
25. Forming bonds and new enemies

Happy new years my wonderful readers. I'm with another chapter. That's right, you guys are getting pampered this week with two chapters. I had to get this out before I traveled. Especially with the new posting system, I created. It's making me focused and revising some plots as I know which story to update next. So the update will be Crystal Prison. That story is more difficult than I thought regarding some of the characters.

MLP has over 200 minor characters plus the main cast and their families, other notable creatures and characters, groups, and villains. I don't have to worry about Tirek since he's a fictional character in EG universe. Also the EG villains and how will I use the other main villains. I know what to do with Discord, Cozy Glow and Sombra. The Queen Changeling, Shadow Tempest and Starlight Glimmer are causing me issues.

God, I have to make a spreadsheet on how I'm going to characterize these characters. I have an idea of what to do for them but it's hard to put it in writing. Any help is highly appreciated.

I'm backtracking on the magicless aspect of Crystal Prison just a bit since magic is a core concept of the show. Removing that will make the story boring and filled with plot holes on how events occur in the story. I can use advanced tech but that's too far stretched for just one instance regarding the villains. Magic will be important to the world-building and lore of Crystal Prison. You'll see what I mean when I post the chapter later this month. I have my work cut out for me with Crystal Prison.


QOTD: What do you think of Battle Bot? I'm so glad that I finally introduced this character. I've been waiting years for this

QOTD(2): What's your opinion of the Shadowbolts and Cinch. Royal Pin is a royal pain in the ass. Well I made him like that so I can't complain. Cinch is twisted. Suri Polomare is fun to write

QOTD(3): I have songs for Dusk Shine/Night Blaze and some can be used for Lincoln as well. We got Maximum Carnage, No Limits, Fallen and Final Laugh by Daddyphatsnaps, Somebody I used to know, Welcome to my life, What I've Done, Numb, In Half by Connor Quest, Roar by Rustage and Shao Dow and Waluigi Smash parts 1-3

I think you'll enjoy these. Also pay attention the Waluigi Smash. That'll come in handy for the Friendship Games

Guest(1): We'll probably get some here and there but not much

JD112: I have 24 chapters well 23 if you don't count that announcement chapter for the lemon. His wardrobe change is the first major change for the story. I'll have to try to expand the Lincoln x Girl Jordan moments. Nikki's mom will play a major role in one of the more important chapters of the story but we're not there. Plus, I'm trying to give each girl their chapter/moments especially since Haiku, Stella, and Alexandria had the spotlight for a little too long.

ThanosGaming: I did say that the next few chapters are going to chill after like five intense chapters. However, we're not done with Tetherby at least not right now. We just won't see him for a long, long, long time after this chapter. Yes, I do polls for my other stories but it's mainly for the lemon story for who's the next girl. I'm getting to do more for Crystal Prison.

Guest(2): Micheal will be more active while Gabriel will be in the background. Plus it gives me a logical explanation for more widespread changes and plots that don't revolve around timeline changes. Ty Lee was the first thing that came to my mind when I was thinking about snake style along with Avatar had a bit of a resurge in popularity. Oh, then you'll love this chapter at least the early moments. I'll make one of the Sin Kids canon as in canon-canon with multiple appearances and mentions throughout the story. Oh, believe, there's a storm coming and it's going to be messy.

NiteOwl18: Think about The Anchor like a special move like the Falcon Punch or anything in anime or video games. I'll do that later

Yami15147: A little mystery goes a long way. I did say everything will be chill for the next few chapters as the last several ones that I did were pretty intense

Mr. Haziq: I meant that should I create my own sin kid. She's on vacation, especially after the show ended.

DaleJr.88: I love both of them. I can probably use them for my stories. Take the time you need my good sir. Although, I will miss your reviews.

The next chapter is Panda QT's time to shine and a bit of this chapter as well. When you think about it. Lincoln has a ton of allies. We got his family, friends, sisters, his sister's friends, Ronnie Ann, and her family along with their friends.

If that scene was awesome, just read the most recent chapter QTQ, it's an action movie. I don't why I like the pairing so much. It feels natural to me along with the fan art I saw of them. To answer your answer, yes. Stella develops a deep lustfulness towards Lincoln. I wonder who'll hate more Principal Cinch or Rusty

Lincoln visiting Great Lake City will be one of the major plot points in the story but we have some time before that. Mainly it's because I feel like writing two different stories but that makes it fun. Plus I do need to characterize these characters and what they do.

Lisa's four years old so her personality isn't 100% concrete. I'll use some of those outfits in future chapters. The question is when though.

Well, I do have my lemon story so probably. However, that's not his limit. I was bullshiting with that dodgeball fight. Just having fun. Pretty sure that you can't but it's my story so I don't care. Girl Jordan loves it and going to get more wild in later chapters.

Nikki's mom is going to get worst. Plus you can imagine how crazy to get that type of message from a stranger. A classic case of NOPE. Those bullies are the least of Lincoln's worries compared to what I have in store and what he endured during the story. He faced a fucking DRAGON!

Gabriel represents a path Lincoln can take. You check the wiki a lot when you write fanfiction. Rita has a cousin aka Aunt Ruth's kid but we never saw them. Alex is my interpretation of them. Given all of the stuff, Lisa has invented for the past 5 seasons. Can you blame them? I'll use short quotes and scenes every so often.

The Anchor isn't a fighting style, more like a special move or technique. The standard pen & pencil is his style. Yes, yes Bumper will, or at least try to. He's going to pay the price for it. A lot.

There's a theme between Micheal & Gabriel. Hopefully, you guys can figure it out. Lincoln's going to end up in the hospital but it won't be until after the movie and a bit of season 5. Furthermore, it's about time that we got a Renee & Lincoln moment together.

A gentle wind carried the relaxing and somber afternoon. Lincoln continued to gape where the ghostly guardians once roamed amongst the living. His moist sapphire eyes twinkled as he held his flowers close. The young lad shut his eyes while shaking his head. He turned away and continued his journey home. Great Grandma Harriet's spirit protecting him didn't surprise him. They all met her except Lily, who was born shortly after she died. Another blooming flower for the ever-expanding garden. Harriet predicted with a small smile as her pale, wrinkled hand rubbed Rita's still flat stomach with the utmost care. She lived over a century but out of all of their siblings. Lucy was her favorite or the closest to her. He chuckled, recalling when Lucy was born. The two blankly stared at each other as Lucy was wrapped in a black blanket.

