
Pushing Back Darkness

Serafina, or "Finn," is a 17-year-old girl from a small village who doesn't always have the self preservation instinct one might desire. Rushing headlong into danger, she finds herself drawn into a treacherous whirlpool of circumstances and intrigue far beyond her illusions of control. As she leaves her village on a journey that will change her life forever, she’s joined by her neighbor Mayra and Mayra’s quick-witted and charmingly irritating brother Riley, whose kindness and admiration for Finn begins to show through his teasing banter. Roland, an orphaned doctor's apprentice, is on his own quest to help save the lives of his city’s people. Coming across the three villagers on the road, he is enchanted by Finn’s beauty but finds a wall around her heart. These four join forces in an effort to help the people they love, conquer their own pasts, and survive the onslaught of romance, magic, strife, loss, and war. As these young adventurers are bound together and torn apart by the circumstances around them, they will begin to learn just how different the world is than they had always thought. Their battle against the darkness, both external and internal, could define the future of their nations. *Book is completed and fully published, I hope you enjoy!*

TheOtherNoble · Fantasía
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525 Chs

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Caspian stretched, realizing he was alone in the bed. He sighed, slightly disappointed that Naomi hadn't woken him when she got up.

He had honored his word to take things slowly and hadn't kissed her again since that passionate moment on the beach. That hadn't stopped her from snuggling against him for warmth in the night.

He liked that.

She fit in his arms so nicely, like she was made to be there. It was almost a feeling of loss to wake up without her still at his side.

He stretched again and rose; there was no sense wasting time in bed when there were chores to be done. Although, honestly, Naomi had probably already done many of them. How was she so productive first thing in the morning?

Like a cyclone was her work, once she was tasked to do it. Whirling from chore to chore, she could clean the room, wash dishes, sweep, and then be out to feed and care for the animals before he knew what was happening.

He washed, then dressed and made his way out of the bedroom, where Naomi waited, standing next to the table where breakfast awaited them both.

Against his nature, he smiled broadly at her, letting himself be cheered by her presence. The look of surprise on her face told him that she'd noticed he was usually a grump in the mornings.

"Good Morning," He greeted, and she finally smiled back at him.

"Good Morning. I have breakfast ready," She indicated the table and he sat down.

He frowned slightly at the sight of how tattered her apron was. He'd noticed it before, but hadn't thought to do anything about it. This should be rectified.

"I trust you've also milked and fed the cows, mucked the barn, fed the chickens, gathered the eggs, tended the horses, checked on the sheep, and repaired the fence," He said as he sat down. Her eyebrows rose.

"Does the fence need repair? I'm not sure how to do that but if you show me, I will see it done." She responded, taking a bite of her food.

He grinned lightly and shook his head.

"This sarcasm was playful," He explained, and she blinked at him.

"I see." Despite her response, she seemed like she didn't quite know what to think about that.

"How do you manage to do all of that before I even wake up?" He asked, slightly bewildered.

"I'm not sure what you mean. If I know something needs to be done, I just…do it." Naomi blinked at him.

Shaking his head, Caspian tucked into the meal. It was a marvelous improvement in his life to wake up to a hot breakfast just outside his room. He felt a bit silly for how resistant he'd been to the idea of getting married.

As soon as he finished, she was already up and cleaning the dishes, straightening and sweeping the room.

"I'm beginning to feel as if I'm unnecessary in my own home," He teased. Naomi paused her sweeping and looked at him seriously.

"Cora said it was very important that I learn how to sustain everything myself, as the men are often away."

"That doesn't mean you have to do everything by yourself while I'm here." He replied.

"What would you like me to do?" She said a little uncertainly.

"Sit with me a moment, and talk with me. Tell me about my wife." Caspian decided. Naomi sat slowly, clearly unsure as to what that entailed. She stared silently at her husband until he spoke again.

"I would like to know the woman I married better. Please tell me…" He mentally groped about for a topic, "what your favorite thing to do is."

"I love to spend time with children," She said, surprising him. "Helping mothers with their babies and little ones has been a great joy to me throughout my life. What is your favorite thing?"

