
Purple Dawn

Nyla Burnes’ timid nature always made it easy for her past partners to bully her. She tried to give them her best though, hoping that they will give the same amount of love. Unfortunately it always ends badly. Nyla's string of bad circumstances led her to meet Callum Humphrey, President of a Lending company who seemed to have met her when she was younger. He offered her a deal she couldn't refuse. Her life should have turned for the better except for a few people from the past who returned to bother her and from the present who were jealous of her. What happens when a pushover woman with abandonment issues meets a possessive man?

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27 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Arranged Marriage

Nyla Burnes, a kindergarten teacher, dressed in a simple beige sundress. Her long hair is in a full braid. Her plain makeup enhanced her beautiful face, a picture of freshness and innocence.

Her father said three days ago, "Make sure you present yourself well. You have been promised to be wed to one of the sons since you were young. This strengthens the friendship I have with the Johnson family."

The Burnes and Johnsons family were connected because the heads of the families were best friends. Richard Johnson came from a family of doctors. While his best friend William Burnes is a humble businessman in general trade. Since Nyla was born, her father has decided her fate to be married to one of Richard's sons.

Richard has three sons. The eldest, 40 years old, is now a Philanthropist somewhere in the poor area of Eastern Cape. The second son, James, 29 years old, just completed his residency and is now a specialist at St. Camillus Medical Center. The youngest, Donne, 23 and the same age as Isabella, graduated with an Arts degree a few years ago and was the most unpredictable of the three sons.

Nyla has no right to defy her father, especially in issues of marriage. She fears his father up to this day ever since her mother left them when she was 10 years old to be with her lover. He has always reminded her to never be like her mother.

Nyla is thinking Donne will be her future husband. He is a wild but good person and they are good friends. If anything, they can work through the marriage for the sake of their fathers. The older brothers have an air of dominance. She had always feared them because as youngster, she often got in trouble with Donne.

William and Richard were catching up for about an hour now. Nyla is silently finishing her dessert. She is wondering why her supposed groom is nowhere in sight and why the main topic of this visit is not being discussed.

Suddenly a seemingly tired and irritated but handsome man entered the dining hall and greeted the two older men. He apologized for being late. He did not acknowledge Nyla though.

Nyla's heart pounded. This is James and he has become more handsome. But where is Donne? With Donne, it could be at least a bit easier.

"Oh now that James is here let us finalize our plans for the wedding. James is already aware. So we'll touch on major details today". Richard took a sip of red wine.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry, may I ask where Donne is?" asked Isabella.

William immediately shot an angry look at her and she cowered.

"Oh yes, he is your age eh? But he decided to enter the Monastery in Western Georgia a year ago. So, James, my other Bachelor will be your groom."

"Father, since this has been decided for us, may I have a separate discussion with Nyla on the details? I believe you agreed to give me free rein on this aspect." James said seriously as he looked straight into his father's eyes.

"Yes of course. You can go to the gardens. The air is fresh there." Richard stood up as he beckoned William to follow him to another door to continue their chat in another room in the house.

Nyla is dumbfounded. While thinking of what just happened, she heard James speak.

"Stop daydreaming and follow me."

To which, Nyla stood and followed him into the gardens.

"I need to make things clear. We are both stuck in this. I don't have any intention to fall in love with you.

However, I will give you 2 years to try. I have a girlfriend and because of this mess, I can't marry her. Based on your reaction, you would have preferred Donne. So we are on the same boat."

"N-no, I just thought it would be Donne because of our age. I'm sorry." Isabella tried to speak.

"Speak loudly and clearly. You're not a mouse!". James yelled.

"I'm sorry." Isabella cowered.

"Also, I don't want any ceremony. Let's just do the bare minimum for the wedding to be recognized in the civil registry. This is just to satisfy the whims of old men. I am a busy man. And that is also no cause for celebration". He is glaring at her. She lowered her eyes.

"O-okay, I understand."

"Now...", James stood and lowered his head into her face and in one sweep moment, kissed Nyla who unconsciously held on to the armchair.

Nyla's head went blank. She felt his mouth trying to open hers as if devouring her. His tongue went in and tasted her effortlessly. She got drunk immediately. It was her first time and she can't deny it. She felt good.

"There, all flushed and blushed at the same time". James beckons her to follow him inside so he can update the old men on the wedding plan. The plan which was never discussed. James has everything in order in his mind and Nyla, being the naive and pushover that she is, has no say in the matter.