'I accept this one,' The elder remarked, observing the pale skin, dark black hair, and stoic expression of the newborn. 'I dub thee Lucy, I welcome you, Dawnbringer, but you'll find comfort in the darkness," She smiled, causing Lucy to coo and giggle, much to the shock of the family. "I shall teach you the witches' craft, my dear," His parents and Albert almost fainted from that suggestion. Although, they couldn't stop her.

His senses perked up when a green army truck drove past him. Oh, he's safe. Furthermore, she probably asked Great Grandma Harriet to watch over him, given Lucy's predictions. His sisters are always trying to look out for him. However, that doesn't explain her. His mother's mother: Dorothy Cunningham. Born and raised in Royal Woods, Michigan. Died in San Diego, California. The question still remains as the sun smacks the back of his neck. Why was she here? What's her reason for returning to the living world? Is she looking to settle a grudge or an unfulfilled desire? Lincoln sighed at his situation while stepping to the front door. Why is ghost busting and hunting so complex than what it seems?

"I'm back," Lincoln greeted the household upon entering.

"We're in here, sweetie," His mother greeted from the dining room. The rest of his sisters were either in their rooms or hanging out with their friends. His father walked in shortly after him holding two mugs. Lynn Sr. passed the salmon one to his wife as she read a novel. Thankfully, it wasn't one of those trashy romance novels. Lincoln focused on the simplistic cover displaying a desert landscape. Dune? I'll let you guys know that I watched the recent Dune movie and love it.

"What do you got there, sport?" Lynn Sr. questioned before blowing on his beverage.

"Just some flowers," Lincoln replied, placing the midnight black bag with light emerald and violet accents on the table.

"You went to Cordelia's place?" Rita asked, recognizing the design. Oh, there's a logo depicting a witch stirring a massive pot in a forest.

Lincoln nodded as he took out the flowers. "There was a sale going on today," They smiled at the Black-eyed Susan and Geraniums. Those will look wonderful plus less work for them in the garden when dealing with pests. He's learning his flora. Their eyes expanded at the red and blue flowers Lincoln placed on the table. Lynn Sr.'s eyes watered at the Harebells. Those were his grandmother's favorites. Guardian flowers, as she called them. She'll always be there for them even after death as long as these flowers bloom. Which helps since their perennials. They'll last indefinitely with proper conditions. Rita got misty eyed at the five-petaled columbines. It reminded her of her mother and the red dress she loved to wear. She was vibrant and passionate in everything that she did. The parents' hands paused before taking their respective batch of flowers. An offering for those they've lost and held dear to their hearts. They embraced their only son with a silent thanks.

"I'll put this in some water," Rita said with a reminiscent smile as she held the flowers. His phone rang, and he smiled, recognizing the number.

"Hey Ronnie Anne," Lincoln answered as his father went to the kitchen.

"Sup, Lame-o," She smiled back while laying down in her room. "You won't believe the day I had," Ronnie Anne groaned at what her family did.

"Ronnie, this is my family we're talking about," Lincoln commented, forcing the Latina to pout. Damn, he's right. Whatever. She told her story of how her family stalked her while exploring the city only to save them from a horde of starving rats. They had a good laugh about it.

"At least you had an awesome adventure," Lincoln wiped a joyful tear from his eye. "I went to Flips to try out that new flavor of his, but we know how Flip goes by now," Ronnie Anne nodded with an annoyed groan to agree. A total cheapskate. It's a marvel and rather suspicious that a health inspector hasn't visited Flip's Food and Fuel yet. Seriously, you can make a ten to twenty-minute video on all of the health and safety violations Flip does. Don't worry. I'll find ways for Karma to kick Flip out. We're in season three, and that's season four material. You'll enjoy it since, well … does anyone even like Flip. Come on, he's as bad as Tetherby in most cases. The only difference is that Flip has less money than him. Not anymore, though. We'll get to Tetherby later in the chapter or the next one, depending on how I feel. "We eventually got it after a while," Man, Flip went beast mode on that poor slushie machine. Just get a new one, my dude. It lived its life. "I almost got run over after helping Renee with her Ace Savvy OC," He admitted as casually as the wind.

"Que?" Ronnie Anne's joyful expression warped into a blank wide-eyed one of shock. She cleaned her ears for a moment. What did he just say? "Lincoln…" Ronnie took a deep breath while Lincoln's lips straightened, and eyebrows went to his forehead as sweat formed on his neck. He's in so much trouble right now. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WERE ALMOST RUN OVER?!" She bellowed at the top of her voice right in Lincoln's ear. He flinched at the volume causing his phone to land on the table. Lincoln cowered as he listened to Ronnie Anne's furious rant in Spanish. Lynn's Sr. reentered the dining room upon the noise. Lincoln's fearful look told him the whole story. He turned back around. Sorry, son, this is your battle. "Lo juro por Dios todopoderoso, Lincoln Leonidas Loud. Si no fueras tan lindo. Golpearía tu pálido trasero!" Ronnie Anne boomed like a high-power speaker during the hype part of a sold-out concert.

"Yo Ronnie Anne, we could've heard you from you all the way downstairs," Nikki replied upon entering her room with Sid holding a skateboard. Damn, Santiago is still ranting and raving to the poor victim on the other side of the phone. "Geez, Santiago, who pissed in your Zombie Bran?" She winced at the tone of the speech.

"Bueno, lo siento. Mi mejor amiga, a quien dejaré que me lama como una taza de pudín, casi se atropella," Ronnie Annie retorted standing up from her bed with her phone still in her hand.

"Yo chill, I don't speak Taco Bell," Nikki joked, interrupting her rant. "So, who's your victim?" She asked before hopping on Ronnie Anne's bed as she fixed herself into a cross-legged position. Sid went to the mini-fridge.

"It's Lincoln," Ronnie groaned when Sid passed them some sodas. "Idiota almost got run over," She glared into her phone, causing them to choke on their fizzy drinks. They coughed in hoarse voices asking if he was okay.

"In my defense, she ran a red light," Lincoln countered. Ronnie Anne still glared at him through the phone. "Also, is Nikki there? I want to ask her something," He requested. The young Latina gave her a blank stare. Nikki raised her hands in defense, saying she didn't do anything.

"Yes, she is," Ronnie Anne responded, handing her phone over.

"Sup, cotton-top," Nikki teased. "What do you need me for?"

"Yeah, is your mother named Linda?" Lincoln questioned. The lanky blond blinked owlishly.

