
Pursuit of My Ex-Lover

Initially, Jane thought that by accepting the offer to transfer to Indonesia, her life would be better. Reuniting with her ex, changed all her plans. Moreover, the ex that she has been struggling to forget, is the new CEO of the place where she works. Worse still, due to their past story, Nakula utilizes it to keep Jane's work always connected to him. Will they rekindle their romance? Is it true that Jane already has a lover as she said at their initial meeting? IG : @ayakalibrary

Hayuayaka · Ciudad
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5 Chs

Helped by an Ex

"Try Jane. It's the hottest drink ever."

"Sorry, I don't drink alcohol."

Jane pushed up the glass that was proffered to her. Before she could get away, a voice, accompanied by another voice, was already calling out.

"Well, really tacky new kid."

"Duh... duh. Aren't you in our circle?"

Ha ha ha ....

The sound of laughter resonated with the music from the vinyl record played by the disc jockey.

Unhappy Jane. Take the starfruit glass in front of her. It contains yellow water, similar to the yellow tea she usually consumes at night. But Jane sure, this is an alcohol that could have intoxicated him.

"Uh, sure," said Jane doubtfully.

His hand was already clutching the glass that had been proffered to him.

"Come on Jane!"




With a very forced, Jane downed the drink. A burning sensation immediately filled his throat. She's overwhelmed. The whole world seems to spin. Until a male figure approached her, making her remember the past again. Until he fell in the arms of the handsome hero.

The room with the fragrance of roses filled Jane's senses. She felt around, feeling so warm as if someone else had slept with her.

With consciousness still so thin, Jane forced her body to get up.

"Ugh so dizzy. What drinks do they provide. It's disgusting," complained Jane hoarsely.

She just realized that her throat felt like it was on fire. Her hand felt on the nightstand, and luckily found a bottle of mineral water that had been reduced in content.

Jane hesitated to open the lid.

"It's been reduced. Should I drink it? But my throat feels so dry?"

Undergoing inner turmoil for a while, Jane decided to just drink the mineral water.

"Are you awake?"

Jane flinched when she heard a male voice. She looked at the source of the voice and found the figure of a man who was so missed.

"If people tease you, don't want it. Why have many friends, but mislead all. Better one or two, but useful."

Jane looked up in disbelief. How could this man be here. Moreover, his body was only wrapped in a towel. His box belly was exposed just like that. Like daring Jane to touch it.

"Why are you here?" asked Jane whose voice had not fully returned.

"Erm. Jane please cover the chest first. I didn't focus on explaining that you're still naked like this."

Nakula approached and lifted the blanket that had fallen from Jane's body. He really doubted seeing that beautiful body again after such a long time. As before, the vibe was still so tempting.

"Ah...! what are you doing! Bastard! Just die, Nakula!"

Jane screamed so loudly. She just realized, her body without wearing anything under the blanket.

"Calm down first. Use this. I asked the clerk to buy it according to your size, hopefully it will fit."

Jane took the paper bag from Nakula's hand roughly. She took the blanket and ran into the bathroom. So frightened by Nakula who looked at him with great interest.

"Ah, you're still the same as before."

Nakula smiled to find the woman who had destroyed his life before him. His choice of returning to this country was quite correct.

Nakula pulled a T-shirt from a different paper bag. He did buy two sets for him one as well as Jane. The woman he was sure of was cursing herself in the toilet.

"Impossible Nakula. He could always open all my clothes. He thought, he who hah! Where does the dress fit like this on the body. I'm sure the guy has measured first. How can there be a man who can be this careful if he doesn't touch him."

Jane kept swearing at Nakula. The kind-hearted man who had helped her had to get insulted just because she had undressed Jane. But Jane had no idea. If Nakula was the one who had helped her.

Jane came out of the bathroom with a twisted face. The knee-length dress that wrapped her body so made her enchanting. There was no Jane who was as innocent and passionate as before. The one with Jane is beautiful and elegant and certainly ready to talk to.

"Here, sit down first."

Nakula patted his empty side. Even though getting closer didn't make Jane obey what Nakula said.

"Listen, Nakula. I even if later I get pregnant as a result of what you did tonight, I guarantee you can't see or bring my child. I don't want her to be sad because she has a father as jerk as you."

Jane suddenly pointed her index finger right at Nakula. The young man who folded his hands under his head frowned in surprise.

"How could that be. The child's name must know where the father is where the mother is. If it's only the mother, then how is that possible."

Nakula swallowed a smile after saying that. Which infuriated Jane even more. He was so pleased with the expression that Jane showed.

"Hey why are you quiet? Want to be touched again?" teased Nakula.

Jane took a few steps back. She could see the mist of desire in Nakula's bright eyes.

Jane should admit, she also really miss that man. But the sense of pride that is upheld makes her ego balk at the presence of the man in front of her.

"Back off Nakula. You didn't really stain me did you?" asked Jane fearfully.

She wasn't sure that Nakula had done that dirty to her. But considering her body was naked without a single thread, it broke her defense. There's no way Nakula didn't touch him at all.

"According to you?" asked Nakula who was already standing in front of Jane. Their distance is so close. Even Jane could smell the hotel's signature shampoo that was so much the same as the one she used.

"Don't mess with Nakula. I will never forgive you!" screamed Jane so loudly.

Who wants to be tainted, even with the man she loves even in an unconscious state. Jane was still sane enough to think about it.

"You said you were going to have my child. If once is enough. Come on again."

Nakula landed his lips on Jane's ear. The woman shuddered feeling tickled in every breath Nakula gave her.

"Nakula please stay away. I hate you."

Jane's voice trembled. She caught Nakula's chest so it wouldn't stick to her body. She hated this body shape. She hates everything related to this ex-boyfriend.

"Why am I the one who stay away. Aren't you the one who approached me?"

Nakula silent in place. He found Jane pushing against his chest. But one thing made him almost laugh. Jane's hand gestures like yearning for him. Not necessarily just pushing. But more than that.

"Nakul please. I've already-"


"I already have a lover. So stay away, our relationship is over."

Nakula could not believe it. He stretched Jane's arms up. Hit the body against the wall. It mercilessly began to erode the distance between them.
