
Qast : MageKnight

In an alternate world where magic is alive and rules with an iron fist. Grayson is a lonely knight climbing the ranks of the aristocracy. Follow Grayson as he rises in the world and tries his best to obtain it. … This will one day have a system element involved, but I feel like the story needs to be flushed out before implementing it. That way you the reader can fully enjoy the system along side Grayson and it doesn’t feel like it was too forced. Also won’t contain harem, although romance in general isn’t off the table. … Lastly feel free to message me about any errors grammatical or otherwise. This is my first novel, I hope you enjoy it. Fable

The_First_Fable · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Timing is Key

While the rest of his class was listening to the lecture his professor was giving, Grayson couldn't help lose himself in thought.

'Who cares about past conflicts and the politics back then?' He thought, continuing to plan for what he could do about is upcoming dilemma. 'Ugh!' Just the thought about dealing with the pampered "Kings and Queens" of his school was giving him a headache.

If only he hadn't passed by them, he could have ignored what was being done. Instead his plans for the future were quickly derailed.

A tall muscular boy with sandy colored hair placed one foot on top of a pile of black hair. Of course this pile of hair was attached to someone else, Shae.

He had already been beaten, and was quickly loosing consciousness. Blood trickled from his mouth and a small cut under his left eye.

Shae was small for his age, despite being 15 he only stood about 5'3". His figure still that of a thin child. His usual white glasses broken on the ground in front of him, the lenses shattered. Some parts cutting into his face.

"I told you this would be the outcome." The sandy haired boy said to Shae. "Always thinking you can't be touched because of who? Grayson? If I wanted to I can end him too whenever I feel like."

"Scum.." Shae let out faintly.

Pressing harder with his foot to stop Shae from continuing the sandy haired boy, Evan, couldn't help but laugh, while wiping his slightly bloody nose.

"Me, Scum? Hahaha, how can a nobody like you even say that? Which academy are you going to in the future? Oh wait, I forgot side characters like you can't go to one. Instead you'll just be getting an apprenticeship, right? Maybe be a baker, or a blacksmith if your lucky? While you struggle to survive I'll be taking my rightful place in the world. At the top, I'll be the gre-"

"Just my luck, damn. I thought today was gonna be my favorite kinda day, uneventful, but nope life is always proving me wrong." A fairly tall boy who had just rounded the corner let out.

Evan narrowed his light blue eyes at the new arrival to his beat down session. "Grayson." He snarled with disgust. "Come to save the day?"

The boy looked at Evan standing on the back of Shae's head. He noticed that there seemed to be some blood around around Shae's body. 'He'll probably live.' He thought to himself, while continuing to evaluate the situation in front of him.

Grayson scanned the hallway besides Evan and Shae there were two other boys behind Evan with a girl between them. 'Of course it's because of her' Grayson said to himself.

The girl had a mixed expression on her face, one of sadness and relief. It was not entirely her fault that this was happening, but at the same time she was responsible. For if she hadn't started to date Evan, Shae wouldn't of tried to fight him.

'Looks like he really tried to fight back. He even got Evan to bleed a bit. Sigh. I guess I can't just let this continue.'

"Evan, the whole asking questions in a monologue speech thing is super annoying."

"What are you talking ab-… You know I hate trash like you Grayson."

"I know, I know, I'm trash. Yeah, yeah, whatever let Shae go. He's learned his lesson."

"No I don't think he has." Evan let out before kicking Shae in the stomach with enough power to make him roll towards Grayson.

Grayson bent down making sure Shae really would be fine and took out his only healing potion and shoved it down Shae's throat. 'You owe me you jealous bastard that took me months to afford.' He thought.

"Trash taking care of trash, fitting. Next time Grayson, he won't just get a beating, I'll make sure to cripple him."

"Thank you for your kindness, I'll keep a better eye on him in the future." Grayson said picking up the healing Shae in a princess like carry. Turning to head to the nurses office.

With Grayson and Shae gone the group turned to leave, except the girl. She was shaking in anger. She walked up to Evan and slapped him as hard as she could. Evan was in disbelief. "What the hell Sarah? What was that for?"

"You went too far, Shae was my friend. Even if I didn't have romantic feelings for him doesn't mean I wanted him to be in pain. You should have handled this better."

Sarah even with a disapproving face, was still very attractive. She stood about 5'2" with long black hair. Her uniform fit her nicely while covering what many men wanted to see. Her soft face was unusually hard with her current mood and her green eyes swelled with tears.

"Don't forget who and where you are Sarah." Evan responded. "Our deal only stands if I let it. I didn't kill him and now he'll know his place. Apologize!"

Quickly Sarah's face soften and her bravado went out the window. "I-I'm sorry." She said softly.

"Let's go." Evan said to them all as he took Sarah hand. The other two boys acting oblivious to the previous conversation following along. With that nothing, was left in the hallway but some dried blood and a single tear that Sarah couldn't stop from falling.

Hey so this is a work in progress any ideas or concerns pls let me know. I have a general idea about this story and where I want it to go. English is my first language and I hope I didn’t make too many mistakes but if you notice any pls let me know. Thank you.


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