"Yeah…" Nikki dragged on, not liking where this was going.

"Well, she sent me a message a while ago," Lincoln revealed with a hand behind his head. "I think it's better if I just showed you," He scrolled through his gallery. There it is. Ronnie Annie's phone buzzed at the notification.

Nikki growled and gritted her teeth at the message. "Are you fucking shitting me?!" Lincoln nodded at the disdain. She grabbed at her face in frustration. Why the hell would she do this?! Nikki showed the message to her friends. They cringed and winced at the statement, especially Ronnie Anne, directed at her.

"Nikki, your mom, is twisted," Sid grimaced after reading it. What's her deal?

"Obviously," Nikki groaned before taking a sip. "Imagine living with her," Although she would have to admit that if she and Lincoln had kids. They would look pretty cute. "I'm just hiding here until my dad gets off from work," She exhaled as she lay on her back. Nikki wanted this to be over already. How long is the court case going to take?

"Next up, we have…." His English/literature teacher used a randomizer for the next person to present. Their assignment was to rehearse and memorize a speech to the best of their abilities. Bonus points were added for customization. "Lincoln Loud," She looked up as the young Loud went to the front of the class. "Are you ready?" He nodded before clearing his throat to start.

Lincoln took a deep breath as his face went blank."You can call me Yoshikage Kira. I am currently thirty-three years old." He started. Oh, the Yoshikage Kira speech. Lincoln has the generic voice down. The white-haired boy shrugged. "Not that you care, but I reside in the northeast Morioh's villa. Also, I have yet to marry," Her pen scribbled in her book. "To make a living, I work at Kame Yu department store. I return home no later than 8pm after a long day at work," Lincoln continued with a dull voice. They heard more passion from the daily weather report.

"I don't like smoking, but I do enjoy the occasional drink. I'm in bed by 11pm the latest to ensure my daily eight hours of sleep each night," He emphasized as a concealed threat despite not changing his tone. "Before bed, I always drink a warm glass of milk. That's always combined with twenty minutes of stretching to decompress after a long workday. Sweet dreams are the result of this," Lincoln exhaled with a tiny smile before reverting back to a straight line. "I then awakened as a newborn child, ready and recharged to take on the next day. Even better since I was given a clean bill of health after my last check-up," He revealed, gesturing his hand around before tapping on the side of his head. "For as long as I can remember. I've done everything in my power to ensure a productive life that allows me to pursue a lasting inner peace," The room chilled as malice leaked from his body as suffocating the room. "This may be a foreign concept. I don't concern myself with the arbitrary things of winning or losing, life troubles or enemies who produce sleepless nights," Lincoln's fingers twitched as this foul aura magnified. "That is how I cope with this backward life we fight ourselves living. It was what brought me happiness in a world consumed with hardship and misery. However," Lincoln declared before his sapphire eyes glowed in an unnaturally lethal manner. He placed his hands in his jean pockets with a flicking orange aura surrounding his body. "If I were to engage in combat. I would win the battle without question," His aura and indifference malice fused and gave birth … something looming over him. They sweated and shivered at the being behind him.

"In other words, you are an irksome troublemaker who stands to hinder my sleep. You are the enemy," He announced with his hair flaring up as the being stared at them with casual cruelty. "Meet my dear Killer Queen," Lincoln introduced. "To be fair, I'm quite fond of the moniker. Before you have the chance to utter a word to another living soul. I'll eradicate you," He ensured when he flicked a coin in the air. Rusty caught it. "I'll sleep soundly tonight. I just know it," Lincoln confirmed with a silky smooth voice with his hand acting as if he's holding a detonator.

Rusty glanced at the coin in a cold sweat. "Um, here you go, Zach," He fretted, tossing the coin to his fellow redhead. Zach glanced at Lincoln's still menacing presence with his thumb ready to press the button.

"Dude, I don't want it!" He shouted, throwing it back to Rusty, who tossed it at Liam.

"Hey, don't look at me!" Liam retorted, launching to Rusty. CLICK! They froze at the sudden sound. Lincoln pressed his thumb. The inhumane aura came suddenly and vanished like the wind.

"Thank you, Lincoln," The teacher replied, enabling him to take his seat. "Next we have is Stella Zhau,"

"What did you guys get for your speech," Clyde asked as they put up their books. "I got a 9.5," They said their scores ranged from 6.9 to 9.7. "What about you, Lincoln?"

"I got a 10 and some extra credit," Lincoln shrugged at his grade as they whistled. "I got to thank Luan for helping me prepare," He closed his locker and readjusted his backpack.

"Hey, Lincoln," Renee called out to him with a few bandages on her elbow. She stopped before his group. "Thanks for helping me with my OC,"

"No problem, Renee," Lincoln gave her his classic smile. A tinge of pink marked her cheeks at the sight of it. She puffed her cheeks as she rubbed her elbow. Is she really going to do this?

"And um uh," Renee stammered. She took a deep inhale and steeled her nerves. Her lips gently touched Lincoln's left cheek. Their jaws dropped, and their eyes widened, thunderstruck at this exchange except Stella, Girl Jordan, and Cookie had blank dead fish eyes. Renee stepped back. "Thanks for saving me, and I'll see you around," She rambled off before running away. "I can't believe I just did that," The Ace Savvy fan muttered. "Well, a hero does deserve a reward," She rationalized with a slight smile.

Lincoln grasped his cheek at the mild warmth. Did that just happen? Yes, yes, it did. So you better enjoy it because it's going to happen a lot. He turned to his guy friends, who gave their seals of approval with a thumbs up and a smirk. Nice. His Muay Thai instincts yelled at him to raise his leg, interrupting a leg strike from Rusty.

"Yo, Rusty the hell, bro," Zach complained at the attempted 'attack.' Stella had an empty look as she lifted her screwdriver, but Girl Jordan pushed her hand down. Same with Cookie, who cracked knuckles ready to smash Rusty's skull like an egg. Jenny shook her head, holding her purple sleeve.

"That's two out of the three, dude," Rusty complained with flaring nostrils. "Alexandria, Renee," He counted off the girls from Back out there. "Is Hattie next?!" Rusty questioned when a revelation popped into his brain. "Wait, does Hattie even go to our school?" He asked Liam.

"Both yes and no," The farm boy clarified. "She's supposed to be in middle school, but she didn't pass the requirements when she came here with us," Liam explained. The difference between the education quality is staggering. "So Hattie's in a special remedial program," He remarked before giving Lincoln a teasing grin. "Maybe you should tutor every once in a while," Lincoln rolled his eyes at the request.

