
Development Of The City

He didn't immediately pour energy into it however, as he might not be able to forcibly suppress all those inside by himself.

So he was going to wait until the armies return and then use the first 7. By then he will have more than enough subordinates to subdue the LipFreeds Summoned.

Thinking of this Dante quickly picked up the crystal and overtook the convoy. Naturally the line of tribe members relocating would be slow. Many of them carry makeshift wooden carriages holding various golds and materials.

What made Dante happy was that he found all of the gold within the Tribes treasuries has slight spiritual power.

This might not mean much to the other inheritors due to the abysmal amount. But one thing it means to Dante is that it is an excellent material for creating Puppets.

The gold itself is quite durable with the ability to resist various swords. And while the puppets will only have a Rank 9 Physique when created, they will already have the body able to fight a Body Refining Realm Cultivator when they are created.

And even better, it only takes a couple of minutes for Dante to create each puppet. And with his conservative estimate Dante thinks he could make at least 10,000 puppets after all nearby tribes are claimed.

And Dantes Puppets have the ability to reproduce… After a few experiments Dante found that the golden skinned puppets will definitely be able to reproduce.

So after returning to the castle, while he was waiting for the rest of the army to return he began producing puppets.

He slowly created 200 female golden skinned puppets for each male puppet. However with the combination of other loot gained from the LipFreeds, Dante managed to create each male puppet with a Rank 8 Physique.

After successfully creating 10,050 Golden Skinned Puppets Dante divided them into 5 separate families.

Each family had 10 male puppets as the leaders and each leader had 200 female Golden Skinned puppets as their concubines.

The families were then sent to create their own places of residence within the newly constructed walls.

Slowly the victorious armies returned one by one. Unfortunately they did see a few losses however no bone refining cultivators were lost.

And the captives brought in countless.

By the time OakLeaf brought in the last tribe Dante had received 3000 LipFreeds capable of fighting.

And at least 10,000 Mortal LipFreeds with 9,000 females and only 1,000 males.

As for the Children… There were so many.

At least 40,000 children spread out between each camp.

Together with Ashs tribe that Dante had taken over, there were now over 50,000 children, 6000 cultivators and 13,000 mortals.

10,000 Female mortals and 3,000 male mortals most of which are now working on the city wall.

Each patriarch of the tribes were captured and sent to Dante increasing his peak bone refiners by 7.

As a reward Dante provided each patriarch with 20 mortal concubines. After all, children born from a stronger cultivator still have the chance of being stronger when they are born.

This could include a more powerful body or a better connection to spiritual energy.

Either way it was a worthwhile investment for Dante.

But what made Dante most excited was once again the 7 fist sized crystals sat in front of him.

When he put his spiritual energy into each of them it brought out over two thousand cultivators from each!

Each crystal contained 2 Peak Bone Refining Cultivators and 50 Bone refining cultivators.

After fully subduing them, Dantes LipFreeds combative army rose to one spirit tempering, over twenty peak bone refining, over four hundred bone refining, and over 20,000 body tempering warriors.

Like normal, Dante provided each peak bone refining cultivator with 20 female concubines, and even provided each bone refining cultivator with 2 concubines.

However they were not yet qualified to create Bloodline families like Marcus.

If you consider BloodLine Families to be Royal Families, then the peak bone refining families would be more like the nobles while the regular bone refiners would be the rich merchants of a dynasty.

Ten days later the city was starting to take shape. Dante had fully absorbed the gains from the previous battles.

The city had started to take shape at triple the size and the puppets have started to create their own houses along the streets.

The two bloodline families situated themselves in the very core of the castle surrounding the original stone castle provided by the Antique.

There were also many empty mansions just like theirs next to them, showing the spaces for more potential bloodline families.

Next came the villas produced by the Bone Refining Cultivators. However Dante was surprised to find that some had already seeked to join the bloodline families as various subsidiary forces.

After all being made into a puppet just makes them loyal to Dante, it doesn't limit their free thoughts. So naturally some will be more ambitious than others.

As for Leonard, Dante gave him a large mansion with the other bone refining cultivators.

After all, Dante doesn't have any more humans yet to fill up his army. Maybe when he competes with more natives he can find some more to fill it in, but not now.

But there will definitely not be any bloodline families formed from humans while he is in this test. After all he wants to make the patriarchs of the families with Powerful Physiques.

His first Candidate is naturally Samuel, the Demonic Physique Puppet he created at the beginning. It's cultivation had already reached the peak of Spirit Tempering but Dante was still willing to make it a bloodline patriarch.

After all, among the hundreds of thousands of slaves that Dante had bought, many of them were beautiful women.

Not to mention the 3,000 beauties who were originally placed on his house.

Counting it together there was a conservative estimate of 70,000 women bought from slaves alone.

But that's for the future. Right now his focus was on the head sized crystal he prepared to open.

After pouring the spiritual energy into the crystal, over 10,000 figures appeared in front of him.

Surprisingly not only were there LipFreeds, but there were even silver wolves working as mounts for the LipFreed.

At this moment Dante was upset that the purple vine had been forcibly removed from his body. Or he could easily use it's pressure to immobilise all of the creatures in front of him.

However Dantes focus wasn't on the LipFreeds on mounts. No it was on the figure standing at the front of the pack.

The peak of Spirit tempering.

Dante couldn't wait and immediately attacked him. His fists slamming against it's thick skin.

The LipFreed wasn't unaffected however it was still slightly affected. But Dante could tell it wasn't going to be quick.

He ordered the army to immobilise the rest of them and fought for ten rounds against the Peak of Spirit Tempering, before finally slamming him against the ground sending spirals of dust into the air.