. He nodded before they walked out. Only for the bus to be meters away from them.

"Goddammit!" Polly groaned with her hands on her hips. "You too?" She glanced at the Loud siblings before smiling at Lincoln. Damn, that hoodie looks good on him.

They nodded. "Don't worry, I have a solution," Lisa informed the two while holding a device. She pressed it. Friendbot 3000 appeared seconds later.

"Hello, Creator, how may I be of assistance?" Friendbot grinned. Why do the older children have good and bad feelings about this?

"Yes. Can you take us to Royal Woods Elementary?" Lisa requested. Friendbot widened his body and extended his arms to securely wrapped around the three.

"Lisa. This is safe, right?" Lincoln asked while Friendbot rumbled his rockets.

"Yeah, it's fine," Lisa waved it off. "Make sure to keep your SHUT!" She cautioned when Friendbot launched into the sky.

Ms. Agnes checked the room clock before glancing at an empty seat. "Clyde, do you know where Lincoln is?" She asked his companion.

"No. He wasn't on the bus this morning." Clyde replied.

"And his sisters are here too," Jenny added. A chirp of static came from Clyde's pocket. He switched it on.

"Clyde, open the window!" Lincoln shouted from his walkie-talkie. "NOW!" He ordered. Cookie and Clyde rushed to open the window mere moments before someone crashed through. They winced at the impact of the wall. "Lisa, next time, I'll take my bike," Lincoln groaned with a weak glare.

"But you got here on time," Lisa teased before Friendbot released them. "I'll see you later, Linky," She scuttled to her class.

Lincoln rolled his eyes at his sister before at the silent Polly. "Are you okay, Polly?" He asked. She cracked into a face-splitting grin while hopping around like the Energizer bunny and cackling. Lincoln screwed up his face as he observed this jolly behavior before she tackled him to the wall.

"Damn, dude, you know how to show a girl a good time," Polly purred as she caressed his face. "Say, does this happen often?" She maintained her smirk at the blushing Lincoln.

"Yes," He squeaked out in high pitched tone.

"Mhmm, good to know," Polly cooed. Maybe, she should visit more often. Agnes cleared her throat to gather their attention.

"Can you explain why were you late, Mr. Loud?" She gains control of the situation

"Oh, I was busy doing stuff," Lincoln answered. He could tell her that he was busy fighting one of Lisa's robots, but he doesn't want Haiku or Ronnie Anne on his case again.

"And who might you be?" Agnes asked the roller skater.

"Sup, I'm stuff," Polly joked, using Lincoln as an armrest. Her comment caused an uproar in the class. "Relax, I'm Polly,"

"Well, Polly, you better head to class," Agnes advised.

"Lady, I don't go to school here, and it's a free day for me. Peace," Polly remarked before strolling to the window when her brain activated. "Almost forgot," She grabbed a sharpie and Lincoln's arm. "Here's my number," Polly grinned at the handiwork before patting his cheek. "Give a girl one of these days," She informed Lincoln. Another idea popped in her mischievous brain. "Ah, screw it, come on here, you," Polly smirked, giving a sloppy wet kiss on Lincoln's cheek. LE GASP! She whistles while climbing out of the window. Lincoln's brain had difficulty comprehending the situation but had enough processing power to dodge Rusty's tackle.

"MR. SPOKES! What is the meaning of this?!" Agnes demanded an explanation of this barbaric display.

"He stole my girl!" Rusty accused in a harsh tone, pointing at Lincoln as he lay on the ground. They rolled their eyes at him.

"Not your girl, dude!" Polly countered from the outside. Rusty growled at the reply. It's true, but he can win her back. Eventually.

"Well, you can think all about it as you stay here after school," Agnes commanded without negotiation. "Please take your seats," She glared at Rusty, who grumbled under his breath. "What was that, Rusty Spokes?" Agnes demanded to know what he said.

"Nothing, Ms. Johnson," Rusty muttered submissively before sitting down. She nodded while the bell rang. Rusty continued shooting Lincoln with dirty looks for the entire lesson.

Finally, the school day is over. The students packed their bags, ready to head home. "Hey, Lincoln," Girl Jordan called out to her frost-haired classmate. "I wanted to know if you're free later this week for a puppy playdate," She asked nonchalantly.

"Yeah, I'm free," Lincoln asked with his bag hanging on his shoulders. Girl Jordan pulled out a yellow phone, enabling them to swap contact information while Rusty glared again. "I'll see you later, Jordan," Lincoln remarked before heading to the door. Lori is here.

Girl Jordan waved back with a smile. "I'll give you his number later," She whispered to Mollie. The brunette raised her thumb with a soft blush. They left Rusty behind to sit out his punishment.

"First Stella, Polly, and now Girl Jordan," The freckled redhead grumbled as he exited the school. "I think I could trust you, Lincoln, but no, you probably planned this," He raged as he placed on his helmet. The chain on his bike started to rust. "Fucking traitor," Rusty seethed as he rode off, nearly crushing a white rabbit.

Lincoln and Charles strolled to Ketchum park, scanning the area for a cute girl with a light blue bow and a brown braided ponytail. Charles barked in the fountain's direction. "Hey, Girl Jordan," Lincoln waved to the girl waiting at the fountain with Ajax. "Were you waiting long?" He asked, knowing that it's rude to keep a lady waiting. There are not a lot of people in the park today.

"No, I just got here," Girl Jordan responded as their dogs circled and sniffed each other. "I think they like each other," She grinned. The two got their playdate started. Their canine companions performed tricks and simple commands with treats for the good boys. Lincoln pulled out a frisbee for the group and tossed it back and forth. He threw it over Girl Jordan's head. "I got it," She said, using her dodgeball skills, and caught it mid-air. Her foot slid down on the edge of a rolling hill. "Uh no," Girl Jordan muttered as she glided down, only for Lincoln to grab her wrist. His foot lost friction as well. Both began to slide down before someone grabbed the back of Lincoln's hoodie, tugging him and Girl Jordan back to the top.

"Thank you," Lincoln responded to their helper.

"No problem," The goth girl replied in an apathetic voice. She had similar snow-white hair to his. The girl put her hands into her black and yellow hoodie and had a matching skirt. Socks and footwear as well. Kinda like a bumblebee. She turned away, approaching another girl with long silverish hair in a grey sweater. That's probably her sister or something. Lincoln and Girl Jordan went to a food stand and waited in line. Lincoln scratched his head at the image of the girls. Familiarity stabbed his brain. Something told him that he knew those girls, but why?

The younger girl held a longing look at Lincoln as her older sister wrapped her arms around her shoulder. "That was dangerous," She cautioned.

"I know, but…." The younger girl paused with another gaze. "I just wanted to see him," She confessed, gripping her skirt as she surveyed her watch. They were far from sight, with a barrier of trees blocking any onlookers

"You shouldn't be here, Lupa and Loth" A disembodied voice warned the pair. A tiny drone crafted from house materials floated above them.

"Hello to you too, Aunt Lisa," Lupa revealed

That's right folks. Lupa and Loth are here. Don't worry, they won't stick around long as they're only here for this chapter and a part of the next chapter. All I know is that it's going to be wild. Not going when Dusk Shine finally goes apeshit on his classmates in Crystal but we're not there yet. I got lemons to write.

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