"Oh, don't give him any ideas," Rusty groaned when the bell rang,

"As long as she doesn't spoil any more movies, then we'll talk," Lincoln negotiated as they walked downstairs. "If you're wondering why she did it. I saved her from a speeding car yesterday," He revealed when they gasped.

"Cap," Rusty retorted when Girl Jordan punched him in the shoulder with a frown. "Ow!" He rubbed his shoulder at the contact. "Where's the proof?" Rusty crossed his arms. Mollie scrolled through her recent newsfeed. Where is it? Ah, here it is. She showed him the news report. Young woman blames her zodiac sign for taking a selfie while driving. Leslie Smith ran a red light endangering several people, crashing into a fire hydrant, and tried to flee. She has been charged with reckless driving and hit and run,

"Okay, but still, that is very convenient," Rusty argued, causing them to erupt in protest as they strolled down the hallway, with Rusty being the loudest. They stopped arguing when Lincoln started speaking fluent Spanish.

"¡¿Por qué estás en mi caso, Rusty ?! No tengo nada que ver con esto," Lincoln yelled back forcing him to stop. "Tengo más cosas de las que preocuparme. Los experimentos de Lisa se vuelven locos. Lynn oliendo mis camisas después de que llegué del gimnasio. Literalmente tuve un tirón de coche Lana. ¡¿Y NO ME PREGUNTARME DE DÓNDE TENÍA QUE TENERLO?! He stressed out as they stared in blank concern.

"Dude, chill out. Dora didn't teach us that yet," Mollie remarked as they nodded.

"Sorry, Ronnie Anne yelled at me the other day," Lincoln revealed to the group as they entered the lunchroom. "It felt weird," They aren't even going to ask about that.

The Loud family parked outside the local Planetarium during this chilly night when more cars pulled up. They stepped out when Adora, Hugh, Albert, Myrtle, Cheryl, Meryl, Caroline, and her parents exited theirs. The twins embraced Myrtle as their newfound cousin. They had the tissues and make-up ready for any waterworks. Fortunately, there were none.

"You guys are ready to head in?" Albert questioned the group. All of them nodded before heading in.

"Woah," They all whispered at the sophistication of the interior. The gentle orchid overhead lights cascaded over the smooth lapis and jet black carpet, along with the numerous displays and models throughout. They rubbed their arms, shaking at the powerful air condition. Good thing they brought their coats. A middle-aged woman of average height with wavy brown hair in a white collared shirt approached the group.

"Hello, are you the Loud group?" She asked the group they nodded. "Good, follow me," She replied, gesturing towards various displays. Their eyes widened at the sizes of stars outside of their solar system. These stars made their sun look like a grain of rice. A life-sized model of the various Mars land rovers. They were the size of a car! The pictures and documentaries depicted them as tiny or big enough to carry in your arms but not big enough to ride in. They divided themselves into groups of what they wanted to see. Some stayed behind to look at the displays. The younger ones went to play areas under supervision. Others went to the main room to watch the show. They made it just in time and found some vacant seats. Caroline took a seat next to Lincoln before putting on her light-sensitive glasses and fixed her red woolen hat. The room went dark as the announcer started with our solar system. High-definition images appeared where you could almost touch it. Then it expanded beyond our meager regions to exotic places in our galaxy. Extravagant pictures of nebulae as if they were abstract art or the comprehensible part of something beyond mere mortal understanding. Some resembled eyes in the void. Will they blink? Let's head to the exoplanets. We got planets that rain glass sideways. The worker pressed a series of buttons to unleash puffs of air with the sounds of a raging storm. Oh shit, this is in 4-D. A spiraling Super-Saturn whose rings are more extensive than our solar system. KELT-9b that's almost as hot as our sun and resembles a star more than a planet. TrES-2b is so dark that only one percent of light hits the planet. They can barely make out its shape. The images zoomed out, showing the Andromeda galaxy, our next-door neighbor.

"Now we see the local group of the Milky Way, Andromeda, and Triangulum Galaxies. Along with other dwarf galaxies and constellations," The smooth voice of the narrator explained as the crowd's eyes widened. "It's a part of the Virgo Supercluster, making it one of a hundred galaxy groups," They whispered at the number. There are over one hundred galaxy groups. "The Virgo Supercluster is a part of the larger Laniakea cluster," There's more?! It expanded further to where their galaxy is an insignificant dot on the rotating hologram. "Our supercluster is one of ten million superclusters in the observable universe,"

"HOLY SHIT!" Someone in the crowd yelled at the scale. Another man stood up and ran out of the room, clutching his stomach.

"There's so much we don't know about the universe," The narrator continued. "So much to explore and uncover," Images of sci-fi creatures and species popped up. "Who knows? Maybe you can help humanity explore the stars?" The lights slowly turned back on as the crowd stood up and exited the room

Caroline and Lincoln found a small seating area as they waited for the rest of the group. Her eyelid rose and descended in steady intervals. Lincoln muttered when a weight rested on his shoulder. He grinned at the snoring Caroline. Albert and Myrtle found them and smiled at the scene before taking their seats. The elderly couple held each other closer watching the starry sky under a skylight. Someone watched with a somber smile of their own when another appeared at her side.

"Are you alright, Dorothy?" Harriet asked in a dull yet concerned tone.

"Yes, Harriet," Dorothy replied as she watched her husband enjoy him again. "It's been at least twenty years since I've left this world," She recalled. Memories of her family wailing over her corpse flooded her mind. "He's finally happy now. Myrtle is a good woman," Dorothy admitted as more of her family gathered. "The least I can do is be happy for Al,"

"Wise words," Harriet admitted before disappearing. Dorothy gave them one more longing look behind, leaving too. Lincoln had to carry Caroline to her father after a brief struggle as she whined for a bit. They decide to call it a night and head home.

A man with an upset stomach cliched his midsection with all of his might. Sweat and fear mocked his pain as he hid outside. "Stabilize, stabilize, stabilize," He repeated his mantra. His hand lifted his green buttoned-up shirt. Wait green?! His eyes widened at the color. This was supposed to be red. "No, no, no, no," His voice shifted to a woman's. She calmed herself with deep breaths allowing the pain to subside. A severe cough stained his hand before smiling in relief. "I can't go back," He determined before one final check. His dumbstruck eyes watched as he pushed his entire arm all the way to his elbow through his midsection. He touched around, feeling his lower back. The man retracted his trembling hand as if it was stung by an army of fire ants. "Fuck, I'm destabilizing,"


"UGH! I literally can't sleep," Lori groaned in annoyance. It's the middle of the night. Her tired eyes glanced at Leni putting her ear to the wall. "Leni, what are you doing?"