"The sea," He replied unsurprisingly. "Sailing, swimming, watching the sea."

"I already knew that," Naomi smiled at him. "Your face changes when you look at it."

"How?" He asked curiously, and she paused, tilting her head as she thought.

"It's as if you are confident that you belong." She said after a moment. She looked like she wanted to say more, but held back. 

He was marveling at her insight. The fact that she had been able to pin down his exact feelings was a little startling.

He remembered his wild suspicions at first that she had been some sort of creature from the dark world that the Rhone had previously inhabited. This apparent mind-reading on her part would have fueled his crazy theory.

He smirked a little now thinking back about how desperate he had been to find some excuse not to like Naomi. It was a relief to stop fighting against the attraction he felt.

"If I may," She said suddenly, looking at the sun's position out the window with surprise, "I told Mayra I would try to find time to come by and check in on the Rhone ladies. She thought my experience as the first bride might be helpful for them to ask any questions they have."

"That's very kind of you," Caspian replied, "of course I have no objection."

He watched her hesitate, and raised his eyebrows in silent question.

"Yesterday," She said, and as his expression changed she quickly continued, "You mentioned wanting to apologize to your mother and father. I am of the belief that quick apologies heal relationships best, so I hope you will do so soon."

She ducked her head as if wondering if she was out of line, but he couldn't fault her logic.

"Thank you," He replied, "I'll consider that."

She gave him a smile and nodded. "I'll be on my way, then."

He watched her leave, hoping she might find some girls that she knew from Rhone or at least make more friends. Caspian wanted her to feel fully at home here. He hadn't seen her interact with any of the Rhone women except Brenna, who had come to heal Naomi's injuries.

He decided to take the opportunity to go to the weaver's and see about getting fabric for Naomi to have a new apron. He assumed she could sew one herself, but he thought maybe he could make a gift out of it by asking Cora to sew it for her.

Pleasant thoughts drifted across his mind as he set about his errand.

The day was bright and warm, but the wind told him a storm might come later. He rushed about his errand, finding to his satisfaction that the shop had a few ready-made items available for purchase, including an apron.

He purchased it and headed back towards his hut, excited to see Naomi's face when he gave her the surprise. He didn't know much about women's clothing, but it seemed pretty enough to him. Anything would be an improvement over what she had now. 

He remembered her words about apologizing, and despite his reticence, he could see the wisdom in it. It might also help them trust him more about Edmar, even though that wasn't his primary motivation in doing so.

He sighed deeply, and braced himself to be humbled before his parents. It did not come easily to him. This would hurt his pride, but maybe he needed that. Maybe. 

Coming to his parents' home before long, he raised his hand to knock at the door and heard raised voices. Edmar and Cora seemed to be in some kind of argument.

"This is unwise! What's gotten into you?" Cora cried.

"You will not stand in the way of this! I will not be controlled by you!" Edmar yelled in response.

"How dare you raise your voice to your mother!" Haf boomed.

Caspian's eyebrows shot to his hairline. It wasn't like Ed to scream at their mother. What was going on?

Unwilling to keep eavesdropping, he rapped loudly at the door. The voices fell silent and soon Cora opened it. Her face fell into relief when she saw that it was him and not someone else who had overheard the squabble.

"Caspian, come in, Son," She pulled him by the arm, "Help us talk some sense into your brother."

"I've never been capable of that," He teased, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Cas!" Edmar greeted his younger brother, "Our parents forced you into a marital union against your will, and now they seek to prevent me from pursuing the woman I want most in the world. How cruel they are!"

"I had no idea you were interested in anyone," Caspian's face scrunched in thought.

"Yes, well, it rather took me by surprise as well, but she's nothing short of enchanting and I must have her as my wife," Edmar insisted.

"Out of the question," Haf shot back.

"Who are we even talking about?" Caspian's gaze bounced around to the others in the room before Edmar rolled his eyes and answered.

"Brenna, of course."

How many red flags is too many before you decide a relationship is no good?

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