
Puppeteer: Unparalleled mind control

Max was a regular highschooler and he was going to remain that way for the rest of his life but fate had other plans. After suffering a heart attack on his way to school and being tossed into the body of another version of himself and dying soon after only to end up in a different body, Max slowly realizes he is no longer a regular person, he had transcended his mortal limits, he was no longer a regular human but a dimension traveling entity.

legendary_writer · Fantasía
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4 Chs

New world

As Max was asleep he slowly melded with some of the memories of this body and got find out the name of body; Maxwell Eldrich Estergon III this was the name he would now assume as his. He also to got to find out a bit more about the world he had arrived in, from what he could infer this world largely unmapped and primitive, instead of technology the denizens of this world relied on magic or at least the nobles did, the rest of the inhabitants of this planet live with only medieval means, any commoner found using any kind of magic was to be executed, the nobles were free from the law and they could do as they pleased but only in the areas under their jurisdiction, there were people more unhinged than the nobles, beings who commoners worship as god-like being, the wizards, the true users of magic even low rank nobles had to treat them with respect as their anger was not something a regular mortal could survive.

In the eyes of the commoners, wizards are beings only nobles are privy of meeting.

As Max finish assimilating the memories, he woke up refreshed with a blank expression on his face and was greeted by the warm rays of the sun. "Penelope", Max called out, Immediately the maid from before entered the room, "Yes, master Maxwell", Penelope said with a neutral expression, she was his personal slave who he had bought a fortnight ago, as a noble he was permitted to own as many slaves as he wanted. Penelope was a blonde beauty and she was sufficiently developed in all aspects. Max checking her out to the point that he didn't realize he was starting to stare. at that moment something strange began to happen, Max's eyes had narrow into slit and was glowing dark green, As Penelope slightly raised her head she locked eyes with Max who was staring at her with green, snake-like glowing eyes. At that moment Max felt a slight pain in his head, he soon realized he was starting stare at her face, his face become flushed with embarrassment as he averted his gaze.

Stealing a peek at Penelope from the side of his eye, he seemed to notice something was wrong, she was in a daze, "Penelope?", Max called out but the was no response as she seemed to be hypnotized, Max was frantically looking around as he thought something was wrong with her when his eyes landed on the mirror not far from him, he was almost scared to death as he saw the demon-like entity that gazed back at him, he touched his face and the person in the mirror did the same, he realized he was the entity in the mirror.

As he was processing the fact that his eyes were now glowing, a line of translucent text appeared in front of him.

' Stun has been activated for the first time +1Exp'

' Quest stun 20 people, reward 49Exp'

Seeing the line of floating the he came to the conclusion that he now has a system and not a very responsive one at that.

"Status" Max called out expecting to see a status window instead he got another line of text.

' complete the quest to unlock other functions '

After that there was no response from the system no matter what he said.

Max looked at Penelope as he began to worry. After ten minutes of waiting she was finally back to normal as his eyes stopped glowing.

' Mind energy: 0/10 '

Penelope was no longer dazed an looked down waiting for orders, from he reaction Max could infer that she didn't remember what happened. "Penelope, prepare my bath", Max ordered

"Yes, master" the young maid replied as she bowed her head on retreated out of the room.

Now that Penelope had gone he was alone with his thoughts, after some rough math he concluded that stun used one mind energy point every minute.

After 30 minutes Penelope return to his door. *knock* *knock* "master your bath is ready" Penelope said from behind the door.

Max wore his bathrobe as he exited the room and followed Penelope to the bathhouse.