"I keep hearing that creaking noise," The fashion designer answered. "But I don't know where it's coming from,"

Lori blushed in the direction of the noise. Oh no, it's one of those nights. "That's just Lincoln," She commented before laying back down. "Just ignore him for a while,"

"Why? Is he sleepwalking?" Leni asked in concern. It's their brother, so they should help him at least. Lori rolled over with weary eyes with a grumble. She's not dealing with this night.

The creaking continued as Luna and Luan had scarlet faces. Luan opened her mouth, sensing the opportunity.

"Don't even fucking think about it," Luna interrupted the comedian from the bottom of her bunk bed.

"All I'm saying is he's like a jackhammer! The vibrations are just as loud," Luan joked, holding her stomach in laughter. "Get it?" Luna smacked her in the face with her pillow.

"Do you think Edwin does that too?" Lucy questioned with a mild blush holding her Edwin bust. CREAK! CREAK! CREAK! CREAK!

"Um, he's a bust, so he doesn't have the proper equipment," Lynn answered, rolling around her soccer ball with a loud blush.

"So werewolves can?" The goth considered as she stared at the vampire head. Lynn shrugged at the possibility.

Lisa stared blankly at the ceiling. "Perhaps a few more samples won't hurt; I'll check his waste bin later," She told herself before frowning at the continued noise. "I swear if the infant wakes up, I will make this orifice produce a third secretion, "Lisa threatened with a whisper, so Lily doesn't wake up.


Lola frowned, tightly gripping her pink blanket while Lana searched around for the noise. "It's not one of my pets," She finished searching under her bed. "So, where's that noise coming from?" The masculine twin answered in her usual gruff voice. "Maybe it's Lisa or something,"

"DANGIT, LINCOLN!" Lola exploded, wanting to get some sleep with a scarlet face. "WE CAN HEAR WHAT YOU'RE DOING WITH YOUR LAPTOP!"

Their brother was busy rapidly clicking on his mouse with utter focus. "Just a few more clicks," He removed his headphone, thinking that someone had called his name. No response. Lincoln shrugged before resuming. "What is up with this gameplay? It's destroying my mouse," He complained.

"Victory!" The computer screen read off in a triumphant tone.

"YES!" Lincoln cheered when his stomach rumbled. "Man, I got to use the bathroom," He took off his gaming gear before exiting his room. Lincoln massaged his sore hand as his sister peeked through the cracks in their doors. "I think I have one more round in me," Lincoln whispered to their horror.

"Another round?" One of them fretted. He turned to see closed doors. Whatever. He has to pee.

The girls paused and blushed in the dining room with various expressions ranging from bored, embarrassed, and amused as Lincoln ate his bowl of Zombie bran. "What?" He asked the sisters while he poured himself another bowl. They exchanged glances with each other before they focused on Lori. She cleared her throat.

"Well, Lincoln, we um," Lori hesitated as this is an awkward topic to discuss. "We heard sounds from your room last night," She revealed with pink cheeks. He raised his brow while chewing. Noises?

"Oh that," Lincoln swallowed, remembering last night. "Sorry about that. I was playing a clicker game," He swirled around his cereal. They blinked owlishly. A clicker game?! Several of them planted hands on their chests, grateful at the situation. He was only playing a video game. "What did you guys think I was doing last night," Lincoln demanded, planting his arms on the table. They flinched and froze at the question. Leni looked off the side, leaving Lori alone for this one. You're the oldest; it's your job.

"Lincoln, you're at the age when you start to develop certain feelings," Lori probed lightly, not wanting to scare him. "There's nothing wrong with these feelings. It's perfectly natural," She explained, sitting in front of him.

"O…k," Lincoln whispered. This is getting weird. And this is his family we're talking about.

"We thought that you were…." Lori hesitated as they looked off in various directions/

"We thought you were jerking off," Lynn Jr. answered, tired of the pause. Lincoln spat out his cereal, leaving a pool of lukewarm milk and half-eaten brown chunks on the table. "What? No need to beat around the bush," The athlete replied with cheeks still warm.

"Or beat his meat," Luan joked. Luna and Leni retorted by slapping her in the back of her ponytail. "OW!" She rubbed her stinging flesh.

"I think it's time for the talk," Lori cautioned as she pinched the bridge of her nose, dreading this day. She found his empty seat as his bowl rotated, getting milk and bran on the table. The door slammed shut. "Lynn," Lori requested.

"Already on it," Lynn Jr. stretched before getting to a running start. Lisa went to get the diagrams and other materials for this biology lesson.

Adora's acolytes were busy warming up their corners in one of the combat rooms. Their trainer observed them practice. Lincoln flexed his fingers before striking at his shadow. He waited before doing it again. Alexandria went through a series of katas before tightening her yellow belt. Serena sat in the lotus position, exhaling and inhaling steadily. Adora blew her silver whistle, gaining their attention. "Alright guys, we got something special today," She placed a hand on Lincoln's head, ruffling his frost-white hair. "Bunny boy has been learning some fighting styles," Adora shared a feral grin with the girls. "How about you two test him out," She offered to the smirking girls.

"Yes, ma'am," Alexandria and Pandora agreed to the challenge. Lincoln exhaled while rolling his eyes. Here we go. The students split off, leaving Lincoln by his lonesome.

"Ready?" Adora questioned the students receiving nods of agreement. "Hajime!" She yelled. The girls split up and circled their prey. He raised his MMA gloved hands to his chin, waiting for who'd strike first. Pandora charged with a heavy palm strike. Lincoln slipped out of the way before returning his own punch. Looks like it's her. The panda and the rabbit exchanged and evaded a flurry of strikes. Alexandria interrupted the party with a flying kick. Lincoln rotated, grabbing her by the ankle.

