
Pursuit of Beauty Chronicles

Tragically, he died from alcohol intoxication at the wedding of the girl he secretly loved. Through an unexpected twist, he found himself back in the past, gaining not only the ability to foresee the future but also extraordinary superpowers. Determined not to miss out on the love he lost in his previous life, he embarks on a journey to establish a technological empire, seeking out extraterrestrial technology, and forging a deep bond with the King of the Underworld, becoming sworn brothers in the process.

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136 Chs

Embarrassing Li Boliang

"Chinese people have no manners! They spit everywhere. In our great Empire of Japan, such behavior is looked down upon. I feel ashamed for my compatriots!" Sea turtle sneered at me.

"This 'turtle brother' who returned from the island nation seems to have great manners!" Chinese people have no manners? You, who have forgotten even your ancestors, dare to criticize others? The audacity knows no bounds.

"How...how dare you insult me?" Sea ​​turtle pointed at me and shouted.

"Insult you? I didn't insult anyone. Where is the person you were just talking about, the 'turtle clan'? Is there a difference between turtles and tortoises?" I pointed at Li Boliang and pretended to be ignorant.

"Hehe..." Julie couldn't help but burst into laughter, covering her mouth.

"Hahaha...!" Even Xu Ruoyun couldn't resist laughing.

Sea ​​turtle's face turned as colorful as an eggplant, trembling with anger. Li Boliang stood awkwardly beside him, unsure of what to say.

"There's no need for that. I was just making a joke." My anger had also subsided. Besides, it was his choice to join another country. Let's just stop the jokes. This Li Boliang seemed to be a friend of the little light bulb, and there was no need to be confrontational.

"Hmph!" Sea ​​turtle said, "Is this how you Chinese people treat guests?"

I was dumbfounded! This guy actually said "you Chinese people." I finally understood what a traitor in the new century looked like. But this guy really looked like someone from the island nation.

"Ruoyun, this is Mr. Goto, who is planning to invest one million RMB in our Computer Association. He intends to turn this association into a software company." Li Boliang, fearing that I would argue with Sea ​​turtle again, quickly revealed Sea ​​turtle's identity.

This guy not only changed his Japanese name but also planned to play the role of a foreign investor. After hearing Li Boliang's words, I immediately understood his intentions. Li Boliang was warning me that this person was an investor who came to Xinjiang, and if I scared away this "god of wealth," it would be going against the people of Xinjiang!

"Oh! So you're Mr. Goto! I apologize for my earlier offense. I hope you can forgive me." One million investment? In 1996, that was a considerable amount of money in Xinjiang. How could someone who had forgotten their roots still come back to invest? I suddenly wanted to see what this guy was up to. So I pretended to be humble and said, "Do you mind if I take a look at how much you're willing to invest? If you think I'm poor, then by all means, please treat us. Every cent is important to me!" I said helplessly. Why did we keep circling back to the topic of my input method?

"Hmph. Ruoyun, would you like to add another dish?" Li Boliang, seeing my compromise, was unusually happy.

"No need, I'm already full." It was evident that the little light bulb also disliked Sea ​​turtle.

"Oh, I see! Waiter!" Li Boliang called out. "Put this table's bill on me."

"Okay." The waiter nodded and walked over.

"No need, I can afford this amount." Damn, was there really a need to pursue a girl like this?

"I say, young man, how much did you sell your input method for? Probably around 5,000 yuan, right? Bro, you're really frugal. You only ordered dishes worth a little over a hundred yuan."

Li Boliang said sarcastically.

"I didn't even sell it for 5,000 yuan. Is that okay with you? By the way, why are the members of your Computer Association so interested in my input method? If you think I'm poor, then go ahead and treat us. Every cent is valuable to me!" I said helplessly. Why did we keep circling back to the topic of my input method?

"Hmph. Ruoyun, do you want to order another dish?" Li Boliang looked at me, pleased that I gave in.

"No need, we still have one dish that hasn't arrived yet." Just as I said that, Cao Cao arrived.

"Sir, please enjoy the One-Piece Lobster. Bon appétit." The waiter placed an extra-large plate on our table.

"This..." Li Boliang was dumbfounded as soon as he saw it. This One-Piece Lobster was a signature dish at the Dynasty Seafood Restaurant, and he definitely knew its price.

"What's the matter? Li Brother? Why don't you sit down and have some? This is a top-grade lobster, 9,800 yuan per piece. Tsk tsk!" I picked up a piece and put it in my mouth, savoring it with an appearance of great enjoyment. "It's so delicious, an exquisite delicacy. I wonder if the island nation has this kind of lobster? Mr. Goto, would you like to have some too?"

"...Are you doing this on purpose? You heard that I was treating and intentionally added another dish?" Li Boliang's face turned pale.

"We had already ordered this dish. I can vouch for it." Unexpectedly, the little light bulb refused to cooperate. "When you were standing here, did anyone go and order dishes?"

"This..." One sentence left Li Boliang speechless.

"Big brother, if you don't want to spend money, then don't just stand there. Even if you're indifferent, we still want to eat the lobster." I waved my hand at Li Boliang.

"Mr. Goto, can you lend me some money?" Li Boliang turned around and whispered to Sea ​​turtle. He didn't want to lose face in front of Xu Ruoyun.

"I didn't bring any money with me when I came out. I only have Japanese yen in my hands, as you know." Sea ​​turtle appeared helpless.

"Hmph!" Li Boliang flung his sleeve and awkwardly left with Sea ​​turtle.

"I'm sorry, Yan Yanjie. Li Boliang is actually a good person most of the time. I don't know what happened this time; he unexpectedly started an argument." The little light bulb apologized embarrassedly.

"Ruoyun, if I'm not mistaken, Li Boliang must be one of your admirers!" Julie mysteriously smiled and said.

"Julie, how did you know?!" The little light bulb was surprised, with her mouth wide open.