
Pursuit of Dao (Reverend Insanity)

What is luck? Lucky is to be reborn in this world where there is an opportunity that one can pursue eternal life and live forever. So what is misfortune? Unfortunately, it is being reborn as the brother of the demon protagonist. So? what? See how I as Gu Yue Fang Zheng bring out my own legend in this world. .. Structure: Currently, there are six volumes. Volume 5 is Reckless Savage Biography (4 parts) Volume 6 is Other Information which will include some really good articles on Reverend Insanity and details about updates Volume 7 (planned) will be the continuation of the fanfic from Volume 4. .. This is translation of a famous RI fanfic. I am not a professional translator and doing this for free. It would be great if you could support me. However, this is completely optional. My Patreon link is below: p atreon.com/ReverendReader just remove the space between 'p' and 'a' .. Please provide your support through Reviews, comments and power stones! This is my only motivation to continue.

ReverendReader · Cómic
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296 Chs

I am Backkkkk

Finally, I am back on this account. First of all, apologies for the wait. I had left translation midway due to a personal emergency crisis. I had almost left behind any and everything related to webnovels to get my life back together. It's been around 3-4 months and I got support from many of my relatives and finally I can see some light. These days I have been restless and wanted to get my mind away from horrible past 3-4 months and to overcome the crippling depression and hopelessness I felt during the period. I decided to continue with the translation of these stories.

I will go in the following order :

1. Reckless Savage side story

2. Translating the original story (I will try to make the names of Characters/Clans/Gu worms readable atleast then go ahead with the core translation)

3. Furthering the story (I honestly am not sure if I will do this but if I am capable to bring it to you, I will be more than happy to do so)

Thanks for following me until now.

You can soon find me on discord of Reverend Insanity as soon as I activate my account.