"Uh oh," She muttered with flabbergasted eyes before he slammed her into Pandora. The pair tumbled over the black mat. Okay, sidenote. We need an animal for Alexandria. Lincoln's a bunny/rabbit. Serena is a panda. Adora is a lioness. She needs to join the club. Karate QT shook her head as she stood up before rushing towards him. Adora grinned at Lincoln's technique. Good. He's not countering force with force, using the power of his opponent's attack to divert from its target with swift motions. Alexandria grumbled at the situation. She couldn't break his parry but smiled when Pandora lunged at him. She enjoyed herself as Lincoln blocked her punches and intercepted her low kicks. Pandora made contact with a swift punch to his cheek. Her eyes expanded in a panic as he turned his head with her fist implanted into his face. His cold eyes locked her in place. Her arm went limp like a gummy worm when a mild pang in her shoulder. She stepped back. When did the hell he did-GACK?! Lincoln's nimble fingers struck a sensitive part of her neck, injecting venom immobilizing her. Pandora collapsed a Jenga tower face first in the mat.

"I'll get you for that, Lincoln," She warned with a muffled voice. Lincoln rotated, blocking a knife-hand strike with the inside of his wrist from Alexandria. Blocked a kick with his leg. Man, his bones are rigid. His muscles tensed in his boxing stance as she was in her cat stance. Alexandria methodically approached her target, throwing a lead punch. Lincoln slithered his arm, blocking it along with the reverse punch, moving in. She smacked his snake hand away. It wasn't enough when he delivered punches to her stomach and liver. He spun around, giving her back a series of light punches. She grunted at her spasming muscles. Her eyes widened in alarm when his lithe arms wrapped around her midsection.

"Oh crap," Alexandria grumbled as he raised her for a simple suplex. "GAH!" When the whistle blew, her head impacted the mat as Lincoln released the karate practitioner. He bowed before them. Pandora rolled over before sitting upright.

"We'll get for you this, Lincoln," She messaged her shoulder. Just put her arm in sleep mode, why don't you?

"Yeah, but it won't be today," Lincoln said smugly as he helped Alexandria. The two shared a glance. Adora sweatdropped. You probably shouldn't have said that, Lincoln.

"Alright, maggots," Coach Pacowski barked at the students after a shrill whistle. "We're doing something different today," He revealed. The students shook and shivered at the numerous horrible possibilities. "Relax, I'm not doing anything crazy," He calmed his students as he shook his hands.

Several students collapsed to their knees with joyful tears in their eyes."THERE'S A GOD!" They praised looking up to the sky.

"Actually, that was the school board," Coach Pacowski rolled his eyes, gesturing for them to follow him outside. The gentle sun warmed their skin as they waited outside. "Due to complaints from the PTA for my 'drastic' exercises," He quoted with a frown. Bunch of softies. "So we're doing more fun and safe activities," Those words left a lingering bitter taste in his mouth. He pulled two dandelion jerseys from a medium-sized bag. "Today, we're doing Human vs. Zombies. It's basically tag. A zombie touches you, then you get a jersey until all the humans are zombies or time's up," He explained. They muttered to themselves. That sounds fun, actually.

"Who's going to be the zombies," Girl Jordan asked with a raised hand.

"I got that covered," Pacowski revealed. Pandora and Alexandira appeared as they put on their shirts. "These are your patient zeros,"

"Hey, Lincoln," The girls greeted in a bubbly tone. Some of his classmates stared at him.

"I'm in so much trouble," Lincoln whispered to himself as they prolonged their gaze. The coach blew his whistle, giving them a few seconds' head start.

"Don't worry, guys we got this," Rusty boasted to his classmates

One minute later

Rusty's friend group glared at him as they received their jerseys. The majority of the class were converted into zombies. "Rusty, if there's a zombie apocalypse. I don't want you on my team," Zach grumbled, putting the shirt over his head.

"They got Girl Jordan first, so don't get on my case," Rusty countered by pointing his finger. "Lincoln's the only one left," He remarked at the surrounded Lincoln joining the group.

"Crap," Lincoln muttered at his situation. His blue eyes scanned the area. Can't go left or right. He can only go through. Lincoln jetted through a tiny gap in their formation. He slithered and rotated his body, avoiding their grabs. Be like water. Formless and adaptable. Don't force your way through the mountain. It'll fall eventually. Lincoln escaped with Girl Jordan, Pandora, Stella, Alexandria, and Haiku on his heels. He does not like the look in Girl Jordan's eyes. Lincoln stopped on a dime, evading Mollie's tackle before sprinting off. Pandora flanked him, unleashing a flurry of grabs. He blocked and smacked her hands out of the way but rolled out of the way of Cookie's tackle. A few seconds left as the sweat dropped from his face. Lincoln bolted away with Girl Jordan, Stella, and Jenny giving chase. Girl Jordan and Stella glanced at each other, thinking the same idea. Corner him by the basketball court. That failed when he climbed the fence and dropped down, continuing his escape. The girls gazed at each other with confused looks as Stella shrugged. The whistle blew.

"Humans win," Pacowski shouted. "Round two, Loud, your patient zero," He ordered, handing him a yellow shirt while the rest of the zombies returned theirs. The whistle blew after a quick break. Lincoln captured his classmates without a hassle. It snowballed to where only one person was left. Alexandria. Lincoln strolled towards her as the wind blew. Some of their classmates stepped to surround her, only to be blocked by Pandora, Stella, and Haiku. It was their fight. The pair nodded before Lincoln rushed in. She blocked, evaded, and parried a series of grabs and holds. They watched them dance, only pausing for a moment of respite, but Lincoln won't let her. He advanced, shooting off his arm for another grapple. She bumped off the attack with the outside of her elbow. Alexandria was about to jump back when his arms snaked around her arm, enabling a solid hold on her shirt collar to get in close. Her eyes widened when he tripped her, slamming her back into the dirt. She grunted at the impact. This is so different before being slammed on the mat. Now Alexandria understands those brutal drills. Lincoln mounted her sitting her midsection before restricting her arms above her head. The two blushed at their situation as their warm breaths touched the other's nose. Damn, muscle memory.

"Now, kiss!" Pandora teased, causing the two's faces to explode in crimson recalling Girl Jordan's party.

"Zombies win," Pacowski shouted after blowing the whistle. Alexandria grabbed Lincoln's hand, getting back on her feet. She shook the dirt and rocks out of her puffy hair.

"You owe me lunch, by the way," Karate QT ordered, brushing the dust off her shorts and arms.

"Fair enough," Lincoln shrugged as they strolled back to the school.

"You owe me lunch, by the way," Rusty mocked the sentence under his voice. Haiku raised a suspicious brow at his comment.

Lincoln was relaxing in his room, reading some comics when a knock came from his door. One of his sisters knocked before entering. That's rare. He got up to see what they wanted. "Oh hey, Lisa," He greeted the house scientist.

"Greetings, Lincoln. Please follow me as I have something to show you," Lisa requested her brother. Lincoln shrugged at the offer. It can't be anything crazy since… she's asking him instead of blowing up again. They stopped before the white sheet-covered object. He scanned the area. Okay, Lily isn't here. "I present to you … Battle Bot," She revealed after removing the sheet. The automaton was his height with a similar build. This machine was more advanced than her previous creations, given by the smooth angles of the metal. "This is a semi-adaptable machine designed to simulate real combat encounters given Lucy's predictions of an unknown threat," Lisa explained.

"Semi-adaptable?" Lincoln questioned.

"Yes. I may be a mad scientist, but I'm not that mad," Lisa remarked. "I'm not trying to create a robot revolt," She assured her statement."It can react, predict and counter your patterns with reasonable accuracy. Plus a mild sense of self-preservation," Lisa listed off some of the features. "Battle Bot, engage," Its narrow slits widened with a green tinge before stepping forward in a fluid motion.

"Is this meatbag my opponent," Battle Bot asked before getting into a boxing stance. "He looks inadequate,"

"You're supposed to hone his skills," Lisa retorted before glancing at Lincoln. She pointed to a small changing area. He sighed before walking over to it. A few moments passed before revealing himself. Lincoln was shirtless, leaving him in only a pair of orange shorts with his hands and feet in blue wrappings. "Please step here," Lisa instructed, holding a clipboard in her stubby fingers. He did what he was told. A hexagonal ring of hard cyan light surrounds him and Battle Bot.

"Lisa, what the hell?" Lincoln exclaimed at the situation. It pulsed and vibrated with each punch he threw. He's not even making a dent in it.

"Safety precaution, my older male sibling," Lisa informed her alarmed sibling. "I can't have my chemicals being spilled or my machines damaged," She explained behind the ring. "Are you two ready?" The duo got into their boxing stances. Both gave her a nod. She pressed her watch. A digital countdown appeared. Three, Two, One. Fight!

Battle Bot went for blood, unleashing a flurry of wild punches and strikes, forcing Lincoln on the defensive. He smirked at each hit. This was so easy. No wonder Lisa created him to help her pathetic brother. Battle Bot frowned. Why isn't he going down? Lincoln bobbed his head, evading a punch, then another, then another, then another, and many more. His arctic eyes were sharp and focused, keeping his fist to his chin further enraging the machine. Hot oil rushed Battle Bot's veins as Lisa marked something down in her notes. He attempted to clutch the male Loud, only for Lincoln to slam his fist into his cheek. Battle Bot's metallic fingers grasped the impacted area finding a dent. He clenched his fist. A DENT?!

"That's it, meat bag," Battle Bot grumbled, lowering himself before rushing like a mad bull. "You're going down!" He barked before a crushing ax kick met his cranium smashed into the floor. Lisa acknowledges this. Highly aggressive, cocky, and prone to making mistakes. However, this wasn't enough to keep the machine down. He shook his head, ignoring the loose screws. Battle Bot observed his creator mumbling his name in a disappointing tone. No. He can't fail her. "Come on, you coward! Face me!" Battle Bot goaded Lincoln into charging at him. Nothing. He stayed in his section of the ring, continuing to bounce on the balls of his feet.

The robot growled at his nonchalant behavior. Is he a joke to him? Both glanced before charging into the other. Lincoln fended off the Battle Bot's assault recalling his training with Adora, Albert, Pandora, Alexandria, Ty Lee, and Todo. He blocked a low kick with his shins and responded with a left cross. They helped honed and train him. A steel fist rammed into his liver, causing it to spasm like jelly. Bot grinned as the human stepped back. Not so tough now, huh? The liver is one of the vital organs of the weak human body. Luckily, he doesn't have to worry about that.

Lisa designed for him to do this all day. Theoretically, he can do this forever with a more advanced power source, and frequent recharges. He swagged towards the pained Lincoln, spreading his arms like a peacock spreading its tail feathers. "Is this the best you can do, Linc-CRACK," Battle Bot boasted before his head spun around like a Beyblade. Wait, are Beyblades still a thing? Shit, I'm getting old. He didn't see the roundhouse kick coming. Even Lisa was astonished by the swiftness of the attack. Lincoln rotated his shoulder as he prowled towards his target. Battle Bot attempted to flee, but it was no use. Lincoln pounced with a tightened fist severing the machine's head with a vicious uppercut. Battle Bot scrambled for his missing head. "Body over here," He grumbled, watching his headless body run around like a chicken.

"Victor: Lincoln," An automated voice declared as the force field deactivated.

"Friendbot, would you please?" Lisa called for one of her robots. He appeared a second later through the window, which he thankfully opened before entering. "Can you carry Battle Bot to the bunker, please?" She requested as the body continued to search for its head.

"Yes, creator," Friendbot agreed, taking the body's hand before carrying the head. Battle Bot stared daggers into Lincoln's back.

"Hey, we have a new member," Friendbot told his fellow robots who were watching TV. "Battle Bot, this is TODD, the oldest and Mr. Titanium Arms," He introduced, still holding the head.

"Welcome," The pair acknowledged the disgruntled Battle Bot. "Care for some oil?" Mr. Titanium Arms offered a mug.

"Silence, inferior machine," Battle Bot scoffed at the offer. "I'm powered by the sun. I won't sully my system with such means," His body grabbed his head and reattached it. Not best, but at least his cerebral unit is firmly placed. Battle Bot stomped out of the room to be by himself. Friendbot took a seat on the couch.

"Sheesh, what put a bug in his programming?" TODD whispered to his brothers. They shrugged at the aggressive newcomer. Star Wars: The Clones was on.

Battle Bot found an empty corridor. He paused for a few seconds before slamming his fist into the concrete, leaving an imprint and a web of cracks in the wall. "I won't stand for this," He grumbled with vibrant emerald eyes. "I'll prove my worth. I'll prove that I'm better than you if it's the last thing I do. Lincoln Leonidas Loud," Battle Bot sat down in the dark as Tentacle wiggled past him. A silver eye blinked, observing his behavior with interest before vanishing in the dark.

"Um, Lynn, what are we doing?" Lincoln questioned his sister. They were one of the gyms downtown. The Loud siblings were in a boxing ring.

"I'm trying to see what you're working with," Lynn explained, fastening her red headgear. "Lisa tried with that lame robot, but nothing compares to real flesh and blood," She recalled what happened a few days ago.

"Are we really doing this?" Lincoln groaned with a blank tone as she put her gloves and mouth on. "Oh god, we're really doing this," He grumbled while tightening his boxing gloves.

"Yep," Lynn smirked, waiting for the bell to ring. "Square up, bitch," The siblings got into their stances. DING! Several rounds have passed. Both were bruised with mild bleeding to their lips. Lynn leaned on the rope while taking deep breaths. Holy shit, he's good. Pop-Pop and this Adora chick trained well. She grinned at how she underestimated him. Lincoln pushed her back, slipped through her punches, and returned in full force for the last six rounds. Her chest swelled with pride for how Lincoln could handle himself. That explains why he defeated Tetherby with ease. She got up, positioning her fist to her chin. Lynn doesn't have much left in the tank. However, her mother didn't raise a bitch. They stood before each other. Both knew that the next attack would determine the winner. The pair planted their feet behind them as their bodies rotated to generate enough for this final attack. Lynn's arm had greater reach allowing for the first strike into Lincoln's cheek. Her mitt slipped on the sweat-covered head covering. The fifth Loud child's heart dropped at the eerie arctic hue of Lincoln's incoming fist. She shut her eyes as it drew near. Two light taps on her face.

"That's two for flinching," Lincoln used her joke against her with a smile. "Come on, let's get a burger," He offered his hand to his sister. She smiled as she took it. The two got cleaned up and exited the establishment, with Lynn having an arm around her little brother.

Lynn sat at her table in the lunchroom with leftovers from the previous night. Meatball subs, her favorite. She always brought her lunches. Chef Pat has given her scraps ever since she started Middle school. Still, Lynn doesn't recall doing anything to deserve this behavior. Probably Luan did, or one of her sisters did something to Chef Pat.

"Lynn, what's with the shiner," Margo acknowledged at the mild discoloration around the right eye. Plus the bandage on her forehead and a puffy red lip. "Did something happen, or did you do something stupid again?" She glared, knowing her recklessness as she and the rest of her sports team sat down at the table.

"Nah, this was Lincoln," Lynn revealed to her friends. They stopped their eating upon the information with aghast eyes.

"Pardon?" One of them questioned. Lincoln Loud. Her nerdy, geeky little brother gave Lynn-sanity a black eye and a busted lip. Some of them passed money to each other, claiming that he finally snapped.

"My bro is doing martial arts, remember," Lynn explained to the group, halting the money flow. "I wanted to see how good he was and well…." She pointed to her bruised face. "In his defense, he caught me slipping," Lynn rubbed her jaw. Man, cross punch hurt.

"So that means I'll have to take over your role as a chaperone for the fifth graders this week," Margo predicted.

"Yeah, I talked to Principal Ramirez about that," Lynn clarified. "You'll be watching my brother and whoever he's with," She said with food in her mouth. "Or he could be solo,"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh," The table teased at the possibility. Margo's cheeks flushed pink in annoyance. Yeah, Lincoln's cute, but he's her best friend's brother. Then again, he could like older women. The table resumed their chats with stupid tests, annoying teachers, upcoming shows and movies, and whatever they thought.

"Margo, can I talk to you for a moment?" Lynn requested in a hollow voice. Margo shrugged at the request. She followed Lynn to a hallway after tossing away their trash.

"So, what's the problem?" Margo asked while Lynn had her back to her.

"You know I had a shitty middle school orientation," Lynn started. Margo winced at the memory. Those few hours were rough, filled with embarrassment and ridicule. "I don't want my brother to go through the shit that I went through," She turned her head, revealing her sorrowful eyes to Margo. "Although I did worse than what those assholes did to me," Her fist tightened in disgust at her previous actions.

"Bad Luck?" Margo muttered, keeping it a low volume. She never saw Lynn so broken. Everyone was alarmed that she refused to play the following games for a few weeks.

"I betrayed my brother, forcing him to endure unimaginable pain. All because I was too weak and pathetic to take a loss," Lynn grumbled with stinging tears that threatened to burst from her eyes. She took a deep exhale. "He sacrificed his happiness for our sake more times than I can count. And how did we repay him?" She implored before pausing. "We belittled, insulted, and ignored him. We made him a pariah. In the one place he could feel loved and accepted over a bullshit concept like luck," Lynn emphasized Lincoln's potential distress as the foul corrosive acid of remorse and shame flowed through her system. The coldest part of the arctic circle was a tropical resort when Lincoln returned home. They threw him a welcome home party with chocolate cake. He smacked it out of their hands before marching up the stairs. Didn't give them a second glance. "Nothing I can do will bring us back to what we used to be," Lynn confessed. "Plus, I'm his sister, so certain things are already out of the question," She shuddered at some of the more explicit methods of apologies. Her hair is already in a ponytail and can swallow several inches of a sub sandwich without a hassle.

"TMI, Lynn," Margo commented with a cringe. She didn't need that image in her brain.

"But you can," Lynn continued marching towards Margo forcing her into a wall with a blank expression. "You have a good body, Margo," She answered. Roberts has absolutely no fucking idea what's going on right now. "If something does happen between you and Lincoln, I will welcome you as my new sister," Lynn placed a hand on Margo's shoulder. Okay…there, Lynn. Usually, a girl would be honored by such praise but this is getting disturbing. "However If you think about hurting my brother," Her grip tightened as her fingers dug into Margo's flesh. "I am devout Catholic and I know God can forgive murder," Lynn warned with her eyes shifting into an eerie shade of blood red. Droplets of unease formed on Margo's face as her heart thundered. "But Lincoln won't forgive me if I did," She eased her hold yet her eyes remained hollow. No hint of malice or fury within them. What she said was a promise. "I'll simply turn you into a nice piece of fuckable meat for him to enjoy for dinner every night while I ride that pretty freckled face of hers," Lynn announced, grabbing her cheeks for the words to sink in before letting go. "I trust you enough not to go that route," She smiled with closed eyes, padding her cheek. "So, show my bro an awesome time at orientation. Okay," Lynn prolonged her grin.

"Okay…" Margo squeaked out with aghast eyes from the conversation. Lynn nodded when the bell rang for them to head to class. Another thing plagued Margo's mind. Why are her nipples so erect?

Well that was fun and a bit creepy. Man, I put a lot of fight scenes in this chapter. All to make up for the lack of action in the last chapter and in Crystal Prison. Although that was that conceptual unease what Cinch was willing to do to her own daughter

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